Floor/Pass Printer Settings


Touch > Tools > Basic Tools > Terminal Settings > Peripheral List > Floor Printer > Edit




This menu item is used to configure the printer settings for the Floor/Pass Printer. The Floor Printer is used by wait staff at the pass. Floor Dockets print in Table seat order, therefore making table service simpler.


It is however common practice to print multiple copies of the Kitchen Docket (since they are also able to print seat numbers) and use the second copy as the Floor Docket. Thus avoiding the need for an extra Floor/Pass Printer. Floor/Pass Docket Printing can also be done from the Kitchen Video.


To Be Considered


  1. Sites with more than one SwiftPOS Touch terminal should configure their printers in the SwiftPOS Back Office here.




  1. If no Floor Printer exists in the list of Peripherals, then it will need to be added.


Floor/Pass Printer Settings



This screen is accessed from here.


  • Print Device - Select the appropriate printer at which Floor Dockets will be printed.
  • Printers - Select to open the Printer Devices screen to configure Printer Device Settings for the selected Printer.
  • Disabled - Select to enable/disable the Printer. Settings will be maintained while disabled.
  • Backup Printer - Select to make use of the Backup Printer feature. For more information ...
  • Graphical Printing - Select to use windows printing options. This is mandatory if printing in languages other than English. For more information ...
  • Sync with Connect - Select from the drop down list of SwiftPOS Back Office Peripherals to ensure their settings are inherited automatically. Any changes made to their settings in the SwiftPOS Back Office will automatically be applied when the SwiftPOS Touch terminal receives an update. This option is only available to Windows Printers with Graphical Printing selected.
  • Print using 'POS Terminal Display' - Select to ensure the description printed for a Product is the POS Display (short) description.
  • Order Types - Select one or more of the Order types listed to ensure a Floor Docket is printed. Note : If none are selected then Floor Dockets will NOT be printed.
  • Prefix Items with Seat Number - Select to ensure the seat number is printed as a prefix to the item. Reduces the length of the Docket.
  • Show Call Away - Select to ensure Call Away Dockets are printed at the Floor Printer.
  • Number of Copies - Displays/Set the number of Floor Docket copies that will be printed.
  • Edit Header/Footer - Select to open the Header/Footer screen to configure their layouts. For Graphical Printing information ... and for Non-Graphical information ... Header/Footers can also be configured for Peripherals in the Back Office.
  • Edit Categories - Select to open the Printer Categories screen to select the Category of Products that when sold will trigger the Floor Printer to print a  Docket.


Related Topics


  1. Floor Plans
  2. POS - Printer Device Settings
  3. POS Configuration Index - Peripheral/Printer Related Configuration
  4. POS Configuration Index - Table/TAB Configuration
  5. POS Operation
  6. POS Operation Index - Table/TAB Features
  7. Touch Toolbar and Tools
  8. Terminal Settings