Reports Settings


Touch > Tools > Basic Tools > Terminal Settings > Reports




This menu item is used to configure any number of reports which can be generated from the SwiftPOS Touch terminal, and be based on Media Types, Products, Clerks/Staff sales and more. Each report can be configured to display varying amounts of data and for different periods of time. All of the reports in SwiftPOS touch are designed to be printed on 80 column docket printers which are used in SwiftPOS Touch.


Report Options



This screen is accessed from here.


The main report settings screen contains a number of options which effect all reports setup in SwiftPOS Touch. These give you 3 sets of report totals that can be independently reset at any time. For example, you may have a Shift Report that is reset at the end of every shift, a Daily Report that is reset at the end of each day and provides a total of all the sales for the day and a Weekly Report that will give you a total of the sales for the week. For larger Businesses/Venues, that use the SwiftPOS Back Office Reporting, it is more likely that you just use 1 of the 3 Reports to produce the normal X and Z reporting at the SwiftPOS Touch terminal.



Report Options

  • Do not print Zero Total lines on report - This option determines whether or not lines with a $0.00 total get displayed in reports. If reports are regularly printed this option can be enabled to save paper in the receipt printer.
  • Do not print Zero Value lines on product report - This determines whether $0 items / instructions are included in the Products section.
  • Print Receipt Header on Reports - Select to determine whether or not the receipt header is displayed at the top of every report.
  • Print Receipt Footer on Reports - This option determines whether or not the receipt footer is displayed at the bottom of every report.
  • Check Headers & Footers - Touch Reports use non-graphical headers and footers even when using a graphical printer. This button allows you to check the headers and footers are configured correctly regardless of what type of printer you are using.
  • Allow committing with Open Tables/TABs - Tables/Tabs are held in the Table Tracking database until the transaction has been fully paid or posted off to an account. This allows you to recall the Table/Tab at any time and credit an item off the table/tab before it is finalised. This option simply determines whether or not a report can be reset while tables that have not been finalised. It is not recommended to do this because Open Tables and Open Tabs can be a means of fraud where staff have taken the cash off the customer and left the transaction sitting on Tables/Tabs. All Tables and Tabs should be finalised and charged off to an account at the end of the day. Note : This option must NOT be selected if exporting to third party General Ledger software because all sales and payments must be balanced before exporting.
  • Allow committing with Held Sales - Determines whether or not a report can be reset while held sales exist. It is not recommended to do this because held sales can be a means of fraud where staff have taken the cash off the customer and left the transaction sitting as a held sale. Note : This option must NOT be selected if exporting to third party General Ledger software.
  • Media Declaration at POS when resetting reports - Select to allow for Media declarations to be done at the SwiftPOS Touch terminal. For operation information ... Note : This option will be disabled if the Gunnebo Cash Management option has been selected. The Recall Declaration POS Key will need to be added to the appropriate Keyboard Layout using the Keyboard Designer in the SwiftPOS Back Office.
    • Pre Z Read declaration - When set, a declaration will occur before the Z Read. This can not be cancelled, and will prompt for a reason if there is a variance.
    • Open Cash Drawer (Pre Z Read Declaration) - Select to ensure the Cash Drawer is opened prior to a Cash declaration.
  • Require Float Entry by Denomination - Select to ensure a Float is entered by denomination. Used in conjunction with the Float In POS Key.
  • Set Float From Media Declaration - Select to ensure the Float is set to the previous Media declaration.
  • Print Declarations (including float) - Select to print a Cash Declaration report as per the sample below.
  • Cash Off by Cash Drawer - Select to ensure that Cash Offs sent to the SwiftPOS Back Office are per Cash Drawer and not SwiftPOS Touch Terminal. For more information ...

If this option is selected and the following prompt is displayed, then first ensure Consolidated Reporting is unselected, exit the SwiftPOS Touch Settings screen and try again to select it.



Note : This option can only be selected/unselected when Table Tracking is enabled, the Master option is selected and the Prompt for Cash Drawer Assignment option is selected (in Fast Clerks mode).


Report Area


  • 1 - The default report name is Daily Sales but could be changed for shift reporting if required. This would be the default X and Z Report Button.
  • 2 - The default report name is Weekly Sales but could be changed for daily reporting if required.
  • 3 - The default report name is Monthly Sales but could be changed for shift reporting if required. Normally only used in small sites that don't have a SwiftPOS Back Office.



  • Add / Edit Reports - Launches the Report Setup screen. See below for further information.
  • Denomination Setup - Launches the Denomination Setup screen. See below for further information.
  • Float Setup - Launches the Float Setup screen. See below for further information.


  • Save - Select to save any changes and exit.
  • Cancel - Select to exit without saving.


Note : If Shift Reporting is being used, then you will get the option of 3 different reporting totals at the SwiftPOS Touch terminal. These can be named as required.


