Customer/Member Reports


Back Office >Reports > Members




Nearly all of the Reports in SwiftPOS can be filtered by either a date range or data. The date range can either be selected from the drop down list of Periods or entered manually.




Report Name




Abbreviated Member List



Reports on all Members. Lists the Member # and Name, Address, Phone #, Employee ID, Classification #, Date Joined, Date of Birth and Age. This report can be sorted by Member #, Last Name, Date Joined or Age.

Attendance By Age (Last 3 Weeks)



Reports on Member Attendance over the past 3 weeks grouped by Age. It lists the Age, the Attendance count in the 3 weeks leading up to the Date To selected. It also provides a Total Sales value and a Total Attendance count, for the days reported. Note : The Attendance count is increased by 1 the first time a Member generates a transaction in a particular Trading Day. The Attendance count will not increase for any subsequent transactions generated by the same Member on the same Trading Day.

Attendance By Classification/Group (Last 3 Weeks)



Reports on Member Attendance over the past 3 weeks grouped by either Classification or Member Group. It lists either the Classification or Member Group,  the Attendance count in the 3 weeks leading up to the Date To selected. It also provides a Total Sales value and a Total Attendance count, for the days reported.  Note : The Attendance count is increased by 1 the first time a Member generates a transaction in a particular Trading Day. The Attendance count will not increase for any subsequent transactions generated by the same Member on the same Trading Day.

Attendance By Member




Reports on Member sales for the selected period, grouped by Classification or Member Group. Depending on the grouping selected the report lists the Classification or Member Group, Member,  Total Sales value and the Total Number of sales per Member.


In addition the detailed version lists the Receipt Date of each Sale.

Attendance By Postcode (Last 3 Weeks)



Reports on Member Attendance over the past 3 weeks grouped by Postcode. It lists the Postcode, the Attendance count in the 3 weeks leading up to the Date To selected. It also provides a Total Sales value and a Total Attendance count, for the days reported. Members with no Postcode specified will be grouped under the Postcode Not Specified. Note : The Attendance count is increased by 1 the first time a Member generates a transaction in a particular Trading Day. The Attendance count will not increase for any subsequent transactions generated by the same Member on the same Trading Day.

Barrel Promotion Winners



To be continued ...

Barrel Promotions



Reports on Barrel Promotions grouped by Promotion. Lists the Promotion, Counter, Tickets, Printed Tickets, Not Printed Tickets and Date/Time.


In addition the detailed version lists the Members.

Barrel Promotions Member Export



Reports on Barrel Promotions grouped by Promotion. Lists the Promotion, Start/End Dates, Print Ticket Days/Dates/Times, Members, Address, Email, Awarded, Printed and To Print counts.

Campaign Items By Member and Date



Reports on Products sold to Members that are associated with a Member Campaign. Lists the Member # and Name, Product Code and Description, Qty, Cost, Sales (Incl. Tax), Gross Profit as a percentage and the Sales value as a percentage of the Total Member Sales.


In addition the detailed version lists the Products grouped by Transaction Date.

Detailed Listing



Similar to the Abbreviated Member List report, except it is more detailed. Lists the Member Name and Address, Classification Type, Member #, First Name, Phone #s, Birth Date, Join Date, Last Paid Date, Renewal Date, Occupation and Email Address. This report can be sorted by Member #, Last Name, Date Joined, Renewal Date or Age.

ePurse Balances by Classification



Reports on the current balances of Customer/Members ePurse Accounts grouped by Classification. Lists Classification # and Description and the balances of all enabled ePurse Accounts. EPurse Accounts are enabled/disabled here.


In addition a Detailed version lists the Member # and Name.

ePurse Detailed Audit



Reports on all Customer/Members ePurse transactions grouped by ePurser type. The report is grouped per page by the Customer/Member and lists transactions Date, Location, Receipt Number, Sale Total, Tax Total, Charge Total and Payment Total.

ePurse Detailed Points Audit



Reports on Sales Transactions charged to ePurse accounts and grouped by Member (per page) and ePurse account. Lists Member Name, # and Address, Last ePurse Account # and Description, Transaction Date/Time, Location # and Description, Receipt #, Sale Total, Tax Total, Total Charged to account and Payment Total.

ePurse Summary Audit



Reports on all Customer/Members ePurse transactions grouped by Customer/member and ePurse type. The report lists Total Cost, Sales Exc, Sales Inc, Charged and Paid

ePurse Summary Points Audit



Reports on Sales Transactions charged to ePurse accounts and summarised to Location. Details are grouped by Member (Account) and ePurse account. Lists Member # and Name, ePurse Account # and Description, Location # and Description, Total Cost, Sales (Excl. Tax), Sales (Incl. Tax), Charged and Paid values.

Inactive Members



Reports on Inactive Members, grouped by Classification or Member Group. Depending on the grouping selected the report lists the Classification or Member Group, Member and the date of the Last Activity.

