Import Invoices


Back Office > Suppliers > Import Invoices




This menu item is used to import Supplier Invoices. Invoices which can then be matched and opened as Pending or saved as Pending Invoices.


To Be Considered


  1. When an imported Invoice is saved and committed as a pending Supplier Invoice all of the case quantities of the Products in the Invoice are used to update the matching Product records in SwiftPOS. This must be done to ensure that the costing of each item remains accurate for Products that are supplied in varying case quantities.
  2. Modify Invoice Import screen as follows:

    1. Import File process: - During the import process, if the procedure is unable to match the Barcode being imported to an existing Product it is currently ignored for the selected Supplier to provide the Clerk/Staff Member with an option to manually select the matching Product. If they do select a Product add the relevant Barcode/Supplier/Product references. If they choose not to match the Product then ignore the line logging the details in the event log (for the line) for reference.
    2. When selecting the invoice from the “Import Invoices” Combo have it update the Supplier for that invoice.


Import Invoices



This screen is accessed from here.


Search Filters


  • The filters at the top of the screen can be used to limit the number of rows displayed in the grid. The filters include the following types:
    • Date Range From/To - The filter fields of this type are: Period and From/To Dates.
    • Full Texts - The filter fields of this type are: Invoice # and Order #.
    • Drop Down Lists - The filter fields of this type are: Venue and Location.
    • Search Screens - The filter fields of this type are: Location Group, Location and Supplier.
  • Apply
  • Reset




  • Purchase Order - Enter a Purchase Order Number. This must be a number.




  • All/Select - Select the All checkbox to select all Invoice listed in the grid, otherwise select the individual Invoices by selecting the Select checkbox opposite the appropriate Invoice.
  • Invoice # - Displays the Invoice Number imported.
  • Order # - Displays the Purchase Order Number.
  • Date - Displays the Invoice Date.
  • Supplier ID - Displays the Supplier's SwiftPOS ID.
  • Supplier Name - Displays the Supplier's Name.
  • Location ID - Displays the Location's SwiftPOS ID
  • Location Name - Displays the Location's Name.
  • Total - Displays total value of Invoice.
  • Items - Displays the total number if Invoice Items.
  • Matched - Displays as checked if all the Items contained in the Invoice have been matched to SwiftPOS Products during the download process. Note : If unchecked, the Invoice will need to be Matched manually using the Match button.




  • Download - Select from the drop down list one of the following:


    • Settings - Select to configure settings to establish a connection.
  • ILG - Select to open the ILG Invoice Download screen to download Invoices. Once downloaded the files on the FTP site will be renamed to avoid downloading the same file again.


    • Settings - Select to configure settings to establish a connection.
  • FoodBuy - Select to open the Download Foodbuy Invoices screen to retrieve and download/Import Invoices. Note : This option will only be visible with a SwiftPOS Advanced eTrade Registration.
    • Settings - Select to configure settings to establish a connection via the Foodbuy API and to also configure settings to facilitate the Importing/syncing of Foodbuy Catalogue Items, Suppliers and Invoices.


  • Metcash / ALM - Select to open the Metcash Invoice Download screen to download and import Metcash / ALM Invoices. Note : This option will only be visible with a SwiftPOS Advanced eTrade Registration.



    • Settings - Select to configure settings to establish a connection.


  • Import - Select to open the Import Invoice Selection screen to select the type of Invoice file to be imported.
  • Match - Select to open the Match Invoice screen to match Invoice items to SwiftPOS Products.
  • Open - Select to open the currently selected Invoice.
  • Save as Pending - Select to commit the Invoice as pending. Once committed the Invoice will be retrievable from the Invoices/Receipt Goods screen.
  • Delete - Select to delete the currently selected Invoices.
  • Close - Select to exit.


Import Invoice



  • Generic - Select to import a SwiftPOS Generic Supplier Invoice file in either one of the following formats:


    • CSV - Select to open File Explorer to select a SwiftPOS Generic Invoice CSV file to import. The file is generated using SwiftPOS PDA software.

The file format is:


Barcode, Count, Location, Reference ID.




    • INV - Select to open File Explorer to select a SwiftPOS Generic Invoice INV file to import. The file can be manually generated using the SwiftPOS Supplier Invoice File Format (INV). The matching process is as follows:
  • Match the value from field 1 (Account ID in the INV file) to the Supplier's Account ID.
  • Match the value from field 4 (Supplier ABN in the INV file) to the Supplier's ABN.


If there is still no match, then prompt to select a Supplier.


    • XML - Select to open File Explorer to select a SwiftPOS Generic Invoice XML file to import. This is generally used for Warehouse round tripping. For more Electronic Trading Information ... The file can be manually generated using the SwiftPOS Supplier Invoice File Format (XML). Contact SwiftPOS Support to request the format required.


