Category Prompt Operation


Touch > Category Prompt (#113) POS Key.




Used to ensure Products assigned to a selected Category will be displayed in the form of a menu of items that can be easily selected by the POS Clerks/Staff Members.


To Be Considered


  1. If required, restricting access to this POS Key can be managed by Clerk Security.




  1. Ensure the Function Category Prompt POS Key is added to the appropriate Layout using the Keyboard Designer.




  1. Select the Category Prompt POS Key. For example, Cakes & Treats.
  2. A menu of Products assigned to the Cakes & Treats Category will be displayed:



  1. If Category Prompt POS Key was configured to include Post linking, that is to provide the selection of cooking instructions, sauces, sides, etc, then as an example, the following may be presented to the Clerk/Staff Member:


The above result was obtained with the following configuration:



Category Prompt POS Key Settings



This screen is accessed from here and is used to configure the settings for the Category Prompt POS Key.


  • Category - Select from the drop down list the required Category. Note : Once the Category is selected be sure to change the Caption of the POS Key to reflect the same Category. That is, if the Entrees Category was selected then be sure to change the Caption to Entrees.
  • Button Back/Fore Colour - Select from the Colour prompt the appropriate colour settings.
  • Font Size - Select from the drop down list the appropriate Font size.
  • Force Instruction - Select to ensure that any Products selected will appear indented in the sale, similar to that of Instructional type Categories such as Cooking instructions, Sauces, etc.
  • Sort Order - Select from the drop down list the order in which displayed Products will be based on.


Related Topics


  1. Categories
  2. POS - Sale Instruction Operation (Post Linking)
  3. POS Key - Category Prompt
  4. POS Key - Multi Link (Macro) POS Key Settings
  5. POS Keys - Product
  6. POS Configuration Index - Product Configuration
  7. POS Operation
  8. POS Operation Index - Product Features
  9. Products