Back Office > Data Export > Data Portal > MYOB
This feature is used to export SwiftPOS Sales, Stock Movements ,Supplier Invoices and Terminal Cash Off Variances transaction data to MYOB.
Depending on the Export option selected SwiftPOS will export the following:
- General Journals - When selected SWIFTPOS will export transaction data associated with the following:
- Sales - All Sales, Refunds, Account Charges/Payments, etc. Note : With regards to Account related transactions, the MYOB export does not export individual Account (Debtor) specific data, but rather exports data that can be imported into MYOB in a single Debtors Account (and NOT into individual Debtor Accounts).
- Stock Movements - All Stock Adjustments, Transfers, Wastage and Stocktake Variances.
- Purchase Journals - When selected SWIFTPOS will export transaction data associated with the following:
- Supplier Invoices - All completed Invoices. Note : Suppliers in SwiftPOS will need to be configured in MYOB prior to importing into MYOB. For more information ...
- Terminal Cash Offs - When selected SWIFTPOS will export transaction data associated with the following:
- All Cash Off that have been saved/committed in the Back Office and for which a Variance was recorded. Cash Offs that balance will NOT be exported.
- Supplier Details - When selected SwiftPOS will export all Supplier Details, so that they can be imported as MYOB Supplier Cards. For more information ...
To Be Considered
- This feature now supports the Export of data in a format that is compliant with importing into MYOB AccountRight 2015 and Later. Ensure the appropriate MYOB AccountRight Version is selected in the Settings > Accounts tab.
- Note : All assigning tabs MUST HAVE Accounts assigned. Unassigned Accounts may cause errors. The assigning tabs are:
- Clearing Accounts
- Sales Accounts
- Inventory Accounts
- Rounding/Misc Accounts
- Note : Do NOT assign/map to MYOB Heading Accounts, as these cannot be posted to.
- Use the Exclude from Export Account (listed as the first entry in the Account drop down lists in the assign/mapping tabs) to ensure specific Location/Media, Location/Master Group and Location entries are excluded from being exported. Note : Caution must be taken when using the Exclude from Export Account, as it can potentially result in unbalanced Journals being generated and these will NOT successfully import into MYOB.
- Stock transfers between Locations that exist in different Location Groups (Venues), is supported when exporting to a single MYOB Company file. Obviously MYOB Accounts will need to be configured for the Locations in question.
- For Location Groups (Venues) that have the Track Individual Location Costs option selected, transfers between Locations will be exported, with the value of the transfer calculated based on the cost of the Products in the From Location (at the time of the Transfer).
- Any errors encountered when importing data into MYOB, can be viewed by opening the MYOBLOG.TXT file. This file is usually found by default in the same folder as the MYOB (.myo) file.
- To make use of this feature, sites will need to be registered for the General Ledger MYOB interface. This may incur an additional charge. To confirm charges, email
- Ensure that the MYOB Data Export Path is configured for those Location Groups (Venues) for which transactions will be exported for subsequent importation into MYOB.
- Ensure that the Post Financial Data option is selected for those Locations for which General Journal, Purchase Journal and Terminal Cash Off related data is to be exported. Note : This does NOT apply to Stock Transfers between Locations. These will always be exported regardless of the whether this option is selected or not.
- Follow the Setup instructions below before commencing with the export of any data.
- Ensure MYOB is backed up before importing from SwiftPOS. In the event something goes wrong, then at least the MYOB data can be restored from the backup.
- It is recommended that all types of Transactions are tested and imported into MYOB. It maybe necessary to enlist the assistance/expertise of an accountant to ensure that from the MYOB end, all transactions are posted correctly.
- Once testing of all types of Transactions has completed, the MYOB Export can be optionally included as part of the End of Day process. For more information ...
- In SwiftPOS Back Office > Data Export > Data Portal > MYOB > Settings - Create the MYOB Accounts required to assign/map SwiftPOS combinations found in the tabs to the right. For example, Clearing Accounts, Sales Accounts, Inventory Accounts and Rounding/Misc Charges tabs. The screenshot below provides an example of the Accounts required for an initial Export. Obviously this list can be customised and added to, to suit the requirements of individual sites and their corresponding MYOB Account list (Chart of Accounts). Note : Account Codes added must consist of 5 numeric digits and must be unique.
