Back Office > Data Export > Data Portal > MYOB AR
This feature is used to export SwiftPOS Sales, Stock Movements, Supplier Invoices and Terminal Cash Off Variances to MYOB AccountRight (AR) using the MYOB AR API. It integrates with both Local and Cloud based MYOB AR Company Files.
Depending on the Export option selected SwiftPOS will export the following:
- General Journals - When selected SWIFTPOS will export transaction data associated with the following:
- Sales - All Sales, Refunds, Account Charges/Payments, etc. Note : With regards to Account Charges/Payments, Journals will be posted in MYOB AR to a single Debtors Account rather than to individual Accounts (Debtors).
- Stock Movements - All Stock Adjustments, Damages, Receipts, Returns, Transfers, Wastage and Stocktakes.
- Purchase Journals - When selected SWIFTPOS will export transaction data associated with the following:
- Supplier Invoices - All completed Invoices. Note : The Import/Sync Suppliers will ensure all Suppliers in MYOB AR are imported/synced with SwiftPOS Suppliers. For more information ...
- Terminal Cash Offs - When selected SWIFTPOS will export transaction data associated with the following:
- All Cash Offs that have been saved/committed in the Back Office and for which a variance was recorded. Note : Cash Offs that balance will NOT be exported.
Also, two Import options are available:
- Import Chart of Accounts - When selected and the appropriate connection to MYOB AR has been established, the MYOB AR Chart of Accounts will be imported to enable the assigning/mapping of Accounts.
- Import/Sync Suppliers - When selected and the appropriate connection to MYOB AR has been established, the MYOB AR Suppliers will be imported / synced to enable the exporting of Supplier Invoices. For more information ...
To Be Considered
- Note : The MYOB AccountRight interface DOES NOT currently export Job Code data, as is done using the MYOB Export interface.
- Note : All assigning/mapping tabs MUST HAVE Accounts assigned/mapped in all rows. The assigning/mapping tabs are:
- Clearing Accounts
- Sales Accounts
- Inventory Accounts
- Freight Charges
- Rounding/Misc Accounts
- Use the Exclude from Export Account (listed as the first entry in the Account drop down lists in the mapping tabs) to ensure specific Location/Media, Location/Master Group and Location entries are excluded from being exported. Note : Caution must be taken when using the Exclude from Export Account, as it can potentially result in unbalanced Journals being generated and these will NOT successfully import into MYOB AR.
- Stock transfers between Locations that exist in different Location Groups (Venues), is supported when exporting to a single MYOB AR Company file. Obviously MYOB AR Accounts will need to be configured for the Locations in question.
- For Location Groups (Venues) that have the Track Individual Location Costs option selected, transfers between Locations will be exported, with the value of the transfer calculated based on the cost of the Products in the From Location (at the time of the Transfer).
- Any errors encountered when exporting data into MYOB AR, can be viewed in the Event Logs > SwiftPOS Applications > SwiftPOS SQL Application.
- To make use of this feature, sites will need to be registered for the General Ledger MYOB AccountRight interface. This may incur an additional charge. To confirm charges, email
- To making use of a Local Connection Type, ensure that the MYOB Add-On Connector is running. This should be running as a Background Process in Windows Task Manager as MYOB.AccountRight.API.AddOnConnector.exe.
- We recommend the site's accountant provide the login credentials of a user that is configured in MYOB AR with Administrator rights. This is to ensure that a successful connection can be established via the API and that all necessary functions can be carried out between SwiftPOS and MYOB AR using the the MYOB AR API. Alternatively a new user (for example, swiftpos) can be configured in MYOB AR in support of establishing a connection between SwiftPOS and MYOB AR. This can be achieved as follows:
- Ensure that the Post Financial Data option is selected for those Locations for which General Journal, Purchase Journal and Terminal Cash Off related data is to be exported. Note : This does NOT apply to Stock Transfers between Locations. These will always be exported regardless of the whether this option is selected or not.
- In SwiftPOS:
- For sales of GST Free items, the following will need to be considered:
- Create 1 or more Master Groups for GST Free Product Groups.
