

Back Office > Administration > Location Records




This menu item is used to create/maintain and configure Locations. Locations are used to define different areas within a Business/Venue, as opposed to Location Groups (Venues) which are most commonly used for defining individual Businesses/Venues or multi-Business/Venue enterprises. For example: A pub has 2 bars, a restaurant and a lounge. Each of these areas would be assigned to separate Locations which would then would be assigned to a single Location Group (Venue). Every Location can be assigned between 1 and 4 different Price Levels out of a possible 10 to 50 Price Levels available to each Location Group (Venue).


To Be Considered


  1. Note : Any changes made to Locations will require the Sales Processing Service to be restarted to ensure the changes are picked up.
  2. Ensure the Location Group (Venues) have been setup prior to creating Locations. This will ensure Locations can be assigned to their specific Location Group (Venue).
  3. To facilitate Inventory Transfers, etc at the SwiftPOS Touch terminals, create a PLU/Product to represent each Location. This is then assigned to the Locations here.


Location Records



This screen is accessed from here.


Search Filters


  • The filters at the top of the screen can be used to limit the number of rows displayed in the grid. The filters include the following types:




  • The grid displays the: #, Description, Venue, Last Changed, Loyalty, Draw, State, BDM, Type, Franchise, Barrel and Send. Note : To edit an entry in the grid, double click a row. Rows displayed in the grid can be sorted by toggle selecting the column headings.




  • New - Select to add a Location. Once selected the Search Location Groups screen will be displayed to facilitate the selection of a Location Group (Venue) to which the Location will be assigned. Once selected, the following New Location Record screen will be displayed.
  • Full Edit - Select to edit the selected Location.
  • Delete - Select to delete the selected Location. A Location can only be deleted if the following criteria has been met:
    • There is NO Sales History data available.
    • There are NO Terminals currently assigned to it.
    • It must NOT be assigned as the default Web Store Location.
    • Also, A prompt will be displayed to confirm the deletion of all Voucher Ledger data associated with the Location selected for deletion.
  • Close - Select to exit.


Location Full Edit


This screen is used for setting up each Location in addition to locking inventory changes and manually generating inventory history.



This screen is accessed from here.




  • Location ID - Displays the Location Number.
  • Location Name - Displays/Enter the name of the Location Name.



  • Price Levels - Select to open the Location Price Levels screen to select Price Levels.
  • Member Prices - Select to open the Member Price Levels screen to configure Member Price Levels based on Classifications.
  • Table Tracking - Select to open the Connect to Server screen and configure the SQL Server Connection to establish a connection between the currently selected Location and the Table Tracking database. This is necessary to establish a connection between the SwiftPOS Back Office and the Location's Table Tracking database. It may also be used by Web Apps and other SwiftPOS features.
  • Deposit Thresholds - Select to open the Deposit Threshold screen to configure deposit thresholds for Phone/Web Orders.
  • Contact Info - Select to open the Location Contact Info screen to configure Contact, Bank Statement and Statement Comment Details.
  • Taxes - Select to open the Location Taxes screen to select taxes.
  • Front Office Setup - Select to open the Front Office Mappings screen to configure the Front Office / Master Group mappings.
  • Trading Periods - Select to open the Location Trading Periods screen to configure Trading Periods.
  • Warehouses - Select to open the Requisition from Warehouses screen:


This screen assigns/lists the Warehouses (Locations) that the currently selected Location can requisition stock from.


  • Add - Select to open the Warehouse Locations screen:


Lists the Warehouses that are currently available to be assigned. Select the relevant Warehouse(s) and select OK. Note : Only those Locations that are of the type Warehouse and that have NOT yet been assigned will be listed here.


  • Stock Variance Defaults - Select to open the Location Variance Defaults screen.


  • Location Type - Select from the drop down list one of the following types:


Location Group


  • Location Group - Select to open the Search Location Groups screen to select the Location Group (Venue) the current Location belongs to.