This tab is accessed from here and is used to configure a list of MYOB Accounts that will be used by the Export feature to assign/map to SwiftPOS Location/Media, Location/Master Group combinations and SwiftPOS Locations in the tabs to the right.
Grid Footer
As a guide and at a minimum the Accounts needed to be available/configured in MYOB AR are as follows:
Note : For sites with multiple Locations, they may choose to create Location specific Accounts. Obviously this list will vary from site to site and will also be dependent on the site's specific Chart of Accounts (Account List). Liaise with Accountants to ensure the Accounts required are configured correctly. |
- Using the Clearing Account, Sales Account, Inventory Accounts and Rounding/Misc Charges tabs to the right of the Accounts tab, assign/map the SwiftPOS Location/Media, Location/Master Group and Location entries in the grid of each tab, to the appropriate MYOB Accounts (as imported in step 1 above). This can be done by using the Quick setup options available in the header section of the tabs, or by selecting from the drop down list of Accounts, listed on the right hand side of the grid, in each of the tabs. Note : All grid entries in each of the tabs MUST BE assigned/mapped to MYOB Accounts.
Note : It is highly recommended that ALL grid entries in ALL tabs are assigned/mapped to a MYOB Account. Use the Exclude from Export Account (listed as the first entry in the Account drop down lists in the assigning/mapping tabs) to ensure specific Location/Media, Location/Master Group and Location entries are excluded from being exported. Note : Caution must be taken when using the Exclude from Export Account, as it can potentially result in unbalanced Journals being generated and these will NOT successfully import into MYOB. |
- Lastly, ensure that SwiftPOS Supplier Details are matched with those in MYOB. The SwiftPOS Supplier ID should assign to its relevant Card ID in the Supplier Card List in MYOB. For more information ...
Setup For A Multiple MYOB Company File Site
The SwiftPOS MYOB feature does support the exporting of transaction data from multiple Location Groups (Venues) to their own specific MYOB Company file. However, attention will need to be given to Account numbers. The SwiftPOS MYOB feature only supports one Chart of Accounts (List of Accounts). So the Accounts created in the Accounts tab will have to accommodate each of the Location Group (Venue) Company files. Accounts that have the same numbers across multiple MYOB Company files, but are used for different purposes will pose a problem. The Accounts tab in MYOB > Settings does not allow duplicate Account numbers. This will mean that these Accounts will need to be renumbered in MYOB. We recommend that Accounts that have the same purpose (for example, Trade Debtors, Under & Overs, Rounding/Misc Charges, etc) be numbered the same in each of the different Company files. This will make assigning/mapping Accounts much easier. However, We do suggest liaising with an Accountant to ensure the Accounts required are configured correctly.
- Backup your MYOB data.
- Prior to exporting for the first time, it maybe necessary to ensure that all transactions to date are marked as exported. Previous years transactions may not need to be exported and therefore will need to be marked as exported. This can be done by using the Mark ALL as Exported buttons in the screen below.
- Once all transactions have been marked as exported, then reset transactions for the specific dates that need to be exported to MYOB. This can be done using the Reset buttons in the screen below.
- Export for both the General Journals and the Purchase Journals for the dates reset. The export files generated will be Tab delimited (.TXT) files, and by default files will be written to the MYOB Data Export Path specified against each Location Group (Venue).
- Note : Once all the setup (above) has been completed, it is highly recommended to initially export to MYOB manually (ie. NOT as part of the End of Day). Once all problems have been identified and resolved, then it can be included as part of the End of Day process.
- In MYOB import the General Journals export files (GENERAL-YYYY_MM_DD_HH_MM_SSS.txt) by selecting File > Import Data > General Journal Entries.
- In MYOB import the Purchase Journals export files (SERVPUR-YYYY_MM_DD_HH_MM_SSS.txt) by selecting File > Import Data > Purchases > Service Purchases.
- In MYOB import the Terminal Cash Offs export files (CASHOFF-YYYY_MM_DD_HH_MM_SSS.txt) by selecting File > Import Data > General Journal Entries.
- After each export check the MYOBLOG.TXT file for any errors. This can be found in the same folder as the MYOB (.myo) file.
- Backup your MYOB data.
This screen is accessed from SwiftPOS Back Office > Data Export > Data Portal > MYOB > Export.