Report Areas



This screen is accessed from here.



  • Report Area 1 to 3 - Displays/Enter the names of the Reports that can be selected when setting up reports. The names entered here will be displayed in the Report Settings screen below for selection.


Shift Reporting


Shift Reporting is essentially the same settings as the X & Z Reports. The main difference is the Shift reports will report from the last Shift report, and the Daily report will report from the last Daily report.


If a Daily report is run immediately after the final Shift report for the day, then the Daily report should total with the Shift Reports since the last Daily Report.


There may be an inconsistency in the figures if there are sales done between ruining the final Shift report and the Daily report.


Note : When Shift Reporting is enabled, ensure a Shift and Daily report are run initially to set a starting point for shift reporting.


Report Setup



This screen is accessed from here.


The report setup screen allows reports to be added, edited and removed from SwiftPOS Touch. Each report can be assigned a display name and can also have a back colour assigned so that it can be easily identified in the report menu. Even if you don't have a printer the reports will still be displayed on the screen for visual balancing.


Report Settings


  • Report - Displays/Enter the name of the Report
  • Settings - Select to open the Report Settings screen.




  • Enable - Select to ensure an Alert is sent to Clerks/Staff that the selected Report has NOT been at the selected time.
  • At - Displays/Set the time an Alert will be sent, if the selected Report has not been run.
  • Repeat every X mins - Displays/Enter the number of minutes that has to elapse before the Alert is repeated, if the selected Report has still not been run.
  • Delay next by X mins - Displays/Enter the number of minutes that has to elapse before the selected Report can be run again. This is used to ensure that Clerks/Staff do not run Reports unnecessarily, and thus resulting in Reports with no transactions reported.
  • Email - Displays/Enter the Email address of the person/group that needs to be notified when the selected Report has not been run.




  • Back Colour - Select to set the background colour for the Report button as displayed when selecting the Print Reports (#12) POS Key.
  • Text Colour - Select to set the text colour of the text for the Report button as displayed when selecting the Print Reports (#12) POS Key.
  • Font - Select to set the font of the text for the Report button as displayed when selecting the Print Reports (#12) POS Key.
  • Sample - Displays a sample of the buttons appearance for the selected Report, as configured by the above settings.




  • Show Reset Number - Select to display the current Reset Number.



  • Get Reset Number from the Back Office - Select to retrieve and determine the Reset Number based on the SwiftPOS Back Office.





Report Settings



This screen is accessed from here.


Note : The Z Report now includes tracking of Mix n Match Discounts to display as a MM Discounts line total.


The report settings screen allows each individual report to be configured. Please note that a reset transaction will only be created for reset reports if they are assigned to Report Area 1 (Daily) and the Reset sales after print option is enabled. If a report is enabled to report by cash drawer it will only create a reset transaction if the report was not run for a specific cash drawer.


Report Assignment


There are a number or predefined report types that can be included in each report. Please note that if a report has been enabled for cash drawer reporting, only the media totals are displayed by cash drawer and all other totals are the grand total for the terminal. The available report types are as follow:


  • Fixed Totals - Fixed totals include gross and net sales, discounts and refund totals etc. Count Figure is the Transactions Count
  • Media Totals - Cash, Cheque, EFTPOS and other media totals. Count Figure is the Customer Count
  • Tax Totals - Tax totals include a breakdown of each tax. Count Figure is the Customer Count
  • Products - Quantity and value of sales by PLU. Count Figure is the Customer Count
  • Non Sale Items -
  • Categories - Sales Summary by Category. Count Figure is the Customer Count
  • Product Groups - Sales Summary by Product Group. Count Figure is the Customer Count
  • Master Groups - Sales Summary by Master Groups. This grouping is the highest level of Product grouping available in SwiftPOS.
  • Print Groups - Sales Summary by Print Group. Count Figure is the Customer Count
  • Clerks - Sales Summary by Clerk/Staff Member. Count Figure is the Transactions Count
  • Classifications - Sales Summary by Member Classification. Count Figure is the Customer Count
  • Hourly Sales - Hourly sales totals for each hour of the day. Count Figure is the Transactions Count
  • Covers - Totals covers and average spend for each hour of the day.
  • Price Levels - Sales by Price Level. Count Figure is the Customer Count
  • Tips - Tip totals by Clerk/Staff Member.






  •  Add Custom - Select to open the search Custom Reports screen to select a Custom report that has been already been added here.

Report Settings


  • The Report Area names configured here will be displayed here. Select the Report to be configured.
  • Reset sales after print - (This is referred to as a "Z-Report" and is used for auditing purposes to ensure you have consecutive reports from the POS) This options determines whether or not the report will reset data for the selected report when it has been printed. This option needs to be enabled in addition to other criteria for a reset transaction to be created.