Linked Members



Reports on Members that have Linked Members. Lists the Primary Member, their Points balance, Account Balance and the Last Transaction Date/Time. Then for each Primary Member it lists the Linked Members, the relationship to the Primary Member and their Points balance, Account Balance and the Last Transaction Date/Time.

Live Charge / Top Up Activity



Reports on all Customer/Members Live Charges and Payments in a statement format. Lists the Transaction Date, Receipt Number, Location, Terminal , Item Qty, Sales Total, Charges and Top-Ups. The Show Detail option also lists the Products in each transaction.

Member Activity




Reports on Customer/Member Activity by Location Group (Venue), Location or Classification. Depending on the grouping selected the report lists the Location Group (Venue), Location or Classification, the No. of Points when Joining/Renewing, Awarded and Redeemed, the value Points when Joining/Renewing, Awarded and Redeemed, the value of Charges/Payments made to Accounts and the total Sales Excl/Incl Tax.  The member activity report shows activity regarding each members points (join/renewal, awarded and redeemed), the value of these points at the time of the transaction and account charges, payments and overall balance.


In addition a Detailed version lists the Member. Note : The Detailed version is available when the Group by Member Classification is selected.

Member Activity Summary




Reports on Customer/Member Activity grouped by either Master Group or Product Group. Depending on the grouping selected, the report lists on a new page per Member their Name, Address,  Master Group/Product Group Description, Sale Price Excl/Incl Tax, GST and Sale Total.

In addition the detailed version lists the PLU/Product and Description, Average Unit Price and Qty.

Member Age Group Analysis



Reports on the No. of Customer/Members grouped by gender and Age Group. Lists by Gender, No. without a Date of Birth, No. in each Age Group and the Total Males/Females.

Member Classifications/Groups



Reports on Customer/Members grouped by either Member Classification or Member Group. Depending on the grouping selected the report lists:

  1. By Classification - Lists:
    1. Classification
    2. Fee Payable
    3. Renewal Date / Days Paid
    4. New Financial
    5. New Financial  Fees Paid
    6. New Applicants
    7. New Applicant Fees Payable
    8. Member Renewals - Reports the No. of Members that have paid fees today.
    9. Renewal Fees Paid - Reports the total amount of Member Fees paid today.
    10. Primary Un-Financial - Reports the No. of Members that are Un-Financial. Note : This does not include New Applicants or Linked Members.
    11. Linked Un-Financial - Reports the No. of Linked Members that are Un-Financial.
    12. Un-Financial Fees Due - Reports the total amount of Fees due from Un-Financial Members.
    13. No. of Members:
      1. Primary - Is the total No. of Members that have their Classification set to the Classification reported.
      2. Linked - Is the total No. of Members that have their Linked Classification set to the Classification reported.
      3. Total - Is the total No. of Members including with Linked Classifications in each Classification.
  2. By Group - Lists:
    1. Member Group
    2. Total - Is the total No. of Members each Group.

Member Count by Time Period



Reports on the number of Customer/Member sales vs Non-Members grouped by Time Period and Location. Lists the Location, Time Period, Classification or Non-Member and summarises the Sales and number of Customers to calculate the Average Spend and the Sales as a % of the Total Sales.

Member Fees Paid (All Classifications)



Reports on Customer/Member Fees Paid grouped by Member Classification. Lists the Member Classification # and Description, Renewal Date and Fees Paid. This report can also be grouped by the Receipted Classification.


In addition the detailed version lists the Receipt #, Member # and Name, Last Paid Date and Reference.

Member Fees Paid (Primary Classifications)



Reports on Customer/Member Fees Paid grouped by Primary Classification. Lists the Member Classification and Fees Paid.


In addition the detailed version lists the Receipt #, Member, Last Paid Date, Renewal Date, Reference and Fees Paid.

Member Points




Reports on Customer/Member Points grouped by Member Classification. Lists the Member Classification # and Description, Current Points Balance, Current Value, Sales Value, Sales Points and Accrued Value. This report can be sorted by Last Name, Member # and Points Value. This report can also be grouped by Member Classification or Member Group.


In addition the detailed version lists the Member # and Name.

Member Points Audit



Reports on the Transactions associated with the Earning/Redeeming of Members Points grouped by Customer/Member and Terminal. Lists the Member # and Name, Terminal Description, Date/Time of the Transaction, Receipt #, Qty, Product Description, and Sale Price.

Member Points Audit Summary



Similar to the Member Points Audit report, except it is less detailed and does not Product related information. Lists the Member # and Name, Terminal Description, Date/Time of the Transaction, Receipt #, Sale Value and Points Total.

Member Points Expired

Members and Points to be expired by Classification



Reports on Customer/Members whose Points have expired, grouped by Member Classification. Lists Member Classification, Member # and Name, Current Points, Points Expiring and Remaining Points. This report can be grouped by Member Classification or Member Group. You can choose a future date is you want to work out how many points will expire in 8 weeks time.

