Export/Import Price Book Operation


Back Office > Administration > SQL Tools > Import & Export > Export Price Book Data

To Import Price Book data select Back Office >Suppliers > Supplier Electronic Trade v2




This menu option is used to export Product and Pricing data, in the form of a Price Book, that can then be used at another site. For file format information ...


Export Operation


Used to export Product and Pricing data that can then be imported into another SwiftPOS database.


  1. In SwiftPOS Back Office > Administration > SQL Tools > Import & Export > Export Price Book Data select Export Price Book Data. The following screen will be displayed:


This screen is accessed from here.


  • Export Path - Select/Enter the path to export the Price Book data to. Recommended folder is C:\PriceBook.
  • Export Price Book Data - Select to export the data. Once completed, Price Book data (TXT) files will be placed in the Export Path specified above and the following prompt will be displayed:


  • Close - Select to exit.


  1. The Price Book Data files generated are as follows:


    1. TMPB_BARCODE.txt - Barcodes always have leading zeros, so if you open this file in Excel, you have to format the barcode file as text before you save the file, otherwise you will lose your data.
    2. TMPB_CATEGORY.txt
    3. TMPB_GROUP.txt
    6. TMPB_PRODUCT.txt
    8. TMPB_SUPPLIER.txt


  1. For file format information ...
  2. These can now be imported into another SwiftPOS database using Suppier eTrade v2 > Generic Import option.


Import Operation


Used to import Product and Pricing data that has been exported from another SwiftPOS database or imported from via a SwiftPOS supported Interface.


  1. In SwiftPOS Back Office > Suppliers > Supplier eTrade v2:
    1. Select the Folder that contains the SwiftPOS Price Book TXT files. The Folder should contain the files; TMPB_CATEGORY.txt, TMPB_GROUP.txt, TMPB_MANUFACTURER.txt, TMPB_MASTERGROUP.txt, TMPB_PRODUCT.txt, TMPB_PROMOTION.txt, TMPB_SUPPLIER.txt and TMPB_SUPPLIERITEM.txt
    2. In the Generic section, select the Import (TXT) button.
    3. Respond to the following prompt:


Selecting YES will ensure the the TXT files contained in the Folder (and listed above) will be removed after being imported.


    1. Once the import has completed, select:
      1. The Match Products tab:
        1. Existing Products matched as a result of the Import process will contain values in the Host ID & Description columns.
        2. Existing Products NOT matched can be manually matched using the Match button and selecting one of the drop down list options or manually matching them using the drop down list in the Host ID column. Note : When importing an IBA file, it is recommended to ONLY use either the Match by Barcode or Match by Supplier code options. Do NOT use Match by Product Code.
        3. Once matching has been completed, select the Commit button to commit the matched Products and ensure the SwiftPOS Product' s IBA Scan Code field updated with the matched Host ID. Note : Without the Product' s IBA Scan Code field populated, IBA Product related sales data will not be exported.
        4. A prompt similar to the one below will be displayed confirming the result:


      1. The New Products tab:
        1. New Products will be listed in the grid. Optionally, the number of Products displayed in the grid can be reduced by using the filters available in the Header section.
        2. Select individual Products using the Selected checkbox option (LHS) or by using the Select All option.
        3. Once all required Products have been selected, select the Commit button to ensure that all selected new Products are added to the SwiftPOS Product range.
        4. A prompt similar to the one below will be displayed confirming the result:


Recipe Products - if the Result count returned for Recipe Products is NOT zero, then repeat steps 2 to 4 (above) until a zero count is returned. For example:



This will ensure Products associated with multi levelled Recipes will be imported correctly.


        1. After importing confirm the matched Products' Host ID and ensure any Costs and Prices are updated where required.


    1. Select Close to exit the Supplier eTrade v2 screen.
    2. The following confirmation prompt maybe displayed:


Select YES if the import of the Price Book data has been completed.


Related Topics


  1. Data Export
  2. Import/Export Overview
  3. Installation
  4. Import Price Book
  5. Importing Price Book data using Supplier Electronic Trade Version 1.
  6. Reseller Help - For Importing Photos/Images information
  7. SwiftPOS Price Book