

Back Office > Inventory > Adjustments




This menu item is used to make manual adjustments to the Inventory/Stock On Hand levels of specific inventoried Products. The reason for making stock adjustments can be for either Damaged Goods, Returns, Wastage, Promotions, etc.


To Be Considered


  1. Note : Both the Sales and Connect Services will need to be running in order for Damaged Goods and Wastage adjustments to be posted and thus adjust the SOH.





This screen is accessed from here.




  • Trading Date - Select the Trading date to which the Adjustments relate.
  • Reference - Enter a reference if required. Note : In V10 - Select the search button to select from the list of predefined References.




  • Type - Select from the drop down list one of the following :

    • Receipts - Select to record the receipt of stock and thus increase the SOH available. Stock received from a Supplier is normally handled by raising an Invoice for a Supplier.
    • Adjustments - Select to record an adjustment and thus either increase or decrease the SOH available.
    • Damaged Goods - Select to record damaged stock and thus decrease the SOH available.
    • Returns - Select to record the return of stock and thus increase the SOH available. Note : Stock returned to a Supplier is handled by raising a Credit Note for a Supplier.
    • Wastage - Select to record the wastage of stock and thus decrease the SOH available.
    • Promotions - Select to record the gifting of stock in the form of a promotions and thus decrease the SOH available. For example: giving away free bottles of wine.

  • Location - Select/Enter to open the Search Locations screen and select the Location where the stock adjustment is required. Note : Some Locations may not be listed in the Search Locations screen. The reason for this would be because some Locations are Drawing Stock from another Location. To prevent any confusion or incorrect Adjustments from occurring, any Location that does not Draw Stock from itself is NOT listed in the drop down list. This ensures stock cannot be adjusted at Locations that should not be holding any stock.
  • Barcode / PLU - Displays the Barcode/PLU of the Product.
  • Product Code - Displays the Product Code of the Product. When using the Add Row button place the cursor in this field and hit the Enter key to open the Search Products screen to select a Product.
  • Description - Displays the Product Description of the Product.
  • SOH - Displays the current Stock on Hand quantity of the Product.
  • Qty - Enter the Qty of Stock applicable to the type of adjustment selected. Once committed the SOH value will be adjusted Up/Down by the QTY entered depending on the adjustment type. That is for:
    • Receipts - SOH will be adjusted UP.
    • Adjustments - SOH will be adjusted UP or DOWN depending on whether a + or - Qty was entered. Note : Negative values can only be entered for Adjustments
    • Damaged Good - SOH will be adjusted DOWN.
    • Returns - SOH will be adjusted UP.
    • Wastage - SOH will be adjusted DOWN.
    • Promotions - SOH will be adjusted DOWN.
  • Item Cost - Displays the current Cost of the Item in the Location selected.
  • Reason - Select from the drop down list of Reasons an appropriate Reason for the associated entry.




  • Add Row - Adds a new entry into the grid.
  • Delete Row - Removes the selected entry from the grid.
  • Preview - Select to preview the Inventory Adjustment report.
  • Commit - Select to post the Inventory Adjustments. This will result in Stock levels (SOH) being adjusted. Note : Committing an Adjustment with a Trading Date that is in a Closed Period is NOT allowed. A warning message will be displayed if this is attempted.
  • Reset - Select to clear the grid.
  • Tools - Select from the drop down list one of the following:
    • Import from PDT - Select to import Adjustments created using the PDT.
  • Close - Select to exit.




To perform an Inventory Adjustment do as follows:


  • Change the Trading Date to the relevant date and time.
  • Enter a Reference.
  • Select a Type from the drop down list.
  • Select the Location in which the stock adjustment is being made.
  • Enter a Barcode/PLU or enter/select a Product Code. Alternatively, place the cursor in the Product Code field and select Enter to search for Products.
  • Enter the Qty of Stock applicable to the type of adjustment selected. Note : Negative values are only applicable to the type Adjustments, as this type is used to primarily adjust the SOH value up (+) or down (-).
  • Commit the adjustments to ensure the SOH is updated.


To post multiple adjustments ignore the last step and instead select Add Row to enter another adjustment. To remove a row, select it then select Delete Row. Once all adjustments have been entered select Commit to post the adjustments.


Related Topics


  1. Inventory/Stock
  2. Local Configuration - Product/Inventory Options
  3. PDT Management App