Customer/Member Details Operation


Touch > Edit Customer Details (#60) POS Key




Used to add/edit Customer/Member details at the SwiftPOS Touch terminal.


To Be Considered


  1. Note : Accounts, Customers, Members and Loyalty Customers are often referred to in the documentation when discussing topics relating to Customers/Patrons of a site.
  2. If required, restricting access to this POS Key can be managed by Clerk Security.




  1. Ensure the Function Edit Customer Details POS Key is added to the appropriate Layout using the Keyboard Designer.




  1. How to edit an existing Customer/Member's Details

  1. At the SwiftPOS Touch terminal, enter the Customer/Member's Number.
  2. Select the Customer POS Key. The Customer/Member's Name will appear in the sales grid.
  3. Select Edit Customer Details POS Key.
  4. The Customer Details screen is displayed.
  5. Edit the details and select Done.


  1. At the SwiftPOS Touch terminal select Edit Customer Details POS Key.
  2. The Customer Search screen is displayed.
  3. Search and select a Customer/Member.
  4. The Customer Details screen is displayed.
  5. Edit the details and select Done.


  1. How to add a new Customer/Member

    1. At the SwiftPOS Touch terminal, select the Customer POS Key.
    2. The Customer Search screen is displayed.
    3. Select New
    4. The New Customer screen is displayed.
    5. Add the details and select Done.


Customer Details



This screen is accessed from here.


When a adding a new Customer/Member, this screen is retitled as the New Customer screen.

When a adding a new Customer/Member when taking a Phone Order, this screen is retitled as the Order Customer screen.


This screen allows for the adding/editing of Customer/Member details such as:




Displays/Enter the First and Last Name, Email, Mobile, DOB (Date of Birth) and/or Occupation of the Customer/Member.


  • DOB - Displays/Enter the Date of Birth in the format compliant with the local regional format (MS Windows). For example:
    • Australia - Enter a date in the dd/mm/yyyy or dd-mm-yyyy format.
    • USA - Enter a date in the mm/dd/yyyy or mm-dd-yyyy format.




  • Get Next ID - Select when adding a new Customer/Member to obtain the next available ID from the SwiftPOS Back Office.
  • Add/Change PIN - Select to open the numeric keypad to add/change a Pin of up to 9 digits.
  • Check Member ID - Select when adding a new Customer/Member to check that the entered ID is available in the SwiftPOS Back Office.
  • Alternate ID - Displays/Enter the Alternate ID for the Member.




Note : Once a Customer/Member's Name, Contact and Address details have been entered they can later be used to do a Customer/Member search.






  • ABN - Displays/Enter the Customer/Member's ABN number if required.
  • Account Limit - Displays/Enter the Credit Limit specific to the Customer/Member.
  • Male/Female
  • Linked Classifications - Select to open the Linked Classifications screen and select Classifications to link to the selected Customer/Member. Note : Only those Classifications that have a valid Paid To Date or Days Paid value will be displayed.
  • Select Interest Groups - Select to open the Interest Groups screen and assign Interest Groups to the selected Customer/Member.
  • Notes - Select to open the Member Notes screen and assign Interest Groups to the selected Customer/Member.
  • Member Photo - Select to acquire/crop/remove an image of a Customer/Member. When selected the Member Photo screen will be displayed. Note : In order to be able to capture images, the Image Acquisition Device will need to be setup as a Peripheral at the SwiftPOS Touch terminal.




  • Mail/eMail/SMS lists - Select to include/exclude the Customer/Member to the appropriate lists.


Member Classifications



This screen is accessed from here.


Linked Classifications



This screen is accessed from here and enables the linking of Classifications to Customer/Members.




  • Linked - Select to toggle between True/False. When set to True the associated Classification will be linked to the current Customer/Member.
  • ID/Description - Displays the Classification's ID and Description.
  • Renewal Date - Displays the date the selected Member is required to renew their membership. Note : A Renewal Date of '01/01/1900' indicates the Classification has been linked to the Member, but no fees have ever been receipted.




  • Show ALL/Hide Inactive - Select to show/hide all inactive Classifications.
  • OK - Select to save any changes and exit.
  • Cancel - Select to exit without saving changes.


Interest Groups



This screen is accessed from here and enables the assigning of Interest Groups to Customer/Members.


  • Selected - Select to ensure the Interest Group selected is assigned to the current Customer/Member.
  • Description - Displays the Interest Group's and Description.
  • Active - Select to ensure the current Customer/Member is an active member of the Interest Group.
  • Active Date - Displays the date the Customer/Member will not be considered active in the selected Interest Group. Select from the drop down calendar to change.
  • OK - Select to save any changes and exit.
  • Cancel - Select to exit without saving changes.


Member Notes



This screen is accessed from here and enables the recording of notes associated with Customer/Members.


  • Selected - Using the Keyboard displayed enter any Notes required to be recorded against the current Customer/Member.
  • Done - Select to save any changes and exit.
  • Esc - Select to exit without saving changes.


Member Photo



  • Acquire Image - Select to capture an image of a Customer/Member using a Webcam or equivalent device.
  • Crop Image - Select to crop the captured image.
  • Remove Image - Select to remove image.
  • Close - Select to exit.


Related Topics


  1. Accounts
  2. Customer/Members
  3. POS Configuration Index - Account/Customer/Member Configuration
  4. POS Operation
  5. POS Operation Index - Account/Customer/Member Features
  6. Touch Toolbar and Tools
  7. Terminal Settings