MSL Solutions


Back Office > Data Export > Data Portal > MSL Solutions




This feature is used to export SwiftPOS Sales, Stock Adjustments/Transfers/Stocktake Variances and Supplier Invoice related transaction data to MSL Connect (Micropower GL).


Depending on the Export option selected SwiftPOS will export the following:


  1. Sales Journals - When selected SWIFTPOS will export transaction data associated with the following:


    1. Sales - All Sales, Refunds, Account Charges/Payments, etc. Note : With regards to Account related transactions, the MSL Solutions export does not export individual Account (Debtor) specific data, but rather exports data that can be imported into MSL Connect in a single Trade Debtors account (and NOT into individual accounts).
    2. Inventory - All Stock Adjustments, Transfers, Wastage and Stocktake Variances.


  1. Creditor Journals - When selected SWIFTPOS will export transaction data associated with the following:


    1. All completed Supplier Invoices.


To Be Considered


  1. Note : It is mandatory that all assignment/mapping tabs have Accounts assigned/mapped. Any missed or overlooked will ensure Exporting is aborted.
    1. Media/Account Assignment
    2. Group/Account Assignment
    3. Inventory/Purchase Assignment
    4. Freight Expense Assignment
    5. Surcharge Expense Assignment
    6. Discount Account
    7. Bonus Discount Assignment
    8. Rounding Expense Assignment
    9. Purchase Tax Assignment




  1. Ensure that the Post Financial Data option is selected for those Locations for which Sales and Creditor Journal related data is to be exported. Note : This does NOT apply to Inventory Transfers between Locations. These will always be exported regardless of the whether this option is selected or not.
  2. Follow the Setup instructions below before commencing with the export of any data.
  3. It is recommended that all types of Transactions are tested and exported. It maybe necessary to enlist the assistance/expertise of an accountant to ensure that assignment/mapping of Accounts is done correctly.
  4. Once testing of all types of Transactions has completed, the Send Micropower General Ledger Financials can be enabled in the End of Day process. For more information ...




  1. In SwiftPOS Back Office > Data Export > Data Portal > MSL Solutions > Ledger Mapping - Create/Import the MSL Solutions Accounts required to assign/map SwiftPOS combinations found in the tabs to the right. For example, Media/Accounts Assignment, Group/Accounts Assignment, Inventory/Purchase Assignment, etc. The screenshot below provides an example of the basic Accounts required for an initial Export. Obviously this list can be customised and added to, to suit the requirements of individual sites and their corresponding MSL Solutions Account List (Chart of Accounts). Note : SwiftPOS does not require the whole of the MSL Solutions Account list to be setup, as only a small subset of these are actually used by the MSL Solutions Export feature.



This tab is accessed from SwiftPOS Back Office > Data Export > Data Portal > MSL Solutions > Ledger Mapping and is used to create a list of MSL Solutions Accounts that will be used by the Export feature.


Account Setup




  • Account Code - Displays the Accounts that have either been added/imported. These Accounts will be used to assign/map in the tabs to the right of the Account Setup tab.
  • Description - Displays the Account description
  • GL Account Group - Select from the drop down list.




  • Add Row - Select to add a row to the grid.
  • Delete Row - Select to delete the currently selected row.
  • Import GL Codes - Select to import GL Account Codes.


As a guide and at a minimum the Accounts needed to be available/configured in MS Dynamics GP are as follows:

