Back Office >Members > Interest Groups
This menu item is used in conjunction with Customer/Members, and can be used in a variety of situations. A typical scenario would be a sporting club that is able to place each Customer/Members in multiple sporting (Interest) groups. For example : Tennis Club, Swimming Club, Soccer Club, Cricket Club. The details of each Interest Groups are used solely for the purpose of describing the Interest Group, and are not used anywhere else in the software. Interest Groups can also be used for marketing and promotions. By assigning Customer/Members to Interest Groups such as a Wine Club, Food Club or even a Gaming Club promotional material can be tailored to suit the Customer/Members in a particular Interest Group.
If you wish to receipt fees then it is recommended that you use Linked Classifications where you can apply a fee for each linked Classification at the SwiftPOS Touch terminal.
Interest Groups
This screen is accessed from here.
- Description - Displays/Enter the name of the Interest Group.
- Details - Displays/Enter any relevant details/supplementary information associated with the Interest Group.
- Active - Shows the number of Members with each Interest Group ticked as Active.
- Inactive - Shows the number of Members with each Interest Group listed, but not ticked as Active.
- Valid - Shows the number of Members with a valid Active To date for each Interest Group.
- Expired - Shows the number of Members with an Expired date for each Interest Group.
- Subscribed - Shows the number of Members with each Interest Group listed.
- New - Select to add a Interest Group.
- Save - Select to save changes.
- Undo - Select to undo changes made.
- Delete - Select to delete to the selected row.
- Close - Select to exit.
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