Price Change Operations


Touch > Change Local Prices (#83), Item Price (#8), Price Change (#505), Price Levels (#100)  POS Keys.




Used to change the Product prices at a SwiftPOS Touch terminal.


To Be Considered


  1. If required, restricting access to this POS Keys can be managed by Clerk Security.
  2. Where applicable multiple Price Change related POS Keys can be added to a keyboard with each being preset to a specific Family.
  3. Prices of Products assigned to a Special/Promotion or Happy Hour cannot be changed.
  4. If required, enforcing Clerks/Staff at the SwiftPOS Touch terminals to provide reasons for the price change can be achieved by ensuring that the Enforce Reason Code settings have been configured. These settings are accessed from here.
  5. Note : Adding a Customer/Member to the sale in a Location that has a Member Price Level set will override the Price Level change applied. Ensure the Customer/Member is added to the sale BEFORE applying the Price Level change to the item(s).
  6. Note : The Local Price Change will be reset the next time a Full Update is done at the same SwiftPOS Touch terminal.




  1. Ensure the Function Change Local Prices, Item Price, Price Change and Price Levels POS Keys are added to the appropriate Layout using the Keyboard Designer.
  2. In the case of the Price Change POS Key and for Fuel registered sites, ensure the following:


    1. A Family has been created in the SwiftPOS Back Office and ensure all relevant Fuel Products are assigned to it.
    2. A Fuel Product Group has been setup and has been flagged as Wet Stock.
    3. Both the Wet Stock option is selected and Fuel is selected in the Family Filter in the setting of the Price Change POS Key.




  1. Change Local Price - Settings

Used to change the price of a Product at a SwiftPOS Touch terminal. Given that it is a local change, the price will remain unchanged at other SwiftPOS Touch terminals and in the SwiftPOS Back Office. Also, the next time a Full Update is applied at the SwiftPOS Touch terminal where the Local Price was changed, the price will revert back to the Back Office price as provided by the Full Update.


  1. At the SwiftPOS Touch terminal, select the Change Local Prices POS Key.
  2. Select the Product POS Key for which the price change is required. Note : Prices of Products displayed at the POS as a result of a Category Prompt POS Key cannot be changed using this POS Key.
  3. A numeric keypad will be displayed to enable the entry of the new price.
  4. If required select more Products by repeating Steps 2 and 3.
  5. Once all prices have been set , select the Change Local Prices POS Key end the price change operation.
  6. Select the Apply Pending Changes option from the Updates button on the Toolbar to ensure that the Keyboard prices are updated.


  1. Item Price Change - Settings

The price change will only be applicable to the item selected in the sales grid.


  1. At the SwiftPOS Touch terminal, sell items at the SwiftPOS Touch terminal.
  2. Select one of the items in the sales grid.
  3. Select the Item Price POS Key.
  4. Enter the single item price for the selected item.
  5. The item's sale price will be recalculated and displayed in the sales grid.
  6. Finalise the sale.


  1. Change Price Level - Settings

With the POS Key setting Next Item Only option selected the price change will only be applicable to the next item sold. For more POS Key setting options available ... Note : Adding a Customer/Member to the sale in a Location that has a Member Price Level set will override the Price Level change applied. Ensure the Customer/Member is added to the sale BEFORE applying the Price Level change to the item(s).


  1. At the SwiftPOS Touch terminal, select the Price Levels POS Key.
  2. At the Price Levels prompt select the Price Level.


  1. Sell an item at the SwiftPOS Touch terminal.
  2. The item's sale price will be displayed in the sales grid based on the Price Level selected.
  3. Finalise the sale.
  4. Price Level change transactions can be viewed in the SwiftPOS Back Office via the Search Transactions screen by entering the text 'PLC' in the String field or via the report Price Level Change Audit by Reason report.


  1. Price Change - Settings


  1. At the SwiftPOS Touch terminal, select the Price Change POS Key.
  1. If the following error message is displayed, ensure the correct SwiftPOS Back Office database has been configured against the Price Level settings at the SwiftPOS Touch terminal.


  1. The Custom Price Change Wizard screen is displayed. If the POS Key has been configured appropriately the screen will be populated with Products.
  2. Select a Price to change.
  3. Enter the new Price.
  4. Select Save and confirm changes.
  5. Prices will be sent to the POSTEC Fuel Controller.
  6. Wait until all Prices have been updated in POSTEC before commencing with further sales.


  1. Price Changes Overview
    1. Change POS Price - To change the local sell price of an item at the SwiftPOS Touch terminal, make use of the Change Local Prices (#83) POS Key. The price change will NOT be applied to other SwiftPOS Touch terminals and will not be propagated to the SwiftPOS Back Office. Also, the changed price will be overridden at the SwiftPOS Touch terminal the next time a Full Update is sent.
    2. Change Product Price - To change the prices of multiple Products from a SwiftPOS Touch terminal and have these propagated to the SwiftPOS Back Office as well, make use of the Price Change (#505) POS Key. The price change will be propagated to other SwiftPOS Touch terminals the next time a Full Update is sent.


