Back Office > Touch Settings > Keyboards
This menu item enables the creation/design/maintenance of SwiftPOS Touch terminal Keyboards. This includes Keyboard Design, Keyboard Layouts & POS Keys.
To Be Considered
- Note : It is NOT recommended that the bottom right hand POS Key on a Keyboard Layout be allocated to a Product. This POS Key is used by the Post Linking Layout Method to display a NEXT POS key to allow Clerks/Staff Members to proceed to the next Layout when using Layout Linking.
- When setting up security for Order Kiosks, ensure all the Clerk/Staff Groups have been disabled to ensure customers do not have unauthorised access to SwiftPOS features/functions.
- To ensure changes to Security are activated at SwiftPOS Touch terminals, make sure a Full Update is sent to all SwiftPOS Touch terminals.
- Fixed Keys are those POS Keys that will appear and function the same for all the Layouts of a Keyboard.
- Adding many Layouts to a Keyboard will impact on the time it takes to load Keyboards at the SwiftPOS Touch terminals.
- It is recommended that you remove any sample Keyboards from the initial installation if they are not being used.
- If the command line switch /L is being used set the screen position/size of the Touch screen when invoking SwiftPOS.Touch.exe, then consideration will need to be given to the font size being used for POS Key captions, the display of Product Prices and the numeric keypad.
This screen is accessed from here.
- Keyboards - Select to view the Keyboard Menu.
- Layouts - Select to view the Layouts Menu.
- Edit - Select to view the Edit Menu.
- View - Select to view the View Menu.
- NetPOS.Net Settings - Select to open the NetPOS.Net Settings screen.
Quick Buttons
- Products - Select to display the Products available that can be assigned to a POS Key.
- Functions - Select to display the Functions available that can be assigned to a POS Key.
- Finalisers - Select to display the Finalisers/Media Types available that can be assigned to a POS Key.
- Keypad Layouts - Select to display the Layouts available that can be assigned to a POS Key.
- Button Images - Select to display the Images available that can be assigned to a POS Key. Select Add to locate an image file and add to the list displayed. Select Delete to remove the selected Image from the list displayed.
The middle section of the Keyboards screen displays the currently selected Layout. Select from the drop down list of Layouts one to edit/view. Note : The Layout currently listed as the first in the drop down list is the currently designated Home Layout. This can be changed by selecting one of the other Layouts and then selecting the Set as Home Layout option.
Button Properties
POS Keys can be assigned either using the Quick Buttons displayed on the left hand side of the screen, or by expanding the Button Properties (right hand side of the screen) and adjusting the settings. For more information ...
Note : The properties of multiple POS Keys can be changed by holding down the CTRL Key and selecting one at a time. A POS Key is considered selected when it's border is highlighted. Appearance
If you have a light background, then you normally need a dark Font colour to obtain maximum contrast. If the SwiftPOS Touch terminal is facing bright fridge lights in a bar, then it is not recommended to use white fonts with a dark background because they are hard to read.
Special Functions
- New Keyboard - Select to invoke the New Keyboard Wizard and create a new Keyboard.
- Open Keyboard - Select open the Touch Keyboards screen and select the Keyboard to be opened. Note : If the selected Keyboard is already open at another work station, then the following message will be displayed:
- Save - Select to save changes.
- Add - Select to add a new Keyboard Layout. Note : Adding many Layouts to a Keyboard will impact on the time it takes to load Keyboards at the SwiftPOS Touch terminals.
- Filter Locations - Select to open the Locations screen to select those Locations in which the currently selected Keyboard will be active.
- Schedules - Select to Schedule Keyboard Layouts to change the default layout to selected layouts at specified times.
- Close - Select to exit.
Keyboard Menu
Accessed from here.
- New Keyboard - Select to invoke the New Keyboard Wizard and create a new Keyboard.
- Open Keyboard - Select to open the Touch Keyboards screen and select the Keyboard to be opened.