This screen is used to facilitate the export of General Journal and Purchase Journal data from SwiftPOS. This General Journal data includes both Sales and Stock Movement transaction data, while the Purchase Journal data includes completed Supplier Invoice data.
General Journals
- Location Group - Select from the drop down list the All or one of the Location Groups for which data will be exported.
- Include in EOD - Select to include as part of the End of Day (EOD) MYOB Export.
- Export Path - Displays the MYOB Data Export Path set against the selected Location Group (Venue). Select the Open Folder icon to open and view the content. Note : The Open Folder icon will only be displayed if a MYOB Data Export Path has been configured for the selected Location Group (Venue).
- Trading Date - Select from the drop down list of dates the date for which and export file is to be created. Note : Once exported, the data exported will be marked as exported and the date will be removed from the drop down list. This will ensure that the same data is not exported multiple times.
- Export - Select to invoke the export. Once completed a prompt will be displayed confirming completion. A file named similar to GENERAL-2017_08_30_14_59_07_786.txt will be generated and written to the Export Path specified above.
- Reset - Select a Trading Date to ensure that General Journal related transactions for that date are flagged as NOT Exported, so that they can be exported again. Select to display the following prompt:
Note : When Resetting and exporting Journals again, be sure that they DO NOT result in duplicate Journals when imported into MYOB. |
- Mark ALL as Exported - Select to ensure ALL General Journal related data in SwiftPOS is marked as exported. Note : This is usually recommended when initially configuring SwiftPOS to export to MYOB for the first time (see Setup above) and there is a requirement that all previous General Journal related transactions are marked as Exported.
Purchase Journals
- Similar to the General Journals above, except that it now applies to completed Supplier Invoice related data. When the Export button is selected an export file will potentially be generated that will be named similar to SERVPUR-2017_08_30_14_59_42_615.txt and written to the Export Path specified.
Terminal Cash Offs
- Similar to the General Journals above, except that it now applies to committed Terminal Cash Offs that have recorded a variance. When the Export button is selected an export file will potentially be generated that will be named similar to CASHOFF-2017_08_30_14_59_07_786.txt and written to the Export Path specified. Note : When importing into MYOB, use the General Journal Import type, to import Terminal Cash Off Variances.
Exporting Supplier Details from SWIFTPOS
- In SwiftPOS Back Office > Data Changes Export > General Ledger Export > General Ledger Export Tab :
- Select OK when the following prompt is displayed:
- On completion the following 3 files will be written to the Export Folder set above:
Importing Supplier Details into MYOB
- Ensure Supplier Details have been exported from SwiftPOS Back Office.
- In MYOB select File > Import Data > Cards / Supplier Cards.
- The Import File screen will be displayed.
- In the Open screen select the folder selected/set in step 1 of the Export from SwiftPOS above.
- Select the All Files (*.*).
- Select the CREDITOR.TAB file and then select Open.
- When the Import Data screen is displayed, match the Import Fields manually.
- Once all fields are matched, Select Import to import the data.
- MYOB will display the results of the import once the import has completed. If needs be, the log file MYOBLOG.TXT can be viewed. This can be found in the same folder as the MYOB (.myo) file.
- Once successfully imported further editing of specific details may be necessary in MYOB. For example, Payment Terms, etc.
Importing into MYOB 2015 and Later
End of Day
To ensure General Journals, Purchase Journals and Terminal Cash Off Transactions are exported daily, ensure the following has been done:
- Complete the steps outlined in the Pre-Requisites above.
- Ensure the Include in EOD option is selected the General Journals, Purchase Journals and Terminal Cash Offs.
- Ensure the MYOB Export option is selected in the End of Day screen for the Location Groups (Venues) for which transactions will be exported.
- Confirm the End of Day Run Time is correctly configured.
- The first time the End of Day runs, check the Event Logs > SwiftPOS Services > End of Day Services. An example of the entries expected to be seen in the Event Log is shown below:
- Note : The first time the MYOB Export runs successfully as part of the End of Day process, the export files generated will contain Journals for ALL Transactions that are NOT marked as Exported. This will mean that once the EOD has processed, there should not be any Trading Dates available for export, when viewed in the Export screen, for each of the Location Groups (Venues) that have the MYOB Export option selected in the End of Day screen.