  1. Asset Type Accounts
    1. Undeposited Funds - An account to which Cash payments/refunds from sales made can be posted.
    2. Clearing Account - An account to be used as a default account for the assigning/mapping of SwiftPOS Location/Media combinations.
    3. Accounts Receivable/Trade Debtors - An Account to which Customer/Member Account Charges/Payments can be posted.
    4. Inventory - Accounts to which Stock Sales generated transaction data can be posted.
  2. Liability Type Accounts
    1. Tax - Accounts to which GST Collected and Paid can be posted.
  3. Income Type Accounts
    1. Sales - Accounts to which income/revenue from sales made can be credited.
    2. Surcharge - An Account to which Supplier Invoice related Surcharges can be posted.
  4. Expense Type Accounts
    1. Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) - Accounts to which the Cost of Goods from sales can be posted.
    2. Stock Adjustments - Accounts to which Stocktake and Stock Adjustments (Receipts, Adjustments, Damaged Goods, Returns, Promotions and Wastage) generated transaction data can be posted.
    3. Unders & Overs - An Account to which variances in POS Terminal Cash Offs can be posted.
    4. Freight - An Account to which Supplier Invoice related Freight Charges can be posted.
    5. Discount/Bonus Discount - An Account to which Supplier Invoice related Discounts can be posted.
    6. Rounding/Misc Charges - An Account to which Supplier Invoice related Rounding/Misc Charges can be posted.


Note : For sites with multiple Locations, they may choose to create Location specific Accounts. Obviously this list will vary from site to site and will also be dependent on the site's specific Chart of Accounts (Account List). Liaise with Accountants to ensure the Accounts required are configured correctly.


  1. Using the tabs to the right of the Account Setup tab, assign/map the SwiftPOS Location/Media, Location/Master Group and Location entries in the grid of each tab, to the appropriate MSL Solutions Accounts (as created in step 1 above). This can be done by using the Quick setup options available in the header section of the tabs, or by selecting from the drop down list of Account Codes, listed on the right hand side of the grid, in each of the tabs. Note : All grid entries in each of the tabs MUST BE assigned/mapped to MSL Solutions Accounts.











These screenshots are an example of the assignments/mappings required for one Location. This will need to be repeated for all other Locations in a multi Location site.


Note : It is highly recommended that ALL grid entries in ALL tabs are assigned/mapped to a MSL Solutions Account.




  1. Backup your MSL Solutions GL data.
  2. Prior to exporting for the first time, it maybe necessary to ensure that all transactions to date are marked as exported. Previous years transactions may not need to be exported and therefore will need to be marked as exported. This can be done by using the Mark ALL as Exported buttons in the screen below.
  3. Once all transactions have been marked as exported, then reset transactions for the specific dates that need to be exported to MSL Solutions. This can be done using the Reset buttons in the screen below.
  4. Export for both the Sales Journals and the Creditor Journals for the dates reset.
  5. Note : Once all the setup (above) has been completed, it is highly recommended to initially export to MSL Solutions manually (ie. NOT as part of the End of Day). Once all problems have been identified and resolved, then it can be included as part of the End of Day process.
  6. After each export check the journals have imported correctly.



This screen is accessed from SwiftPOS Back Office > Data Export > Data Portal > MSL Solutions > MSL Connect Export.


This screen is used to facilitate the export of Sales Journal and Creditor Journal (Supplier Invoices) data from SwiftPOS. This Sales Journal data includes both Sales and Inventory related transactions, while the Creditor Journal data includes completed Supplier Invoice data.




  • HTTP Address - Displays/Enter the URL provided, that represents the MSL Connect portal.
  • MSL Connect Version - Select from the drop down list.
  • Club ID - Displays/Enter the site's Club ID provided.


Sales Journals


  • Include in Export - Select one or more of the following options:
    • COGS - Select to ensure Cost of Goods sold will also be included as part of the Sales Journal data exported.
    • Transfers - Select to ensure Transfers between Locations are included as part of the Sales Journal data exported. Note : Once selected and Saved, the Mark as Exported option will be enabled, allowing Stock Transger transactions for a specific Location and prior to and including a selected Trading Date, to be marked as exported.
    • Stock Adjustments - Select to ensure Stock related Receipts, Adjustments, Damaged Goods, Returns, Wastage and Promotions are included as part of the Sales Journal data exported. Note : Once selected and Saved, the Mark as Exported option will be enabled, allowing Stock Adjustment transactions for a specific Location and prior to and including a selected Trading Date, to be marked as exported.
    • Stocktake - Select to ensure Stocktake variances are included as part of the Sales Journal data exported. Note : Once selected and Saved, the Mark as Exported option will be enabled, allowing Stocktake variance transactions for a specific Location and prior to and including a selected Trading Date, to be marked as exported.
  • Export - Select to invoke the export. Once completed a prompt will be displayed confirming completion or otherwise.
  • Reset - Select to display the prompt below to select a Location Group (Venue), Location and Trading Date to ensure that all Sales Journal related transactions (including those selected in the Include in Export section) prior to and including the selected date are Marked as NOT Exported, so that they CAN be exported. Note : When Resetting and Exporting Journals again, make sure that they DO NOT result in duplicate Journals when imported into MSL Connect.