- Close Keyboard - Select to close the current Keyboard.
- Rename Keyboard - Select to open the Keyboard Name pop up and enter a new name for the current Keyboard.
- Edit Keyboard Design - Select to invoke the Edit Keyboard Wizard to edit the design of the current Keyboard.
- Remove Keyboard - Select to delete the current Keyboard.
- Save Keyboard - Select to save changes.
- Export Keyboard to File - Select to export all Keyboards to a XML file. Only Keyboards of the same template styles can be imported/exported. This can then be used to import Fixed Keys.
- Import Keyboard from File (No Porducts) - Select to import previously exported Keyboards. This will import a selected Keyboard from the Import file specified. It will be imported, maintaining the same Layout, Functions and Media POS Keys as the original. However, it will exclude the Products, thus allowing for different Products to be added in manually. For example, For Fuel Station outlets, there maybe a need to have the same Keyboards across outlets, with each outlet having it's own Products. For the steps involved when Exporting/Importing Keyboards ...
- Copy / Clone a Keyboard - Select to open the Copy or Clone screen to copy/clone an entire Keyboard.
- Import Fixed Keys from another Keyboard - Select to import fixed POS Keys from another Keyboard.
- Import Fixed Keys from File - Select to import Fixed Keys from a previously exported XML file. To use this option first have a Keyboard Layout open. Also, only Keyboards of the same template styles can be imported/exported.
- PDA Clear Categories - Opens a screen so you can add Cleared Item Categories to the PDA.
- Filter Location - Select to open the popup to select the Locations to which the current Keyboard will be available.
- Exit - Select to exit.
Layouts Menu
Accessed from here.
- Add New Layout - Select to display the New Layout prompt to add a new Keyboard Layout. Note : Adding many Layouts to a Keyboard will impact on the time it takes to load Keyboards at the SwiftPOS Touch terminals.
- Link a Layout - Select to open the Touch Layouts screen to link another Layout to the current Keyboard.
- Copy Current Layout - Select to copy the current Keyboard Layout.
- Copy existing Layouts - Select to open the Copy Layout from Touch Keyboards screen and select the Keyboard from which all layouts will be copied.
- Import Existing Keyboard Layouts from File - Select to import Keyboard Layouts from a XML file.
- Add Layout Image - Select to open the Images Menu screen and add a background image to the Layout.
- Clear Layout Image - Select to clear the image from the Layout.
- Rename Layout - Select to rename the currently displayed Keyboard Layout.
- Remove Layout - Select to delete the currently displayed Keyboard Layout. Note : If the Layout is currently scheduled then the following prompt will be displayed :
- Set as Home Layout - Select to set the currently displayed Keyboard Layout as the Home Layout. This means that this will be the initial Keyboard Layout displayed when a Clerk/Staff Member logs on to the SwiftPOS Touch terminal.
- Layout Type - Select from the drop down list one of the Layout types available. Note : This option only applies to a Self Service type Keyboard.
New Layout
New Layout prompt for non Self Service Keyboards:
Layout Name - Displays/Enter the name of the Layout.
New Layout prompt for Self Service Keyboards:
This prompt allows for the entry of a name for the Layout being added.
- Layout Name - Displays/Enter the name of the Layout.
- Layout Type - Select from the drop down list one of the following types:
Edit Menu
Accessed from here.
This menu will only be enabled once a Keyboard has been opened and a POS Key has been selected.
Select to either Cut, Copy, Paste or Delete the selected POS Key. Multiple POS Keys can be edited by holding down the CTRL Key and selecting one at a time. A POS Key is considered selected when it's border is highlighted.
When Pasting, Cut/Copied POS Keys they will be pasted from left to right from the selected blank POS Key in Keyboard Layouts, and from top to bottom from the selected blank POS Key in Fixed Key Layouts. POS Keys that are larger than 1 POS Key size will be Pasted as 1 POS Key size and will need to be manually resized if required.
