Floor Plan Display Operation


Touch > Function Floor Plan Display (#402) POS Key




This feature is used to view and manage Tables at the SwiftPOS Touch terminal.


Selecting Return from the Main Layout will return you back to the SwiftPOS Touch sales screen. The Floor Plan Display is launched by selecting the Floor Plan Display POS Key.




  1. Ensure the Function Floor Plan Display POS Key is added to the appropriate Layout using the Keyboard Designer.
  2. Ensure a Floor Plan and required Layouts have been created in the SwiftPOS Back Office.
  3. Ensure Floor Plan Settings and Times have been configured at the SwiftPOS Touch terminal.




  1. To View a Floor Plan

    1. At the SwiftPOS Touch terminal, select the Floor Plan Display POS Key. If no Floor Plan is displayed make sure the Pre-Requisites have been met.


Floor Plan Display



This screen is accessed from here and is an example of a Floor Plan Display, showing Tables that are at various statuses. For example: Empty, Seated, Ordered and/or Printed.


Selecting a Table on the Floor Plan will display the Table Status screen. Note : The Table Status screen will only be displayed if the Open Table On Select is NOT selected.


Table Status



This screen is accessed by selecting anyone of the Tables on the Floor Plan. It displays details relating to the selected Table and enables certain actions to be taken.  Note : This screen will only be displayed if the Open Table On Select is NOT selected.


Booking Info


  • Name - Select to display the Table Information screen to change/edit details relating to the Table.
  • Covers - Select to display the Table Information screen to change/edit details relating to the Table.
  • Review Table - Select to open the Table Review screen to review the selected Table.
  • Call - Select to make use of the Call Away feature.


Table Options


  • Seated - Select to change the Table status to Seated.
  • Open Table - Select to exit the Floor Plan Display and return to the Sales screen with the Table items loaded in the sales grid.
  • Bistro Order - Select to add an order to a Bistro Table.
  • Split Bill - Select to open the Split Bill screen.
  • Split Balance - Select to split the remaining balance on a Table. This will prompt the entry of number, indicating the how many ways the balance is to be split.
  • Transfer Items - Select to display the Transfer Items screen to Transfer Items to another Table.
  • Guest Bill - Select to print a Guest Bill (Receipt) for the selected Table. The status of the Table will change to Printed.
  • Clean - Select to flag the table as requiring Cleaning.
  • Close Table - Select to close a Bistro Table making it available for reuse. To close a restaurant Table select Open Table and then Finalise it.
  • Return - Select to exit and return to the Floor Plan Display.


Floor Plans Displaying Multi Locations


Floor Plans are now able to include the table seating arrangements from multiple Locations, as well as providing the necessary Table Information of all tables in all Locations. Given Tables can now be numbered similarly in different Locations, that is, the same Table # can be used in more than one Location, Floor Plans that are to include Tables in multiple Locations will need to have Tables #s qualified with their Location ID. For example Table 1 in Location 2 will need to be numbered on the Floor Plan as 2.1. Similarly Table 1 in Location 3 will need to be numbered as 3.1, and so on.


Note : When Re-Numbering Tables and a starting from Table # is entered (including the Location qualifier) that already exists, then the Tables selected will be automatically re-numbered based on the highest existing Table number (within the same Location entered as the Location qualifier) plus one.




  1. The Master Terminals in both Locations will need to have the Location Active status set to True to ensure that they are both visible to each other. Note : To ensure the Floor is displayed (using the Floor Plan Display (#402) POS Key) from the other Locations (that is, the Locations that are NOT assigned to the Floor Plan, but are included on the Floor Plan) then ensure the Selected Floor Plan option is selected and the appropriate Floor Plan selected from the drop down list.
  2. To access to the Multi Location Floor Plan from the other Locations (that is, the Locations that are NOT assigned to the Floor Plan, but are included on the Floor Plan) ensure the Floor Plan Display (#402) POS Key in Keyboards Designer has the Selected Floor Plan option selected and the Multi Location Floor Plan selected in the drop down list.


Related Topics


  1. Floor Plans
  2. POS - Floor Plan Settings - Hiding the Clerk Login screen when Displaying Floor Plans
  3. POS Configuration Index - Table/TAB Configuration
  4. POS Operation
  5. POS Operation Index - Table/TAB Features
  6. Touch Toolbar and Tools
  7. Terminal Settings