Pager System Settings


Touch > Tools > Basic Tools > Terminal Settings > Peripheral List > Pager System > Edit




The Pager System Peripheral is used to connect a Pager System to the SwiftPOS Touch terminal.


To Be Considered


  1. If a Pager System Peripheral has not been added, then add it. For more information ...
  2. Triggering Pagers from multiple SwiftPOS Touch terminals:
    1. An Ethernet to RS232 Converter will be needed for RS232 type Pagers.
    2. A virtual com port will need to be setup on each of the SwiftPOS Touch terminals that want to trigger a Pager.


Paging System



Accessed from here and is used to configure the settings required to establish connection between the SwiftPOS Touch terminal and a selected Paging System.


Select from the following options:


  • Pager Type - Select from the drop down list one of the following to configure the settings:


LRS Settings



Accessed from here and is used to configure the settings for a LRS supplied Pager System.


  • RS232 Settings - Select to open the RS232 Settings screen and configure.
  • Quiet/Loud - Select to set the volume of the Pager.
  • Options - Select from the drop down list the preferred alert mode.
  • Power - Select from the drop down list the preferred power option.


Boomerang Settings



Accessed from here and is used to configure the settings for a Boomerang supplied Pager System.


  • RS232 Settings - Select to open the RS232 Settings screen and configure.
  • Function - Select from the drop down list one of the predefined Functions. Refer to the suppliers manual.
  • Site ID - Enter the Site ID.  Refer to the suppliers manual.


UniPage Settings



Accessed from here and is used to configure the settings for a UniPage supplied Pager System.


  • RS232 Settings - Select to open the RS232 Settings screen and configure. Note : The default baud rate is 19200 for the UniPage Pager System.
  • Tone Type - Select from the drop down list one of the predefined Tone Types. Refer to the suppliers manual.
  • RF Baud - Select from the drop down list one of the Baud rates. Refer to the suppliers manual.


BTG NP14 Settings



Accessed from here and is used to configure the settings for a BTG NP14 supplied Pager System.


  • TCP/IP Settings - Select to open the TCP/IP Settings screen and configure.
  • Tone Type - Select from the drop down list one of the predefined Tone Types. Refer to the suppliers manual.
  • RF Baud - Select from the drop down list one of the Baud rates. Refer to the suppliers manual.
  • Base ID - Displays/Set the Base ID.


Generic ASCII IP Paging Interface - (SECOM NotifyMe)



Accessed from here and is used to configure the settings for a SECOM NotifyMe supplied Pager System.


  • TCP/IP Settings - Select to open the TCP/IP Settings screen and configure.


This interface is also used for Pagers





Accessed from here and is used to configure the settings for a Holman supplied Pager System.


  • Connected To - Select to open the SQL Server Connection Set-Up prompt to configure the SQL connection details to connect to the database that contains the RunnerLog table. Generally this is a site's own database and not the SwiftPOS database. Ensure the connection is established and is successful.




  1. Ensure KVS Pro has been configured and is in operation.
  2. Ensure a Pager System Peripheral type has been added to the KVS Pro.
  3. Ensure the Holman type has been selected and configured.
  4. Ensure the Pager option is selected in the Customer Alerts tab.
  5. Ensure the Function Customer Alert (#580) POS Key is added to the appropriate Layout using the Keyboard Designer, and is configured as follows:


Note : Ensure the Do not prompt for Pager Number option is selected.




  1. Start a sale at the POS and add some items.
  2. Select the Customer Alert (#580) POS Key. The following prompt will be displayed:


The displaying of the above message can be suppressed by selecting the Suppress Message option.


  1. Finalise the sale or save the sale to a Table.
  2. From the KVS, bump the entire order.
  3. A record will be written to the RunnerLog table which will subsequently be handled by the Holman paging system.


Related Topics


  1. POS - Pager Operation
  2. POS - Reason Codes POS Key Settings
  3. POS - Touch Alerts - Cash Drawer Limits
  4. POS Configuration Index - Peripheral/Printer Related Configuration
  5. POS Operation
  6. POS Operations
  7. Touch Toolbar and Tools
  8. Terminal Settings