The SwiftPOS Touch Reception provides Reception, Entry Kiosk, Interactive Kiosk and Door Access Control functions. It can be configured to run any combination of these features on multiple monitors.
The Entry Kiosk feature also provides slide show advertising for the Businesses/Venues.
To Be Considered
- Note : The Reception terminal should NOT be configured to sleep after a period of inactivity, and the screen saver should NOT be enabled if a keyboard wedge card reader is in use.
- The SwiftPOS Touch Reception application is installed by default to the following path : C:\SwiftPOSTouch\SwiftPOS.Reception.exe.
- Note : Any changes to settings will require a restart of the Reception application.
- If SwiftPOS Touch Reception is to be run on an existing SwiftPOS Touch terminal, then create a shortcut, right click, select Properties and edit the Start in field to look like this : C:\SwiftPOSTouch\SwiftPOS.Reception.exe /TS:Reception. This will ensure no database conflicts arise with the SwiftPOS Touch database.
System Requirements
- Active network connection to SwiftPOS Back Office.
- Minimum screen resolution of 1024x768 pixels.
- Touch screen not mandatory.
- Docket printer (optional).
- Speakers (optional).
- Magnetic Swipe Reader - Required for Entry Kiosk, optional for Reception.
Reception Terminal
The Reception terminal feature allows Reception staff to validate Member Cards, perform Customer/Member draws and manually open doors that are configured with Access (Door) controllers. Customer/Members are validated either by entering their Customer/Member number using the keypad provided or by swiping a Member Card if an MSR card reader has been configured for use.
The top left hand corner of the screen displays information about a Customer/Member and can be configured to display varying amounts of information.
The right hand side of the screen displays the scan history for both the Customer/Member and the Reception terminal.
Note : Scan history is only available when the Reception terminal is connected to the database. Connection is configured here.
- Connect/Disconnect - Select to Connect/Disconnect the Reception terminal to/from the SwiftPOS Connect service.
- Member Draw - Select to open the Member Draw screen to run a Customer/Member draw. This will also invoke the Display Member Draw screen to be displayed on the selected Display as set here.
- Doors - Select to manually open a selected door without requiring Customer/Member validation.
- Options - Select to configure settings. The default Password is admin.
- Member - Select to open the Customer Search screen to select a Customer/Member.
- Full Screen/Normal Screen - Toggle select to adjust the Terminal Reception screen size to fit the size of the screen or return to the normal size of 1040x784px.
- Minimise - Select to minimise the Reception window.
- Exit - Select to exit. Note : Any changes to settings will require a restart of the Reception application.
Entry Kiosk
This screen is accessed from here.
The Entry Kiosk feature allows customers to use a self service Kiosk that can display Customer/Member information, award points and perform random prize drawing. The screenshot above provides a sample of the a Entry Kiosk display. This can be configured here.
Note : When using the Entry Kiosk and the Reception terminal together ensure these are being displayed on different monitors.
- Select S and press Enter to view/edit the Reception settings. The Admin Password is admin.
- Select X and press Enter to exit.
General Settings
This screen contains a list of settings menus down the left hand side and on the right their associated setting are displayed when selected.
Software Mode
- Reception Terminal - This option determines whether or not the Reception terminal part of the application is enabled.
- Entry Kiosk - Select to ensure the Entry Kiosk is enabled. Ensure the Kiosk settings below are configured.
- Reception Display - The Reception display setting determines which monitor the Reception screen is displayed on. Please note that you will only be able to select from displays already installed on the PC and should be a different monitor to the Entry Kiosk.
- Entry Kiosk Display - The Entry Kiosk display setting determines which monitor the Entry Kiosk screen is displayed on. Please note that you will only be able to select from displays already installed on the PC and should be a different monitor to the Reception terminal.
- ID Scanner - Select to set to Guest Entry mode.
- Interactive Kiosk - Select to ensure the Interactive Kiosk is enabled. Ensure the Interactive Kiosk settings below are configured.
Note : Any changes made to the above settings will require the SwiftPOS Touch Reception terminal software to be restarted for the changes to apply.
- Admin/User - Enter the user name and password.
- Show Passwords - Select to toggle the display of the user name and password between the actual value entered and the masked value ('****').
System Tray Timers
- Show (sec) - Display/Set the time in seconds it takes for the Reception terminal system tray to fully display.