  • PLU - Not required if you are using fixed transfer buttons. Select to open the Search Products screen to select the PLU/Product that has already been configured to represent the current Location. A Location PLU is used to identify the current Location for the purpose of performing Inventory Transfers at SwiftPOS Touch terminals. It is recommended practice to assign high PLU numbers to Locations and ensure they are also assigned to their own Category and Product Group. This will make the setting up of Inventory Transfers at the SwiftPOS Touch terminals much easier.
  • Default Draw From - Select to open the Search Locations screen to select the default Location from which inventory/stock will be drawn from, in order to restock the current Location. The default Draw From  Location setting will be used for newly created Products, however alternate Draw From Locations can be set against individual Products here.
  • Warehouse Family - Select to open the Search Families screen to select the Family of Products that the Warehouse supplies. Note : This field will only be enabled if the Location Type, Warehouse is selected.
  • Last Order No - Displays/Enter the last Purchase Order number used when creating Purchase Orders in the current Location. Enter a numeric value other than zero to ensure the next Purchase Order created will be assigned to the next available number in consecutive sequence.  Note : If set to zero then the Last Order No will be retrieved from the Global Preferences setting. This can be found here.
  • Authorisation Email Group - Select from the drop down list of Clerk Email Groups the group of Clerks/Staff that have the authority to authorise Purchase Orders in the current Location. Note : See also Clerk Authorisation limits and Supplier PO Authorisation Limit and Manual POs Only option.
  • Transfer In Cost Method - Select from the drop down list the costing method to be applied when transferring stock into the current Location. Examples of how this is determined and the formula used to calculate the Average Cost, can be found here. The options are :

    • Old Cost - Select to ensure the Cost of an Item transferred into the To Location inherits the current Cost of the same item in the To Location.
    • Avg Cost - Select to ensure the Cost of an Item transferred into the To Location is determined as per the Average Cost Calculation Formula.
    • New Cost - Select to ensure the Cost of an Item transferred into the To Location inherits the current Cost of the item in the From Location.
  • Include in Barrel Draw - Select to include sales from the current Location in Barrel Draw transactions.
  • Non-Stock Ordering - Select to ensure that no Stock can be ordered from this Location. Note : The following message will be displayed when this option is selected and Automatic Orders exist for this Location.


Ensure that for any Automatic Orders that have this Location selected, the Location is unselected, before selecting the Non-Stock Ordering Location option.



Delivery Details


  • Delivery Instructions - Displays/Enter the delivery address for the current Location. For this address to appear on statements you have to assign Account Classifications to the current Location's Location Group (Venue). If the Account Classification's Location Group (Venue) setting is set to <<ALL> then the registration address details are used. Only when the Account Classification's Location Group (Venue) is assigned to a specific Location Group (Venue) will the Delivery Address entered here appear on the statements.




  • Last Member - Displays/Enter the last Member number assigned for the current Location. When creating new Customer/Members at the SwiftPOS Touch terminals, this number will be retrieved to determine the next Member number available. This also allows for different number ranges to be used at different Locations. If the value displayed/entered here is zero then the Last Member No setting in the Members tab of Global Preferences is used will be used to determine the next available Member number. Note : For Members created in the SwiftPOS Back Office, the Last Member Number is retrieved from here.
  • Loyalty Multiplier - Displays/Enter the Loyalty Points multiplier specific to the current Location. The value displayed/entered here will also be multiplied by the Loyalty Points multiplier values set in Member Classifications, Categories and Bonus Points. Note : A value of zero entered here will ensure that Loyalty Points cannot be earned at the current Location.
  • Track X Member Sales - Displays/Enter the number of the sales to record/track per Customer/Member. For example if a value of 10 is entered here, then last 10 sales for a Customer/Member can be viewed at SwiftPOS Touch terminals using the Account Status POS Key. This also allows for all or selected items of the previous 10 sales to be added in the new sale at the SwiftPOS Touch terminal.