Custom Price Change Wizard



This screen was specifically designed to enable remote stores to update their own Pricing.


Grid Footer


  • Update Fuel Prices - Select to ensure price changes are sent back to the POSTEC Fuel Controller. Note : This option will only be displayed if Fuel Pump Interface Peripheral has been configured at the SwiftPOS Touch Terminal.


Change Local Prices POS Key Settings



This screen is accessed from here.


  • Enforce Reason Code - Select to enforce the Clerk/Staff Member to select/enter a Reason for changing the price of the selected Product. For more information ...


Item Price POS Key Settings


This POS Key is used to change the current sell price of an item.



  • Allow Mix and Match / Campaign Item Replace - Select to ensure that a Price change can be applied to the currently selected item in the sales grid, even though it is also included in a currently active Mix n Match or Member Campaign. Without this option selected, the message 'Cannot change the price of a item with Mix and Match or Campaigns' will be displayed when trying to change the price of an item that is included in a currently active Mix n Match or Member Campaign.



This screen is accessed from here.


Select the Families of Products that CANNOT have their Price Changed when using the Item Price (#8) POS key.


  • Add All - Select to add all the Families listed in the Family List to the Families Not Allowed.
  • Clear - Select to remove all the Families from the Families Not Allowed.
  • > - Select to add the Family selected in the Family List to the Families Not Allowed.
  • < - Select to remove the Family selected in the Families Not Allowed and return it to the Family List.


The following prompt will be displayed at the SwiftPOS Touch terminal when the Item Price POS key is selected for an item/product that is assigned to a Family listed in the Families Not Allowed grid:



Price Change POS Key Settings



This POS Key is used to open the Custom Price Change Wizard screen to allow for price changes to multiple Products.


  • Wet Stock - Select to ensure the Price Change POS Key only applies to those Products assigned to the Product Group that is flagged as Wet Stock. This is used mainly for Fuel sites for updating the Fuel prices. If selected, ensure that a Fuel Family is setup and selected to ensure that when the Price Change POS Key is selected the Custom Price Change Wizard screen is populated with all the Fuel Products.


  • Family Filter - Select from the drop down list the Family of Products for which Price Changes will apply.


  • Always Print Receipt - Select to ensure that a receipt is always printed.


    • Number of Copies - Displays/Enter the number of copies to be printed.


  • Email Receipt


    • Enable Email Price Change Receipt - Select to enable. Note : Email will need to be configured here correctly for this feature to function.
    • eMail - Displays/Enter the email address of the recipient to which the Price Change notification is to be sent.
  • Use updates set from Back Office - To be continued ...


Sample of a Price Change Docket



Price Level POS Key Settings



This screen is accessed from here.


  • Enforce Reason Codes - Select to ensure the Clerk/Staff Member will be forced to select a reason for the price change from the following drop down list:

  • Select to display either all of the Reasons or only those associated with the selected Group.

  • Price Level - Select from the drop down list either one of the following:


Choose from the available Price Levels and it will remain on the selected Price Level until it is changed to another Price Level. The Price Level description is displayed in the sales grid at the SwiftPOS Touch terminal.

  • Selected at Touch - Select to ensure the Price Levels pop up is displayed to cater for the selection of a Price Level, OR
  • Zero Price - Select to sell at a zero price.
  • Open Price - Select to manually enter the price.
  • Other Price Levels - Select from one of the Price Levels listed, the Price Level to be changed to, when the Price Level POS Key is selected at the SwiftPOS Touch terminal. The Price Levels displayed here are as per the setup in the SwiftPOS Back Office. It is recommended that you select all 10 Price Levels in the SwiftPOS Back Office.


  • Select from one of the following :

    • Permanent - Select to ensure the Price Level change is applied permanently, that is across multiple sales. Once applied, items will be sold at the selected Price Level until either a Full Update is sent, or the Price Level is changed again, or a Happy Hour/Special/Promotion is activated at the SwiftPOS Touch terminal.
    • Full Sale - Select to ensure the price is changed for all items currently in the sale as well as any new items added to the sale.
    • Next Item Only - Select to ensure that the price change applies to only the next item in the sale.
    • Selected Item - Select to ensure the price change applies only to the item currently selected in the sale.
    • New Items - Select to ensure the price change applies to only new items added to the sale. This will not change the price of items already in the sale.

  • Allow to Choose Price Level Zero - Select to allow staff to choose the Zero Price level.
  • Allow to Choose Open Price Level - Select to allow staff to choose the Open Price level.


Related Topics


  1. POS - Reason Codes POS Key Settings
  2. POS - Server Tools - Back Office Price Change
  3. POS Configurations
  4. POS Operations
  5. Touch Toolbar and Tools
  6. Reports - Sales - Price Level Change Audit by Reason report
  7. Scheduled Price Level Changes
  8. Terminal Settings