Refund Mode Operation


Touch > Function Refund Mode (#1003) POS Key.




This feature is used to refund items at the SwiftPOS Touch terminal. Items entered will appear as negative valued sales. When selected this POS Key changes the background colour of the sales grid to red, to alert Clerks/Staff that they are in Refund mode.


To Be Considered


  1. If required, restricting access to this POS Key can be managed by Clerk Security.
  2. If required, enforcing Clerks/Staff at the SwiftPOS Touch terminals to provide reasons for the refunding of sale items can be achieved by ensuring that the Enforce Reason Code settings have been configured. These settings are accessed from here




  1. Ensure the Function Refund Mode POS Key is added to the appropriate Layout using the Keyboard Designer.




  1. At the SwiftPOS Touch terminal select the Refund Mode POS Key.
  2. Add items to be refunded as per a normal sales transaction.
  3. Finalise the sale.
  4. Once the sale is finalised the sales grid returns to normal sales processing mode.


Note : When selected the Refund Mode POS Key the sales grid's background is displayed in red. Once the Refund is finalised the sales grid returns to it normal background colour.


Refund Mode POS Key Settings



This screen is accessed from here.


  • Enforce Reason Code - Select to enforce the Clerk/Staff Member to select/enter a Reason for refunding the selected sales item. For more information ...
  • Always Print - Select to ensure a receipt is always printed regardless of whether the Receipt button is on or not.
  • Shell Fuel Refund - Used for Shell Fuel sites only.


Related Topics


  1. POS - Reason Codes POS Key Settings
  2. POS Configuration Index - Sales Configuration
  3. POS Operation
  4. POS Operation Index - Sale Features
  5. Touch Toolbar and Tools
  6. Reports - Sales - Credit Sales Audit Report - Credit Sales Audit by Reason Report
  7. Terminal Settings