Product Suppliers


Back Office >Products > Product Records > Product Full Edit > Suppliers button




This feature is used to add Suppliers to Products. Simply select/unselect the Family by checking the box opposite on the left hand side of the screen.


To Be Considered


  1. Access to assign Suppliers to Reciped Items can now be restricted via Clerk Security Groups by unselecting the Add Recipe Items to Supplier option in Clerk Group Permissions >  Products > Product Records > Add Supplier Data.


Product Supplier Records





  • First column - Displays a 'P' to indicate the Preferred Supplier.
  • Supplier - Displays the name of the Supplier.
  • Supplier Code - Displays the Supplier's unique Codes that is used to order the listed Products. Supplier Codes will generally differ from Supplier to Supplier, however, they can be the same for different Suppliers. Also, by adding rows to the grid, multiple Supplier Codes for the same Product can be added against the same Supplier.
  • Last Cost - Displays the last price Products were purchased for.
  • Last Purchase - Displays the last date Products were purchased.
  • Preferred Locations - Displays the Preferred Locations. Select to open the Locations screen and select Locations as required. Note : If a Location is set against a Supplier in the grid, it CANNOT be set as Preferred against any of the other Suppliers listed. Likewise, if ALL available Locations are set as Preferred against a Supplier in the grid, then all other Suppliers listed will NOT be able to have Preferred Locations set.





  • Supplier - Select the button to open the Search Suppliers screen to select a Supplier.
  • Last Unit Cost ($) - Displays the last price the selected Product was purchased for.
  • Manufacturer - Select the button to open the Search Supplier Manufacturers screen to select a Manufacturer.
  • Case Rebate ($) - Displays/Set the current rebate applicable to the Product. This value can be changed.
  • Supplier Code - Enter the Supplier's Product Code. This is the code that uniquely identifies the Product and is usually the Supplier assigned code used for ordering. Note : Suppliers of the same Product will more than likely have a different codes.

Contract Case Cost ($) - Displays/Set the fixed purchase price per case as agreed upon by the establishment and the selected Supplier. This cost is used as the default cost when raising a Supplier invoice. See Related Topics.

  • Min Cases - Displays/Set the minimum number of cases required to be ordered when placing an order with the selected Supplier.
  • Contract Unit Cost ($) - Displays/Set the fixed purchase price per unit as agreed upon with the selected Supplier. When specified. this Cost is used as the default cost when raising Supplier Purchase Orders, and/or Invoices. See Related Topics.
  • Min Units - Displays/Set the minimum number of units required to be ordered when placing an order with the selected Supplier.
  • Purchase Tax Rate (%) - Displays/Set the tax rate to be used when including this Product in a Supplier Invoice.
  • Product is Discontinued (All Suppliers) - Select to indicate that the Product has been discontinued. Note : This will flag the Product as discontinued against all Suppliers. Discontinued Products can be viewed via the Product Records screen and selecting the Include Discontinued option.
  • Product Case Qty - Displays the  Case Qty set against the Product, that is the number of single units per case. For example : 24 - for a carton of 24 cans.




  • Add - Select to add a Supplier to the Product.
  • Delete - Select to delete the selected Supplier.
  • Save - Select to save changes.
  • Save and Close - Select to save any changes and exit.
  • Set as Preferred - Select to set the selected Supplier as the preferred Supplier. Can only be set against one Supplier.
  • Contract Pricing - Select to open the Contract Pricing screen, to maintain contractual pricing arrangements for the selected Product.
  • Close - Select to exit.




To add a Supplier


  1. Select the Add button.
  2. Select the Supplier button.
  3. Select the Supplier from the Search Supplier screen and click OK.
  4. Select the Save button.
  5. The new Supplier should now appear in the grid above. Select the new Supplier and enter the Supplier's Order Code and any other further details relevant to the Supplier.
  6. Select the Save and Close button.


Related Topics


  1. Products
  2. Reports - Supplier Contract Exception Report
  3. Supplier Tax Rate Conversion