- Display (sec) - Display/Set the time in seconds that the Reception terminal system tray remains displayed.
- Hide (sec) - Display/Set the time in seconds for the Reception terminal system tray to fully hide.
Display Configuration
For the following displays listed below, select from the drop down list (where enabled) of available monitors, the monitor which will display the selected display. For example, select monitor (display) 1 for Reception and 2 for Entry Kiosk.
- Reception Display
- Entry Kiosk Display
- ID Scanner Display
- Interactive Kiosk Display
Note : Only those monitors (displays) that are currently connected to the PC will be able to be selected from the drop down list.
Auto Restart
- Auto Restart Reception terminal on exit - Select to automatically restart the Reception terminal software after it is shut down.
- Send Heart Beat to Connect - Select to ensure a Heart Beat signal is sent to the SwiftPOS Connect at periodic intervals. This signal is sent to inform the Connect service that the Reception terminal is alive and active. Note : It is recommended that this option is always selected.
Event/Error Logging
- Disable Log Archiving - Default is off. If you do not want to archive the log files you can disable this feature.
- Enable Full Debug - Select to enable. Note : This should only be enabled when recommended. When enabled, the Reception terminal simply displays the card number and does not perform any validation.
Automatic Reboot Settings
- Auto Reboot - Displays/Set the time when the PC running the Reception terminal software will reboot.
- User shell to Touch Software Only - Select to ensure the operations of the Reception terminal is locked to SwiftPOS Touch/Reception Software only. This will prevent Clerks/Staff Members using it to surf the internet. Once enabled, the next time the Reception application is restarted, only SwiftPOS Touch and Reception software will load and no other desktop application (for example, Explorer, etc). Windows Task Manager and Ctrl+Alt+Del will also be disabled. If either SwiftPOS Touch or Reception crash, it will automatically restart. If the Clerk/Staff Member exists either the software it will automatically restart.
- Activate after - Select to enter the number of minutes of no activity required, after which a screensaver will be displayed at Reception. Note : The default SwiftPOS screensaver will be displayed unless a screensaver.jpg file exists in the same folder as the Reception.exe file. That is, normally in the C:\SwiftPOSTouch folder.
- Disable Windows Touch Gestures - Select to ensure that access to other Apps is prevented when swiping either left or right (Windows Touch Slide Gestures) when in Full screen mode.
Connection Settings
This screen is accessed from here.
Terminal Connection
These settings are used to establish a connection between the Reception terminal and SwiftPOS Back Office via the SwiftPOS Connect Service.
Note : This connection mode requires a valid terminal licence.
- Host/IP - Displays/Enter the domain name (host) or IP address of the server running the SwiftPOS Connect Service.
- Terminal ID - Displays/Set the Terminal ID to one of the Menu Board type Terminals that has been configured in the SwiftPOS Back Office.
- Access Code - Displays/Enter the Access Code (Database Reference ID) specific to the SwiftPOS Back Office database configured in Tenant ID above.
- Host Port - Displays/Enter the port number for the server running the SwiftPOS Connect Service. Port 55500 is generally the default.
- Auto Reconnect - Select and set the time in seconds.
Sale Settings
- Terminal - Select the Terminal ID of the terminal designated as the Reception terminal. This is the Terminal ID that will appear in the sales/journal file for any transactions generated by the Reception terminal. Note : This must be a unique Terminal ID. Multiple Reception terminals cannot chare the same Terminal ID.
Table Tracking
- Conn - Select the Set button to open the Table Tracking Connection Setup screen and establish a connection.
Security Policy
- Security Policy - Refer to Security Policy Options & TCP Secure Connection Settings for more information.
These settings are used to connect to NetPOS for Customer/Member validations.
- Host/IP - The following options are recommended:
- Leave blank if the validation of Customer/Members is NOT required.
- Enter the host name or IP address (eg. of the server (PC) on which NetPOS.Net is installed.
- Enter localhost or if you are running NetPOS.Net on the same server (PC) as the SwiftPOS Touch terminal.
- Port No - Select to set the Port Number. The default Port Number used by NetPOS.Net to establish a connection is 10101. This can be changed to any other port number to meet the site specific requirements. Note : The port number specified here will need to be allowed by the site's firewalls.
