Receipt Members Fees Operation


Touch > Receipt Member (#800) POS Key




This feature is used to Receipt Customer/Member Fees at the SwiftPOS Touch terminal.


This will allow receipting of fees for the Customer/Member's Classification, as well as Linked Classifications. The Customer/Member's main Classification will be highlighted in green. Other Classifications shown are Linked Classifications.


To Be Considered


  1. If required, restricting access to this POS Key can be managed by Clerk Security.
  2. A Customer/Member's Classification can be changed by selecting the Edit Customer Details POS Key.




  1. Ensure the Function Receipt Member POS Key is added to the appropriate Layout using the Keyboard Designer.
  2. Ensure Member Classifications are setup with a Fee structure to the process of receipting Customer/Member Fees.




  1. To Receipt Member Fees

    1. At the SwiftPOS Touch terminal, enter the number of an existing Customer/Member.
    2. Select the Customer POS Key. The Customer/Member's Name will appear in the sales grid. The Customer/Member's details displayed in the sales grid can be controlled here.
    3. Select the Receipt Member POS Key.
    4. The Member Receipting screen will be displayed.
    5. Select the Receipt button opposite the membership fees to be paid.
    6. Select OK to save the selection and exit.
    7. The fees selected will be added to the sales grid. Finalise the sale.


Member Receipting



This screen is accessed from here.


  • Receipt - Select to flag (a tick will appear to the left of the button) the membership. The Fees of flagged memberships will be add to the sales grid when OK is selected.
  • Clear - Select to remove the tick and un-flag the membership. This will avoid the membership fee from being added to the sales grid. To remove a Membership Fee from the sales grid.
  • Edit Member - Opens the Edit Member screen so you can update the members information while receipting them at the POS.
  • OK - Select to save any changes and exit.
  • Cancel - Select to exit without saving.


Sample of a Receipting Membership Fees



Refund Membership Fees


Note : This processes ONLY reverses the Transaction and DOES NOT change the Members renewal date, this will need to be done manually.


To Reverse Membership Fees, do as follows:


  1. At the SwiftPOS Touch terminal, select the Reverse Transaction (#516) POS Key to open the Transaction screen.
  2. Select the Receipt Membership Fee transaction required to be refunded
  3. Select the Reverse Transaction button.
  4. In the SwiftPOS Back Office correct the Member's Renewal Date.


Related Topics


  1. Customer/Members - Receipt Member Fees
  2. POS Configuration Index - Account/Customer/Member Configuration
  3. POS Operation
  4. POS Operation Index - Account/Customer/Member Features
  5. Touch Toolbar and Tools
  6. Terminal Settings