Member Points Issued/Redeemed




Reports on Customer/Member Points Issued/Redeemed for the period selected. Lists Points Awarded / Join/Renewal Points/ Points Redeemed, Location Group (Venue) Description, Points and Value. This report can be grouped by Location or Member Classification.

Member Points Summary



Reports on Member Points summarised by either Classification or Member Group. It lists either the Classification or Member Group,  Sale Value, Points, and Total Points.

Member Points Summary by Location



Reports on Customer/Member Points grouped by Location. Lists Location # and Description, Points/Value for Join/Renewal, Awarded and Redeemed.


In addition the detailed version groups by Member and then by Location. It also lists the Member # and Name.

Member Points Value




Reports on Customer/Member's Current Points grouped by Member Classification. Lists the Member Classification # and Description, Current Points Balance and Redemption Value. This report can be sorted by Last Name, Member # and Points Balance. This report can also be grouped by Member Classification or Member Group.


In addition the detailed version lists the Member # and Name.

Member Product Purchases



Reports on Customer/Member purchases grouped by Product. Lists Product # and Description, Total Qty and Sales Value (Excl/Incl Tax).


In addition the detailed version lists the Member # and Name.

Member Sales by Location Classification/Group




Reports on Customer/Member Sales grouped by Location and then Member Classification. Lists Location # and Description, Member Classification # and Description, Total Qty, Sales Value, Tax and Cost. This report can be sorted by Product Description or PLU #. This report can also be grouped by Member Classification or Member Group.


In addition the detailed version lists the PLU # and Description.

Member Sales by Master Group by Time Period



Reports on Customer/Member Sales Reports on Customer/Member Sales summarised by Classification and then grouped by Master Group, Time Period and Location. Lists Location, Time Period, Master Group, Classification, Sales, Customers (Count), Average Spend per Customer and the Sales %. This report can optionally also report the total Covers instead of the Customers (Count).

Member Sales Demographic Export



Exports Member Sales. Lists Member # and Names, Address details, Date of Birth, Gender, Date of Sale, Qty Sold, Sale Value, Product Description and Location #.

PLU Redemptions



Reports on Product sales that have been purchased by Redeeming Member Points. The report is grouped by Location and then Product Group. Lists Location # and Description, Product Group # and Description, Product Code and Description, Qty, Cost, Sales (Excl/Incl Tax), Gross Profit % and the Sales as a % of the Total Sales for the Product Group. This report can be sorted by Product Description or Product Code.

Points Redeemed



Reports on Points redeemed and is grouped by Member. Lists Member # and Name, Location # and Description, Date/Time, Receipt #, Qty and Product Description, No. of Points Redeemed and the Sales value.


In addition the detailed version lists the Qty and Product Description.

Top-Bottom Members Report



Reports on the selected No. of Bottom/Top Customer/Members based on either Sales Value/Points or Gross Profit for the selected period. Lists Member # and Name, Points, Cost, Sales (Excl/Incl Tax), Gross Profit in $ and % and the Date/Time of the Last Transaction. This report can be sorted by Sales Value, Points or Gross Profit. Note : Click the Top/Bottom field name to toggle between Top/Bottom.

Transactions By Age (Last 3 Weeks)



Reports on Member Transactions over the past 3 weeks grouped by Age. It lists the Age, the Transaction count in the 3 weeks leading up to the Date To selected. It also provides a Total Sales value and a Total Attendance count, for the days reported.

Transactions By Classification/Group (Last 3 Weeks)



Reports on Member Transactions over the past 3 weeks grouped by either Classification or Member Group. It lists either the Classification or Member Group, the Transaction count in the 3 weeks leading up to the Date To selected. It also provides a Total Sales value and a Total Attendance count, for the days reported.

Transactions By Postcode (Last 3 Weeks)



Reports on Member Transactions over the past 3 weeks grouped by Postcode. It lists the Postcode, the Transaction count in the 3 weeks leading up to the Date To selected. It also provides a Total Sales value and a Total Attendance count, for the days reported. Members with no Postcode specified will be grouped under the Postcode Not Specified.

Unused Member Number



Reports on Unused Customer/Member Numbers.

Vouchers Issued to Members



Reports on Vouchers Issued to Customer/Members by Location and grouped by either Classification, or Member Group. Lists Location, Classification, Member, Voucher, Issued By, On, Stored Value Balance, Valid, Used and % Used.

Member Receipt



Reports on the payment of Membership fees (via the Back Office) in the form of a Receipt (Invoice) that can be sent to the Customer/Member. Lists the Member, Address, Receipt # and Date, Date Paid  To, Fee Paid and the Classification Type.


Related Topics


  1. Customer/Members
  2. Reports