- Time Out (sec) - Select to set the timeout in seconds. The default is 5 seconds. It needs to be set higher than NetPOS.Net time out setting to ensure it does not time out before.
- Secure Connection (HTTPS) - Select to ensure a secure encrypted connection.
- Match by Alternate ID - Select to match Customer/Members by alternate ID.
- Match by Alternate ID for Offline Lifestyle - Select to match Customer/Members by alternate ID.
- SwiftPOS Back Office Interface ID - This must be set to 1 (default SwiftPOS Back Office ID number) unless you have multiple SwiftPOS Back Offices running.
Validation Settings
This screen is accessed from here.
General Validation
- Show Card Number Only (Debug Mode) - Select to only show the Card Number
- Multiple swipe Lockout (secs) - Select to ensure a Card is locked out after the specified number of seconds has lapsed, when a Customer/Member multi swipes.
Entry Check
- Entry Check - Select to ensure the number of times a Customer/Member swipes their card at Reception/Kiosk is tracked. If a Customer/Member swipes their card on entry more than once then the Failed Message set below will be displayed. This option is useful to ensure that Customer/Members are not able to swipe their Member Cards multiple times in a day and therefore be entered into a Member Draw or issued a Random Draw Voucher more than once per day.
The following are only enabled for selection when the Entry Check above is selected:
- Entry Reset Time - Displays/Enter the time to ensure the tracking of Customer/Member entries are reset. Once set then all entry counts will be set to zero once the set time is reached.
- Points Per Swipe - Displays/Enter the number of points awarded to Customer/Members on a successful Card swipe.
- Award Points on next purchase - Displays/Enter the number of points that will be awarded to the Customer/Member on their next purchase. Used to reward Customer/Members with Loyalty Points on their next purchase.
- Restrict Campaign Checking - Select to ensure a Customer/Member can only trigger a Member Campaign once per day.
- Restrict Door Opening & Lifestyle Validation - Select to ensure the Door Controller & Lifestyle Validation restricts Customer/Members one entry per day. Multiple entries in a single day will not be allowed if this option is selected, regardless of visit checking.
- Restrict Vouchers - Select to restrict to restrict the amount of Vouchers being redeemed by limiting the financial checking PLU to Vouchers. This also gives them one entry only into a random draw Voucher per day.
- Failed Message - Displays/Enter the message to be displayed when a Customer/Member swipes their card more than once on the same day.
Member Checks
At least one of the checks must be selected and if required have the Classifications selected against it for the system to validate the Customer/Members. On failure of validation the Warning Message (in Kiosk Settings - Messages) below will be displayed.
- Lifestyle Check - Select to ensure Customer/Members swiping their Member Card at Reception are checked to validate that they are assigned to the Interest Group (See Type below) and that the current status of their interest Group is Active and valid. Select the Classification button to restrict this check to only be applied to Customer/Members in selected Classifications.
- Type - Displays/Enter (using the keyboard icon) the name of the Interest Group for which the Lifestyle check is to be carried out. Note : The name of the Interest Group entered must be exactly the same as the Description entered in the SwiftPOS Back Office.
- Visit Check - Select to ensure the number of times a Customer/Member swipes their card at Reception/Kiosk is tracked and counted. Each Time a Customer/Member swipes their Remaining Visits counter is decremented by 1. If a Customer/Member has remaining visits then their Visit Check is validated. Generally used to sell a limited number of visits to a facility, for example, a Pool or Gym, etc. Click here for an example. Select the Classification button to restrict this check to only be applied to Customer/Members in selected Classifications. Note : This option also functions in conjunction with a Door Controller.
- Financial Check - Select to ensure Customer/Members swiping their Member Card at Reception are checked to validate their Financial status. Select the Classification button to restrict this check to only be applied to Customer/Members in selected Classifications. If a Classification is selected, the Financial Check will only be applied if the Classification is active. Note : Triggering Vouchers from this custom PLU must have Random Draw Enabled ticked. Shown Below.
- Quantity for issuing Vouchers - Select to trigger multiple Vouchers. Only used when testing for random draw Vouchers.
