Purchase Orders


Back Office > Suppliers > Purchase Orders




This menu item is used to create, edit and authorise Purchase Orders.


To Be Considered


  1. Suppliers will need to be setup prior to creating Purchase Orders.
  2. Local Configuration settings for this menu item are set here.


Purchase Orders



This screen is accessed from here.




  • Supplier - Select to open the Search Suppliers screen to select the Supplier the Purchase Order is being placed with.
  • Location - Select to open the Search Locations screen to select the Location for which the Purchase Order is being created. If inventory is kept at multiple Locations then choose the Location where the inventory is to be posted.
  • Order # - Enter/Displays the Purchase Order number. If a number is NOT entered, then a system generated Purchase Order number will be used when the Purchase Order is saved. Note : The generated Purchase Order number is based on the Last Purchase Order number used. This is sourced from the Last Order No stored against the Location, or from the Last Order Number stored in the Global Preferences, if the former has a value of zero.
  • Recurring ID - Displays the Recurring ID and Name. Values will only be displayed here when the Purchase Order was based on a saved Recurring Order (using the Save button at the bottom of the screen).
  • Event Code - Displays the Event Code associated with the Purchase Request the Purchase Order is based upon.
  • Order Date - Displays/Select the date the Purchase Order was created. Generally this defaults to Today's date for any new Purchase Orders. However, in the case of the Purchase Orders created from Purchase Requests, this will display the Request Date of the original Purchase Request.
  • Delivery Instructions - Displays/Enter the instructions that maybe of relevance to the Supplier when delivering the goods ordered.
  • Event Notes - Displays the Event Notes associated with the Purchase Request the Purchase Order is based upon.
  • Date Required - Generally this is the delivery date the Products are required at the selected Location and defaults to Tomorrow's date. However, in the case of the Purchase Orders based on Purchase Requests, this will display the Required Date of the original Purchase Request.
  • Account # - Displays the Account associated with the Supplier.
  • Print Prices - Select to ensure Product prices are printed on the Purchase Order. The default status (Checked or Unchecked) of this option is set here.
  • Show Sales History - Select to show Sales History information on the right hand side of the grid. Note : Sales History includes the quantities of Reciped Items sold. Once selected/unselected, the setting will be saved on closure of the screen. This will ensure that next time the PO screen is invoked the last saved setting will apply.


Find Fields


The Find fields above the grid will automatically sort the rows in the grid by the field selected. Entering a value into in any one of the Find fields will cause the closest matching row to be highlighted. In V10, use of the wildcard character (*) to make the finding of items even easier. For example, enter either *Stub or Stub*.




The grid displays the: Supplier Code, Product Code, Description, Cases/Units Ordered, Loc. Min/Max, Loc. SOH, On Order, Received, Unit Cost, Total Cost, Sup Min, Case Qty, Total Units, Size, Notes and Sales History. Note : To edit an entry in the grid, double click a row. Rows displayed in the grid can be sorted by toggle selecting the column headings.




  • Cases/Units Ordered - Enter the number of units and/or cases of the Product to be ordered. The number of units in a case is held against the Product. Note : If both are entered then the Total Units will show the sum of these as the  total number of units ordered.
  • On Order - Displays the stock currently on Order with the Supplier in Cases/Units.
  • Received - Displays the number of units Received to date, that are associated with this Order.
  • Unit Cost - Displays/Enter the current Unit Cost. The cost displayed as the current Cost of a Product is determined in the following order:
    • First use the Cost price retrieved from the most current Contract Pricing. If none available then:
    • Use the Contract Unit Price. If none available then:
    • Use the Last Unit Cost. If none available then:
    • Use the Product's Cost price specific to the Location the Supplier Purchase Order and/or Invoice is being raised in.


  • Total Cost - Displays the Total Cost as calculated based on the Unit Cost x Total Units ordered.
  • Sales History - Displays Sales History data for the last 12 months, the current month and the previous 3 months. Note : Sales History data will only be displayed if the Show Sales History option is selected.


Grid Footer


  • Add Row - Select to add a row.
  • Delete Row - Select to delete the selected row.
  • Ordered By - Select to open the Search Clerks screen to select the Clerk/Staff Member that is placing the Order. Note : If required, restricting access to this feature can be managed using Clerk Security Groups.
  • Refresh Sales History - Select to retrieve the most up to date sales data.
  • Total - Displays the total value of the Purchase Order.
  • Tax - Displays the total Tax value of the Purchase Order.




  • New - Select to add a Purchase Order.
  • Retrieve - Select from the drop down list one of the following:

  • Save - Select to only save the Purchase Order without printing or submitting OR select from the drop down list one of the following:



  • Save - Select to save the current order.
  • Save and Print - Select to save and Print the current order.
  • Save as Recurring Order - Select to save the current order as a Recurring Order. Once saved, it can then be retrieved and used again. See also Delete Recurring Order.


