Launch Application Operation


Touch > Launch Application (#121) POS Key




This feature is used to launch an application/batch file/website from a SwiftPOS Touch terminal. Also allows the provision of command line switches if necessary.


To Be Considered


  1. If required, restricting access to these POS Keys can be managed by Clerk Security.




  1. Ensure the Function Launch Application POS Key is added to the appropriate Layout using the Keyboard Designer.




  1. Restart Windows
  2. Shutdown Windows
  3. Launch a Website

    1. In SwiftPOS Back Office > Touch Settings > Keyboards - Ensure settings of the Launch Application POS Key contain the following:

      1.  Application Path (see below) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe.
      2. Optional Arguments (see below) - Enter the URL of the website to be launched. For example,

    1. Save the changes to the Keyboard and send a Full Update to the SwiftPOS Touch terminals.
    2. At the SwiftPOS Touch terminal, select the Launch Application POS Key.
    3. Internet Explorer should now open with the website showing.

  1. Launch SwiftPOS Back Office

    1. In SwiftPOS Back Office > Touch Settings > Keyboards - Ensure settings of the Launch Application POS Key contain the following:

      1.  Application Path (see below) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Samford Software\BackOffice\SwiftPOS.exe

    1. Save the changes to the Keyboard and send a Full Update to the SwiftPOS Touch terminals.
    2. At the SwiftPOS Touch terminal, select the Launch Application POS Key.
    3. SwiftPOS Back Office should now be launched.


  1. Launch Batch file to view status of Printers

In this example the Launch Application POS Key is used to launch a Batch file that will open the Printers screen in Windows to view the status of the printers. This can be used instead of Backup Printers to see status of the Kitchen Launch Application.

  1. Download the ViewPrinters7.bat zip file from here.
  2. In SwiftPOS Back Office > Touch Settings > Keyboards - Select the Browse (...) button (to the right of the Application Path (see below) field), locate and select the batch file down loaded above.
  3. The Full Path should now appear in the Application Path (see below) field. For example: C:\REGO\ViewPrinters7.bat. Note : The Batch file must be in exactly the same location on all SwiftPOS Touch terminals as it is specified in the Application Path (see below) field. For example, in the example above each SwiftPOS Touch terminal using the Launch Application POS Key will need the batch file in their local C:\REGO folder for it to work.
  4. Save the changes to the Keyboard and send a Full Update to the SwiftPOS Touch terminals.
  5. At the SwiftPOS Touch terminal, select the Launch Application POS Key.
  6. The Windows Devices and Printers application should now be launched.


  1. Launch Task Manager

    1. In SwiftPOS Back Office > Touch Settings > Keyboards - Ensure settings of the Launch Application POS Key contain the following:

      1.  Application Path (see below) - C:\Program Files\Access 97 Runtime\Msaccess.exe
      2. Optional Arguments (see below) - /excl /runtime /profile "Task Manager POS Software" /wrkgrp "C:\TaskPOS\Admin.mdw" "C:\TaskPOS\TaskPOS.mde???

    1. Save the changes to the Keyboard and send a Full Update to the SwiftPOS Touch terminals.
    2. At the SwiftPOS Touch terminal, select the Launch Application POS Key.
    3. Task Manager should now be launched.


Launch Application POS Key Settings



This screen is accessed from here.


  • Application Path - Displays/Enter the full path and application file name. For example, C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe.
  • Optional Arguments - Displays/Enter arguments when invoking the above application. For example,
  • Working Directory (Optional) - Displays/Enter the directory/folder path to be used when launching the specified application.
  • Block when a sale is in progress - Select to ensure that when as sale is in progress this POS Key cannot be invoked.
  • OK - Select to save any changes and exit.
  • Cancel - Select to exit without saving.


Related Topics


  1. POS Configuration Index - Other Configuration
  2. POS Operation
  3. POS Operation Index - Other Features