- Campaign Check - Select to ensure Customer/Members swiping their Member Card at Reception are checked to validate whether they can be triggered in a Member Campaign. This is currently only used for specific meal service requirements. Select the Classification button to restrict this check to only be applied to Customer/Members in selected Classifications. Note : Financial check PLU must be a Customer/Member in the Family of the Member Campaign in SwiftPOS Back Office)
- Birthday Check - Select to ensure Customer/Members swiping their Member Card at Reception are checked to validate whether their birthday falls within the Validity period selected below:
- Voucher - Select the Voucher button to open the Vouchers screen and select the Voucher that will be issued to the Customer/Member that passes the Birthday Check above.
- Validity - Select from the drop down list one of the validation periods the Birthday Check must pass in order for the Voucher above to be issued. For example, If the Week of validation period is selected, then if the Customer/Member swiping has a birthday that falls within the current week, then the Birthday Check is considered valid and the Voucher will be issued.
Peripherals Settings
This screen is accessed from here.
It is possible to setup a number of different peripherals at the Reception terminal. The available peripherals are:
Note : It is possible to setup multiple Magnetic Swipe Readers in TCP connection mode that can have a access (door) controller enabled on each. |
- Add - Select to add a peripheral.
- Edit - Select to edit the selected peripheral.
- Remove - Select to delete the selected peripheral.
Sounds Settings
This screen is accessed from here.
Basic Entry
- Invalid Member - Select to enable the Browse and Test buttons to select a sound file that will play when a Member Card swipe results in an invalid Customer/Member. For example, Customer/Member not found.
- Un-Financial Member - Select to enable the Browse and Test buttons to select a sound file that will play when a Member Card swipe results in a Financial Check failing.
- Successful Entry - Select to enable the Browse and Test buttons to select a sound file that will play when a successful Member Card swipe occurs.
- Birthday - Select to enable the Browse and Test buttons to select a sound file that will play when a Member Card swipe results in a Birthday Check passing.
- Random Draw Win - Select to enable the Browse and Test buttons to select a sound file that will play when a Member Card swipe results in a Random Draw win.
- Member Draw - Select to enable the Browse and Test buttons to select a sound file that will play when a Member Draw win has been drawn.
- Random Sounds - Displays/Set the sound file paths for random sounds that will play when no other sound plays.
- Add - Select to enable the Browse and Test buttons to select a sound file and test it.
- Remove - Select to remove the selected sound file.
General Settings
This screen is accessed from here.
Reception Screen
- Clear After (sec) - Displays/Enter the time (in seconds) Customer/Member information will remain displayed before being automatically cleared. A setting of 0 stops automatic clearing from occurring.
- Allow Keypad Entry - Select to allow the entry of Customer/Member numbers using the keypad provided.
- Lookup via Member Number - Select to ensure Customer/Members are validated using the Member's Number.
Display Information
- Member Number - Select to display the Customer/Member's Number on the Reception screen.
- Member Name - Select to display the Customer/Member's Name on the Reception Screen.
- Membership Type - Select to display the Customer/Member's Classification on the Reception Screen.
- Address - Select to display the Customer/Member's Address on the Reception Screen.
- Current Points - Select to display the Customer/Member's current Points balance on the Reception Screen.
- Renewal Date - Select to display the Customer/Member's membership renewal date on the Reception Screen.
- Scan History - Select to display the Customer/Member's scan history on the Reception Screen.
Member Draw Settings
This screen is accessed from here.
- Enable - Select to enable the Member Draw at the Reception terminal. When selected the Member Draw button will appear enabled.
Display Settings
- Display - Displays/Enter the Display (monitor) number on which the Member Draw will be displayed.
- Background - Select to set either:
- Colour or
- Image for the background of the Draw screen.
- Size - Displays/Set the Width/Height of the Winner Draw display. Note : The Font size will adjust automatically depending on the size selected here.
- Text - Select to set the colour of the Text displaying the Winner information
- Align - Select from the drop down list the position the Draw Winner will be located.
- Previous Winners
- Background - Select to set the Background colour of the display of the previous Winners.
- Text - Select to set the Text colour of the display of the previous Winners.
Claim Prize Settings
- Enable - Select to enable prize claiming in the Reception terminal Draws.
- Time Allowed to Claim (secs) - Displays/Enter the time allowed for a Customer/Member to claim their prize.
- Display Image - Displays/Select the image file to be displayed when the Time Allowed above has elapsed.
- Unclaimed Time (secs) - Displays/Enter the time the above image will be displayed.
- Multiple Draws - Select to enable.
