POS Touch Installation




This document provides a complete guide for installing the SwiftPOS Touch software. The guide is broken up into steps, and must be followed in the order that they appear in the checklist below.


To Be Considered


  1. Windows 7 / 8 / 10 Installations - Please ensure you right click the Setup.exe and select “Run as Administrator” to ensure the installer has complete access to the system during installation. Failing that, you may need to turn off UAC reboot then install and if required turn UAC back on again when the installation is finished.
  2. OPOS Drivers - If the option is available to select either Windows or OPOS Printers, we recommend the use of Windows Drivers as they provide a greater range of functionality and flexibility. This applies to printers only. For OPOS driver information ... To download OPOS drivers ...




  1. System Requirements - For more information ...
  2. Windows Date/Time Settings - ensure the region is set correctly on every SwiftPOS Touch terminal to ensure sales data sent to the SwiftPOS Back Office has the correct date/time.
  3. Install SwiftPOS Back Office and Register if not already done.
  4. Keyboards - Ensure appropriate Keyboard Layouts are created in the SwiftPOS Back Office using the Keyboard Designer.


Installation Checklist


The following checklist should be used to ensure a trouble free installation of SwiftPOS touch and SwiftPOS Connect applications connected to a SwiftPOS Back Office.

Uninstalling software should only be performed when the application is being permanently removed from the Computer. Also note that uninstalling the software removes all Registration details. Reinstallation will require software to be re-registered.


Follow the steps in the order outlined below:


  1. Ensure the Pre-Requisites above have been met.
  2. Install Microsoft Point of Service for .Net (For OPOS devices only).
  3. Install SwiftPOS Touch.

This completes the installation for SwiftPOS Touch and supporting software.

  1. Getting Started
  2. Basic Configuration


Installation Guide




  1. Install SwiftPOS Touch on each SwiftPOS Touch terminal.


  1. Reseller Help - For downloading installer software information. Installers are available for the following:

    • SwiftPOS Touch
    • SwiftPOS Back Office
    • SwiftPOS Menu Board
    • SwiftPOS Kitchen Video System

  1. Unzip the downloaded SPTOUCH zip file and double click the .exe installer file. For example: SwiftPOS Touch Installer v6.exe.
  2. The install of SwiftPOS Touch will commence with the following popup appearing:

  1. Follow the prompts of the Install Wizard to complete the installation of SwiftPOS Touch.

  1. Select the program features to be installed.


  1. Ensure the Will be installed on local hard drive option (see below) is selected from the drop down list opposite the Touch feature to install SwiftPOS Touch.

  1. To use Touch Web applications, ensure the Will be installed on local hard drive option is selected from the drop down list opposite the Touch Web and the Setup IIS Application feature.

  1. Once the Install Wizard has completed, click Finish to exit the Wizard.
  2. The folders, application and settings files installed are located as per the table below.



    1. Launch the SwiftPOS Touch application from the Windows Start Menu > All Programs > SwiftPOS > Point of Sale > SwiftPOS Touch.
    2. The first time the Startup Wizard will be invoked. For more information ...
    3. Click on Start up Wizard and assign a SwiftPOS Touch terminal number that was previously created in the SwiftPOS Back Office. (1-999,999 is the preferred Terminal Numbers).
    4. SwiftPOS Touch will automatically pick up your DNS/IP Address for the local PC and the light will go green to display that you are connected to the SwiftPOS Connect. The default IP is 127.0.01 for the local PC.
    5. At this stage you will have no PLU Data in SwiftPOS Touch so you will need to request a PLU update from the Server.
    6. Run the Update to import your SwiftPOS Back Office Data file into SwiftPOS Touch.
    7. The Sales "AJL" files will appear in the directory that was specified in the SwiftPOS Back Office. This is normally C:\SwiftPOS
    8. Changes to PLU data including pricing will get sent automatically to the SwiftPOS Touch terminals on 1-5 minute intervals
    9. Select Help options "?" to bring up the help files.
    10. You can download updates from the internet within the SwiftPOS Back Office application.
    11. Daily Backups.




    1. Select the the Tools button to open Basic Tools and then select the Change Keyboard option choose the required Keyboard layout.


SwiftPOS Touch Startup Wizard


  1. When SwiftPOS.Touch.exe is run for the first time the SwiftPOS Startup Wizard screen below is invoked.


This wizard will be shown any time SwiftPOS Touch can not find a valid Settings.xml file in the SwiftPOS Touch folder.

If you wanted to get all the settings from another SwiftPOS Touch terminal in the same site, then you could exit SwiftPOS Touch and delete the "Settings.xml" so that this wizard will launch the next time you start SwiftPOS Touch.

This is the recommended option rather then doing a manual copy of XML files between SwiftPOS Touch terminals and editing the Terminal ID using Notepad.

Click Next

  1. Networking Settings


Enter the Terminal ID (as setup in the SwiftPOS Back Office) to be used for this SwiftPOS Touch terminal.

  1. Load Settings


  • Start with completely blank settings - Starts without any of the default settings set.
  • Load Default Template (Recommended) - This is the recommended start-up for a new installation.
  • Restore settings from SwiftPOS Back Office - the terminal settings must have been backed up in SwiftPOS Back Office previously.
  • Restore Settings from File - Restore the settings from a local backup of the settings.
  • Restore Settings from Another Terminal - Select to display a Enter Terminal Number prompt (see below) to restore the settings from another terminal. This will retain the terminal number set in the previous step.