    • Blind reporting - Select to hide report content from the Clerk/Staff Member, to ensure that expected value of the cash drawer is kept from him/her. It also will ensure the Counted/Expected value are not displayed on the Cash Declaration screen.
    • Reset Available Servings - Select to ensure that all Available Servings are reset to their pre-selected quantities.
    • Commit Time Clock Data - Select to ensure that a prompt will be displayed requesting confirmation to commit all uncommitted Time Clock Data.

  • Prompt for Comment - Select to prompt for a Comment to be entered when the selected Report is run.
  • EFT - Run Settlement - Select to ensure the EFT Settlement process is triggered when the selected report is run. Note : This will only be activated if it is supported by the EFTPOS peripheral configured at the SwiftPOS Touch terminal.
  • FUEL - Pumps and Dip Reads - Select to ensure these are reported.
  • Lock terminal - The lock terminal option determines whether or not the terminal will be locked after a report has been run. It is recommended that when Consolidated X and Z reporting is enabled that all terminals except for the master terminal have this option enabled.
  • Restart Terminal - Select to ensure the Terminals is restarted after the Report is run.  Note : If this feature is enabled then, it is recommended that the Reboot Terminal PC option is NOT enabled as well. Both restart features should NOT be enabled together, as this can result in duplicate Terminal Cash Offs.
  • Reset Tips - This option determines whether or not the selected report resets the tip totals.
  • Show Cash Drawer - Select to ensure Cash Drawer totals are reported.
  • Show Cleared Items - Select to ensure Cleared Items are reported.
  • Show Credit Sales - Select to ensure Credit Sales are reported. Note : This option is enabled by default, and should only be disabled if there is awareness of the ramifications of doing so. This also produces a simplified report option for small sites. A password is required to disable this option.
  • Show Gross Sales - Select to ensure Gross Sales are reported.
  • Show Signature Line - Select to ensure that a Name and Signature line is printed on the report. Note : If Report by Cash Drawer (above) is selected, then a Name and Signature line will be printed for each of the Cash Drawers.
  • Show Tax Analysis - Select to ensure the Tax and the Amount Excl. Tax are also reported. The sample below shows an extract from a Z Report with this option selected.


  • Hide Currency Symbol - Select to ensure that all currency symbols are not displayed in the selected report.
  • Run report on auto reboot - Select to ensure that the selected report is run automatically once the auto reboot of the SwiftPOS Touch terminal has occurred. Note : All Report Options/Settings current for the selected report will be inherited by this feature, for example, Blind Reporting or Media Declaration at POS when resetting reports. Be aware that if this feature is selected and the Media Declaration at POS when resetting reports option is also selected then this feature will wait until the Cash Declaration has been done.


    • Print - Select to ensure the selected report is printed as well.




  • Sort Products by Description - Select to report Products sorted by their Description. Note : The following only applies when the Products report type is selected and assigned to be included as part of the
  • Group Product by - Select from the following drop down list:


  • OK - Select to save any changes and exit
  • Cancel - Select to exit without saving changes.


Denomination Setup



The denomination setup screen allows users to setup currency denominations for use with Cash Declarations. Default denominations are included and should be suitable for all Australian Businesses/Venues. If cashier's are used to counting the drawer starting at the largest note first then the order of the denominations can easily be changed. Please note that the denominations are stored in the SwiftPOS Touch database and therefore should be exported to an XML file if the default configuration is not suitable. The import/export utility can also be useful for copying a custom configuration between terminals. It is important to note that no changes made in this screen can be saved back to the database if pending cash declarations currently exist in the database.


  • Add Row - Adds a new denomination record to the denomination setup screen.
  • Remove Row - Removes the selected denomination from the denomination setup screen.
  • Remove All - This option removes all denominations. Please not that it is not possible to save changes with no denominations setup so this button should only be use to clear denominations when intending to add new ones.
  • Order Up - The order up button will move the selected denomination up by one row.
  • Order Down - The order down button will move the selected denomination down by one row.
  • Import - The import button allows users to import an exported denomination setup file that has been created on any terminal.
  • Export - The export button allows users to export all of the denominations to an XML file which can be used as a backup or to import into other terminals.


Float Setup



The float setup screen allows users to specify the float value in each cash drawer. The float values are used in reports which include media totals and the float value is added to the expected cash total and is then subtracted from the drawer total to display the true total which can be balanced with fixed totals. It is important to remember that if a non cash drawer based report is run then all 4 float values will be used in the report. To modify any of the float values simply click the appropriate row then enter the desired float value.


PLU Setup - You must assign a PLU number to each Media in the SwiftPOS Back Office


Sample of a Cash Declaration Report



Related Topics


  1. POS - Reporting Operation- Sample Z Report
  2. POS Configuration Index - Reporting Configuration
  3. POS Operation
  4. POS Operation Index - Reporting Features
  5. Touch Toolbar and Tools
  6. Reporting Operation
  7. Terminal Settings