Touch > Edit Customer Details (#60) POS Key
Used to add/edit Customer/Member details at the SwiftPOS Touch terminal.
To Be Considered
- Note : Accounts, Customers, Members and Loyalty Customers are often referred to in the documentation when discussing topics relating to Customers/Patrons of a site.
- If required, restricting access to this POS Key can be managed by Clerk Security.
- Ensure the Function Edit Customer Details POS Key is added to the appropriate Layout using the Keyboard Designer.
- How to edit an existing Customer/Member's Details
OR |
- At the SwiftPOS Touch terminal, select the Customer POS Key.
- The Customer Search screen is displayed.
- Select New
- The New Customer screen is displayed.
- Add the details and select Done.
Customer Details
This screen is accessed from here.
When a adding a new Customer/Member, this screen is retitled as the New Customer screen.
When a adding a new Customer/Member when taking a Phone Order, this screen is retitled as the Order Customer screen.
This screen allows for the adding/editing of Customer/Member details such as:
Displays/Enter the First and Last Name, Email, Mobile, DOB (Date of Birth) and/or Occupation of the Customer/Member.
- DOB - Displays/Enter the Date of Birth in the format compliant with the local regional format (MS Windows). For example:
- Australia - Enter a date in the dd/mm/yyyy or dd-mm-yyyy format.
- USA - Enter a date in the mm/dd/yyyy or mm-dd-yyyy format.
- Get Next ID - Select when adding a new Customer/Member to obtain the next available ID from the SwiftPOS Back Office.
- Add/Change PIN - Select to open the numeric keypad to add/change a Pin of up to 9 digits.
- Check Member ID - Select when adding a new Customer/Member to check that the entered ID is available in the SwiftPOS Back Office.
- Alternate ID - Displays/Enter the Alternate ID for the Member.
Note : Once a Customer/Member's Name, Contact and Address details have been entered they can later be used to do a Customer/Member search. |
- Select Classification - Select to open the Member Classifications screen to select the Classification to assign to the Customer/Member. Note : Only those Classifications that have a valid Paid To Date or Days Paid value will be displayed.
- ABN - Displays/Enter the Customer/Member's ABN number if required.
- Account Limit - Displays/Enter the Credit Limit specific to the Customer/Member.
- Male/Female
- Linked Classifications - Select to open the Linked Classifications screen and select Classifications to link to the selected Customer/Member. Note : Only those Classifications that have a valid Paid To Date or Days Paid value will be displayed.
- Select Interest Groups - Select to open the Interest Groups screen and assign Interest Groups to the selected Customer/Member.
- Notes - Select to open the Member Notes screen and assign Interest Groups to the selected Customer/Member.
- Member Photo - Select to acquire/crop/remove an image of a Customer/Member. When selected the Member Photo screen will be displayed. Note : In order to be able to capture images, the Image Acquisition Device will need to be setup as a Peripheral at the SwiftPOS Touch terminal.
- Mail/eMail/SMS lists - Select to include/exclude the Customer/Member to the appropriate lists.
Member Classifications
This screen is accessed from here.
Linked Classifications
This screen is accessed from here and enables the linking of Classifications to Customer/Members.
- Linked - Select to toggle between True/False. When set to True the associated Classification will be linked to the current Customer/Member.
- ID/Description - Displays the Classification's ID and Description.
- Renewal Date - Displays the date the selected Member is required to renew their membership. Note : A Renewal Date of '01/01/1900' indicates the Classification has been linked to the Member, but no fees have ever been receipted.
- Show ALL/Hide Inactive - Select to show/hide all inactive Classifications.
- OK - Select to save any changes and exit.
- Cancel - Select to exit without saving changes.
Interest Groups
This screen is accessed from here and enables the assigning of Interest Groups to Customer/Members.
- Selected - Select to ensure the Interest Group selected is assigned to the current Customer/Member.
- Description - Displays the Interest Group's and Description.
- Active - Select to ensure the current Customer/Member is an active member of the Interest Group.
- Active Date - Displays the date the Customer/Member will not be considered active in the selected Interest Group. Select from the drop down calendar to change.
- OK - Select to save any changes and exit.
- Cancel - Select to exit without saving changes.
Member Notes
This screen is accessed from here and enables the recording of notes associated with Customer/Members.
- Selected - Using the Keyboard displayed enter any Notes required to be recorded against the current Customer/Member.
- Done - Select to save any changes and exit.
- Esc - Select to exit without saving changes.
Member Photo
- Acquire Image - Select to capture an image of a Customer/Member using a Webcam or equivalent device.
- Crop Image - Select to crop the captured image.
- Remove Image - Select to remove image.
- Close - Select to exit.
Related Topics
- Accounts
- Customer/Members
- POS Configuration Index - Account/Customer/Member Configuration
- POS Operation
- POS Operation Index - Account/Customer/Member Features
- Touch Toolbar and Tools
- Terminal Settings