

Back Office >Members > Member Cards




This menu item is used to design and print Membership Cards. Allows the use of features such as full colour, double sided and magnetic stripes when printing Cards. The Member Cards screen enables the building of a list of Customer/Members that require the printing of cards. The building of the list can be done in either of two ways:


  1. Using the Add Row button to manually add Customer/Members.
  2. Using the Filters in the Header part of the screen to add multiple Customer/Members quickly.


Member Cards



This screen is accessed from here.




  • Classification - Select to open the Search Membership Classifications to select a Classification to restrict the selection of Customer/Members to only those that are assigned to the Classification selected.
  • Use member Print Card - If you have imported Member files from the Lifestyle Member Import option, then you can activate this option to print these cards.
  • Changes Since - Select from the drop down calendar the date to restrict the selection of Customer/Members to only those that have had their details changed since the date selected.
  • Name Format - Select from the drop down list one of the following formats to determine the how the Member's name will appear on the printed card:


  • Reset
  • Add >> - Select to add those Customer/Members to the grid that have been selected by the selection parameters made above. That is, Classification and Changes Since.


Grid Header


  • Card Design - Select to open the Search Card Designs screen and select a Card Design.




  • Member Number - Displays the Member Number.
  • Alternate ID - Displays Member's Alternate ID.
  • Member Name - Displays the Member's Name.
  • Classification - Displays the Member's Classification.


Grid Footer


  • Add Row - Adds a new entry into the grid.
  • Delete Row - Removes the selected entry from the grid.




  • Reset Grid - Select to clear the grid.
  • Designer - Select from the drop down list to invoke the Designer and either add a New Card design or Edit an existing design.
  • Import Marketing List - Select to import all Customer/Members listed in the Member Marketing screen into the grid.
  • Preview - Select to open the Preview screen and review/print Cards.
  • Print - Select to print.
  • Close - Select to exit.


Card Designer


The Card Designer screen enables the adding/editing of Card designs for the purpose of printing Membership Cards. The steps to create Card are outlined below. Prior to invoking the Designer it is good practice to have a basic plan of how the Card is to appear. Printer and associated drivers will need to be installed before commencing with the design.





  • Description - Displays/Enter the Card Description
  • Draw Grid - Select to show/hide the grid.
  • Snap to Grid - Select to snap items added, to the grid.


Designer Toolbar


For more information ...




  • Card - Displays the Cards as they will appear on a page.
  • Text Only Item - For more information ...
  • Database Linked Item - For more information ...


Status Bar


  • Currently Selected Item - The database field name or text is displayed on the left hand side of the status bar showing the item currently selected.
  • Position Indicator - Displays the position of the currently selected item relative to the Card.
  • Dimension Indicator - Displays the width and height of the currently selected item.




  • New - Select to add a Card.
  • Open - Select to open the Search Cards screen and select an existing Card.
  • Save - Select to save changes.
  • Undo - Select to undo changes made.
  • Delete - Select to delete the current Card displayed.
  • Card Setup - Select to open the Card Setup screen and configure Card/Printer Settings and Magnetic Stripe settings.
  • Tools - Select from on of the following options:

  • Preview - Select to open the Preview screen and review/print Cards.
  • Close - Select to exit.


Card Setup - Card/Printer Settings



This tab contains the default printer, card size and orientation settings.


  • Default Printer - Select to open the Print screen and select the print to be used to print the Member Cards.
  • Card Size - Displays/Enter the width/height of the Member Card in millimetres.
  • Duplex Printing - Select to print double sided cards. Note : The printer must support duplex printing.  


  • Orientation - Select to print Member Cards in either portrait or landscape mode.


Card Setup - Mag Stripe Settings



  • Track Number - Displays/Enter the track the card encoding string will be written to on the magnetic stripe. The default is 2.
  • Start of Mag Data - Displays/Enter the character(s) used to define the start of the card encoding string. Leave at the default setting unless the printer documentation instructs otherwise.
  • End of Mag Data - Displays/Enter the character(s) used to define the end of the card encoding string. Leave at the default setting unless the printer documentation instructs otherwise.
  • Database Field - Select from the drop down list (seen below) one of database fields used to identify the Customer/Member. This is generally the Member Number or Alternate Code field.


Note : The fields highlighted above are Custom Fields as configured in the Global Preferences > Other tab.