  • Authorise/Unauthorise - Below is an explanation of the different button appearances:


  • Select to Authorise the current Purchase Order. Purchase Order's should only be authorised once they have been reviewed and finalised. Once authorised they can be submitted to the Supplier.



  • Select to Unauthorise the current Purchase Order. Note : Unauthorised Purchase Orders can only be saved and/or printed. To submit a Purchase Order to a Supplier it will first need to be Authorised.


To test the Clerk/Staff Member Purchase Order Limit, open the Clerk Records screen and edit the currently logged on Clerk/Staff Member and set the Purchase Order limit to $500. Open the Purchase Order screen and make a new purchase request with a value less than $500. Select Authorise and it should authorise the Purchase Order successfully. Create another Purchase Order with a value of $500 or more. Select Authorise and the following prompt should be displayed, indicating that the Purchase Order needs to be forwarded for authorisation:



  • Submit - Select to save the Purchase Order and print/reprint a copy of the Purchase Order. The Purchase Order can also be emailed to the Supplier. Select from one of the following options:


  • Print - Select to save and print a Purchase Order. When this is selected for an Authorised Purchase Order, it will be considered submitted (ie. sent to the Supplier), and will subsequently be able to be retrieved in the Invoices/Receipt Goods screen for further processing when the purchased goods have been received. When this is selected for an Unauthorised Purchase Order, it will be saved and printed and the screen cleared. The same order can then be further processed at a later date by selecting the Unauthorised Purchase Orders option under the Retrieve button.
  • eMail - Only enabled for Purchase Orders that have already been Authorised. Select to save and email a Purchase Order to the Supplier. When this is selected the Purchase Order will be considered submitted (ie. sent to the Supplier), and will subsequently be able to be retrieved in the Invoices/Receipt Goods screen for further processing when the purchased goods have been received.
  • Print and eMail - Only enabled for Purchase Orders that have already been Authorised. Select to save, print and email a Purchase Order to the Supplier. When this is selected the Purchase Order will be considered submitted (ie. sent to the Supplier), and will subsequently be able to be retrieved in the Invoices/Receipt Goods screen for further processing when the purchased goods have been received.
  • Send via Preferred Method - Select to ensure the Purchase Order is sent using the Supplier's Order Send Method.

  • Preview - Select to display a preview report of the Purchase Order. Only enabled for Authorised and Unauthorised Purchase Orders that contain Product rows. For a sample of the Purchase Order click here.
  • Reprint - Select to reprint an already printed Purchase Order. Only enabled for submitted Purchase Orders.
  • Reset - Select to reset the On Order quantity to zero for the Product currently selected in the grid. Note : This button will only be enabled when the On Order quantity for the selected Product is greater than zero.
  • Unlock - Select to open the Search Locked Orders screen to select a Locked Order. Once a Locked Order has been selected and it is loaded into the Purchase Order screen, the following prompt will be displayed to confirm whether to continue editing the Order:


Note : Locked Purchase Orders are normally Orders that are in use at another Terminal, or Orders that were being processed at the time of a system failure, and are therefore Locked. It is recommended that due care is taken before unlocking a Locked Order.


  • Cancel - Select to Cancel the currently selected Purchase Order. This will flag the Purchase Order as Cancelled and reset the On Order quantities against the Products that were ordered.
  • Delete - Select from the drop down list one of the following:



Note : Locked Purchase Orders are normally Orders that are in use at another Terminal, or Orders that were being processed at the time of a system failure, and are therefore Locked. It is recommended that due care is taken before unlocking a Locked Order.


  • Delete - Select to delete the currently selected Purchase Order. Once selected the following prompt will be displayed:


  • Delete Recurring Order - Select to delete the currently selected Recurring Order.  Note : This button will only be enabled when a Recurring Order has been retrieved and not yet saved.


Note : Purchase Orders that are deleted are flagged as deleted and can be later Retrieved.


  • Export - Select from the drop down list to export the current Purchase Order. Note : This button is only enabled when the Purchase Order is Authorised. Select from the drop down list one of the following:


  • ILG - Select to export to ILG.
    • Settings - Select to configure the Settings.
  • Metcash  / ALM - This option will only be visible with a SwiftPOS Advanced eTrade Registration. Select from the drop down list one of the following:
  • Food - Select to export a Grocery Purchase Order.
  • Liquor (ALM) - Select to export a Liquor (ALM) Purchase Order.
  • Settings - Select to configure the Settings.


Once exported the following prompt will be displayed providing Batch ID and Time Stamp information as confirmation of the Order being successfully placed:



Also, in the Event Logs the Metcash Purchase Order Summary can be viewed as further confirmation of the Order being successfully placed.