  • Type - Select either Hungry Jacks Import or Crust Export options. Note : When the Hungry Jacks Import option is selected the IBA Scan Data field will be renamed to Host ID.
  • Settings - Select to open the Franchise Settings screen and configure the Import/Export settings. Note : This button is only enabled when a Type is selected.


Fuel Accounts


  • Drive Off Account - Displays/Enter the Account to be used to record Drive Off related Fuel Drive Off type transactions.
  • I.O.U. Account - Displays/Enter the Account to be used to record Fuel I.O.U type transactions.


Sub Filters

  • Location Sub Filters - Select to open the Search Location Filters screen to select the Location Sub Filters for the current Location. These are then used as an extra level of filtering when running Reports. By assigning up to 4 Sub Filter values to the current Location, this then allows for the effective filtering of reported data for similar groups of Locations that may be spread across multiple Location Groups (Venues).
  • GP Variance Filter - Select to open the Search GP Variance Filters screen to select a GP Variance Filter for the current Location. This is then used as an extra level of filtering when running Reports. These filters are set via Category/Groups Setup.


Import / Export


  • Host Store ID - Displays/Enter the Host Store ID that will be used when exporting Location specific sales data to third parties. The ID should be provided by the Third Party. Used in the Export Scan Data (IBA specific) feature and the BP SAP Export, amongst others.
  • GL Division - Displays/Enter the General Ledger Division identifier that will be used when exporting Location specific General Leger information for importing into external software.  Note : When exporting sales data using the Generic GL Export for MYOB and a MYOB Job # value has been set in the MYOB Export > Settings section, then the GL Division value entered here must be the same as that entered in the Job # field, to ensure data will be exported.
  • GL Prefix / Department / Branch Code - Displays/Enter one of the following depending on the currently registered General Ledger interface:
    • GL Prefix - Displays/Enter the GL Account Code Prefix. The value in this field is used in GL Exports.  Note : This field is the default field.

      • MYOB Export - If the Export with JOB Codes value is selected in the tabs where GL Accounts are assigned (in Settings), then the value specified here will be exported as the Job Code value for data exported from this Location.
      • MYOB Greentree - Will be used to generate the Account code to be exported.
    • Department - Displays/Enter the Department field required for the export. Note : This field is mandatory when registered and exporting data for MS Dynamics GP.
    • Branch Code - Displays/Enter the Branch Code field required for the export. Note : This field is mandatory when registered and exporting data for TechOne.

  • ERP Location / Location/Site - Displays/Enter one of the following depending on the currently registered General Ledger interface:


    • ERP Location - To be continued ...
    • Location/Site - Displays/Enter the Location/Site field required for the export. Note : This field is mandatory when registered and exporting data for MS Dynamics GP.


  • Payment Group - Displays/Enter the Payment Group used when exporting Supplier Invoices via the Oracle Financials export.
  • Customer No - Displays/Enter SAP Financial's Customer No provided by the Venue. This is used in the SAP Export interface.
  • Sales Office - Displays/Enter SAP Financial's Sales Office provided by the Venue. This is used in the SAP Export interface.
  • Cost Centre - Displays/Enter SAP Financial's Cost Centre provided by the Venue. This is used in the SAP Export interface.
  • Consolidate Scan Data Export - Select to consolidate sales data for the current Location when exporting via the Scan Data Export feature.
  • Post Financial Data - Select to ensure that Sale, Purchase and/or Terminal Cash Off related data (in the selected Location) is marked as 'to be exported' by the selected GL Interface used at the site.  Note : This does NOT apply to Inventory Transfers between Locations. These will always be exported regardless of the whether this option is selected or not.
  • Exclude from IBA Promotion - Select to ensure the Location is excluded when importing IBA Promotions.
  • Metcash
    • Webstore - Select to ensure the selected Location is flagged as a Metcash Webstore. Note : Selecting this option will require the Metcash eCommerce settings to be configured here, as well as Metcash Products to be assigned to Web flagged Families.
    • Account ID - Displays/Enter the Metcash Account Number specific to the current Location.
    • Site ID - Displays/Enter the Metcash Site ID used by Metcash to export ScanData. If no value is entered here, then the Venue???s Site ID will be used from Service Monitor.



