Back Office >Reports > Fuel
Nearly all of the Reports in SwiftPOS can be filtered by either a date range or data. The date range can either be selected from the drop down list of Periods or entered manually.
To Be Considered
Note : These reports are only visible when the Fuel Module is selected as part of the SwiftPOS Registration.
Report Name |
ID |
Sample |
Description |
FUL020 |
Reports on Account Charge/Payment transactions for the period selected, in an Account Statement format. Lists the Account and any Linked Accounts, Address details, Location, Date/Time of the transaction, Registration, Receipt, Docket Type, Product, Qty, Tax, Price, Transaction Amount and Charged/Payment Amount. |
FUL001 |
Reports on sales to date for the selected Location and Day ID by Product Group. Product Groups will be repeated and prefixed with an * when Tax Free Product sales are reported. Lists Location, Product Group Name, Units, Sales, Gross Profit value and %, Period to Date Sales and Gross Profit, Sales Forecast and Gross Profit Forecast. The bottom of the report provides an overview and summary of totals. In addition the detailed version lists values by Product.
Note : Ensure a Location has been selected prior to selecting a Day from the drop down list Day report parameter. |
FUL023 |
See sample reports |
FUL024 |
See sample reports |
FUL027 |
See sample reports |
FUL026 |
See sample reports |
FUL002 |
Reports on Fuel Drive Offs. Lists the Terminal & Name, Receipt #, Date/Time, Clerk Name, Product Code and Description, Qty, Paid and Taken amounts. |
FUL003 |
Reports on Fuel Drive Offs. Lists the Location, Receipt No, Sale Total, Charges, Payments & Receipt Date/Time. |
FUL017 |
To be continued ... |
FUL021 |
Reports on Fuel Deliveries. |
FUL018 |
Reports on Fuel sales summarised by Grade and grouped by Location. Lists the Location, Grade, the Opening and Closing Meter and the Difference in litres, litres sold at the POS, Variance between the Difference and the POS Litres and the Read Type. It also lists the same again but then in dollar values.
In addition the detailed version lists the above values for each Meter Reading taken. |
FUL010 |
Reports on Fuel sales by Pump and Hose grouped by Location and Pump and summarised by Hose. Lists the Location, Pump # and Hose #, Grade. The Opening and Closing Meter, the Difference in litres sold at the POS, the Variance between the Difference and the POS Litres and the Read Type (R/T). It also lists the same again but then in dollar values.
In addition the detailed version lists the above values for each reading taken. |
FUL009 |
Reports on NMI Fuel Tests grouped by Fuel Grade and Location. Lists the Location, Fuel Grade, Tank, Pump, Hose, Litres, Amount, Price and Clerk. |
FUL011 |
Reports on the Fuel sales summarised by Fuel Price changes. Lists the Location, Fuel Grade, Fuel Price Change Start/End Date/Time, Price, total Litres sold and total Amount. |
FUL008 |
Reports on individual Fuel sales grouped by Fuel Pump/Dispenser. Lists the Location, Pump/Dispenser, Terminal, Receipt #, Fuel Grade, Date/Time, Qty, Price and Total. |
FUL014 |
Reports on changes made to the FuelTankReadTable. Lists the Table, Modified By, Column Modified, Original Value and New Value. |
FUL012 |
Reports on Fuel sales summarised by Grade and grouped by Location. Lists the Location, Fuel Grade, Customer Count, Litres sold, Value sold, Average Litres Per Sale, Average Value Per Sale and the Average Cost Per Litre. |
FUL013 |
Reports on Fuel Tank Reconciliation data grouped by Fuel Grade, Tank and Location. Lists the Location, Tank, Fuel Grade, Closing Date/Time, Opening Dip, Deliveries (Qty), Dispensed (Qty), Closing Dip, Closing Book, Daily Loss/Gain (as a percentage as well), the Cumulative Loss/Gain (as a percentage as well) and the Read Type (R/T). |
FUL015 |
Reports on Fuel Sales for a specified Time Period. |
FUL025 |
Reports on SwiftPOS Touch Sales vs Exports to HI Finance summarised by Classification. Lists the Classification, # of POS Transactions, Value of POS Trans, # of Missing, Value of Missing, # Not Expected, Value Not Expected, # Exported, Value Exported, # In Error and Value In Error. Some of the columns are explained below:
Missing - Indicates the transactions that were NOT exported to Hi Finance. Drive Off and IOU are excluded. Not Expected - Indicates these transactions are pending export and at the time the report was generated, they had not yet been exported. In Error - Indicates these transactions are in error. Currently the only way to see why it is in error, is to check the Events Logs for the Service Monitor. Generally they are in error due to an invalid Site ID, etc. |
FUL004 |
Reports on Fuel Drive IOUs. Lists the Terminal & Name, Receipt #, Date/Time, Clerk Name, Product Code and Description, Qty, Paid and Taken amounts. |
FUL005 |
Reports on Fuel Drive IOUs. Lists the Location, Receipt No, Sale Total, Charges, Payments & Receipt Date/Time. |
FUL019 |
Reports on Fuel sales summarised by date and grouped by Product. Lists the Product, Date and Day, Litres sold, Amount sold, Litres (4 Wk Avg) and % Difference. Note : The Litres (4 Wk Avg) is based on the 4 weeks of sales prior to the selected period. If no values are reported then no sales were found in the 4 weeks.
In addition the detailed version groups the sales by Location. |
FUL016 |
Reports on Fuel Sales by Discount Type grouped by Location and Discount Type. Lists the Location, Discount Type, Qty, Price, Sales Ex., Discounted Price, Discount Ex., Discounted Sales Ex. and % Total.
In addition the detailed version groups by Product and lists the Product, Terminal, Receipt # and Date/Time. |
FUL028 |
Reports on Sales and Purchase transaction data. Both are grouped by Location. For Sales further grouping is available by Master Group or Product Group. For Purchases further grouping is by Supplier. For Sales the report lists the Location, Master Group / Product Group, Qty, Tax, Total Exc and Total Inc. For Purchases the report lists the Location, Supplier, Reference, Type (invoice (INV) or Credit Note (CN)), date Invoiced, date Posted, Freight, Rounding, Discount, Tax, Total Exc and Total Inc. |
FUL006 |
Reports on sales to date for the selected Location, Terminal and Shift ID by Product Group. Product Groups will be repeated and prefixed with an * when Tax Free Product sales are reported. Lists Product Group Name, Units/Litres, Sales, Gross Profit value and %. The bottom of the report provides an overview and summary of totals.
Note : Ensure a Location and Terminal ID has been selected prior to selecting a Shift from the drop down list Shift report parameter. |
FUL007 |
Reports on Account Charge/Payment transactions for the period selected, in an Account Statement format. Lists the Account and Address details, Location, Date/Time of the transaction, Docket, Type, Product, Qty, Tax, Price, Transaction Amount and Charged/Payment Amount. Statements can be generated by selecting one of the following Type options available. |
Related Topics
- Custom Batch Export/Reports - FuelDataExport
- Fuel
- Reports