Review Sale Operation




This feature enables Clerks/Staff to review all items in the current sale at a SwiftPOS Touch terminal, when all the items are NOT visible in the sales grid.




  1. Add the Review Sale POS Key to the appropriate Layout using the Keyboard Designer.
  2. A sale must currently be in progress to be able to use this feature.




  1. At the SwiftPOS Touch terminal, sell Products. Do not finalise the sale.
  2. Select the Review Sale POS Key.
  3. The Sale Review screen will be displayed.
  4. Use the Up/Down arrows in the bottom left corner, if necessary.
  5. Select Close to exit out of this screen.


Sale Review



Related Topics


  1. POS Configuration Index - Sales Configuration
  2. POS Operation
  3. POS Operation Index - Sale Features
  4. Touch Toolbar and Tools
  5. Terminal Settings