  • New - Select to add a Location. Once selected the Search Location Groups screen will be displayed to facilitate the selection of a Location Group (Venue) to which the Location will be assigned. Once selected, the following New Location Record screen will be displayed.
  • Send Location - Creates an update to be sent out to all Terminals in that Location.
  • Save - Select to save changes.
  • Undo - Select to undo changes made.
  • Close - Select to exit.


Price Levels



This screen is accessed from here and is used to select which Price Levels will be assigned to the Location. The Price Levels listed here are those that have been selected for the Location Group (Venue) that the Location is assigned to.


You can choose which Price Levels you assign to the current Location. The simple solution for single Businesses/Venues is to assign all 10 Price Levels to all Locations in the Location Group (Venue). Otherwise you may be trying to settle a Bar Tab in a Location that does not contain those Price Levels.




  • # - Displays the Price Level Number.
  • Description - Displays the Price Level.


Grid Footer


Select the associated button to all or one of the following to open the Search Price Level by Location screen


  • Default Price Level - Select from the Price Levels available the default Price Levels to be assigned to the current Location.
  • Retail Price Level - Select from the Price Levels available the Recommended Retail Price (RRP) to be assigned to the current Location. Some Retail sites like to see a RRP price that they can then discount from to all other Price Levels. When savings are advertised, it is then in relation to the RRP and not the selling price of the Product.
  • Menu Board 2nd Price Level - This would normally be the Member's price for a Product so that the Menu Boards can show a Non-Member's price and a Member's price on the Menu Board. This must be a valid Price Level.
  • Base Member Price - This Price Level is ONLY used for reporting in the following reports:




  • Save - Select to save changes.
  • Save & Close - Select to save any changes and exit.
  • Close - Select to exit.


Member Price Levels



This screen is accessed from here, and is used to potentially map specific Price Levels to Member Member Classifications for the current Location. This allows for tiered Customer/Member pricing where Gold, Silver and Platinum Customer/Members can each be assigned different Price Levels at the SwiftPOS Touch terminal.


Deposit Thresholds



This screen is accessed from here, and is used to set the deposit thresholds that must be met when customers make an order through the web store online.


Contact Info



This screen is accessed from here, and is used to change/edit the Contact and other Details associated with the currently selected Location.


Note : The Contact Information recorded here can be used to print on Receipts by accessing the Print Fields via the Add Item button. Contact Information will be sourced from here. If all the fields in this screen are blank, then the Contact Information will be sourced from the Location Group (Venue) and finally from the Registration. Also, the ABN # will only be sent to the SwiftPOS Touch terminals as part of a Full Update, if a value has been entered in the Trading Name field.





This screen is accessed from here, and is used to select those taxes that are applicable to the current Location selected. Note : DO NOT select any taxes unless more than 4 taxes are displayed in this screen.


Front Office Mappings


This screen is accessed from here, and is used to map SwiftPOS Master Groups to Front Office Groups.


Trading Periods



This screen is accessed from here, and is used to configure the trading periods for the selected Location. Trading Periods are required to be configured to ensure the reporting and tracking of Cash Drawer open times.


New Location Record



This screen is accessed from here or here.


  • Location Number - Displays/Enter the Location Number for the New Location.
  • Copy cost price from Location - Select from the drop down list the Location from which the Cost Price of Products will be copied.
  • Only copy cost price when Active in Location - Select to ensure that the Cost Price will only be copied when the Products are active in the Location selected above.


Related Topics


  1. Administration
  2. Location Sub Filters
  3. POS - Change Terminal Location
  4. Price Levels