Back Office > Data Export > Data Portal > LMG
This menu item is used to configure export settings and manually export sales data destined for the LMG (Liquor Marketing Group). It also provides access to the following:
- Settings - Select to open the LMG Settings screen to configure the settings.
- Sales Export - Select to open the LMG Export screen to manually invoke the export.
To Be Considered
- This feature is generally only used to do a manual export of sales date.
- Alternatively, sales data can be configured to automatically exported as part of the End of Day process.
- The Payment Type setting in the Media Types screen will need to be set prior to exporting sales data.
LMG Settings
This screen is accessed from here and is used to configure the settings required for the LMG Export.
- Location - Select from the drop down list the Location from which data is to be exported.
- Customer No - Displays/Enter the LMG provided Customer Number to be associated with the SwiftPOS Location, so that it that gets returned in the GET ShelfLabels response to Lastyard.
- URL - Displays/Enter the LMG provided URL for exporting data.
LMG Export
This screen is accessed from here and is used to export sales data to LMG.
- URL - Displays the LMG URL as configured in Settings.
- Export - Select to open the Export Sales Data screen and configure the settings.
- Reset - Select to open the Sales Export Reset screen to reset sales export.
Export Sales Data
This screen is accessed from here and is used to invoke the export of sales data for LMG.
- Trading Date From/To - Select from the drop down calendars a from/to date range to export sales data manually.
- Location Group - Select from the drop down list to restrict the export to a specific Location Group (Venue).
- Location - Select from the drop down list to restrict the export to a specific Location.
- Export - Select to invoke the export.
Use this option to manually select a date range if you want to export data manually. This is not used under normal operation.
Sales Export Reset
This screen is accessed from here and is used to reset any date range if you need to send data a second time or you want to clear the history of a site that may have been trading for years before it is connected to LMG.
- Trading Date From/To - Select from the drop down calendars a from/to date range to export sales data manually.
- Location Group - Select from the drop down list to restrict the export to a specific Location Group (Venue).
- Location - Select from the drop down list to restrict the export to a specific Location.
- Mark as Posted
- Mark as Un-Posted
LMG Contact Details
Garry Phipps| Liquor Marketing Group
Level 1, 10A Julius Avenue, North Ryde NSW 2113 | PO Box 629, North Ryde BC NSW 1670
T: 02 9475 2333| M: 0417244341 |
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