- Create 1 or more Product Groups for GST Free Products.
- Assign the Product Groups, created above, to the appropriate GST Free Master Group.
- Assign all Products that are assigned to Categories that are GST Free (see Tax Setup) to the GST Free Product Groups created above. That will also need to include SYSTEM PLUs (especially, Rounding).
- In the Data Portal > MYOB AccountRight > Settings, ensure the mappings in the Sales Accounts and Inventory Accounts tabs for the new Master Groups are correctly mapped. That is, in the case of the Sales Accounts tab the GST Free Master Groups need to be mapped to a GST Free Sales Account (with a Tax Code of FRE) created in MYOB AR above.
- For sales of GST Free items, the following will need to be considered:
- Create GST Free Accounts (with a Tax Code of FRE) to ensure that ultimately, the GST Free Master Groups created above can be mapped to these.
- Ensure a Freight Account has been linked to Purchases. This can be done in MYOB AR via the Setup > Linked Accounts > Purchases Accounts - Make sure a Freight Account is selected in the I pay freight on purchases > Expense or Cost of Sales Account for Freight field.
- Establishing Connection the first time:
- Using a Local Connection:
- Select the Local option from the Connection Type drop down list and Save the change.
- Select the select button to the right of the drop down list.
- When the Select a Company File screen is displayed, select the appropriate Company File from the list and select Ok.
- Select Save to save the changes.
- Select the Import Chart of Accounts button.
- At the Login prompt, login using the User configured above, and select Ok.
- At the Confirmation prompt select Yes.
- Once the Import is completed, an Information prompt confirming the successful Import will be displayed.
- Using a Cloud Connection:
- Select the Cloud option from the Connection Type drop down list and Save the change.
- Select the select button to the right of the drop down list.
- At the MYOB Sign In prompt, login using the your MYOB AR account credentials.
- Enter the generated Authentication Code from the Authentication App. The Google Authenticator App will need to be downloaded onto your smartphone.
- When the Select a Company File screen is displayed, select the appropriate Company File from the list and select Ok.
- Select Save to save the changes.
- Select the Import Chart of Accounts button.
- At the Login prompt, login using the User configured above and select Ok.
- At the Confirmation prompt select Yes.
- Once the Import is completed, an Information prompt confirming the successful Import will be displayed.
- Follow the Setup instructions below before commencing with the export of any data.
- Ensure MYOB AR is backed up before exporting/importing. In the event something goes wrong, then at least the MYOB AR data can be restored from the backup.
- It is recommended that all types of Transactions are tested and exported.
- It maybe necessary to enlist the assistance/expertise of an accountant to ensure that from the MYOB AR end, all transactions are posted correctly.
- In SwiftPOS Back Office > Data Export > Data Portal > MYOB Account Right > Settings - Import the MYOB AR Chart of Accounts required to assign/map SwiftPOS combinations found in the tabs to the right. For example, Clearing Accounts, Sales Accounts, Inventory Accounts. Freight Charges and Rounding/Misc Charges tabs. The screenshot below provides an example of the Accounts required for an initial Export. Obviously this list can be customised and added to, to suit the requirements of individual sites and their corresponding MYOB AR Account list (Chart of Accounts).
This tab is accessed from here and is used to configure and establish a connection via the MYOB AR API, as well as import a list of MYOB AR Accounts that will be used by the Export feature to assign/map to SwiftPOS Location/Media, Location/Master Group combinations and SwiftPOS Locations in the tabs to the right.
Lists the MYOB AR Accounts that have been imported using the Import Chart of Account button. Alongside the MYOB Account #, MYOB Account, Tax Code and Account Type are also listed.
As a guide and at a minimum the Accounts needed to be available/configured in MYOB AR are as follows:
Note : For sites with multiple Locations, they may choose to create Location specific Accounts. Obviously this list will vary from site to site and will also be dependent on the site's specific Chart of Accounts (Account List). Liaise with Accountants to ensure the Accounts required are configured correctly. |
- Using the Clearing Account, Sales Account, Inventory Accounts, Freight Charges and Rounding/Misc Charges tabs to the right of the Accounts tab, assign/map the SwiftPOS Location/Media, Location/Master Group and Location entries in the grid of each tab, to the appropriate MYOB AR Accounts (as imported in step 1 above). This can be done by using the Quick setup options available in the header section of the tabs, or by selecting from the drop down list of Accounts, listed on the right hand side of the grid, in each of the tabs. Note : All grid entries in each of the tabs MUST BE assigned/mapped to MYOB AR Accounts.
