Back Office > Suppliers > Automatic Orders
This menu item is used to configure SwiftPOS Back Office to automatically generate Purchase Orders..
To Be Considered
- The calculation of the quantity to be ordered differs from that of the Purchase Order's Order Wizard. It is specifically designed to meet the requirements of sites registered for the Fuel module. Also, the calculation now takes into account the values set for the Supplier Min Cases and Min Units. Unlike the Order Wizard, the calculation of the quantity to be ordered only uses the Min Qty, and does not make use of the Max Qty.
- Notifications of Automatic Orders will be emailed if valid email settings are configured. These settings need to be configured as follows:
- The Automatic Orders Interface found in the Service Monitor Options and Settings must have the Enable Automatic Orders from this PC option selected in order for Purchase Orders to be automatically generated. Note : Any changes to the settings in the Service Monitor will require it to be restarted.
- Ensure the Service Monitor is running.
Automatic Orders
This screen is accessed from here.
Search Filters
- The filters at the top of the screen can be used to limit the number of rows displayed in the grid. The filters include the following types:
- Full/Partial Texts - The filter fields of this type are: Description. The wildcard for searching is the "%" symbol. If you want to search for "Coke" and "ml" anywhere in the search then you can enter "Coke%ml" to find all the different sizes of Coke.
- Check Boxes - The filter fields of this type are: Hide Disabled.
- Search Screens - The filter fields of this type are: Supplier and Location.
The grid displays the: Description, Supplier ID, Supplier Name, Enabled, Interval, Time, Day/s and Location/s. Note : Rows displayed in the grid can be sorted by toggle selecting the column headings.
- Enabled - Select to ensure Automatic Ordering is enabled for the selected Order.
- Description - Displays/Enter the name for the selected Order.
- Clerk - Select the Clerk/Staff Member to be considered the person placing the order.
- Item Selection - Select from the drop down list one of the following:
- Products - When selected the Products assigned to the selected Supplier will be displayed in the Items tab.
- Groups - When selected the Product Groups will be displayed in the Items tab.
- Delivery Instructions - Displays/Enter instructions relating to the delivery of Products ordered. Note : The Delivery Details recorded against the Location will be applied first. If none exist, then the instructions entered here will be applied. If none are entered here, then the Location's address details will be applied.
- Cc Email - Select to enable the emailing of the Cc Email Address entered below.
- Cc Email Address - Displays/Enter the email address that will be Cc'd. Note : If more than one email address is required to be entered, then enter each with a comma separating the email addresses. A limit of 100 characters can be entered.
- Weeks to Include - Displays/Enter the the number of weeks to include when calculating the Average Sales. The number set here will be used to calculate the quantity ordered for individual items.
- Ignore On Order Qty - Select to ensure that ONLY the Min/Max Qty of a Product is considered when determining the Qty to order. If NOT selected, it will also include all Qty's currently On Order for a Product when determining the Qty to order.
- Order Interval - Select from the drop down list either a Weekly/Fortnightly or Monthly order interval.
- Order Days - Select the Day/Days of the week on which the selected Order is to be automatically generated.
- Order Time - Displays/Enter the time the Order will be generated. Note : If the Submit Order Delay (Hrs) setting is set to zero then the Order will be submitted immediately. If, however it has Delay time set to a value greater than zero, then the Order will be generated and Authorised and set to a status of Pending Submission.
- Buffer Days - Display/Enter the number of days to be considered as a buffer period to be added to the Weeks to Include setting above, when calculating the quantity ordered for individual items.
- Delivery Days - Displays/Enter the number of days after the Order has been submitted, that is required for the Order to be delivered. Note : The number of days specified here will be used to calculate the Date Required, which will appear on the Purchase Order.
- Submit Order Delay (Hrs) - Displays/Enter the number of hours that must pass after the Order is generated before it will be submitted. This allows for a delay time so that Orders can be edited while in a status of Pending Submission. Orders Pending Submission can be edited via the Purchase Order List.
- Start From - Displays/Select from the drop down calendar the date from which the selected Automatic Order will become activated. The Enabled option will need to be selected for this date to be effective.
- Last Created - Displays the Date/Time of the last time a Purchase Order was created by the selected Automatic Order.
- Last Submission - Displays the Date/Time of the last time a Purchase Order was submitted by the selected Automatic Order.
- Next Submission - Displays the Date/Time the next time the selected Order will be submitted. This can be adjusted by changing the Order Interval, Days, Time and the Submit Order Delay above.
Search Filters
- The filters at the top of the screen can be used to limit the number of rows displayed in the grid. The filters include the following types:
- Drop Down Lists - The filter fields of this type are: Location Group, Location Type and Location Sub Filters.
The grid displays the: Include, Location ID and Name. Note : Rows displayed in the grid can be sorted by toggle selecting the column headings.
This tab is used to select either the Products/Product Groups that are potentially to be included when generating Automatic Orders.
- Include - Select the checkbox to include the Product/Product Group when generating Automatic Orders. Unselect to exclude.
Search Filters
- The filters at the top of the screen can be used to limit the number of rows displayed in the grid. The filters include the following types:
- Drop Down Lists - The filter fields of this type are: Product Group.
The grid displays the: Include, Supplier Code, Inventory Code and Description. Note : Rows displayed in the grid can be sorted by toggle selecting the column headings.
This tab is used to display log information associated with the selected Automatic Order. The information logged will track any changes made to the configuration of the Order, as well as tracking the Orders generated.
- New - Select to add an Automatic Order. Once created it will appear in the grid above. Note : By default new Automatic Orders will be enabled when created.
- Save - Select to save the changes.
- Undo - Select to undo changes made.
- Delete - Select to remove the selected Automatic Order from the grid.
- Include All - Select to ensure that all the checkboxes in the Include column are selected. Note : This button will only be enabled when the Locations and Items tabs are selected.
- Exclude All - Select to ensure that all the checkboxes in the Include column are unselected. Note : This button will only be enabled when the Locations and Items tabs are selected.
- Close - Select to exit.
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