Touch > Tools > Basic Tools > Terminal Settings > Peripheral List > Customer Facing Display > Edit
The Customer Facing Display screen allows for the enabling and configuring of settings for Advertising and Journal displays. Advertising Image/Video (MP4) files are used to provide advertising images/videos.
To Be Considered
- To enable the Customer Facing Display a second display monitor must be installed at the SwiftPOS Touch terminal and recognised by the graphics card on the same SwiftPOS Touch terminal.
- The Peripheral device may need to be setup. This can be done here.
- Displays must be set to a resolution of 1024 x 768 or higher for NMI Compliance.
- Any changes to the Advertising files will require a restart of the SwiftPOS Touch terminals. The SwiftPOS Touch terminal only checks the Advertising File Folders for the most current Advertising Advertising Image/Video (MP4) files at start up.
Advertising Display
This screen is accessed from Peripherals. Note :
When enabled the Advertising Display will run until SwiftPOS Touch terminal is closed down. When multiple Video (MP4) files are used then the files in the Advertising File Folders will be randomly played. When a single Video (MP4) file is used then it will replay repeatedly.
- Enable Advertising Display - Select to enable. This will ensure that the Customer Facing Display will display the Video (MP4) files in the Advertising File Folders. If the Enable Journal Display is also selected, then the Advertising Display will only be invoked when there is no sale being made at the SwiftPOS Touch terminal or after a sales has been finalised and the overlay after interval has passed. Note : The Enable option will only be enabled if a second monitor is in use.
- Display - Select from the drop down list the appropriate display monitor.
- Overlay after - Displays/Enter the interval in seconds required to pass after a sales has been finalised and the Advertising Display is to be invoked.
- Stretch Images / Videos to Fit - Select to stretch Advertising Images/Videos (MP4) to fit the window size of the display.
- Show Lock on Advertising Display - Select to ensure the Lock Message is displayed.
- Lock Message - Displays/Enter the message to be displayed when the SwiftPOS Touch terminal is locked.
Journal Display
When Journal Display is enabled, as items are sold details are displayed in the main screen and associated advertising and Product images (if available) are displayed in the main and secondary advertising windows.
- Enable Journal Display - Select to enable. This will ensure that the Customer Facing Display will display the selected Journal Style. If the Enable Advertising Display is also selected, then the Journal Display will only be invoked when a sale is commenced. Once the sale has been finalised the Customer Facing Display will revert back to displaying the Advertising Display.
- Store Message - Displays/Enter the message required to appear at the top of the Journal Display screen. if required use the Menu button to select one of the following to insert into the message:
- Display - Select from the drop down list the appropriate display monitor.
- Background Colour - Select to adjust the background colour.
- Exclude Screen Comments - Select to ensure the following comments are NOT displayed in the Journal Display:
- Changing the print group information Line
- Call Away comments Line
- Split Balance Remaining Balance Line
- Split Balance Final Payment Line
- Layby Comment Line
- Layby Payment Comment Line
- Transfer Stock Comment Line
- Cash Drop
- Hide Item Price - Select to ensure Pricing is hidden.
- Journal Style - Select from one of the following :
Use Default Fonts and Colours (Recommended) - Select to ensure default Fonts and Colours are used.
- Edit Fonts / Colours - Unselect the Use Default Fonts and Colours (Recommended) option to enable the button. Select to open the Customised Appearance screen and customise Fonts/Colours.
- Stretch Images / Videos to Fit - Select to stretch Advertising Images/Videos (MP4) to fit the window size of the display.
- Show Lock on Journal Display - Select to ensure the Lock Message is displayed.
- Lock Message - Displays/Enter the message to be displayed when the SwiftPOS Touch terminal is locked.
- Video File/URL - Enter/Select a File/URL for a Video. Note : URLs beginning with https are NOT supported. Also, the {locationvideo} variable is used to ensure the Video File configured here is used.
Third Party
- Third Party Gaming Location - Select to open the Browse for Folder screen to select the folder in which the 3rd Party Gaming files are located.
Sales Grid Advertising
Advertising displayed to Clerks/Staff in the sales grid at the SwiftPOS Touch terminal can be enabled here. This can be used to inform Clerks/Staff of Up-selling options and Promotions.
Customised Appearance
Advertising File Folders and Sizes
For Video (MP4) file Folder information ... and Advertising file Size information ...
Standard Layout Example
Alternate Layout Example
Display advertising after the sale has finished
If you choose to have multiple files in the directory then you must put the following Active Script code into the last frame of every Advertising Image/Video (MP4) file: fscommand("Movie_Complete"); stop();
- Advertising not displaying - Restart the SwiftPOS Touch terminal to check the Advertising Folders for the most current Advertising Advertising Image/Video (MP4) files. At start up SwiftPOS Touch reads the folder structure and checks for valid advertising files. Note : A blank (white) Advertising screen will be displayed if not files are found.
- Blank Advertising screen - A blank (white) Advertising screen being displayed will indicate that Advertising Display is enabled, but no Advertising Image/Video (MP4) file exists in the relevant SwiftPOS Touch folder. Either disable the Advertising Display, or add an Advertising Image/Video (MP4) file to the relevant folder and send a full update to the SwiftPOS Touch folder.
- C:\SwiftPOSTouch\Folders\Flash Media - this folder can be deleted to remove any old advertising or files that may cause an error. First you need to exit SwiftPOS Touch before you delete the folder. Restart and request a full update from the SwiftPOS Back Office will bring down the valid advertising files.
Related Topics
- POS Configuration Index - Peripheral/Printer Related Configuration
- POS Operation
- POS Operations
- Touch Toolbar and Tools
- Terminal Settings
- Touch Settings