View Menu
Accessed from here.
- Keyboard Tree View - Select to view the in tree structure view the available Keyboards.
- Layout Tree View - Select to view the in tree structure view the available Keyboard Layouts.
- Detailed Keyboard Audit - Select to generate the Detailed Keyboard Audit (CNKB001) report. Note : This report can still be generated by Clerks/Staff Members that do not have the authority (Clerks > Security Groups) to Add/Edit Keyboards.
Steps to Export/Import Keyboards
Exporting a Keyboard
- In SwiftPOS Back Office > Touch Settings > Keyboards:
- Select Open Keyboard and select a Keyboard to be exported.
- Once the selected Keyboard is opened, select from the drop menu at the top of the screen the Keyboards > Export Keyboard to File menu option.
- In the Save As screen select a folder in which to save the exported Keyboard Export.xml file and select Save.
- A prompt will be displayed confirming the export. For example:
- Select OK.
- That completes the export of a Keyboard.
Importing a Keyboard
- In Back Office > Touch Settings > Keyboards:
- Ensure no Keyboard is currently open.
- Select from the drop menu at the top of the screen the Keyboards > Import Keyboard from File menu option.
- Select the Keyboard Export.xml file (exported as per step 1.3 above).
- In the Touch Keyboards screen, select from the list of exported Keyboards, one of them to import and then select Done.
- The selected Keyboard will be imported, at the end of which a prompt will be displayed confirming the export. For example:
- Confirm that no Product POS Keys were imported.
- Confirm all Layouts and Multi Link POS Keys are linked correclty
- Confirm that all Fixed Layouts were imported and appear correct.
- Confirm the HOME Layout is set correctly.
- Assign Products to the Layouts where appropriate.
- That completes the import of a Keyboard.
NetPOS Settings
Accessed from here.
Main Settings
- NetPOS Host/IP - Displays/Enter the domain name (host) or IP address of the NetPOS server.
- Port - Displays/Enter the port number to connect with NetPOS.
- Secured - Select to ensure SSL encryption is used.
- Timeout (sec's) - Sets timeout for NetPOS.Net connection in seconds.
- OK - Select to save settings and exit.
- Cancel - Select to exit without saving.
Copy or Clone
This screen is accessed from here.
Select either Copy or Clone and follow the prompts.
Assigning/Configuring POS Keys
POS Keys can be assigned either using the Quick Buttons displayed on the left hand side of the screen, or by expanding the Button Properties (right hand side of the screen) and adjusting the settings.
- Select a POS Key or select multiple POS Keys by holding down the CTRL Key and selecting one at a time.
- Select a POS Key in the Layout section or in the Fixed Key section to enable all the POS Keys in that section.
- Use the Quick Buttons displayed on the left hand side of the screen to assign a Function, Layout, Finalise, Product and/or Button Image to the selected POS Key. Assigning can be achieved, for example by dragging and dropping a selected Product (from the list of Products displayed when the Products Quick Button is selected) directly onto a POS Key. Or, expand the Button Properties (right hand side of the screen) and assign or configure the settings of the selected POS Keys. Note : Right click on any POS key to display the following options menu:
- Colours and text size is set by the last POS Key selected.
- Drag and drop to swap/move POS Keys around on the Keypad.
- Navigate between Keyboard Layouts by using the Left and Right arrows at the bottom of the screen or from the drop down list at the top of the screen.
Keyboards for Multi Location Sites/Venues
A Business/Venue that has multiple Locations, for example : Restaurant, Bar and Bottleshop, it is wise to share Keyboard Layouts and hence minimise the maintenance of Keyboards and Layouts. To achieve this do as follows:
- Add a new Keyboard and name if after the Business/Venue with the suffixed with the text Restaurant. Choose the Keyboard style, etc.
- Create a Layout for the Restaurant. Set this Layouts as the Home Layout.
- If required, assign POS Keys to all Keyboard Layouts to ensure that all POS Keys are visible from all Layouts.
