Back Office > Products > Product Labels / Product Labels Wizard > Preview button
The Label Designer screen enables the designing of Product Labels. Creating Product Labels can now also be created to include a second label that contains Country of Origin type information. For example, This Product contains 85% Australian Ingredients.
The steps involved are outlined in Operation below.
To Be Considered
- Prior to creating Product Labels it is recommended to have a basic idea of what the Labels need to look like. In particular with attention to the size and format, as well as the size of the paper being used to print the Labels on.
- Configure the Label Mode (#561) POS Key to ensure Product Labels can be printed at the SwiftPOS Touch terminal. Also, a Label Printer will need to be configured.
- Note :
- When the any one of the Price Level per Unit Database item variables (for example [Price_LevelX_Per_Unit] where X is the Price Level) are added to a Product Label, these will only be displayed for Products that have a UOM in the following list: ctn (Carton), ea (Each), fl oz (Fluid Ounce), g (Gram), gal (Gallon), kg (Kilogram), l (litre), lb (Pound), ml (Millilitre), oz (Ounce) or pk (Pack).
- Only TrueType Fonts (TTFs) are supported.
Product Labels
Product Labels can now also be created to include a second label that contains Country of Origin type information. For example, This Product contains 85% Australian Ingredients. The following 2 options are now available when creating Product Labels :
- Product Labels - Select to create/design a single Label to be printed for each Product selected. Recommended of normal use.
- POS Labels - Select to create/design two Labels to be printed for each Product selected.
Label Designer Screen
Main Button
Select the Main button to design the Product Label as per normal.
Nutritional Button
Select the Nutritional button to create a second Label that for example can include additional Product information if required. For example, Country of Origin, Nutrition and/or Ingredient information. When the second label (Nutritional) has items configured, it will automatically print along with the first label (Main).
- Description - Enter a name for the Label.
- Draw Grid - Select to show the grid.
- Snap to Grid - Select to snap objects to grid.
- Tool Bar - For more information ...
Right click any item in the grid to access more options.
- Static Text / Dynamic Text / Barcode - For further information see below.
- Text/Database Field Name - Displays the Text or Database field name of the item currently selected.
- Item Position - Displays the items position relative to the left top hand corner of the Label.
- New - Select to add a Label. Enabled when the Edit Label option is selected.
- Copy - Select to create a copy of the current Label. The new Label will be prefixed with the word Copy. For example Copy POS Product Label.
- Open - Select to open an existing Label Design. Enabled when the Edit Label option is selected.
- Save - Select to save changes.
- Undo - Select to undo changes made.
- Delete - Select to delete the selected Label.
- Page Setup - For more information ...
- Locations - Select to open the Locations selection screen to select the Locations in which this Label Design will be available.
- Tools - Select from the drop down list to either import/export Labels. The Tools menu allows Labels to be imported using various file formats and it also supports the now obsolete .lbl file formats.
- Preview - Select to open the Product Label Preview screen.
- Close - Select to exit.
The steps involved are as follows:
Page Setup
The first step is to configure the page setup options. This can be done by selecting the Page Setup button at the bottom of the screen. The Page Layout tab contains the following printer and page settings:
- Default Printer - Select the Browse button to select the default printer for Label printing.
- Paper Size - Select from the drop down list the appropriate paper size. The default is A4 which is also the most commonly used. Please refer to the documentation provided with your printer if in doubt.
- Margins - Select the Up / Down arrows to adjust the margins to the appropriate size. The Right and Bottom Margins will be automatically set to their opposite sides. When setting margins please refer to the printer documentation to find out how close to the edge of the page your printer can still print. Most new printers can perform borderless prints.
- Orientation - Select either Portrait or Landscape.
Label Dimensions
The second step is to configure the Label dimensions. This can be done by selecting the Page Setup button at the bottom of the screen. The Label Dimensions tab contains the following Label settings:
- Label Count
- Label Across - Select the Up / Down arrows to set the number of Labels to appear across a page.
- Label Down - Select the Up / Down arrows to set the number of Labels to appear down a page.
- Label Dimensions
- Label Width - Select the Up / Down arrows to set the width of a Label in millimetres.
- Label Height - Select the Up / Down arrows to set the height of a Label in millimetres.
- Distance Between (Horz) - Select the Up / Down arrows to set the horizontal distance between Labels in millimetres.
- Distance Between (Vert) - Select the Up / Down arrows to set the vertical distance between Labels in millimetres.
- OK - Select to save any changes and exit.
- Cancel - Select to exit without saving changes.
