Touch > Tools > Basic Tools > Terminal Settings > Peripheral List > NFC Card Reader > Edit
This menu item is used to configure NFC Reader settings.
To Be Considered
- Download and Install the driver for the NFC Reader from here.
- Reseller Help - For NFC Reader information
- If no NFC Reader exists in the list of Peripherals, then it will need to be added.
NFC Card Reader
This screen is accessed from here.
- Disabled/Enabled - Select to ensure the NFC Reader is disabled/enabled.
- Set Card Mask - Select to open the Card Masks screen and configure the Card Mask required. Leave this blank for variable length cards otherwise use the combination of Dash's and X's to mask the data on the card. Only data in the position's with a Capital X is read. For more information ...
- Test Read - Select to test. This number will be the "Alternate Member ID" against each Member set up in the Back Office.
- Data Area - Select to open the NFC Card Data Area settings screen:
- NFC Device - Select from the drop down list one of the available NFC devices attached to the SwiftPOS Touch terminal. The NFC reader must be installed using the drivers.
- Return Card UID - Select to return the RFID UID.
- Return Card Data - Select to return a specific block of Card Data from the RFID Card.
Touch Setup
- Add NFC Card Reader Peripheral
- Enable the Peripheral.
- Select the NFC Device from the Dropdown
- Select the Return Card type
- Return Card UID is old NFC style
- Return Card Data is the new NFC style.
- Go into the Data Area.
- Get Card type with card on reader.
- This tells you which type to select in the peripheral.
- Select the correct Card Type on the left.
- Read Card Data to see what is currently encoded on the card.
- Select a "Write Area" and select "Write to Block" to write the data to this block. ???DO NOT WRITE OVER SYSTEM BLOCKS
- Set a Card Mask to validate the Data you have written to the card.
Note : When the reader beeps, this just means it has detected a chip, not that it has finished reading the chip. If it beeps and you pull the chip away too soon, it will not read.
Sample Mifare/UltraLight Numbers from the SwiftPOS office.
04CFEF3A863280 - 1- UltraLight Wristband
04E0EC3A863280 - 2- UltraLight Wristband
04F0EC3A863280 - 3- UltraLight Wristband
04D4ED3A863280 - 4- UltraLight Wristband
10E90713 - 5- MIFARE 1K Compatible
E6057804 - 6- MIFARE 1K Compatible
04D5EF02842A80 - 7- Orange NFC Disk
04B70602842A84 - 8- Orange NFC Disk
E4ACD349 - 9- Purple Round NFC Disk
05B95C11 - 10- Purple Square NFC Disk
044DEFFA185080 - 11- UltraLight Wristband
Related Topics
- POS Configuration Index - Peripheral/Printer Related Configuration
- POS Operation
- POS Operations
- Touch Toolbar and Tools
- Reseller Help - For NFC Reader information
- Terminal Settings