Backup a Database


Back Office > Administration > SQL Tools > Database Maintenance > Backup Database




This menu item is used to backup the current SwiftPOS SQL databases to a file.


To Be Considered


  1. Note : It is MANDATORY that Scheduled backups are confirgured for all SwiftPOS Back Office installations. These can then be taken off site to mitigate risk in the event of fire.
  2. It is not essential to close down the SwiftPOS Back Office application prior to performing a backup. Use of the software is allowed while a backup is in progress.


Backup Database





  • Database - Select from the drop down list of available database(s), the database to backup. To backup the SwiftPOS Back Office database select SWIFTPOS.



  • Folder - Displays/Set the Folder in which the backup file will be created.

  • File - Displays/Enter the File Name to be given to the backup file.



  • Compress Backup file? - Select to ensure the backup file is saved as a .zip file and password fields below are enabled:
    • Password - Enter a password to ensure the backup file is password protected. Note : Ensure the password is recorded for safe keeping, so that the backup can be restored at a future date.


    • Verify Password - Re-enter the password entered above.


Example of how backups will look, and each week the same files will be replaced.



Related Topics


  1. POS - Table Tracking Tools - Backup Table Tracking Data
  2. Restore a Database
  3. Scheduled Tasks
  4. SQL Server Management Studio
  5. SQL Tools