A MYOB Demo for Clearwater is available to Resellers to be downloaded for testing. Reseller Help - For General Ledger Integration information. In this demo the following Accounts have been setup :
Account Number |
Name |
11180 |
Undeposited Funds |
11400 |
Inventory - Rest |
11401 |
Inventory - BarBistro |
11700 |
Debtors (AR) |
41500 |
Sales Food - Rest |
41501 |
Sales Food - BarBistro |
41600 |
Sales Beverage - Rest |
41601 |
Sales Beverage - BarBistro |
41990 |
Sales Other - Rest |
41991 |
Sales Other - BarBistro |
51100 |
COGS Food - Restaurant |
51101 |
COGS Food - BarBistro |
51200 |
COGS Beverage - Rest |
51201 |
COGS Beverage - BarBistro |
51990 |
COGS Other - Rest |
51991 |
COGS Other - BarBistro |
52200 |
Inventory Adjustment - Rest |
52201 |
Inventory Adjustment - BarBistro |
62151 |
Wastage - Rest |
62152 |
Wastage - BarBistro |
These will have to be created in SwiftPOS as per the instructions above and then assigned to the Location/Media and Location/Master Group combinations as per above. All other Account Codes are already set up in the MYOB Demo that deal with GST collected and GST paid.
Once the Accounts have been created and the assigning has been completed, then test to ensure all transactions are imported successfully and posted correctly in MYOB.
Export File Formats
The following are the file formats currently supported by Swiftpos to export to MYOB AccountRight.
SwiftPOS Name |
MYOB Name |
Description |
Data Type |
Max Length |
Journal Number |
Journal Number |
Not Used |
Alphanumeric |
8 |
Date |
Date |
SwiftPOS (Receipt Date/Transaction Date) Trading Date in the format DD/MM/YYYY |
Alphanumeric |
10 |
Memo |
Memo |
A Description of the Journal Entry in the format: General Journal DD/MM/YYYY #NNN XXXX...XXX.txt, where DD/MM/YY is the Trading Date, NNN is the sequence number of the Journal as it appears in the export file and XXXXX is the exported file's name. For example General Journal 27/08/2019 #001 GENERAL-2019_08_28_07_55_51_931.txt. Note : This is only valid for the first line entry of the Journal. For the remaining lines the Memo field is left blank. |
Alphanumeric |
255 |
GST (BAS) Reporting |
GST (BAS) Reporting |
S = Sales (Supply) P = Purchase (Acquisition)
Set to 'S' for Sales and 'P' for Stock Movements |
Alphanumeric |
1 |
Tax Inclusive |
Tax Inclusive |
Not Used |
Alphanumeric |
1 |
Account Number |
Account Number |
SwiftPOS mapped Account specified in the Settings above |
Numeric |
5 |
Debit Ex-Tax Amount |
Debit Ex-GST Amount |
The Debit value exclusive of tax. |
Decimal |
15 |
Debit Inc-Tax Amount |
Debit Inc-GST Amount |
The Debit value inclusive of tax. |
Decimal |
15 |
Credit Ex-Tax Amount |
Credit Ex-GST Amount |
The Credit value exclusive of tax. |
Decimal |
15 |
Credit Inc-Tax Amount |
Credit Inc-GST Amount |
The Credit value inclusive of tax. |
Decimal |
15 |
Job |
Job |
SwiftPOS GL Prefix (from Location Full Edit) |
Alphanumeric |
15 |
Tax Code |
GST Code |
SwiftPOS Tax Code specified in the Accounts tab of the Settings screen above |
Alphanumeric |
3 |
Non-GST/LCT Amount |
Not Used |
Decimal |
15 |
Tax Amount |
GST Amount |
The amount of Tax applicable |
Decimal |
15 |
LCT Amount |
LCT Amount |
Not Used |
Decimal |
15 |
Import Duty Amount |
Import Duty Amount |
Not Used |
Decimal |
15 |
Currency Code |
Currency Code |
Not Used |
Alphanumeric |
15 |
Exchange Rate |
Exchange Rate |
Not Used |
Decimal |
15 |
Allocation Memo |
Allocation Memo |
Not Used |
Alphanumeric |
255 |
Category |
Category |
Not Used |
