Active Location Wizard


Back Office > Data Export > Active Location Wizard




This menu item is used to quickly and easily Activate Products in bulk, as well as either flag them as active or inactive in a selected Location. Users can add a large number of Products with a single click, using the filters at the top of the screen.


To Be Considered


  1. Products that have a non-zero SOH value in a Location CANNOT be set to inactive in that Location, even though the Commit will report that the changes have been successfully applied, this will not be the case, in this instance.


Active Location Wizard



This screen is accessed from here.


Search Filters


  • The filters at the top of the screen can be used to limit the number of rows displayed in the grid. The filters include Location From/To, Product Group From/To, Family, Sold Before X Months Ago, Product Range, Inactive Products Only and SOH From/To.

  • Reset
  • Add -  Select to add the Products, applicable to the filters specified, to the grid.


Find Fields


The Find fields above the grid will automatically sort the rows in the grid by the field selected. Entering a value into in any one of the Find fields will cause the closest matching row to be highlighted.




The grid displays the: Location, Product Code, Description, Active, SOH and Last Sold Date. Note : To edit an entry in the grid, double click a row. Rows displayed in the grid can be sorted by toggle selecting the column headings.




  • Active - Select to ensure the selected Product's status is changed to either active or inactive.


Grid Footer


  • Delete Row - Select to delete the selected row from the grid
  • Check All - Select to ensure the Active column is checked for all Products in the grid.
  • Uncheck All - Select to ensure the Active column is unchecked for all Products in the grid.




  • Clear - Select to clear the grid of all rows. Note : This option does not reset the filters.
  • Copy To - Select to open the Copy To Locations screen and copy the Active status of the Products displayed in the grid to another Location. The Locations selected will display in the greyed out bar to the right of the Delete Row button
  • Commit - Select to save changes to the Active column.
  • Close - Select to exit.




The following steps can be used to get an idea of how to use this screen and modify the Active flags for selected Products:


  • Use the filters available to limit the Products to be activated/inactivated as much as possible to only those required. The Delete Row button can be used to further refine the Products displayed in the grid.
  • Once all of the appropriate filters have been set, select the Add button.
  • The grid should now be populated with only those Products limited to the filters selected.
  • Select a row and then select the Delete Row button to remove any Products from the grid.
  • Select/unselect the Active checkbox as needed. Note : The Check All and Uncheck All buttons can be used to quickly flag all items in the list.
  • Select the Commit button once all of the appropriate changes have been made.


Related Topics


  1. Data Export