This settings screen is accessed from here.
Installation Notes
- Once the monitoring service is running it will process any file that is added to the specified directory. (It monitors the directory for changes and detects the addition of new files)
- There needs to be an Active Licenced terminal, Not necessarily a POS Touch terminal. (The process reads the File in and converts it to a AJL file that would normally be returned from a SwiftPOS Touch terminal, then Sales processing handles it in the same manner as any other AJL that is sent from the SwiftPOS Touch terminals).
- The process is enabled in End Of Day settings for each Location Group (Venue). Any Location in the Location Group (Venue) with the Franchise Types set to Crust Export will be Exported during End of Day. Once sales are exported, the transactions in the EJTable are marked as sent.
Export Option for Crust
This feature is activated when selected as part of the End of Day process.
- The first 3 characters of the Location name are used as the first 3 characters in the file names created. (E.g.. Restaurant - REST)
- Against the Location record SwiftPOS Back Office (Administration > Location Records), select Crust Export option from the Franchise import/export and then load the Franchise settings screen.
- In the Franchise screen, Select the folder the sales files will be created in prior to export.
- Set email server settings and sender and receiving email address's. Recipient emails may include multiple address separated by a semicolon.
At the end of each day's trading (or at the beginning of the next day's trading), the following extract files will be generated from the ARE POS system:
- DAY File - The 'DAY' file contains a summary of the single day's trading at this Store.
- ORD File - The 'ORD' file contains a list of order headers for the specified day's trading at this Store.
- ITM File - The 'ITM' file contains a list of the individual Items relating to the Orders placed on the specified day.
- TIM File - The 'TIM' file contains a time-based summary of the Orders placed during the specified day.
- Mark Sales As Exported - Select to open the Reset Sales Export Flag screen and mark all sales for the selected Trading Date as having already been exported. If sales need to be marked as already exported from the SwiftPOS Back Office, the trading date is selected here and processed by the End Of Day process.
- Sales Export Reset - Select to open the Reset Sales Export Flag screen and reset all sales for the selected Trading Date and flagged as exported to be marked as NOT exported. If the sales export needs to be reset for a certain trading day, select the trading date and this will be processed by the End Of Day process.
Reset Sales Export Flag
Import Option for Hungry Jacks Interface
- Add Hungry Jacks' 3 character Product Code to the Host ID field for all Hungry Jacks Products.
- Against the Hungary Jack Location assign the Store ID to the Host Store ID field, Select Hungry Jacks as the Import Export Type then select the Settings button to configure the Import settings.
- In the Franchise Settings screen select the Folder in which the HJ .PR file will be placed, the Clerk/Staff Member that will be attributed to the sales as well as the terminal the sales will be generated
The Process:
- The file is supplied by HJ and placed in the specified directory. The SwiftPOS Service Monitor application will monitor new files added to the specified path. The file will lookup the Product by searching the HostID field and return relevant Product information, adding the Product to a sales file for processing by Sales Processing.
- If Products are not found it will be ignored. With full debug enabled all Product lines, both successfully and unsuccessfully written will be logged. When completed if the file is imported with out error it will be renamed and moved to the sub folder for processed files, if errors occur the file will be renamed and moved the Failed sub folder. If no matching StoreID is found the file will be renamed to _PR and details logged on all occasions.
- This interface will import the supplied .PR file (via FTP) from Hungry Jacks for processing into SwiftPOS.
- The import process will create sales transactions for the records contained in the file. The files Product code will be mapped to the SwiftPOS Product code through the Supplier Code setup for the nominated Supplier created in SwiftPOS. If the Supplier Code is not found then the SwiftPOS Product code will be used. Once the automated import process is completed the file will be moved to a "Processed" subdirectory of the nominated .PR file. Settings will be required to set the .PR file location, Supplier Code, Location and Terminal that will be used in creating the sales.
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