Cash Drawer Reporting Operation


Touch > Tools > Basic Tools > Terminal Settings > Reports




This feature allows for reporting by Cash Drawer. Originally designed to support the use of Cash Drawer inserts that are assigned to specific Clerks/Staff Members ensuring individual sales and media declarations are easily tracked.


To Be Considered


  1. Note : This feature does NOT work with consolidated X and Z reporting between multiple SwiftPOS Touch terminals in the same Location. Consolidated X and Z reporting is normally used in Restaurants where you are consolidating Waiter stations with the main Cashier POS terminal. This is a Location specific so the Restaurant can be run with Consolidated X and Z reporting and the other Locations can operate with Cash Drawer reporting.
  2. Note : Single Transaction Sales mode can not be used when Report by Cash Drawer is used.




  1. Ensure a Table Tracking connection is established. Cash Drawer Reporting needs to look at all the other SwiftPOS Touch terminals in the same Location to ensure that the Reports have been cleared.
  2. Ensure Table Tracking has been enabled.
  3. Ensure a Master terminal has been assigned by ensuring one of the SwiftPOS Touch terminals has the Master option selected.
  4. At the same Master terminal, ensure:
  1. Ensure the Enable Consolidated X and Z Reporting option is NOT selected in the Table Tracking Settings.
  2. Ensure Fast Clerks mode is selected at the SwiftPOS Touch Terminals.


  1. Ensure the Prompt for Cash Drawer Assignment option is selected and that the Single Clerk per Cash Drawer option is also selected in the Clerk/Staff settings.
  2. Ensure the Cash Off by Cash Drawer option is selected.


  1. When running Cash Drawer Reporting for the first time, a prompt will appear, requesting that Z Reports for all SwiftPOS Touch terminals to ensure accurate reporting in the SwiftPOS Back Office.
  2. Setup Cash Drawer Reports via the Reports Settings screen. Below are suggested report names that can be given to the reports. a Review Cash Drawer maybe required if Blind Reporting has been selected.


  1. When a Clerk/Staff Member logs in, they will need to select the Cash Drawer assigned to them.


Note : Selecting No Assignment will assign all sales to Drawer 0. This should not be used when using Cash Drawer reporting.




  1. Cash Drawer Reporting operation functions in the same way as Daily/Z Reports function, except that now each Clerk/Staff Member will need to run a Cash Drawer Reset at the end of their shifts.
  2. Once the Cash Drawer has been reset at the SwiftPOS Touch terminal, it will appear in the Terminal Cash Off screen in the SwiftPOS Back Office. The Cash Drawer number will appear against each report.


  1. In the Terminal Cash Off screen, Cash Drawer reports can be merged by Clerk/Staff Members or by Terminal.
  1. Select the Merge Cash Offs button.


  1. A prompt similar to the one below will be displayed. Select Merge Resets.
  2. For example in this instance once merged, a Cash Off will be displayed for each the Cash Drawers for each of the different SwiftPOS Touch terminals.


  1. The Cash Off can be completed. This will then flow into Banking.


Related Topics


  1. POS - Paid In/Out Operation
  2. POS Configuration Index - Sales Configuration
  3. POS Operation
  4. POS Operation Index - Sales Features
  5. Touch Toolbar and Tools
  6. Sales Reports - Cash Drop Audit report - Media Audit report - Media Audit by Location report
  7. Terminal Settings