  • Bidvest (TXT) - Select to open File Explorer to select a pipe (|) delimited Bidvest Invoice TXT file to import.
  • ILG (INV) - Select to open File Explorer to select an ILG Invoice INV file. The file is downloaded from ILG via FTP to import.
  • Liquid Mix (CSV) - Select to open File Explorer to select a Liquid Mix Invoice CSV file to import. The file is provided by Liquid. For more information go to
  • PDT Receipts (QuickFuel) - Select to open the Import from PDT File (Quickfuel) screen to select the PDT Receipts (Quickfuel) TXT file to import. This file is downloaded from the PDT.


The file format is:

Receipt#, Supplier, Barcode, Qty, Cost, Date, Description, Link P/O.


  • SwiftPOS XML - Select to import a SwiftPOS generated XML Supplier Invoice (*.xml) file. Contact SwiftPOS Support to request the format required.
  • Metcash / ALM - This option will only be visible with a SwiftPOS Advanced eTrade Registration. Select one of the following options:


    • Food - Select to open File Explorer to locate and select an invoice XML file to import. Also known as a Metcash Food v7 invoice. Note : it replaces the former ALM Grocery v5 DAT file, which is no longer available.
    • Liquor (ALM) - Select to open File Explorer to locate and select an ALM Liquor Invoice XML file (example, 00000000000000010754_2.XML) to import. Also known as an ALM v8 Invoice. Note : it replaces the former ALM Liquor v5 DAT file, which is no longer available.




  • OK - Select to open the Open file screen and select the file to be imported. If the file selected contains a Supplier that cannot be matched to an existing Supplier, the following prompt will be displayed:


Select OK to open the Match supplier to invoice screen to select a Supplier from a list of existing Suppliers.


  • Cancel - Select to exit the Import process.


Match Invoice



The screen is accessed from here.


This screen is used to match the imported Invoice items, that were NOT matched during the import process, to SwiftPOS Products. Select the Match Products button to match the Invoice items listed. If after matching, there are items that still have not been matched to a Product Code (that is, item has a blank Product Code value), place the cursor in the blank Product Code field and select Enter. The Search Products screen will be displayed to facilitate the searching for a matching Product.




  • The filters at the top of the screen can be used to limit the number of rows displayed in the grid. The filters include the following types:
    • Invoice # - Displays the selected Invoice.
    • Supplier - Displays the selected Supplier.
    • Order # - Displays/Enter the Purchase Order # associated with the Invoice.
    • Location - Select from the drop down list the Location for which the Invoice applies.




The grid displays the Invoice Items for the selected PP Invoice to be matched.


  • Product - Select to open the Match Product screen to select from the list of SwiftPOS Products displayed, that matches the Product listed as an item on the Invoice. Note : If the Enable Location Based Suppliers option has been selected, then only those Products currently associated with the currently selected Supplier and Location will be returned in the list of Products displayed.


Grid Footer


  • Match Products - Select to Match the currently selected Invoice Items to a SwiftPOS Products.
  • Delete Row - Select to delete the selected row.




  • Save - Select to save the changes made and return to the Import Invoices screen.
  • Commit - Select from the drop down list either Save as Pending and Print or Save as Pending, to save the Invoice and return to the Import Invoices screen. The Invoice will no longer be listed in the Import Invoices screen. To process the invoice further, access it via the Suppliers > Invoices / Receipt Goods > Retrieve > Pending Invoice option.
  • Close - Select to exit.




Processing Imported Supplier Invoices is a two step process:


  1. The first Downloading & Importing or Importing, Matching and saving the Invoice as pending (Commiting) Supplier Invoice in SwiftPOS. For more information ...
  2. The second being retrieving the Pending Invoice and posting the Invoice as complete via the Invoices/Receipt Goods screen. Note : Only the first step is covered here as the remainder of the process is covered in Supplier Invoices/Receipt Goods.


Importing an Invoice File


  1. Select Import button to open the Open file explorer screen.
  2. Select the type of file to be imported via the Import Invoice screen, then locate and select the file and select Open.
  3. If SwiftPOS is unable to determine which Supplier the Invoice is from, then the Select Supplier screen will be displayed, prompting the selection the appropriate Supplier. Note : Once the Supplier is selected it cannot be changed. The only way to change an incorrectly selected Supplier is to delete the Invoice and re-import it and selecting the correct Supplier.
  4. Enter the Invoice Number into the field provided, if not populated by the import. If however, this field is populated by the import, then ensure it is correct.
  5. Enter a Purchase Order number into the field provided if not populated by the import.
  6. Enter the Location into the field provided, if not populated by the import. If however, this field is populated by the import, then ensure it is correct.
  7. Select the Match Codes button to match the items in the Invoice with Products in SwiftPOS. Products that are unmatched (i.e. do not have a value displayed in the Product Code column) can be matched manually by placing the cursor in the Product Code column of the unmatched Product and pressing Enter. The Search Products screen will be displayed. Simply select the appropriate Product and confirm adding a Supplier record to the Product.
  8. Once all Products have been matched, select the Commit button to save the Invoice as Pending.
  9. The Invoice should now be retrievable as a Pending Invoice from the Invoices/Receipt Goods screen.


Related Topics


  1. Delivery Dockets
  2. Import/Export Overview - Suppliers
  3. Suppliers