Back Office > Suppliers > Purchase Requests
This menu item is generally used to create Purchase Requisitions for upcoming Events. A list of Products required for an upcoming event, is compiled and entered using this menu item to create a Purchase Requisition.
Purchase Requests
This screen is accessed from here.
Search Filters
- The filters at the top of the screen can be used to limit the number of rows displayed in the grid. The filters include the following types:
- Date Range From/To - The filter fields of this type are: Date Range and From/To Dates.
- Full/Partial Texts - The filter fields of this type are: Event.
- Drop Down Lists - The filter fields of this type are: Clerk.
- Search Screens - The filter fields of this type are: Location.
- Location - Displays the Location.
- Event - Displays the Event name.
- Request Date - Displays the date the Purchase Requisition was requested from the Supplier.
- Required Date - Displays the date the requisition is required at the Location.
- Clerk - Displays the Clerk/Staff Member.
- Approve - Select to approve the selected Purchase Requisition. Note : Only those Requisitions that have been approved will be included in the Preview report and be able to be approved.
- Notes - Displays the Notes.
- New - Select to add a new Purchase Request.
- Edit - Select to edit the selected Purchase Request.
- Delete - Select to delete the selected Purchase Request.
- Preview - Select to generate a Preview Only report of the selected Requisition. A sample of the report generated can be found here.
- Print - Select to print a Preview Only report of the selected Requisition. A sample of the report generated can be found here.
- Approve - Select to Approve the Requisitions Approved in the grid. This results in a Supplier Purchase Order being generated and flagged as submitted. The Purchase Order(s) generated can be printed and will then need to be sent to Supplier(s).
- Completed Requests - Select from the drop down list to either Preview or Print Purchase Requests that have been approved, and therefore are considered completed.
- Close - Select to exit.
Purchase Request Detail
This screen is accessed from here and here.
- Location - Select from the drop down list the Location at which the Products requisitioned are required.
- Event Notes - Enter any notes relating to the Event. These notes will appear on the Purchase Orders sent to the Suppliers.
- Event Code - Enter the Event name when creating a new Requisition.
- Date Requested - Enter the date or select the calendar icon to set the date the Purchase Requisition was requested from the Supplier. Defaults to today's date.
- Date Required - Enter the date or select the calendar icon to set the date the requisition is required at the Location.
- Items Requisitioned
- Product Code - Select and press enter to open the Search Products screen and select a Product.
- Description - Displays the Product Description.
- Qty - Enter the quantity required here. Entering a value here will affect the Order Qty(s) displayed in the Purchased Items listed below (select the + to the left of the Product to expand and display the Purchased Items)
- Notes - Enter any notes relating to the item(s) ordered.
- Barcode - Displays the barcode
- Purchased Items Ordered
- Product Code - Displays the Product Code. In the case of Reciped Items being Requisitioned this will display the Product Code of the parent Product(s) (Purchased Items Ordered).
- Description - Displays the Product Description. In the case of Reciped Items being Requisitioned this will display the Product Description of the Parent Product(s) (Purchased Items) to be ordered.
- Cases - Displays the number of Case to be ordered.
- Units - Displays the number of Units to be ordered.
- Item Cost - Displays the Item Cost. In the case of Reciped Items being Requisitioned this will display the Item Cost of the parent Product(s) (Purchased Items Ordered). This value can be changed.
- Case Qty - Displays the Case Qty.
- Qty - Displays the quantity ordered. This is the value that will ultimately appear on the Purchase Order. This value can be changed, however changing this value will not affect the Qty Requisitioned. In the case of Reciped Items being Requisitioned this will display the quantity ordered (as calculated by SwiftPOS) of the parent Product(s) (Purchased Items Ordered).
- Size - Displays the size of the Purchased Item. In the case of Reciped Items being Requisitioned this will display the size of the parent Product(s) (Purchased Items Ordered).
- Discontinued - Displays whether the Purchased Item is discontinued (checked) or not. If discontinued (checked), select to re-enable or remove the entry. A Product cannot be discontinued from this screen. This can only be done here.
- Order Value - Displays the Order Value. In the case of Reciped Items being Requisitioned this will display the Order Value of the parent Product(s) (Purchased Items Ordered).
- Supplier ID - Displays the Supplier ID of the Preferred Supplier. Select from the drop down list an alternate Supplier if required.
- Supplier Code (Order Code) - Displays the Preferred Supplier's Order Code for the Purchased Item. This value can be changed.
- Required Date - Enter the date or select the calendar icon to set the date the item ordered is required at the Location.
- Item Notes - Enter any notes relating to the item(s) ordered.
Grid Footer
- Add Row - Select to add a row to the grid.
- Delete Row - Select to delete the selected row from the grid.
- New - Select to add a new Purchase Request.
- Save - Select to save changes.
- Close - Select to exit.
Creating a Purchase Request for an Event
- Click the New button to create a new Purchase Request.
- Select a Location for the Event
- Name the Event in the Request/Event field.
- Set Date Requested and Date Required to ensure Product(s) arrive on time.
- By selecting Add Row multiple times, multiple Products can be requisitioned for the Event. Reciped Items have their Ingredients (Purchased Items) listed in the expandable list below (select the + to the left of the Product to expand and display the Purchased Items)
- Save the Event.
Approving a Purchase Request
- Select the Event you wish to approve the Purchase Requisition for and select the checkbox in the Approve column, so it is checked.
- Select Approve Request to approve the and submit the Purchase Order(s). This button can be secured to specific Clerks/Staff via Clerk Security Groups.
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