Back Office > Administration > Services
This menu item is used to configure SwiftPOS Services settings and execute/start/stop services, as well as providing access to the Cloud Onboarding process.
Services are responsible for amongst other tasks, the processing of SwiftPOS Touch terminal sales and the communications with said terminals. This also includes ensuring updates are made available to SwiftPOS Touch terminals when changes made in the SwiftPOS Back Office. Each of the services can be started and stopped or run at different frequencies depending on the requirements of the site. Log files are created for each of the services, which can then be viewed using the Event Log Reader.
Cloud Onboarding process facilitates the establishment of a secure connection between SwiftPOS and the MSL Cloud infrastructure. For more information ...
To Be Considered
- Be aware that before uninstalling SwiftPOS Services, all Services must be stopped. Also, if any changes are made to Location Groups (Venues), Locations, Categories or Taxes, then the Services need to be restarted.
- Note : If SwiftPOS Back Office was NOT invoked/run with Administrator rights, then the following prompt will be displayed:
To avoid this, the SwiftPOS Back Office application/shortcut can be set to always Run as Administrator. For more information ... |
- All SwiftPOS Services are recommended to be set to log on as an Administrator account.
- Services settings are stored in XML files and can be found at the location C:\ProgramData\Samford Software. For example : ConnectSettings.XML. If for some reason any one of the files have been corrupted or it is zero bytes in length, then the corrupted file(s) will need to be deleted and recreated to default values.
- To install a Service, click on the Click to Install Service icon.
- Right click on the icon to uninstall the service. All services must be stopped before uninstalling. The following warning will be displayed:
Select to Start/Stop/Pause or Restart the Service.
- Execute Now - Select to run the service immediately.
- Poll for Updates Interval - Displays/Enter the polling interval in minutes to set how often Product and Price change information is sent to the SwiftPOS Touch terminals. Recommended that this be set to zero. Given Happy Hours are now stored at the SwiftPOS Touch terminals there is no requirement that this be set. Updates can be manually sent using the Send Changes/Full Update buttons. Note : Changing this setting will also automatically change the same setting here. Other settings relating to updates can be found in Global Preferences, Connect/Touch and End of Day settings.
- Scan Interval - Select from the drop down list the scan interval required. The interval selected determines the time between scanning for sales made at the SwiftPOS Touch terminals.
The scan interval selected for this service is entirely up to the individual site but information regarding recommended settings can be found here. |
- Service PC - Enter the name of the PC on which the service will run. Select X to remove the current setting and restart the service to reset the setting.
- Report Printer - Select from the drop down list the default printer for this Service. This needs to be selected before starting this Service.
- Start Mode - Select from the drop down list either Automatic, Manual or Disabled.
- Full Debug logging - Select to enable. Note : This should only be enabled when recommended. Also, full debug logging on the Connect service will also create Network Trace Logs in "C:\ProgramData\Samford Software\Network Trace Logs\SwiftPOS Connect Service\xxxxx"
- Settings - Select from the drop down list one of the following:
- Archive Settings - Note : This feature has been moved to the Service Monitor and can be accessed here.
- Windows Service Manager - Select to open the Windows Services Manager Services screen.
- Add All Services to Windows Firewall Exception List - See below.
- Add SQL Dependencies to Services - Recommended to run this on all sites. Add a dependency on the Default SQL Instance (MSSQLSERVER) to delay the startup of SwiftPOS Services until SQL has started. If your POS Terminals do not connect to the back office after a restart it is because the SwiftPOS services are starting before SQL has started.
- Remove SQL Dependencies to Services - Remove the dependency on the Default SQL Instance (MSSQLSERVER) from the SwiftPOS Services.
- Cloud Onboarding - Select to initiate the Cloud Onboarding process.
- Close - Select to exit.
Information Bar
- Services - Displayed in the Information Bar of the main SwiftPOS Back Office screen. For further information click here.
Connect Service
Manages TCP Communication with SwiftPOS Touch Clients
This Service is responsible for sending database updates (including Specials/Promotions and Happy Hours) to SwiftPOS Touch terminals. Sales made at the SwiftPOS Touch terminals are written to sale transaction files located in the path as defined at the Location Group (Venue) level.
Sales Processing Service
Monitor for and process sales filed generated by terminal communications software
This Service is responsible for scanning for sales made at the SwiftPOS Touch terminals and processing these. Sales made at the SwiftPOS Touch terminals are written to sale transaction files located in the path as defined at the Location Group (Venue) level.
Note :
- The time taken to process a sale transaction made at a SwiftPOS Touch terminal is determined by the Scan Interval setting (set here) and the Inactivity Time set at the SwiftPOS Touch terminal being greater than 5 seconds.
- This service is not required to be running for sales transactions made using SwiftPOS Back Office.
- This service is not designed for small sites where services are running on the SwiftPOS Touch terminals.
- Member Campaigns rely on sales being processed in the SwiftPOS Back Office before results are displayed.
End of Day Service
Processes end of day functions for SQL POS data.
This service is responsible for processing Batch Reports and Consolidating Inventory History. The End of Day service is the only SwiftPOS service that does not allow a scan interval to be set. By default, the service will do a check every minute until the End of Day time has been reached, which will then result in batch reports being exported and inventory history being consolidated. All of these options, including the End of Day time can be configured from the End of Day menu in Location Group (Venue) records.
Message Service
Manages incoming and outgoing messages between SwiftPOS Back Office and all SwiftPOS Touch Clients
This service is only required if you are running messaging between SwiftPOS Touch terminals. Note : If this service is not required, ensure it is not configured it at the SwiftPOS Touch terminal. This feature is not designed for large networks running over a WAN. Suggest to use Gmail or some other email/messaging service.
Right click on the icon to also add this Service to the Firewall Exception List.
Gateway Client Service
The Gateway Client Service is responsible for communication between SwiftPOS Back Office and the swiftpos Cloud infrastructure.
Once activated, the Gateway Client Service can be manually stopped and started. This will be an outbound secure amqp internet connection to the swiftpos Cloud infrastructure. It is recommended that the Gateway Client Service's Start-up option is set to Automatic, after a Location has been activated, to ensure a smoother operation.
Cloud Sync Service
The Cloud Sync Service is responsible for synchronising SwiftPOS Back Office data to the SwiftPOS Cloud Database. It is automatically installed during the Cloud Onboarding process.Facilitates the syncing of data between SwiftPOS Back Office and the SwiftPOS Cloud.
Stop All Services and Exit
Sales File Archive Settings
Add All Services to Windows Firewall Exception List
Use to add All the SwiftPOS services to the Windows firewall exceptions list. This ensures access to the SwiftPOS database from other computers on the network. If a third party firewall product is being used then this will need to be manually configured.
Also ensure that the firewall settings have been set correctly for the type of network set up in use.
SwiftPOS Services Monitor Settings
From the SwiftPOS Back Office menu you are able to start/stop all services without having to manage them individually.
The SQL login screen allows you to select the SQL server name and User Name for logging into the Server database. You can also set the connection timeout to suit your requirements. To select the SQL login screen select it from the menu under Setting Options. For more information ...
SwiftPOS Services Setup Instructions
Recommended Settings - Provides recommended settings for SwiftPOS Services.
Related Topics
- Administration
- Change Database Server - Bureau Settings or Franchise Head Office running multiple Franchise Concepts across multiple Countries.
- Event Log Reader
- Installation
- NetPOS.Net
- Recommended Settings for Services
- Services Monitor
- Touch Settings