Product Groups


Back Office >Products > Category/Groups > Reporting Product Group tab




This tab is used to create and maintain Product Groups. Product Groups are primarily used for reporting purposes. For example, Product Groups could be Spirits, Bulk Beer, Tap Beer, Wines, etc. Multiple Products can be assigned to one Product Group, but only one Product can be assigned to one Product Group.


Product Groups can also be assigned to one Master Group, which provides a further level of grouping/summarisation when reporting. A typical Business/Venue may have between 50-100 Product Groups that are all assigned to just 3 Master Groups. For example, Food, Beverage and Other. A maximum of 999 Product Groups can be created. using the numbers 1 - 999.


Product Grouping in SwiftPOS : Products > Product Group > Master Group


To Be Considered


  1. When adding new Product Groups or modifying existing Product Groups, give consideration to reporting parameters. For example, all reports allow filtering by a single Product Group or range of Product Groups so it may be beneficial to keep groups of similar Products together by numbering them consecutively. It is also wise to leave gaps in numbering so as to allow for additions/insertions down the track. Changing Product Group numbers will automatically change the Product Group numbers in the Product Full Edit screen.


Reporting Product Groups



This screen is accessed from here.




  • GP Exception Filters - These filter are used in conjunction with the Product GP Exception Audit Report. You can have 4 different exception values per Product Group. These Exception Values can be assigned to specific Locations via the Location Full Edit screen. Once setup, the Product GP Exception Audit report, will display any sales outside of the allotted Minimum and Maximum values.
  • Hide/Display Exception Filters - Toggle Display/Hide the Exception Filters button as required. Given Exception Filters are not widely used, they are hidden by default.




  • Group # - Displays/Enter the identification number of the Product Group.
  • Description - Displays/Enter the description of the Product Group.
  • Master Group - The Master Group to which the Product Group is assigned.
  • Rebate PLU - Select to open the Search Products screen to select the appropriate Rebate PLU to assign to the selected Product Group. The Rebate PLU is used to generate a Rebate transaction whenever a Supplier Rebate is applicable. The transaction will include a charge to a Rebate AccountNote : This column will only be visible if the site is registered for Advanced Host Integration.
  • Wet Stock - Select to ensure the Products assigned to the Product Group are considered Fuel related. Note : This will only be displayed if the site is registered for Fuel.
  • Exception Filters :
    • Rate - Displays/Enter the Clerk Commission Rate for each Product Group.
    • Min/Max - Set the minimum/maximum values to be used in relation to exception reporting.




  • New - Select to add a new Product Group.
  • Save - Select to save changes.
  • Undo - Select to undo changes made.
  • Delete - Select to delete the selected Product Group. Note : A Product Group can only be deleted if there are not Products currently assigned to it. Those Products will need to be assigned to other Product Groups first.
  • Clear PLU - Select to unassign the Rebate PLU assigned to the selected Product Group.  Note : This button will only be visible if the site is registered for Advanced Host Integration.
  • Assign/Unassign PLU's - Select to open the Assign/Unassign Rebate PLU's screen to assign/unassign a Rebate PLU to one or more Product Groups.  Note : This button will only be visible if the site is registered for Advanced Host Integration.
  • Multi Language - Select to set alternate language descriptions for the selected Product Group.
  • Close - Select to exit.


Group Number

Group Description


Not Used


Packaged Beer


Bulk Beer






Soft Drinks


Premix Drinks


Dinks Other












Above is an example of some typical Product Groups. Product Group 1 - Not Used, is used as the default Product Group when adding new Products. If, however, Product Group 1 - Not Used starts to appear in any of the reports, this can be easily rectified by simply changing the Product Group assigned to the Products being reported. Note: Changing the Product Groups assigned to Products at any time, will result in their associated data being reported in the new Product Groups.


Assign/Unassign Rebate PLU's



This screen is accessed from here and is used to assign/unassign a Rebate PLU to one or more Product Groups. Product Group related Rebate PLUs will need to be created/configured via the Products screen prior to assigning them here.


Rebate PLUs are used in conjunction Product Rebates configured via the Wholesale Discounts feature and are used to generate a Rebate transaction that will result in a charge to a Supplier Rebate Account specified here. Rebates are assigned to Product Groups and one Rebate PLU can be assigned to multiple Products Groups. Sales of Products that have a rebate applicable will ONLY apply to sales made via the Basic Invoicing screen, and NOT when sold via a SwiftPOS Touch terminal. When payments of Rebates are received from a Supplier, these can then be allocated/processed as per the normal Process Payments screen.


Related Topics


  1. POS - Filtered Search Operation
  2. Products