Touch > Function Table Info (#44) POS Key
This feature is used to view/maintain information about a Table/TAB. The information recorded against a Table/TAB are the number of covers, contact details, credit limits and Additional Options.
To Be Considered
- This feature can be invoked each time a Table is created, by ensuring the Table Tracking Setting > Prompt for Table Info is selected.
- Ensure the Function Table Info POS Key is added to the appropriate Layout using the Keyboard Designer.
- To View/Edit Table Information
- At the SwiftPOS Touch terminal, open a Table.
- Select the Table Info POS Key. The Table Information screen below will be displayed.
- Edit the information where required and select Save.
- To View/Edit TAB Information
- At the SwiftPOS Touch terminal, open a TAB.
- Select the Table Info POS Key. The TAB Information screen below will be displayed.
- Edit the information where required and select Save.
Table Information
This screen is accessed from here.
- Table Number - Displays the Table number.
- Adult Covers - Select to set the number of adult covers at the Table. This is sent to the SwiftPOS Back Office for reporting purposes.
- Child Covers - Select to set the number of child covers at the Table. This is sent to the SwiftPOS Back Office for reporting purposes.
Contact Details
- Contact Name - Enter the name of the Customer booking the Table. This can be changed at any time.
- Contact Number - Enter the contact number of the Customer entered above.
Credit Limits
This section allows for one of the following types of credit limits to be set when creating a new Table.
- Open Limit - Select to to ensure there is no limit applicable to this Table/TAB. Select Add Payment to open open the Finalise Sale screen to process a payment. By default this option is selected
- Pre-paid limit - Select to set a Pre-paid limit by adding a deposit. Select Add Deposit to open open the Finalise Sale screen to process a deposit. The deposit paid will determine the limit. Once the limit is reached no more items can be added to the Table. A message similar to the one below will be displayed when this happens.
Increase the Pre-paid limit again by re-selecting Add Deposit. Use the Finalise Prepaid POS Key to finalise the Table. Any outstanding credit is refunded as change. |
- Table Limit - Select to set a limit applicable to this Table/TAB. Select the Amount button to set a credit limit (not Pre-paid) against the Table. Select Add Payment to open open the Finalise Sale screen to process a payment. Once the limit is reached no further items will be able to be added to the Table until a payment has been made using Add Payment.
- EFT Pre-approved - Select to pre-approve funds for a sale to be processed at a later time. Mostly used by Hotels/Motels and Car Rental businesses. This option will only be enabled at SwiftPOS Touch terminals that have, attached and configured, an EFTPOS Peripheral that supports pre-approvals. Contact your EFTPOS provider for further information. Note : When using this option the Table/TAB can only be finalised at the SwiftPOS Touch terminal at which the pre-approval was carried out.
- Link to Account - Select to link the Table to a Customer/Member's Account. This will ensure the Table's credit limit is initially set to the Account's available credit (That is, the Account's Credit Limit less the Account Balance). This initial credit limit can be adjusted up or down as required. When selected Amount and Account buttons are displayed. Select the Account button to open the Customer Search screen. Once a Customer/Member is selected, the amount of available credit will appear in the Amount button. Select the Amount button to open a numeric keypad to adjust the limit to the required credit limit. Once this limit is reached no further items will be able to be added to the Table until a payment has been made. Note : When finalising the Table, only an amount equivalent to the the Account's available credit, can be charged to the Account. The remaining balance will need to be finalised to an appropriate media.
Note : The above credit limit options can only be selected when the Table is being created.
Additional Options
- Link to TAB - Select the Select TAB button to link the Table to a TAB, ensuring that the Table can be finalised to a TAB using the Finalise to Tab POS Key. The Table will be effectively be paid for when the linked TAB is eventually finalised.
- Family ID - Enter the ID number of the Family of Products. Once selected only those Products in the selected Family can be charged to the Table. Any other Products will have to be paid for separately and will not be able to be added to the Table's bill.
- Allergens - Select to Declare Allergens. Refer to How To Declare Allergens for more information.
- Save - Select to save any changes and exit.
- Esc - Select to exit without saving.
TAB Information
This screen is accessed from here.
- TAB Colour - Select the Select TAB Colour button to assign the colour to a TAB that corresponds to the colour of the wristbands issued against the TAB. The colour selected will display in the Colour column (RHS) of the TAB search screen for easy identification based on the colour of a Customer's wristband.
- Valid Till - Select to specify the date/time the TAB expires. Note : This will restrict the TAB's barcode to be scanned at SwiftPOS Touch terminals, as well as ensuring no further items can be added to the TAB once this date/time set has expired.
- Subsidy Per Item - Select to enter/set the amount which the TAB owner will subsidise per item when finalised to the TAB. For more information ... Note : The Subsidy will only be applied when the Finalise to TAB POS Key is used.
- Pin Override - Select to enter/set a Pin, that will need to be entered in order to override the subsidy per item set, and finalise the entire remaining amount of the sale to the TAB. Note : The Finalise to TAB POS Key will need to be selected again at Touch in order to be prompted for the entry of the Pin.
- For all other fields - Refer to the Table Information screen above.
Finalise Sale
This screen is accessed from here and is used to process Deposits/Payments for Limits applying to Tables/TABs. Enter an amount and finalise using one of the Media buttons on the left hand side. Note : The text (Integrated) appearing on the right of the Media name, (for example, F2 EFTPOS (Integrated)) will be displayed if the Integrated option is selected against the respective Media here.
Ensure amounts are entered with cents. That is, to enter $50, enter 50.00.
Related Topics
- POS Configuration Index - Table/TAB Configuration
- POS Operation
- POS Operation Index - Table/TAB Features
- Touch Toolbar and Tools
- Terminal Settings