Touch > Hold / Recall Sale (#20) POS Key
Used to place the current sale on Hold and/or Recall a previously held sale.
When the Hold / Recall Sale POS Key is selected while a sale is in progress, then the sale will be placed on Hold. When the Hold / Recall Sale POS Key is selected when there is no sale is in progress, then the All Held Sales screen will be displayed listing all the held sales that can be Recalled.
To Be Considered
- Note : When using a hand held device to take/hold orders, while engaged in queue busting, a Kitchen printer must be enabled on the hand held device to ensure that when the sale is recalled and paid, the order is sent to the Kitchen printer.
- Held Sales are only visible at SwiftPOS Touch terminals that make use of the same Table Tracking Database and are in the same Location Group (Venue). This can be useful when EFTPOS is only available on one SwiftPOS Touch terminal. Also, It can be useful in Drive - Thru sales operations where the Order Kiosk just places the sale on hold, to be later recalled at the payment window. If there is a requirement to hold a sale and open it in another Location, then make use of TABs.
- If required, restricting access to this POS Key can be managed by Clerk Security.
- Ensure the Function Hold / Recall Sale POS Key is added to the appropriate Layout using the Keyboard Designer.
- To Hold a sale
- At the SwiftPOS Touch terminal, sell Products. Do not finalise the sale.
- Select the Hold / Recall Sale POS Key.
- The Held sales counter displayed in the Status Bar will be incremented by 1.
- The sale will also be sent to the SwiftPOS Back Office. These can be searched here. Be aware, they will show with a Sale Total of zero dollars.
- Staff can now proceed with other sales.
- To Recall a sale
- At the SwiftPOS Touch terminal, select the Hold / Recall Sale POS Key.
- The All Held Sales screen will be displayed listing all the sales currently on hold.
- Select from the held sales listed the one to Recall and select the Recall/F12 button.
- The Held sales counter displayed in the Status Bar will be decremented by 1.
- The sale will be displayed in the sales grid and can be completed/finalised.
All Held Sales
Accessed from here, when no sale is currently in progress. It lists all held sales in descending order of most recent to oldest. By default it will only show the sales for the Clerk/Staff Member currently logged in. To view all Clerks/Staff, select the Show All Clerks setting.
The grid displays the: ID, Date/Time, Clerk, Locations, Booking Name, Order # (Only displayed if the ) , RO # (Remote Order #) and Total (Sale amount).
- Order # - Displays the Auto Number assigned to the sale. This will only be displayed when Enable Auto-Number setting is selected.
- RO # - Displays the Remote Order number assigned to the sale. Note : A number is only assigned to the sale if the remote (phone/web) order was first saved using the Save Order (#26) POS Key. A remote (phone/web) order not saved (using the Save Order (#26) POS Key) will display a remote Remote Order number of zero.
- Show All Clerks - Select to show the currently held sales for all Clerks/Staff.
- Search Booking Name/Reference - Select the Keyboard icon to enter a Name/Reference in order search the Held Sales, by filtering the grid limited to the Name/Reference entered. Note : To ensure Booking Names/References are entered when a sale is held, ensure the Prompt for Booking Name/Reference option is selected.
- Allow Sorting by Column - Select to enable the sorting of the Held sales listed by selecting a column heading.
- Print Summary - Select to print a Held Sales Print Summary of all the Held Sales listed in the grid. This will print on the Receipt printer.
- Recall - Select to recall the selected Held Sale and load it into the sales grid.
- Close - Select to exit.
Hold / Recall Sale POS Key Settings
This screen is accessed from here.
- Send to printers when sale is held - Select to print the order when the sale has been placed on hold. Used for Drive Thru orders.
- Print guest bill when sale is held - Select to print the order when the sale has been placed on hold.
- Only Allow Holding - Select to only allow the Holding of sales and prevent Held sales from being Recalled. Mostly used at a Order Kiosk to only allow Customers to place an order (Held sale).
- Prompt for Booking Name/Reference - Select to ensure a name or reference is entered whenever a sale is held. Once entered, the name/reference can then be used to search all Held sales using the Search Booking Name/Reference filter.
- All Locations - Select to ensure Held Sales in all Locations within a Location Group (Venue) can be viewed in the All Held Sales screen (above) and recalled from any Location.
Printing Bar Codes for Held Sales
This allows you to print a 1D or 2D Bar Code when you put a sale on hold so that you can scan it to recall the held sale.
Firstly you need to setup your graphical receipt with the correct fields.
- The new field is {HOLD ID}.
- You can set a condition setting on the field as well, so that if the receipt that is printing is not for a held sale, it will remove the lines (like customer).
- The conditional field name is HOLD.
- You can then hit the create 2D Barcode or Normal Barcode button to switch the field to a Barcode field (like in Vouchers).
- Then on keyboard designer you need to check the checkbox in additional settings on your Hold Sale key for ?Print guest bill when sale is held?.
- Now, in touch, you need to add a new card mark to keyboard input device.
- 45XXXXXXXXXXXXX - (i.e. 45 followed by 13 X's).
- And set this to type Held Recall Sale.
- Now when you do a held sale, it will print a guest bill (who's document type is ?Suspended Sale?).
- This will include your held id Barcode that you added in the receipt designer.
- When you scan this at the touch, it will recall the sale to the screen.
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