- Once created, copy this Keyboard Layouts and create Layouts for the Bar and Bottleshop as well.
- A Management Layout may also need to be created to facilitate the access to functions that are management specific and would generally not be available to the general staff.
- Now using the Copy Entire Keyboard menu option and create a Keyboard for the Bar and set the Bar Layout as the Home Layout.
- Again using the Copy Entire Keyboard menu option and create a Keyboard for the Bottleshop and set the Bottleshop Layout as the Home Layout.
- The Keyboard Tree View should look something like this:
- Using this method any changes to the Keyboard/Layouts can be done by just changing the Restaurant Keyboard and it's Layouts. Once the changes have been completed then repeat steps 6 and 7 above. The old versions of the Bar and Bottleshop Keyboards will need to be deleted prior to this.
POS Key Caption Suggestions
- When using images to be displayed on POS Keys it is recommended to use .PNG graphic files with a transparent background. This then enables the setting of the background colour of the POS Keys. For example :
- Captions can be formatted to be positioned either at the top or bottom of the POS Key. This allows the captions to be positioned so that they do not have to overlay an image. To do this use the Enter/Return (<CR> Carriage Return) key to create lines either above or below the text entered into the Caption field. For example :
Caption Entered : Table Covers <CR> <CR> <CR> <CR> |
Caption Entered : <CR> <CR> <CR> <CR> Table Covers |
- Captions can also be split over two lines. To do this use the Enter/Return (<CR> Carriage Return) key rather than inserting spaces, to create a new line. For example :
Caption Entered : <CR> <CR> <CR> <CR> Table Covers |
Caption Entered : <CR> <CR> <CR> Table<CR> Covers |
Alternate Languages
To access this screen select the POS Key you wish to enter/maintain an alternate Language description for and then select the Languages button from the Button Properties. Once a Language is selected at the SwiftPOS Touch terminal
This screen allows the entry/maintenance of alternate Language descriptions for the selected POS Key. This is very useful in a Multi Language environment.
- Translate - Select to automatically translate the selected Language using Google Translate. An internet connection is required.
- Translate All - Select to automatically translate all Languages using Google Translate. An internet connection is required. Note : To use the above translate buttons a Google Translate API key must be obtained and saved in the Local Configuration settings.
- Reload from Products - Select to reload the alternate Language description from the Product directly.
- OK - Select to save any changes and exit.
- Cancel - Select to exit without saving.
Clerk Groups
This screen is accessed from here.
Used to restrict access to POS Keys at SwiftPOS Touch terminals. When designing the Keyboard, select the POS Key to which access requires restricting and then select the Clerk Security button. This will open the Clerk Groups screen.
Select the Clerk/Staff Groups that will have access to the selected POS Key. Then select OK or Cancel.
New/Edit Keyboard Wizard
This screen is accessed from here.
Starting Template Section
- Name - Enter an appropriate name to easily identify the Keyboard.
- Style - Select from the drop down list one of the following:
- Touch Layout - Select to configure a SwiftPOS Touch POS terminal.
- Retail
- Alternate Layout 1
- Alternate Layout 2
- Kiosk 1
- Kiosk 2
- NMI (AU) Compliant
- Mobile Keyboard
- Self Service - Select to configure a SwiftPOS Self Service kiosk. The default screen size supported by this option is 1920h x 1080w pixels. It does NOT support any other size. Refer to How To Configure A Self Service Kiosk for more information.
- Screen Size - Select from the drop down list of available options the one most appropriate. Note : This option is NOT available when the Self Service Style option is selected.
- Sales Grid Length - Select from the drop down list of available options the one most appropriate. Note : This option is NOT available when the Self Service Style option is selected.
- Sales Grid Location - Select from the drop down list of available options the one most appropriate. Note : This option is NOT available when the Self Service Style option is selected.
Displays a preview to provide a visual impression of what the Keyboard Layout will look like based on the template settings selected.