  • Padding Length - Displays/Enter the length in characters setting determines how many digits the member ID part of the card encoding string will be. Please note that if the value used in this field is less than the padding length then 0's will be added to the beginning of the value to make it equal in length to the value of the padding length. E.g.: Member 5 would be 00005 when the padding length is set to 5.
  • Prefix Data - Displays/Enter the data stored at the start of the information string.
  • Suffix Data - Displays/Enter the data stored at the end of the information string.
  • Font -  Displays/Enter the font dependent of the printer type. Default is the Windows system Font. Note : Do NOT change from default font as it may result in errors.


The table below outlines some printer specific settings:

The encoding string entered here can vary depending on the make and model of Card Printer. Make sure your card printer and printer driver supports this method of encoding, otherwise the encoding will not work correctly. Please use this as a guide ONLY and always check the Printer settings.


Printer Type

Start of Mag Data

End if Mag Data

Prefix Data

Suffix Data


Evolis Card Printer






Zebra Card Printer






Fargo Printer


Nothing (blank)

% for track 1 or ; for track 2 or 3

? for all tracks


Magicard Printer



, (Comma)




Card Design



Right click a Card item or using the formatting buttons available in the Designer Toolbar change the design of the Card by formatting and resizing items. This involves adjusting the position, resizing (by dragging the borders/corners of the item), alignment, font, colours, and other attributes of the currently selected item.


Designer Toolbar



  1. Add New Item - Select to a add a new item to the Card. Use to add data, text only or picture items to a Card.
  2. Cut Item - Select to cut the currently selected item.
  3. Copy Item - Select to copy the currently selected item.
  4. Paste Copied Item - Select to paste the copied item.
  5. Delete Card Item - Select to delete the currently selected item.
  6. Edit Text/Link to Database - Select to open the Add/Edit Text screen.
  7. Change Background Colour - Select to change the background colour of the currently selected item. To set the background to transparent, select Transparent from the drop down list.
  8. Add/Change Picture - Select to open the Images Menu screen and select an Image.
  9. Edit Font - Select to open the Font screen to allow the changing of font related settings for the currently selected item.
  10. Align Left - Select to align the text within the currently selected item to the left.
  11. Align Centre - Select to align the text within the currently selected item in the centre.
  12. Align Right - Select to align the text within the currently selected item to the right.
  13. Add / Edit Borders - Select to open the Add/Edit Borders screen and set the border for the currently selected item.
  14. Bring to Front - Select to bring the currently selected item to the front, placing all other items behind it.
  15. Send to Back - Select to send the currently selected item to the back, placing all other items in front of it.


Add/Edit Text



The Add/Edit Text screen is used to edit the currently selected item and assign it as a text only item or link it to a database field.


  • Database Field - Select from the drop down list the one of the following:  to either assign as text or link to a database field.


  • << Text Only >> - Select to assign the currently selected item as a text only field and enter up to a maximum of 1000 characters.
  • << Barcode >> - Select to assign a selected Data Field as a Barcode field.



  • Code 2 of 5 Interleaved - Must consist of numbers only.
  • Code 39 - Must be numeric, alpha or *, $, /, +, %, space, -, and period
  • Code 128-B - Must be numeric -  alpha, ~!@#$%^&*()_+`-={}|[]\:";'<>?,./
  • 2D Barcode - See example above.
  • 2D Barcode Version 7 - See example above.

  • SubCLub - Select to ensure the initial(s) of Linked Classifications are retrieved and displayed in the selected item on the Member Card. Initials against Classifications are configured here.
  • Others - Select to link the currently selected item to the database field selected. For more information ...


  • Card Item Text - Displays/Enter the text that is to appear in the currently selected item.
  • Word Wrap - Select to ensure that word wrapping is applied to the currently selected item.
  • Data Format - Select to open the Data Format screen to format the currently selected item.
  • OK - Select to assign text / link the selected database field to the currently selected item.
  • Cancel - Select to exit without assigning/linking.





The Preview screen is used to preview/print Cards.



The following is an outline of the steps required to create a new Card design:


  1. Select the New Card option from the Designer drop down list.
  2. Configure the Card/Printer settings.
  3. Configure the Magnetic Stripe settings.
  4. Add Data Fields, etc to the Card as follows:
    1. Select the Add New Item button on the Designer Toolbar to add a Data/Text field to the Card.
    2. Select the Edit Text/Link to Database button to open the Add/Edit Text screen and edit the currently selected item and assign it as a text only item or link it to a database field. Alternatively, select the Add/Change Picture button to load a picture into the currently selected item.
    3. Select OK to apply the selection/changes made to the currently selected item.
  5. Change the Card Design.
  6. Save and close the design.


Related Topics


  1. Customer/Members