Keyboard Input Device Settings (USB devices)


Touch > Tools > Basic Tools > Terminal Settings > Peripheral List > Keyboard Device > Edit




This menu item is used to configure the settings for Keyboard Input (USB) Devices at the SwiftPOS Touch terminal. It should NOT be used to configure Barcode ScannersMagnetic Card Swipe Readers or RFID Readers, as these are Peripherals that can be added in their own right. It also excludes devices that create virtual com ports or other RS232 devices like RS232 Bar Code Scanners.


To Be Considered


  1. Note : Do NOT use the Keyboard Input Device to configure Barcode ScannersMagnetic Card Swipe Readers or RFID Readers. These can be setup by selecting the appropriate Peripheral. Where possible always remove this Peripheral, as it can impact adversely on the input of other configured devices.




  1. If no Keyboard device exists in the list of Peripherals, then it will need to be added.
  2. Note : Ensure the USB scanner is programmed to send a 'carriage return' + 'line feed' ('enter') as a suffix.


Keyboard Input Device Settings



This screen is accessed from here.


  • Set Card Masks - Select to open the Card Masks screen and configure the Card Mask required. Leave this blank for variable length cards otherwise use the combination of Dash's and X's to mask the data on the card. Only data in the position's with a Capital X is read.  For more information ...

  • MSR Track No - Displays/Enter the Track number that is used to store the data. Note : Only specify if the device is a Mag Stripe Reader.


Related Topics


  1. POS Configuration Index - Peripheral/Printer Related Configuration
  2. POS Operation
  3. POS Operations
  4. Touch Toolbar and Tools
  5. Terminal Settings