Alphanumeric |
3 |
- Purchase Journals
SwiftPOS Name |
MYOB Name |
Description |
Data Type |
Max Length |
CoName |
Co./Last Name |
SwiftPOS Supplier Name |
Alphanumeric |
50 |
First Name |
First Name |
Not Used |
Alphanumeric |
20 |
Addr1 |
Addr1 - Line 1 |
Not Used |
Alphanumeric |
255 |
2 |
- Line 2 |
Not Used |
Alphanumeric |
3 |
- Line 3 |
Not Used |
Alphanumeric |
4 |
- Line 4 |
Not Used |
Alphanumeric |
Inclusive |
Inclusive |
X = Amount is Inclusive
Set to 'X' |
Alphanumeric |
1 |
PO |
Purchase # |
Not Used |
Alphanumeric |
8 |
Date |
Date |
SwiftPOS Invoice Date, in the format DD/MM/YYYY |
Alphanumeric |
10 |
Inv |
Supplier Invoice # |
SwiftPOS Invoice No |
Alphanumeric |
20 |
Ship |
Ship Via |
Not Used |
Alphanumeric |
20 |
Prt |
Delivery Status |
P = To be Printed E = To be Emailed B = To be Printed & Emailed A = Already Printed or Sent If field is left blank, the field will be set to P=To be Printed
Set to 'P' |
Alphanumeric |
1 |
Desc |
Description |
'Purchase' suffixed with the SwiftPOS Account Description (as specified in the Accounts tab of the Settings screen above). For example 'Purchase: Inventory - CW Bottle Shop ' |
Alphanumeric |
255 |
Acct |
Account # |
SwiftPOS mapped Account specified in the Settings above |
Numeric |
5 |
Amt |
Amount |
The value exclusive of Tax |
Decimal |
15 |
IncTaxAmt |
Inc-Tax Amount |
The value inclusive of Tax |
Decimal |
15 |
Job |
Job |
SwiftPOS GL Prefix (from Location Full Edit) |
Alphanumeric |
15 |
Comment |
Comment |
Not Used |
Alphanumeric |
255 |
JnlMemo |
Journal Memo |
Not Used |
Alphanumeric |
255 |
ShipDate |
Shipping Date |
Not Used |
Alphanumeric |
10 |
TaxCode |
GST Code |
SwiftPOS Tax Code specified in the Accounts tab of the Settings screen above |
Alphanumeric |
3 |
Non-GST Amt |
Non-GST Amount |
SwiftPOS Non Tax value applicable |
Decimal |
15 |
GST Amt |
GST Amount |
SwiftPOS Tax value applicable |
Decimal |
15 |
DutyAmt |
Import Duty Amount |
Not Used |
Decimal |
15 |
FreightAmt |
Freight Amount |
SwiftPOS Freight amount exclusive of Tax |
Decimal |
15 |
IncTaxFrAmt |
Inc-Tax Freight Amount |
SwiftPOS Freight amount inclusive of Tax |
Decimal |
15 |
FrTCode |
Freight GST Code |
SwiftPOS Tax Code specified in the Accounts tab of the Settings screen above |
Alphanumeric |
3 |
FrNonGST |
Freight Non-GST Amount |
SwiftPOS Non Tax Freight value applicable |
Decimal |
15 |
Freight GST Amount |
SwiftPOS Freight Tax value applicable |
Decimal |
15 |
FrD |
Freight Import Duty Amount |
Not Used |
Decimal |
15 |
Purchase Status |
Purchase Status |
B - Bill O - the purchase is an order Q - the purchase is a quote Any other character or no character indicates the purchase is a bill.
Not Set |
Alphanumeric |
1 |
Currency Code |
Currency Code |
Not Used |
Alphanumeric |
3 |
Exchange Rate |
Exchange Rate |
Not Used |
Decimal |
11 |
PayDue |
Terms - Payment is Due |
0 = COD 1 = Prepaid 2 = In a Given # of Days 3 = On a Day of the Month 4 = # of days after EOM 5 = Day of Month after EOM
Set to '5' |
Alphanumeric |
1 |
DiscDs |
- Discount Days |
Based on Payment is Due code above:
Currently set to '1' |
Numeric |
3 |
BalDue |
- Balance Due Days |
Based on Payment is Due code above:
Currently set to '31' |
Numeric |
3 |
%Disc |
- % Discount |
Currently set to '0' |
Decimal |
5 |
Paid |
Amount Paid |
Not Used |
Decimal |
15 |
Category |
Category |
Not Used |
Alphanumeric |
15 |
Card ID |
Card ID |
SwiftPOS Supplier ID |
Alphanumeric |
15 |
- Terminal Cash Offs
Same as the format for General Journals above.
