Data Rollup


Back Office > Data Export > Data Rollup




This menu item is used to consolidate/rollup sales transactions thereby radically reducing the size of the SwiftPOS Back Office database.


SwiftPOS records the details of every sales transaction. As a result, the SwiftPOS Back Office database will grow and in time may impact on performance. This may affect the general performance and reporting of the SwiftPOS software. For small sites with only 1 or 2 SwiftPOS Touch terminals this will not be a problem, as the number of transactions recorded will be much smaller. However, for larger sites where more than 20 SwiftPOS Touch terminals are operating and 500 to 1000+ transactions are being recorded daily, the SwiftPOS Back Office database will grow quickly. Especially since sale transactions may comprise of multiple Products and multiple Payment (Media) Types.


This feature effectively sums up all the sales transactions that have occurred each day, for each SwiftPOS Touch terminal, into a single sales transaction. This could effectively reduce the 1,000 sales transactions into a single sales transaction that still contains a sum of all the Products and all the Payment (Media) Types. As a result of the consolidation/rollup some information will be lost. For example:


  1. Clerk/Staff Member related data contained in each sale transaction.
  2. The time the sales transaction occurred. etc.


To Be Considered


  1. Sales Processing in the SwiftPOS Back Office will be suspended while the Rollup is in progress.
  2. Note : Only apply this feature to sales transactions that are 2 or 3 years old or older.
  3. If this is being done for the first time on a very large site, then we recommend that the first day of trading is determined and roll up in 5-6 monthly periods at a time. For example : A site that has been trading for say 5 years and 6 months, then set the "Period to keep" to 60 and then the following week set it to 55, then 50, then 45 months. If you try and roll up 5 years in one transaction then you may run out of disk space when the process creates temporary files.


Data Rollup



This screen is accessed from here.


Rollup Options


  • Location Group - Select from the drop down list << ALL >> or a Location Group in which transactions will be rolled up.
  • From/To - Select/Enter the From/To Date/Time for the period in which transactions will be rolled up. Note : To roll up data automatically, select the Data Rollup option in the End of Day process and specify the Period to Keep. Selecting a large date range with a large database may take a long time to complete. Select the refresh button to preview the number of transactions that will be rolled up before starting the Rollup.
  • Transactions to Rollup - Displays the number of transaction that will be rolled up based on the selections above. Select the Refresh button to refresh the count. Note : A large count could take a long time to process, especially if SQL Server EXPRESS edition is being used, as it is limited to 1GB of RAM.
  • Retain History for:
    • Members - Select to ensure that all Transactions with a Customer/Member associated are rolled up and summarised per Customer/Member per day. If not selected then all Customer/Member data will be lost as a result of the Rollup. This will not effect Members current points but the detailed breakdown by Member will no longer be available for the sales transactions that have been summarised.
    • Clerks - Select to ensure that all Transactions with a Clerk associated are rolled up and summarised per Clerk per day. If not selected then all Clerk data will be summarised to Clerk 0. If you have had multiple clerks using the individual POS Terminal, then you will get a summary transaction for each Clerk. The end result is that reporting of historical Clerk data will still be possible.
    • Price Levels - Select to ensure that all Transactions with a Price Level associated are rolled up and summarised per Price Level per day. If not selected then all Price Level data will be lost as a result of the Rollup. If you have sold items at the same POS Terminal for different prices levels, then you will get a separate transaction for each price level. The end result is that reporting of historical price level data  will still be possible.
    • Events - Select to ensure that all Transactions with an Event associated are rolled up and summarised per Event per day. If not selected then all Event data will be lost as a result of the Rollup. If you have sold items at the same POS Terminal for different Events, then you will get a separate transaction for each Event. The end result is that reporting of historical Event data will still be possible.




  • Start - Select to start the Rollup of Transactions based on the options selected above. Note : Once completed Transactions that have been rolled up can be identified in the Search Transactions screen by the fact they have a negative Receipt # and a transaction time of equivalent to the Start of Day Trading Time.
  • Cancel - Select to cancel a started Rollup process and release (unlock) the database in the event of a DB crash during a Rollup process.
  • Transaction Summary - Select to preview the Transaction Summary (ADM010) report.
  • Close - Select to exit.


The Rollup Existing Data Sales Rollup feature is enabled as part of the End of Day process and can be manually run here with additional settings.


Related Topics


  1. Clear Transaction History
  2. Data Export
  3. End of Day Options
  4. SQL Tools