Metcash Purchase order Summary: 
Order Received
Batch No.           :722019     
Trans. Date and Time:15042021 1410
Order date          :15042021
Application Type    :01 Grocery Order                      

Customer No.        :00232525  
Cust. Order No.     :2021041514
Business Division   :IGA
State of Origin     :SA 
Total Case Ordered  :00000
Total Units Ordered :00003
Total Lines Ordered :00001

  • Wizard - Select from the drop down list one of the following:


  • Order Wizard- Select to open the Purchase Order wizard for quickly populating the grid with Products.
  • Product Wizard - Select to create a batch of Products using the Product Wizard.


  • Contract Pricing - Select to open the Contract Pricing screen for the selected Purchase Order Item.
  • Close - Select to exit.




  1. Creating a Purchase Order


  1. Before creating a Purchase Order ensure there is no data currently in the screen.

    1. Select the New button to create a new Purchase Order.
    2. Select a Supplier from the Search Suppliers screen.
    3. Select a Location for the Purchase Order.
    4. Select the Order Date if required.
    5. Select the Date Required.
    6. Enter any necessary Delivery Instructions.
    7. Select Add Row to begin entering Products that need to be ordered.
    8. Enter all of the appropriate Products, Quantities and Prices where necessary.
    9. Select the Placed By button to open the Search Clerks screen and specify which Clerk/Staff Member raising the Purchase Order.
    10. Select the Authorised button to authorise the Purchase Order once it has been confirmed and finalised.
    11. Select Submit to submit the Purchase Order and forward it to the Supplier.


Purchase Order Wizard


The Purchase Order Wizard takes you through a number of steps to enable you to import a select group of Products into the Purchase Order screen. This feature is especially useful for placing Purchase Orders that are very large. It uses the Levels Wizard to calculate the order required.



The first prompt screen of the wizard has been changed to now include the 'Include ALL Supplier Products checkbox. Also the text of the first checkbox has been changed from 'Only if Primary Supplier' to 'Only if Preferred Supplier'.


  • Location - Select from the drop down list the Location, to source the Stock Levels from, that will be used in the calculation of the re-order quantities.
  • Preferred Supplier Products Only - Select to include only those Products assigned to the selected Supplier and are flagged as Preferred.
  • Ignore Min/Max Qtys - Select to ensure all Products assigned to the selected Supplier regardless of their Min/Max Qtys.
  • Ignore On Order Qty in calculation - Select to ensure the On Order Qty is NOT included when calculating the Qty to be ordered.



  • Product Group From/To - Select from the drop down lists the Product Groups, to return the Products assigned to the range selected.
  • Family - Select from the drop down lists the Family of Products to be returned.



  • Include Sales in the - Select to ensure the re-ordering of stock is calculated based on previous Sales.
    • Last - Displays/Enter the last number of Weeks of Sales History that must be included when calculating the daily average sales

    • Period - Select from the drop down list of periods or select a From/To date range, to set the Period of sales data to include in the calculation of the daily average sales.
    • To Cover the Next - Displays/Enter the number of days that the Order must cover ensuring that at the end of the Cover period the SOH is greater than the minimum level.


Order Wizard Calculation Explained


How does the Order Wizard calculate the Total Units of a Product to be ordered?


Scenario 1

Scenario 2

Scenario 3



  1. A value of 14 was entered for the Days To Cover.
  2. A value of 8 was entered for the Weeks of Sales History.
  3. The Product (Purchased Item) in this example is a TOOHEYS NEW 750ML SGL. This Product has had sales in the last 8 weeks. The Product has the following attritbutes:
    1. The Minimum Order Qty (Min Ord Qty) is 12.
    2. A current SOH value of 76.
    3. A On Order Qty of 384.
    4. A Min Stk Level (Min Stk Lvl) of 547.
    5. Sales of 366 Units in the last 8 weeks.
    6. It also has 2 reciped items both of which have had sales in the last 8 weeks. These are:
      1. TOOHEYS NEW 750ML CTN which has a Recipe size of 12. Sales of 25 Ctns in the last 8 weeks. Which equates to 300 Units.
      2. TOOHEYS NEW 750ML 3PK which has a Recipe size of 3. Sales of 319 Pks in the last 8 weeks. Which equates to 957 Units.
The Calculation


Total Units Sold in the last 8 Weeks:


  • 366 + 300 + 957 = 1623


Avg Units Sold per Day (Total Units Sold / 8 Wks / 7 Days):


  • 1623 / 8 / 7 = 28.98


Total Units required to Cover 14 Days (Avg Units Sold per Day x 14):


  • 28.98 x 14 = 405.75


Total Stock (SOH + On Order Qty):


  • 76 + 384 = 460


Is the Total Units required to Cover 14 Days < Total Stock?