Note : If the Exclude from Export Account is used to assign/map a Location/Master Group combination, then it MUST be selected in both columns for the same entry. That is, select in both the Cost of Sales and Sales Account columns.
Note : The Account assigned/mapped above for the purposes of posting Freight will need to be setup as a Linked Account for Purchases in MYOB AR. To do this, following the step outlined below:
The above screenshots are an example of the assignments/mappings required for one Location. This will need to be repeated for all other Locations in a multi Location site.
Note : It is highly recommended that ALL grid entries in ALL tabs are assigned/mapped to a MYOB AR Account. Use the Exclude from Export Account (listed as the first entry in the Account drop down lists in the assigning/mapping tabs) to ensure specific Location/Media, Location/Master Group and Location entries are excluded from being exported. Note : Caution must be taken when using the Exclude from Export Account, as it can potentially result in unbalanced Journals being generated and these will NOT successfully import into MYOB AR. |
- Lastly, ensure that SwiftPOS Suppliers in SwiftPOS are Imported/Synced with those in MYOB AR. Suppliers are matched using the SwiftPOS MYOB AR Card ID field and the Card ID field in MYOB AR.
- Backup SwiftPOS and the MYOB AR Company File data.
- Prior to exporting for the first time, it maybe necessary to ensure that all transactions to date are marked as exported. Previous years transactions may not need to be exported and therefore will need to be marked as exported. This can be done by using the Mark ALL as Exported buttons in the screen below.
- Once all transactions have been marked as exported, then reset transactions for the specific Trading Dates that need to be exported to MYOB AR. This can be done using the Reset buttons in the screen below.
- Export for General Journals, Purchase Journals and/or Terminal Cash Offs for the Trading Dates reset.
- Backup your MYOB AR data.
This screen is accessed from here.
This screen is used to facilitate the manual export of General Journal and Purchase Journal data as well as Terminal Cash Offs from SwiftPOS. General Journal data includes both Sales and Stock Movement transaction data. Purchase Journal data includes completed Supplier Invoice data and Terminal Cash Offs only include those Cash Off Declarations that have recorded a variance.
General Journals
- Location Group - Select from the drop down list the Location Group for which data will be exported.
- Trading Date - Select from the drop down list of dates the date for which data is to be exported. Note : Once exported, the Transactions exported will be marked as exported and the date will be removed from the drop down list. This will ensure that the same data is not exported multiple times.
- Export - Select to invoke the export. Once completed a prompt will be displayed confirming completion.
- Reset - Select a Trading Date to ensure that General Journal related transactions for that date are flagged as NOT Exported, so that they can be exported again. Select to display the following prompt:
Note : When Resetting and exporting Journals again, be sure that they DO NOT result in duplicate Journals when imported into MYOB AR. |
- Mark ALL as Exported - Select to ensure ALL General Journal related data in SwiftPOS is marked as exported. Note : This is usually recommended when initially configuring SwiftPOS to export to MYOB AR for the first time. There is a requirement that all previous (historical) General Journal related transactions are marked as Exported.
Purchase Journals
- Similar to the General Journals above, except that it now applies to completed Supplier Invoice related data.
Terminal Cash Offs
- Similar to the General Journals above, except that it now applies to committed Terminal Cash Offs that have recorded a variance. Note : The Unders & Overs Media will need to be mapped to an appropriate MYOB AR Account in the Clearing Accounts tab in Settings, in order for Cash Offs to be exported correctly. Also, once exported, these will appear as General Journals in MYOB AR.
MYOB AR End of Day
MYOB AR has NOT as yet been included in the End of Day process. Any requirement for this feature will need to be requested as an enhancement.