  • Location Group - Select from the drop down list the Location Group (Venue) for which data will be Reset.
  • Location - Select from the drop down list the Location for which data will be Reset.
  • Trading Date - Select from the calendar the Trading Date for which data will be Reset. Note : Resetting is limited to a single date at a time.
  • OK - Select to Reset.
  • Cancel - Select to exit without Resetting.


Note : When Resetting and exporting Journals again, make sure that they DO NOT result in duplicate Journals when imported into MSL Connect.


  • Mark as Exported - Select to display the prompt below to select a Location Group (Venue), Location and Trading Date to ensure that all Sales Journal related transactions (including those selected in the Include in Export section) prior to and including the selected date are Marked as Exported, so that they CANNOT be exported.



Note : This is usually recommended when initially configuring SwiftPOS to export to MSL Connect for the first time and there is a requirement that all previous Sales Journal related transactions are marked as Exported.


  • Location Group - Select from the drop down list the Location Group (Venue) for which data will be Marked as Exported.
  • Location - Select from the drop down list the Location for which data will be Marked as Exported.
  • Trading Date - Select from the calendar the Trading Date, prior to which and including, all data will be Marked as Exported.
  • OK - Select to Reset.
  • Cancel - Select to exit without Resetting.


Note : When Resetting and Exporting Journals again, make sure that they DO NOT result in duplicate Journals when imported into MSL Connect.


Creditor Journals


  • Export, Reset and Mark as Exported - Similar to the same features outline above in the Sales Journals section, except that it now applies to completed Supplier Invoice related data.
  • Include in EOD - Select to ensure Creditor Journals will also be included as part of the daily export when the EOD Send Micropower General Ledger Financials option is selected.


End of Day


To ensure Sales Journals and Creditor Journals are exported daily, ensure the following has been done:


  1. Complete the steps outlined in the Pre-Requisites above.
  2. Ensure the Include in EOD option is selected the Creditor Journals section.
  3. Ensure the Send Micropower General Ledger Financials option is selected in the End of Day screen for the Location Groups (Venues) for which transactions will be exported.
  4. Confirm the End of Day Run Time is correctly configured.
  5. The first time the End of Day runs, check the Event Logs > SwiftPOS Services > End of Day Services.
  6. Note : The first time the MSL Solutions Export runs successfully as part of the End of Day process, the export files generated will contain Journals for ALL Transactions that are NOT marked as Exported.




When importing into the MSL Connect, the following issue(s) maybe encountered:


Issue Encounterd


A JournalVerificationError is being returned from the MSL Connect API that SwiftPOS is posting too.

This is a general error that covers a number of different situations but it basically means MSL Connect has rejected the Journal posting due to one of following most common reasons:


  1. The Journal is unbalanced - Has the Details Transaction Media (SLM007) report been checked for the possibility of a Variance (bottom of the report)being reported. If there is a Variance, then the transaction(s) causing it will need to be identified and corrected.
  2. The Journal is being posted into a Closed Period - Check that the GL Period being posted is NOT closed in MSL Connect.



If none of the above have been helpful, then please ensure a ticket is raised by emailing Ensure that as part of the email the following is detailed:

  1. The site's name
  2. The Trading Date(s) / Location(s) which are causing the issue encountered.
  3. A copy of the SwiftPOS Event Log entries pertaining to the issue.

Once the ticket is logged, the MSL support team will assist in resolving the issue.


Related Topics


  1. Data Export
  2. Reseller Help - For General Ledger Integration information
  3. Import/Export Overview