Data Fields
The third step is to add all of the required fields into the Label. New fields can be added by clicking the Add New Item button. Once a data item field has been added it then needs to be further defined as either one of the followings:
- Text/Barcodes - This can be done by clicking the Edit Text/Link to Database button. For further information see below.
- Image - This can be done by clicking the Add/Change Picture button and selecting an image listed in the Image screen. For further information see below.
Label Design
The fourth step is to change the design of each field. This involves setting the Font and Text Colour, Borders and other item specific settings. The screenshot above displays the context menu which appears when right clicking an item in the Label. Please note that all of these options are also available from the top toolbar which is documented below.
Tool Bar
- Add New Item - Select to add a new data item to the Label. Once added, right click the item to access and configure/set more options.
- Cut Item - Select to cut the selected item.
- Copy Item - Select to copy the select item.
- Paste Item - Select to paste the cut/copied item.
- Delete Label Item - Select to delete the selected item.
- Edit Text/Link to Database - Select to edit/link the selected item. Linking provides the ability to link the selected item to a database field or a define it as a text field.
- Change Background Colour - Select to adjust the background colour of the item. Select transparent if no background colour is required.
- Add/Change Picture - Select to open the Images Menu screen and select an Image.
- Edit Font - Select to change the font size and type of the selected item.
- Align Left - Select to the text within the selected item on the left.
- Align Centre - Select to the text within the selected item in the centre.
- Align Right - Select to the text within the selected item on the right.
- Add/Edit Border - Select to add/edit a border around the selected item.
- Bring to Front - Select to bring the selected item to the front, placing all other overlapping items behind it.
- Send to Back - Select to send the selected item to the back, placing all other overlapping items in front of it.
Add/Edit Text
Accessed from here and enables the add/changing of data item fields to either one of the following :
- Static Text - Select '<< Text Only >' from the drop down list.
- Dynamic Text - Select one of the database fields from the drop down list. For example, 'Description' to ensure the Product Description is displayed in the selected item.
- Barcode - Select 'Barcode' from the drop down list. For the Barcode to display as a Barcode and not a character string, select the font type 'Code39QuarterInch-Regular' using the Edit Font button on the Tool Bar. Note : When adding Barcodes to Labels select the Code 128 font which is contained in all recent SwiftPOS Back Office Application installers. Please note that SwiftPOS automatically selects between EAN13 and Code128 Barcode fonts by determining whether the Barcode has a valid checksum. All valid checksum Barcodes are printed using EAN13 and all invalid checksum Barcodes use Code128. The font size that is selected in the Label Designer only effects the Code128 Barcodes and should be set to no less than 12pt for a laser printer. For users wishing to use the PLU as a Barcode simply add a PLU field and change the font to Code 128.
- Database Field - Select from the drop down list.
- Label Item Text
- Card Item Text - Enter the static text to be added to the selected Label item.
- Word Wrap - Select to wrap text when exceeding more than one line.
- Data Format - Select to open the Data Format screen and adjust the format of the text.
- OK - Select to save any changes and exit.
- Cancel - Select to exit without saving.
Data Format
Accessed from here.
Note : The Currency format now includes options to print the Currency Symbol, Whole Amount and Fraction in different Font sizes, as can be seen in the screenshot and sample Labels generated for each format option available.
Accessed from here.
The Images screen is used to manage all the images available in the Product Label Designer. It is possible to add multiple images and change between a detail view and an image view. The screenshot above shows the detail view in the top half of the screen and the image view in the bottom half of the screen.
- Add Image - Select to open the Get Image screen to select an image file to load into Label Designer.
- Detail View/Image View - Select to toggle between displaying the list of images in detailed and image view. Detailed view lists the filenames, resolutions and other related properties while the image view simply shows the filename and a thumbnail view of the images.
- Delete - Select to delete the selected image.
- Clear - Select to remove all images from the screen.
- OK - Select to save the selection and exit.
- Cancel - Select to exit without saving the selection.
Product Label Preview
- Pages - Displays the number of pages of Labels to be printed.
- Page No - Select the Up/Down arrow to view a specific page.
- Start Position - Select the Up/Down arrow to print from a specific Label.
- Load All Pages - Select to load all pages.
- Labels - Displays the number of Labels to be printed.
- Zoom - Select from the drop down list the Zoom viewing option required.
- Print Label Borders - Select to print a border around each Label printed.
- Labels / Page - Displays the number of Labels appearing on a page.
- Show Zero Dollar Values - Select to display a zero dollar value for Products with a zero price. Default is a zero dollar value is NOT displayed.
- Refresh - Select to refresh the screen.
- Print - Select to print the Labels.
- Close - Select to exit.
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