Each Export file generated in this format has the {} characters in the first record.
Field Name |
MYOB Name |
Description |
Data Type |
Max Length |
{} |
First Record Only |
Journal Number |
Journal Number |
Not Used |
Alphanumeric |
255 |
Date |
Date |
SwiftPOS (Receipt Date/Transaction Date) Trading Date in the format DD/MM/YYYY |
Alphanumeric |
10 |
Memo |
Memo |
A Description of the Journal Entry in the format: General Journal DD/MM/YYYY #NNN XXXX...XXX.txt, where DD/MM/YY is the Trading Date, NNN is the sequence number of the Journal as it appears in the export file and XXXXX is the exported file's name. For example General Journal 27/08/2019 #001 GENERAL-2019_08_28_07_55_51_931.txt. Note : This is only valid for the first line entry of the Journal. For the remaining lines the Memo field is left blank. |
Alphanumeric |
255 |
GST (BAS) Reporting |
GST (BAS) Reporting |
S = Sales (Supply) P = Purchase (Acquisition)
Set to 'S' for Sales and 'P' for Stock Movements |
Alphanumeric |
1 |
Inclusive |
Inclusive |
Not Used |
Alphanumeric |
1 |
Account Number |
Account Number |
SwiftPOS mapped Account specified in the Settings above |
Numeric |
5 |
Is Credit |
Is Credit |
N = Debit Y = Credit |
Alphanumeric |
1 |
Amount |
Amount |
The value inclusive of Tax |
Decimal |
15 |
Job |
Job |
SwiftPOS GL Prefix (from Location Full Edit) |
Alphanumeric |
15 |
Tax Code |
Tax Code |
SwiftPOS Tax Code specified in the Accounts tab of the Settings screen above |
Alphanumeric |
3 |
Tax Amount |
Tax Amount |
SwiftPOS Tax value applicable |
Decimal |
15 |
Allocation Memo |
Allocation Memo |
SwiftPOS Account Description (as specified in the Accounts tab of the Settings screen above) |
Alphanumeric |
255 |
Category |
Category |
Not Used |
Alphanumeric |
3 |
Is Year-End Adjustment |
Is Year-End Adjustment |
Not Used |
Alphanumeric |
1 |
- Purchase Journals
Field Name |
MYOB Name |
Description |
Data Type |
Max Length |
{} |
First Record Only |
Co./Last Name |
Co./Last Name |
SwiftPOS Supplier Name |
Alphanumeric |
50 |
First Name |
First Name |
Not Used |
Alphanumeric |
20 |
Addr1 - Line 1 |
Addr1 - Line 1 |
Not Used |
Alphanumeric |
255 |
Addr1 - Line 2 |
- Line 2 |
Not Used |
Alphanumeric |
Addr1 - Line 3 |
- Line 3 |
Not Used |
Alphanumeric |
Addr1 - Line 4 |
- Line 4 |
Not Used |
Alphanumeric |
Inclusive |
Inclusive |
X = Amount is Inclusive
Set to 'X' |
Alphanumeric |
1 |
Purchase No. |
Purchase No. |
Not Used |
Alphanumeric |
8 |
Date |
Date |
SwiftPOS Invoice Date, in the format DD/MM/YYYY |
Alphanumeric |
10 |
Supplier Invoice No. |
Supplier Invoice No. |
SwiftPOS Invoice No |
Alphanumeric |
20 |
Ship Via |
Ship Via |
Not Used |
Alphanumeric |
20 |
Delivery Status |
Delivery Status |
P = To be Printed E = To be Emailed B = To be Printed & Emailed A = Already Printed or Sent If field is left blank, the field will be set to P=To be Printed
Set to 'P' |
Alphanumeric |
1 |
Description |
Description |
'Purchase' suffixed with the SwiftPOS Account Description (as specified in the Accounts tab of the Settings screen above). For example 'Purchase: Rounding/Misc Charges - LG0 & LG1' |
Alphanumeric |
255 |
Account No. |
Account No. |
SwiftPOS mapped Account specified in the Settings above |
Numeric |
5 |
Amount |
Amount |
The value exclusive of Tax |
Decimal |
15 |
Job |
Job |
SwiftPOS GL Prefix (from Location Full Edit) |
Alphanumeric |
15 |
Comment |
Comment |
Not Used |
Alphanumeric |
255 |
Journal Memo |
Journal Memo |
Not Used |
Alphanumeric |
255 |
Shipping Date |
Shipping Date |
Not Used |