Select a Company File
This screen is accessed from here and is used to select a MYOB AR Company File for the purposes of establishing a connection and exporting data to via the MYOB AR API.
When using the MYOB AR Export feature, the following issues maybe encountered:
MYOB AR Issue Encountered |
Explanation/Action Required |
Error: A CONNECTION was NOT able to be ESTABLISHED with MYOB AR. Triggered : When attempting to establish a connection with MYOB AR using a Local Connection Type, and after entering the MYOB AR User credentials in the Login prompt. Explanation : This error is usually returned by MYOB AR when the MYOB Add-On Connector is NOT running. Action Required : Ensure the MYOB Add-On Connector is running and try again. For more information ... |
Error: MYOB AR returned the following error: 401 Unauthorised Triggered : When attempting to establish a connection with MYOB AR. For example when trying to import the Chart of Accounts. Explanation : This error is returned by MYOB AR when an attempt is being made to login into MYOB AR via the API and the login details provided are incorrect or the user is insufficiently authorised. Action Required : Ensure the correct login details are provided and/or the user name entered has the correct permissions within MYOB AR. For more information ... |
Attention: Supplier MYOB AR Card IDs need to MATCH in both systems Triggered :
Explanation : The prompt is displayed when Suppliers in SwiftPOS do NOT have a MYOB AR Card ID value set, and for which Invoices have been found that have not been exported.
Action Required :
Error: Error: 210 Supplier has not supplied ABN number Triggered : Sometimes when trying to export Purchase Journals.
Explanation : When a Supplier Invoice has been selected for export (when exporting Purchase Journals) and the Supplier associated with the Invoice does not have an ABN number configured in MYOB AR.
Action Required : Ensure that all Suppliers associated with the Invoices being exported have ABN numbers configured in MYOB AR. For more information ... |
Error: The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error. Triggered : Sometimes when trying to connect to a Company File using AccountRight 2020.3, when a previous version of AccountRight hasn't been installed before.
Explanation : Since AccountRight version 2020.2 release, SQL CE (Compact Edition) 3.5 is no longer bundled with AccountRight versions since 2020.2. Instead it is now bundled with SQL CE 4.0. However, the Add On Connector still requires some aspects of SQL CE 3.5 to function correctly.
Action Required : It is recommended to download and install SQL CE 3.5 from here. If this fails to resolve the issue, we recommend that you download and install AccountRight 2020.1. This can be installed alongside 2020.3, and does not need to be used. This version will install the necessary SQL CE 3.5 components. |
Error: The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found. Triggered : This issue can sometimes occur when :
Explanation : An Account does not exist in MYOB AR for a Journal that is being exported. This can be caused by an Account being deleted in MYOB AR and the account is still mapped in SwiftPOS, and thus the export is attempting to export a Journal that is using the Account that can't be found in MYOB AR. Action Required : It is recommended to ensure that all mappings currently used are mapped to Accounts in MYOB AR that currently exist. If the Account in question is not easily identified, then it may be necessary to take drastic measures and do the following (However, this should only be done as a last resort, and should only be done in a TEST environment first):
Explanation : A Supplier has not been configured in MYOB AR for an Invoice that is being exported.
Action Required :
Error: The IMPORT / SYNC of Suppliers has COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY Triggered : After Importing/Syncing Suppliers.
Explanation : This Information prompt is displayed as a result of the Importing/Syncing of Suppliers, and provides the results of the Import/Sync process.
Action Required : None, if NO Suppliers are reported that could NOT be SYNCED. If Suppliers are reported, then those Suppliers will need to be configured in MYOB AR so that the can be Imported/Synced and subsequently their Invoices exported. Once configured try importing/syncing Suppliers again.
Note : Suppliers created in MYOB AR and imported into SwiftPOS for the first time (that is, they are also created in SwiftPOS via the Importing/Syncing Suppliers process, will need to be flagged as Active in SwiftPOS in order to be able to be able to receipt goods from them. |
Importing/Syncing Suppliers
To Be Considered
- Note : Please be aware that the Import/Sync process will NEVER add/update Supplier related information in MYOB AR.