Example of Member Draw Display
Member Draw - Connection Settings
This screen is accessed from here. Configure connections settings here to ensure the Reception terminal is connected to the SwiftPOS Back Office.
Connection Type
- Access Database - Select to configure settings to establish a connection to a Task Manager SwiftPOS Back Office database.
- SQL Server Database - Select to configure settings to establish a connection to a SwiftPOS Back Office database.
SQL Server Connection
- Server - Select from the drop down list of available servers the PC/Server that host the SwiftPOS Back Office.
- Username - Enter sa.
- Password - Enter swiftpos.
- Database - Select from the drop down list of available databases the SwiftPOS database.
Kiosk Settings - General
This screen is accessed from here.
General Settings
- Messages Timeout - Displays/Set the time a Member Card swipe remains displayed on the Kiosk screen before automatically clearing.
- Slide Interval - Displays/Set the time each image in a slideshow is displayed on the Kiosk screen when a slideshow is active.
- Show Photo - Select to ensure the Customer/Member's photo is displayed on the Kiosk screen. Note : The Member's photo will only be displayed if the NetPOS.Net setting Get Member Photo is selected.
- Show Classification - Select to ensure the Customer/Member's Classification is displayed on the Kiosk screen.
- Show Points - Select to ensure the Customer/Member's current Points are displayed on the Kiosk screen. Note : Selecting this will result in only ePurse Points Accounts being displayed. ePurse Cash Accounts will NOT be displayed.
- Font - Select to change the font type, colour and size, the Customer/Member's current Points will be displayed in on the Kiosk screen.
Slideshow Settings
- Show Slide Show - Select to activate a slideshow. This will be displayed when the Message Timeout period has elapsed.
- Graphics Folder - Select the Browse button to select the folder that contains the image files that will be used as part of the slideshow.
Screen Settings
- Welcome Message - Displays/Enter the message that will appear when the Entry Kiosk is first started and whenever the Message Timeout period has elapsed. The message is aimed at welcoming Customer/Members and Customers.
- Font - Select to set the font for the Welcome Message.
- Screen Colour 1/2 - Select Choose Color to display up to two background colours on the Kiosk screen. Select the same colour for both Screen Color 1 and 2 to displa as a solid colour background or select different colours to display as a gradient filled background.
- Colour Fill Direction - Select either Horizontal or Vertical to determine the gradient direction the colours are filled across the screen.
- Background Image - Select the Choose Image button to select and image file to be displayed in the background.
Kiosk Settings - Message
This screen is accessed from here.
Entry Basic Settings
- Warning Message - Displays/Enter the message to be displayed when a Customer/Member swipes their card and it is not validated successfully.
Birthday Setting
- Message - Displays/Enter the message will appear if the Birthday Check passes validation.
Guest Entry Settings
For information click here.
Interactive Kiosk Settings - General
This screen is accessed from here.
General Settings
- Available Interactive Kiosks - Select from the drop down list the Interactive Kiosk to be displayed.
- Return Home Layout (sec) - Displays/Enter the time in seconds that must lapse before the display on the Interactive Kiosk is returned to the Home layout, after a customer has abandoned it.
Custom Kiosk Settings - General
This screen is accessed from here.
- Custom Kiosks - Select from the drop down list the Custom Kiosk to be displayed.
- Return to Home Layout after X secs - Displays/Enter the time in seconds that must lapse before the display on the Custom Kiosk is returned to the Home layout, after a customer has abandoned it.
- Access to Settings via right click - Select to ensure the following is displayed when right clicking on the Custom Kiosk.
- Enable - Select to enable Game at Kiosk. This means that when a Customer/Member swipes their card at the Kiosk, they could randomly win one of the Vouchers selected below. Note : The Custom Kiosk will need to be configured by adding a Game Item.
- Select the button above the following to select an appropriate video (.MP4) file:
- Game
- Winner
- Loser
- Winner Voucher - Select the button above to open the list of available Vouchers, to select the Voucher(s) that can be won. The Winner Vouchers selected will be randomly selected when the Game is won.
Already Played Check
- Enable - Select to enable. The Check will ensure that Customers/Members can only play the Game once per day.
- Reset at - Displays/Set the time to ensure that the Game already played check is reset. This means that at the time set, Customers/Members can play the game again.
- Message - Displays/Enter the message to be displayed at the Kiosk to inform Customers/Members that the Game has already played for the day.