Alphanumeric |
10 |
Tax Code |
Tax Code |
SwiftPOS Tax Code specified in the Accounts tab of the Settings screen above |
Alphanumeric |
3 |
Tax Amount |
Tax Amount |
SwiftPOS Tax value applicable |
Decimal |
15 |
Freight Amount |
Freight Amount |
SwiftPOS Freight amount exclusive of Tax |
Decimal |
15 |
Freight Tax Code |
Freight Tax Code |
SwiftPOS Tax Code specified in the Accounts tab of the Settings screen above |
Alphanumeric |
3 |
Freight Tax Amount |
Freight Tax Amount |
SwiftPOS Freight Tax value applicable |
Decimal |
15 |
Purchase Status |
Purchase Status |
B - Bill O - the purchase is an order Q - the purchase is a quote Any other character or no character indicates the purchase is a bill.
Set to 'B' |
Alphanumeric |
1 |
Terms - Payment is Due |
Terms - Payment is Due |
0 = COD 1 = Prepaid 2 = In a Given # of Days 3 = On a Day of the Month 4 = # of days after EOM 5 = Day of Month after EOM
Set to '5' |
Alphanumeric |
1 |
Discount Days |
- Discount Days |
Based on Payment is Due code above:
Currently set to '1' |
Numeric |
3 |
Balance Due Days |
- Balance Due Days |
Based on Payment is Due code above:
Currently set to '31' |
Numeric |
3 |
% Discount |
- % Discount |
Currently set to '0' |
Decimal |
5 |
Amount Paid |
Amount Paid |
Currently set to '0' |
Decimal |
15 |
Category |
Category |
Not Used |
Alphanumeric |
15 |
Card ID |
Card ID |
SwiftPOS Supplier ID |
Alphanumeric |
15 |
Record ID |
Record ID |
Not Used |
Numeric |
10 |
- Terminal Cash Offs
Same as the format for General Journals above.
When importing into MYOB, the following errors maybe encountered:
MYOB Error |
Explanation |
Error -10: Invalid date. |
MYOB is expecting a date in the format DD/MM/YYYY. Generally this error will occur as a result of one of the following:
Error -11: Transactions dated before the beginning of your financial year may not be imported. |
This means Journals are being imported with a Transaction date that is NOT in MYOB's current financial year. MYOB does not allow the importing of Journals into Financial Years that have already been closed to posting. |
Error -15: Account number not found in list of postable accounts |
This means an Account has been used in the MYOB Export > Settings > Tabs that cannot be used to post transactions against. This could be because:
Error -19: Unbalanced transaction |
This means the total Debit side of the Journal does NOT equal the Credit side. The reason for the imbalance depends on the type of journal. For Sales related Journals:
Error -183: Duplicate Invoice Number. |
This means that the Purchase Journal in error already exists in MYOB. This would imply that it may be being imported more than once, OR an Invoice was created in MYOB with the same Supplier Inv# as the one being imported. Action to be taken:
Error -241: Supplier not found. Purchase order not imported. |
This means the Supplier ID associated with the Purchase Journal in error does NOT exist as a Supplier type Card ID in MYOB. Action to be taken:
Warning 301: Inc-Tax Amount does not equal sum of Ex-Tax Amount plus Tax Amounts; Ex-Tax Amount recalculated. |
This means the Purchase Journal in error, does not balance. The IncTaxAmt <> Amt + GST Amt. The Journal is imported regardless and the Ex-Tax Amount is recalculated by MYOB. Note : This scenario, in normal circumstances, should not occur. If it does then it needs to be investigated as to what is causing it. |
Related Topics
- Data Export
- Import/Export Overview
- Reseller Help - For General Ledger Integration information