- Inactive Suppliers - Suppliers that are flagged as Inactive in MYOB AR will NOT be Imported/Synced with SwiftPOS Suppliers.
- Supplier Matching - The Card ID value in MYOB AR associated with a Supplier is used to match with the MYOB AR Card ID field associated with Suppliers in SwiftPOS. Active Suppliers in MYOB AR with a Card ID, that cannot be matched to a SwiftPOS Supplier (using the MYOB AR Card ID) will be added (by the Import/Sync Suppliers process) in SwiftPOS along with the address details, etc.
- Name & Address Details - Supplier Name and Address details will ONLY be imported/updated in SwiftPOS when a Supplier is found in MYOB AR and does not exist in SwiftPOS and is imported for the first time, or when a Supplier is matched in both applications. Supplier Name and Address details will NOT be updated in MYOB AR as a result of the Import/Sync Suppliers process. Only SwiftPOS Supplier Name and Address details will be updated.
- For sites with Suppliers configured in both SwiftPOS and MYOB AR.
When setting up an existing SwiftPOS site for the first time to export Invoice related data to MYOB AR, we recommend the following:
- Identify all Suppliers in SwiftPOS that will require Invoice data to be exported to MYOB AR. These are generally all currently Active Suppliers in SwiftPOS.
- For each of the Suppliers identified above and for which a corresponding Supplier exists in MYOB AR, ensure that the value of the SwiftPOS MYOB AR Card ID field is the same as the Card ID field held against the same Supplier's Card details in MYOB AR. This will ensure Suppliers are matched in both systems and will not result in duplicate Suppliers being created in SwiftPOS.
- For each of the Suppliers identified above and for which NO corresponding Supplier exists in MYOB AR, ensure the Supplier is created in MYOB AR and has a Card ID field value the same as the Supplier's MYOB AR Card ID field in SwiftPOS.
- For sites where SwiftPOS is being installed for the first time:
When setting up a new SwiftPOS site or the first time to export Invoice related data to MYOB AR, we recommend the following:
- Run the Import/Sync Suppliers process. This will add Suppliers into SwiftPOS for all MYOB AR Active Suppliers that have a Card ID value set.
The importing part of the Import/Sync Suppliers process refers to the importing of Suppliers into SwiftPOS from MYOB AR. These Suppliers must meet the following criteria to be imported:
- The Supplier is flagged as an Active Supplier in MYOB AR.
- The Supplier has a Card ID value set.
- The Supplier has not been imported into SwiftPOS before.
Once a Supplier has been identified as being eligible for importing, the Name, Card ID and Address details relating to that Supplier will be imported.
The syncing part of the Import/Sync Suppliers process refers only to the updating/syncing of the Suppler Name, MYOB AR Card ID and Address details in SwiftPOS to ensure these are in sync with MYOB AR. Card ID values associated with MYOB AR Suppliers are updated in the corresponding MYOB AR Card ID field in SwiftPOS. Suppliers must meet the following criteria to be synced:
- The Supplier is flagged as an Active Supplier in MYOB AR.
- The Supplier has a Card ID value set.
- The Supplier previously existed in SwiftPOS and has the same Card ID value set in the MYOB AR Card ID field.
- The Supplier was previously imported into SwiftPOS as part of a previous MYOB AR Import/Sync Suppliers process, and therefore a link now exist between the two application for that Supplier.
Once the Import/Sync process has completed, an Information prompt will be displayed similar to the one below:
x Suppliers Imported - Refers to the number of Suppliers for which NO match was found in SwiftPOS and as a result was imported from MYOB AR.
x Suppliers Synced - Refers to the number of Suppliers for which a match was found between SwiftPOS and MYOB AR. based on the matching of the SwiftPOS MYOB AR Card ID field and the MYOB AR Card ID field.
x Suppliers in SwiftPOS could Not be Synced with a Supplier in MYOB AR - Refers to the number of Active SwiftPOS Suppliers for which a no match was found in MYOB AR. These Suppliers should be added to MYOB AR, or made Inactive in SwiftPOS. To view a list of these, select Yes in the prompt. A sample of the report generated can be seen below.
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