Customer/Member Alert Operation


Touch > Customer Alert (#580) POS Key




Used to alert a Customer/Member that their order is ready. Alerts can be sent to a Mobile Phone, Email Address or Pager.


To Be Considered


  1. If required, restricting access to this POS Key can be managed by Clerk Security.




  1. Ensure the Function Customer Alert POS Key is added to the appropriate Layout using the Keyboard Designer.
  2. If Customer Alerts are to be handled by the Kitchen Video System (KVS), then:


    1. Ensure a KVS Peripheral is be added to the SwiftPOS Touch terminal.
    2. Ensure the Send To KVS setting is set to True.  For more information ...
    3. Ensure the Customer Alerts settings at the KVS are configured correctly. Note : The Customer Alert Type selected at KVS must be the same as that selected against the Customer Alert POS Key in Keyboard Designer. That is, if Email is selected at Touch for the Customer Alert POS Key then the Email option must be selected in the Customer Alerts tab in the KVS Settings.




  1. How to Alert a Customer/Member from a SwiftPOS Touch Terminal

  1. At the SwiftPOS Touch terminal, when the Customer/Member's order is ready, add the Customer/Member to the sale.
  2. Select the Customer Alert POS Key.
  3. Depending on the settings of the Customer Alert POS Key, at the prompt enter either the required mobile phone number, email address or pager number.
  4. Enter an appropriate message when prompted.
  5. Select OK.
  6. The Alert will be sent immediately


  1. At the SwiftPOS Touch terminal, when the order is ready, select the Customer Alert POS Key.
  2. Depending on the settings of the Customer Alert POS Key, at the prompt enter either the required mobile phone number, email address or pager number.
  3. Enter an appropriate message when prompted.
  4. Select OK.
  5. The Alert will be sent immediately.

  1. How to Alert a Customer/Member via the KVS

    1. At the KVS, ensure the appropriate KVS Customer Alert settings are configured.
    2. At the SwiftPOS Touch terminal, ensure the Send To KVS setting is set to True.
    3. If required, add a Customer/Member to the sale.
    4. Add the items ordered to the sale.
    5. Select the Customer Alert POS Key.
    6. Depending on the settings of the Customer Alert POS Key, at the prompt enter either the required mobile phone number, email address or pager number.
    7. Enter an appropriate message when prompted.
    8. Select OK.
    9. The Alert will NOT be sent.
    10. Finalise the sale. The order will be sent to KVS.
    11. When the order is ready, bump the order at the KVS.
    12. The Alert will now be sent to the Customer/Member.


Customer Alert POS Key Settings



This screen is accessed from here.


  • Send Alert from KVS - Select to ensure that when a sale is sent to the KVS, a check is performed to see if a Customer/Member is associated with the same sale. If so, their email and Mobile No. is sent as well and used to alert the same Customer/Member.
  • Send Alerts Using - Select from the drop down list depicted, the method in which Alerts will be sent.
  • Do not prompt for Pager Number - Select to ensure a prompt to specify a Pager Number is NOT displayed.
  • Suppress Message - Select to ensure the Holman Paging Integration default alert message is NOT displayed when finalising a sale.


Related Topics


  1. Accounts
  2. Customer Alerts settings
  3. Customer/Members
  4. POS Configuration Index - Account/Customer/Member Configuration
  5. POS Operation
  6. POS Operation Index - Account/Customer/Member Features
  7. Touch Toolbar and Tools
  8. Terminal Settings