Vouchers Settings
This screen is accessed from here.
- Enable - Select to enable the issuing of Vouchers at Reception.
- Winning Message - Displays/Enter the message that will appear when the Customer/Member has won a random draw. Note : This message will only be displayed when the Voucher returned does NOT have its own message.
- Normal Message - Displays/Enter the message that will appear when the Customer/Member has NOT won a random draw.
- View Messages at Reception - Select to ensure the above messages are displayed at Reception when appropriate.
Note : Vouchers are generated in the SwiftPOS Back Office either via Vouchers (when Member added to Sale is selected) or Member Campaigns.
Talkbox Vouchers
- URL - Displays/Enter the Talkbox URL.
- Username/Password - Enter your Talkbox username and password.
- Lookup Vouchers Using - Select from the drop down list to either Lookup using the Member Number or Alternate ID.
Note : A Member Item (with the Member Details' Available Voucher data item selected) will need to be added to the Custom Kiosk. This will then display the Member's available Vouchers when they swipe their Member card at the Kiosk.
Tickets Settings
The Reception terminal now has the feature to print Tickets. This feature functions in exactly the same way as the printing of Tickets from a SwiftPOS Touch terminal. For further information click here.
Producing Vouchers/Tickets from Reception
Voucher Operation & Member Campaigns can now be used to issue Promotions or entry Vouchers or Random Draw Vouchers at the Reception terminal. For an example of a Random Draw Voucher click here.
These are based around the PLU's used in the Validation screen seen above.
This is an example of doing a Voucher on the financial check for a random draw of 5 ? issue qty is 1, draw odds 5. Product must be the PLU in the Reception terminal.
When applying a Member Campaign, the Financial Check is done and then the Campaign Check is done. It uses the PLU for Financial check which must be in a Family for the Member Campaign to work. Below is my example of every 5th visit gets a training Voucher.
When you are triggering Vouchers from the reception using the financial PLU, you MUST tick this setting as shown below.
Second Chance Draw
Now when a random draw Voucher is awarded it will display the message that is setup against the Voucher that is returned, if there is no message it will use the message setup in the random draw setting screen.
An additional setting has been added , "View messages at Reception".
To allow for the Reception to see that a Voucher has been awarded and its message.
Visit Check Operation
Visit Checking was designed for use at the Reception terminal as a door access module. It allows Customer/Members to gain access to a Location by purchasing an entry fee (PLU 20000). This is sold at the SwiftPOS Touch terminal and assigned to a Customer/Member.
Note : PLU 20000 adds Visits, PLU 19992 deducts Visits. If any other Member Check set to 19992, Visit Checking will NOT work.
- Configure the Reception terminal to enable Visit Checking. Below are the options in the Reception terminal where you enable the visit check and assign which Customer/Member classifications are able to access.
Select Visit Check to enable and ensure the PLU 19992 is entered in the PLU field. Also, select the Classification button to ensure the appropriate Customer/Member classifications are selected.
- At the SwiftPOS Touch terminal, the Customer/Member is added to the sale and PLU 20000 is sold (A sell price can be assigned to the PLU, if required).
- In SwiftPOS Back Office > Members > Member Records > Full Edit, the Remaining Visits counter displays number of visits remaining that the Member will have access the Reception controlled Location.
- A successful visit is displayed at the Reception Terminal as Visit Validated.
Member Draw
The Member draw feature in the Reception terminal can be used for Attendance, Purchases, Random and Raffle draws. A number of filters (as displayed above) can be used to determine which Members will be included in the draw.
- Draw Type - Select from the drop down list of types below:
- Date Range - Select from the drop down list of periods below to ensure the draw is limited to only those Customers/Members that have visited or have made a purchase within the period selected.
- From/To Date - Select/Set From/To dates to ensure the draw is limited to only those Customers/Members that have visited or have made a purchase within the From/To dates selected.
- From/To Location - Select from the drop down list the From/To Location range, to ensure the draw is limited to only those Customers/Members that have visited, or have made a purchase in a Location within the Location range selected.
- From/To Classification - Select from the drop down list the From/To Classifications, to ensure the draw is limited to Customers/Members in the Classification range selected. This option is valid for all but the raffle draws.
- Product Family - Select from the drop down list of Families, to ensure the draw is limited to only those Customers/Members that have made a purchase of a Product that is in the Family selected.