  1. Database


Choose whether to create a new SDF or keep an existing SDF. If you had sales in an existing SDF database, then you may wish to keep that database, otherwise SwiftPOS Touch will create a new database.


Files & Folders


SwiftPOS Folder


This folder located on each SwiftPOS Touch terminal, is used as local storage to move all data between the SwiftPOS Touch terminals and SwiftPOS Connect software. If all the sales have been processed then the entire directory can be deleted at any time when SwiftPOS Touch is NOT running.

Settings and Configuration Files


Receipt Printer Configuration


Printer Commands


Tender Key Configuration


SwiftPOS Touch Configuration


Function Key Menu Settings

Application File


SwiftPOS Touch Application - The following command line switches are available for use:

/L:(Left),(Top):(Width),(Height) - Where the Left and Top values determine the position and the Width and height values determine the size of the SwiftPOS Touch screen. For example, /L:100,100:800,600

Database File


SwiftPOS Touch SQL Database.


Delayed Start


It maybe necessary to delay the start up of SwiftPOS Touch to ensure that printers, video display drivers and other peripherals are all running prior to starting. This can be achieved by making a .cmd or .bat file and then launch this file from the Startup folder. Below are examples of .cmd files that can be used to delay the start up of SwiftPOS Touch or Reception:


File Name

File Content


Rem This will wait 60 seconds to start SwiftPOS Touch. Change the time if required.

Start C:\SwiftPOSTouch\SwiftPOS.Touch.exe


Rem This will wait 60 seconds to start SwiftPOS Reception Software. Change the time if required.

ping -n 60>null

Start C:\SwiftPOSTouch\SwiftPOS.Reception.exe



Configure Multiple SwiftPOS Touch terminals



Using Backup Settings to Server in the Server Tools menu, it is possible to quickly configure multiple SwiftPOS Touch terminals, avoiding the laborious job of having to manual configure settings (for example, Card Masking, etc.) for each individual terminal. To achieve this, follow the steps below:


  1. Install and configure settings for the first SwiftPOS Touch terminal - POS Terminal 1.
  2. Select the Backup Settings to Server menu item and save the settings.
  3. Install and run the SwiftPOS Touch Startup Wizard for each subsequent SwiftPOS Touch terminal.
  4. For each run of the Wizard ensure the Restore Settings from Another Terminal option is selected and enter the Terminal Number of the POS Terminal 1 configured in step 1 above.
  5. This will copy all the settings to the new SwiftPOS Touch terminals.


SwiftPOS Touch Command Line options


SwiftPOS.Touch.exe [/TS:SessionName] [/D:DatabaseFileName] [/S:SettingsFileName] [/P:PeripheralFileName] [/L:x,y /W:w,h]

  • /TS:SessionName - Used to start touch as an individual Terminal Session, allowing multiple Touch sessions to be launched. For example, /T:Restaurant. This will result in a separate folder called Restaurant, created in C:\SwiftPOSTouch\Users\<Username> to store the SDF database, settings, etc.
  • /D:DatabaseFileName - Used to specify a database (.sdf) file other than the default. For example, /D:DemoTouch.sdf. Note : The database file specified must be located in the same folder as the default database file (SwiftTouch.sdf).
  • /H:{Tools,Title,Status,All} - Used to hide either the Toolbar, Title, Status or All to hide all 3.
  • /K:n - Used to launch Touch using the Keyboard ID (n) to override the Touch set Keyboard. Where n is the Keyboard ID.
  • /L:x,y - Used to specify the X-axis/Y-axis screen co-ordinates of where the Touch screen is to be located on the screen. For example, /L:0,200. Note : Both x and y values must be specified. Only applicable when NOT used with the /TS command line option, and when used with the /W command line option.
  • /M:n|t,l:w,h - Used to specify the monitor, position and size when launching Touch. Where n is the number identifying the monitor, t is the position relative to the top of the screen, l is the postion relative to the left side of the screen, w is the width and h is the height. For example:
    • /M:1 - Will launch Touch on the Monitor identified as 1. If the nominated Monitor (n) does not exist, then Touch will launch on the last used Monitor available.
    • /M:3|0,0:1024,768 - Will launch Touch on Monitor 3 and positioned to the Top Left corner (0,0) and resized to 1024 x 768 (1024,768).
    • /M:3|MAX - Will launch Touch on Monitor 3 and maximise it to the screen size. If using MAX instead of Position:Size then Touch will be launched to maximum size of the selected Monitor


  • /S:SettingsFileName - Used to specify a settings (.xml) file other than the default. For example, /S:DemoSettings.xml. Note : The settings file specified must be located in the same folder as the default settings file (Setings.xml).
  • /P:PeripheralFileName - Used to specify a Peripherals (.xml) file other than the default. For example, /S:DemoPeripherals.xml. Note : The settings file specified must be located in the same folder as the default settings file (Peripherals.xml).
  • /W:w,h - Used to specify the width/height settings for the size of the Touch screen to be displayed. For example, /W:1024,768. Note : Both w and h values must be specified. Only applicable when NOT used with the /TS command line option, and when used with the /L command line option.


Related Topics


  1. Back Office Installation
  2. Daily Backups
  3. KVS Installation
  4. Installation
  5. Menu Board Installation
  6. On Screen Receipt Printer
  7. OPOS Drivers
  8. POS Configurations
  9. Reseller Help - For downloading installer software information
  10. Web Applications Overview