  • 405.75 < 460? YES


Is the Total Stock < Min Stk Lvl?


  • 460 < 547? YES (Use the Min Stk Lvl to calculate the Units to Order)

Units Required (Min Stk Lvl - Total Stock):


  • 547 - 460 = 87


Units to Order calculation:

  1. Units Required / Min Ord Qty:    87 / 12 = 7.25
  2. Roundup to nearest Integer:    Roundup (7.25) = 8
  3. Multiply by Minimum Order Qty: 8 x 12 = 96


To Be Ordered = 8 Cases or 96 Units



  1. A value of 14 was entered for the Days To Cover.
  2. A value of 8 was entered for the Weeks of Sales History.
  3. The Product (Purchased Item) in this example is a TOOHEYS NEW 750ML SGL. This Product has had sales in the last 8 weeks. The Product has the following attritbutes:
    1. The Minimum Order Qty (Min Ord Qty) is 12.
    2. A current SOH value of 76.
    3. A On Order Qty of 384.
    4. A Min Stk Level (Min Stk Lvl) of 547.
    5. Sales of 743 Units in the last 8 weeks.
    6. It also has 2 reciped items both of which have had sales in the last 8 weeks. These are:
      1. TOOHEYS NEW 750ML CTN which has a Recipe size of 12. Sales of 25 Ctns in the last 8 weeks. Which equates to 300 Units.
      2. TOOHEYS NEW 750ML 3PK which has a Recipe size of 3. Sales of 319 Pks in the last 8 weeks. Which equates to 957 Units.
The Calculation


Total Units Sold in the last 8 Weeks:


  • 743 + 300 + 957 = 2000


Avg Units Sold per Day (Total Units Sold / 8 Wks / 7 Days):


  • 2000 / 8 / 7 = 35.71


Total Units required to Cover 14 Days (Avg Units Sold per Day x 14):


  • 35.71 x 14 = 500


Total Stock (SOH + On Order Qty):


  • 76 + 384 = 460

Is the Total Units required to Cover 14 Days < Total Stock?


  • 500 < 460? NO


Is the Total Units required to Cover 14 Days < Min Stk Lvl?


  • 500 < 547? YES (Use the Min Stk Lvl to calculate the Units to Order)

Units Required (Min Stk Lvl - Total Stock):


  • 547 - 460 = 87


Units to Order calculation:

  1. Units Required / Min Ord Qty:    87 / 12 = 7.25
  2. Roundup to nearest Integer:    Roundup (7.25) = 8
  3. Multiply by Minimum Order Qty: 8 x 12 = 96


To Be Ordered = 8 Cases or 96 Units



  1. A value of 14 was entered for the Days To Cover.
  2. A value of 8 was entered for the Weeks of Sales History.
  3. The Product (Purchased Item) in this example is a TOOHEYS NEW 750ML SGL. This Product has had sales in the last 8 weeks. The Product has the following attritbutes:
    1. The Minimum Order Qty (Min Ord Qty) is 12.
    2. A current SOH value of 76.
    3. A On Order Qty of 384.
    4. A Min Stk Level (Min Stk Lvl) of 547.
    5. Sales of 1193 Units in the last 8 weeks.
    6. It also has 2 reciped items both of which have had sales in the last 8 weeks. These are:
      1. TOOHEYS NEW 750ML CTN which has a Recipe size of 12. Sales of 25 Ctns in the last 8 weeks. Which equates to 300 Units.
      2. TOOHEYS NEW 750ML 3PK which has a Recipe size of 3. Sales of 319 Pks in the last 8 weeks. Which equates to 957 Units.
The Calculation


Total Units Sold in the last 8 Weeks:


  • 1193 + 300 + 957 = 2450


Avg Units Sold per Day (Total Units Sold / 8 Wks / 7 Days):


  • 2450 / 8 / 7 = 43.75


Total Units required to Cover 14 Days (Avg Units Sold per Day x 14):


  • 43.75 x 14 = 612.5


Total Stock (SOH + On Order Qty):


  • 76 + 384 = 460

Is the Total Units required to Cover 14 Days < Total Stock?


  • 613 < 460? NO


Is the Total Units required to Cover 14 Days < Min Stk Lvl?


  • 613 < 547? NO (Use the Total Units required to Cover 14 Days to calculate the Units to Order)

Units Required (Total Units required to Cover 14 Days - Total Stock):


  • 613 - 460 = 153


Units to Order calculation:

  1. Units Required / Min Ord Qty:   153 / 12 = 12.75
  2. Roundup to nearest Integer:    Roundup (12.75) = 13
  3. Multiply by Minimum Order Qty: 13 x 12 = 156


To Be Ordered = 13 Cases or 156 Units


Related Topics


  1. Data Export
  2. Import/Export Overview
  3. Suppliers