- Member Status - Select from the drop down list below to ensure the draw is limited to only those Customers/Members that satisfy the selection. This option is valid for all but the raffle draws. Note : Any other filters selected also apply.
- Gender - Select from the drop down list below to ensure the draw is limited to only those Customers/Members that satisfy the selection. Note : Any other filters selected also apply.
- From/To Number - Displays/Set the From/To numbers to ensure the draw is limited to only those Raffles that are within the range selected.
- Barrel Promotion - Displays/Select from the drop down list of Barrel Promotions, the one from which the winning Customers/Members are to be drawn from.
- Limit Wins - Displays/Enter the maximum number of times a Customer/Member can claim within a Draw type of either a Barrel Promotion or Barrel Promotion Winners. Note : A win is only considered a win if the Customer/Member claims the winnings and the Claim button is selected. If the Claim button is not selected, then it is not considered a win and the Limit Wins restriction will not be applied.
- Limit Win Date - Displays/Enter the date for the Limit Wins set above are applied from.
- Claim - Select the Claim button when enabled to ensure a drawn ticket is considered won and claimed. The Time left to claim prize will count down from the time set to Claim the prize. This is set here. When the Time left to claim prize reaches 0 then the prize can no longer be Claimed and the draw will be marked as unclaimed.
- Draw - Select to initiate a Customer/Member draw based on the filters set on the left hand side. Once initiated the Display Member Draw screen will randomly cycle through Customer/Members until a winner is displayed. As soon as the winner is displayed on the Display Member Draw screen the Time left to claim prize will begin counting down. If Enable Prize Claiming is not selected then the Time left to claim prize remains at 0 and the winner does not have to claim their prize within a specified amount of time.
- Close - Select to exit.
Display Member Draw
The Customer/Member displayed is the last drawn winner and has claimed their prize.
The Customer/Member names crossed out at the bottom of the screen depict unclaimed winners.
Reception Terminal Meal Service (Custom Feature)
The meal service feature in SwiftPOS Reception Terminal is a custom feature originally implemented for University dining. The setup is outlined below.
- Ensure the most recent version of SwiftPOS Back Office is installed and all databases have been reset and upgraded.
- Configure a Member Campaign (Discount (One Off)) that meets your requirements.
- Assign the Member Campaigns to match your access requirements in Reception terminal. Member Campaigns.
- Ensure the Reception terminal is directly connected to the SwiftPOS Back Office. This can be done via Reception > Options > Connection.
- Ensure the Campaign Check option is selected in Reception > Options > Validation > Member Checks.
- Test by entering a Member Number or swiping a Member Card to simulate entry.
Reception/Kiosk Changes in v
- Kiosk can now connect to SwiftPOS Connect without Reception terminal being active.
- old tickets have been removed and all printing is done via Vouchers (birthday draw, Member Campaigns and random draw).
- random draw has been altered and functionality of randomness moved to Vouchers.
- Reception and Kiosk will auto apply any updates that it receives.
- Lifestyle PLU is now selectable.
- Financial checks will now send a sale back to SwiftPOS Back Office.
- Visit check uses 19992 but visit counter update is live.
- Entry check is now live and uses a new table in SwiftPOS Back Office called SwipeTable.
- Award points on next purchase is now live.
- Member Campaigns fire off the Financial PLU.
- Member Campaigns send a sale back to SwiftPOS Back Office, including information of the Member Campaign that was triggered.
Note : Random Draw needs to be activated if you want to use the random draw in the Vouchers.
Access (Door) Control Operation
This feature is only available with Reception type terminals and will have to be configured at the Reception Terminal. This is done by adding a Peripheral Ethernet I/O Door Controller via the tools Options menu button at the Reception Terminal.
- Members swipe their card at the door and the request goes back to the host system to determine if their Membership is current.
- If access is granted then the host software will activate the door solenoid for up to 15 seconds to allow the Member enough time to pull the handle and open the door.
Related Topics
- Lifestyle Member Import
- POS - Lifestyle Access Control Operation
- POS - Guest Entry Terminal - ID Scanner
- POS - Reception/Kiosk and Access Control Features
- POS - Self Order Kiosk Operation
- POS Configuration Index - Peripheral/Printer Related Configuration
- POS Operation
- POS Operations
- Terminal Settings