Alter/Change Print Group Operation


Touch > Alter Print Group (#58) POS Key and Print Group Change (#106) POS Key




Used by staff to change the Print Group for a items sold, thus allowing for example, entrees to be sold and Served as Mains. Once changed the items will print on the kitchen docket grouped by the Print Group they have been changed to. Entree items will now print with Mains.


Two POS Keys are available to support this feature. They are as follows:


  1. Alter Print Group POS Key - Used by staff to change the Print Group for an item already sold and appearing in the sales grid.
  2. Print Group Change POS Key - Used by staff to change the Print Group for the next item sold.


To Be Considered


  1. If required, restricting access to these POS Keys can be managed by Clerk Security.
  2. Multiples of both POS Keys can be added to a keyboard and each can be preset to a specific Print Group. For example, one to Serve as Mains and one to Serve as Entrees, etc. For POS Key settings information click here.




  1. Ensure the Function Alter Print Group and  Print Group Change POS Keys are added to the appropriate Layout using the Keyboard Designer.




  1. Change the Print Group for an item already sold

    1. At the SwiftPOS Touch terminal make a sale of a number of items.
    2. Select an one of the items sold in the sales grid.
    3. Select the Alter Print Group POS Key, and select from the drop down list of Print Groups, the Print Group the selected item is to be changed to. Or select the preset version of the same POS Key. For example, a Serve as Mains POS Key.
    4. The text Serve As Print Group will appear in the sales grid to show the change.

  1. Change the Print Group for the next item to be sold.


  1. At the SwiftPOS Touch terminal select the Print Group Change POS Key, and select from the drop down list of Print Groups, the Print Group the selected item is to be changed to. Or select the preset version of the same POS Key. For example, a Serve as Mains POS Key.
  2. Make a sale of an item.
  3. The text Serve As Print Group will appear in the sales grid to show the change.

Alter/Change Print Group POS Key Settings




Used to preset Alter Print Group and Print Group Change POS Keys, to ensure that when selected at the SwiftPOS Touch terminal, the Print Group for a items sold will be change to the preset Print Group. Most commonly used to sell, for example, entrees and serve them as mains.


Two POS Keys available are:


  1. Alter Print Group - Used by staff to change the Print Group for an item already sold and appearing in the sales grid.
  2. Print Group Change - Used by staff to change the Print Group for the next item sold.


If no settings are configured for these POS Keys, then by default a list of Print Groups will be displayed for selection.


Once a Print Group is selected or preset to one of these POS Keys, then the next/selected items will print on the kitchen docket grouped by the Print Group they have been changed to.




  1. Print Groups are configured in the SwiftPOS Back Office here and listed for selection here.


This screen is accessed from here.


  • Print Group - Select from the drop down list one of the following:


  • SELECT at Touch - Select to ensure selection of the Print Group, to which the next/selected item is to be changed to, is selected at the SwiftPOS Touch terminal.
  • Print Groups Listed - Select a Print Group to preset the POS Key to ensure that whenever it is selected the next/selected item will have its Print Group changed to the selected Print Group. If, for example, Entrees is selected then change the caption of the POS Key to read Serve as Entrees.


  • All New Items - Select to ensure that for all new Items added to the current sale, the Print Group option selected above will be applied. Note : The default (that is, when this option is NOT selected) is that the Print Group selected above will only be applied to the Next Item.


Related Topics


  1. POS Configuration Index - Sales Configuration
  2. POS Operation
  3. POS Operation Index - Sales Features
  4. Touch Toolbar and Tools
  5. Reports - Sales - Cleared Sales Audit Report - Cleared Sales Audit by Reason
  6. Terminal Settings