- Sales Grid - Select/Unselect the checkbox option to the right of the text Sales Grid to show/hide the Sales Grid. Note : This option is is ONLY enabled when a Kiosk 1 or 2 style of Keyboard is being added. It is NOT ENABLED for existing Kiosk Style Keyboards.
- Height - Adjust to set the height, in the number of Keyboard buttons (POS Keys), the Sales Grid will overlay.
- Top - Adjust to set the position, in the number of Keyboard buttons (POS Keys), from the top at which the Sales Grid will be located. Zero is the default and will ensure the Sales Grid is positioned at the top of the Keyboard.
- Left - Adjust to set the position, in the number of Keyboard buttons (POS Keys), from the left at which the Sales Grid will be located. Zero is the default and will ensure the Sales Grid is positioned on left of the Keyboard.
- Number Pad - Select/Unselect the checkbox option to the right of the text Number Pad to show/hide the Number Pad.
- Height - Adjust to set the height, in the number of Keyboard buttons (POS Keys), the Sales Grid will overlay.
- Width - Adjust to set the width, in the number of Keyboard buttons (POS Keys), the Sales Grid will overlay.
- Top - Adjust to set the position, in the number of Keyboard buttons (POS Keys), from the top at which the Number Pad will be located. Zero is the default and will ensure the Number Pad is positioned at the top of the Keyboard.
- Left - Adjust to set the position, in the number of Keyboard buttons (POS Keys), from the left at which the Number Pad will be located. Zero is the default and will ensure the Number Pad is positioned on left of the Keyboard.
- Fixed Keyboard - Select/Unselect the checkbox option to the right of the text Fixed Keyboard to show/hide the Number Pad.
- Height - Adjust to set the height, in the number of Keyboard buttons (POS Keys), the Fixed Keyboard will overlay.
- Width - Adjust to set the width, in the number of Keyboard buttons (POS Keys), the Fixed Keyboard will overlay.
- Top - Adjust to set the position, in the number of Keyboard buttons (POS Keys), from the top at which the Fixed Keyboard will be located. Zero is the default and will ensure the Fixed Keyboard is positioned at the top of the Keyboard.
- Left - Adjust to set the position, in the number of Keyboard buttons (POS Keys), from the left at which the Fixed Keyboard will be located. Zero is the default and will ensure the Fixed Keyboard is positioned on left of the Keyboard.
Keyboard Options Tab
- Style
- Round (Default) - This is the default style. POS Keys, Panels, etc. will be displayed with rounded corners and have a gradient appearance.
- Square - Select to ensure POS Keys, Panels, etc. will be displayed with square corners and have a flat appearance.
- Custom - Select to display the Custom Options tab and customise the Keyboard appearance as required.
Kiosk Options
- Disable Button Effects - Select to remove all 3D and background colour effects.
- Disable Sales Grid - Select/Unselect to enable/disable the Sales Grid.
- Hide Tools - Select to hide SwiftPOS Touch Toolbar buttons. This is only recommended for use when configuring a Kiosk. Note : Given, when selected, this option will result in all Toolbar buttons being hidden (except for the Clerk and Orders button) it is recommended that Run Tool (#900) POS Key is added to the Keyboard, with the Exit Application (More Settings) option selected and Clerk Security is set. Ensure a Full Update is sent to all SwiftPOS Touch Terminals that use this Keyboard, to ensure that the Hide Tools feature is activated.
- Default Banner Message - Displays/Enter the default Banner text. This is generally only used with Kiosks and provides the ability to display a welcome message to customers at the Kiosk.
- Background Colour - Select to set the background colour of the Keyboard.
Custom Options
- Show Gradient - This is the default for existing Keyboards. Once selected the background colour in POS buttons and panels will have a gradient appearance.
- POS Buttons
- Borders - Select from the drop down list one of the available border options.
- Panels
- Borders - Select from the drop down list one of the available border options.
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