Table/TAB/Bistro Table Operations
Touch > The following Function POS Keys are related to Tables/TABs:
- Finalise Prepaid (#29) - Operation
- Finalise Tables to TABs (#31) - Operation
- Finalise to TAB (#45) - Operation
- Reorder Table Items (#110) - Operation
- Review Bistro Table (#146) - Operation
- Review TAB (#148) - Operation
- Review Table (#148) - Operation
- Split Bill (#35) - Operation
- Split Table Balance (#38) - Operation
- Table# (#30) / Bistro Table / TAB
- Table Info (#44)
- Transfer Bistro Table (#33) - Operation
- Transfer Table (#34) - Operation
- Transfer Table Items (#42) - Operation
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To Be Considered
- Multiple Table# POS Keys can be added to a keyboard and each can be preset to cater for Tables, Bistro Tables and/or TABs.
Examples of a Table# POS Key configured to cater for Tables and/or TABs.
- Each time a Table/TAB is opened, it is considered to be a new sale.
- Tables/TABs are saved and held in the Table Tracking database until the Table/TAB has been fully paid for or charged to an Account. This allows the Table/TAB to be recalled (opened) at any time and items added to it or individual items to be finalised, prior to the whole Table/TAB being finalised.
- If you want to record sales and decrement stock from the different Locations then you must not use Single Sales File Reporting on Tables/Tabs.
- Ensure the Function POS Keys listed above are added to the appropriate Layout using the Keyboard Designer.
- To ensure the Table# POS Key functions as a Bistro Table, make sure the Bistro Table setting is selected.
- Tables (Standard)
- Creating a New Table
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- Opening an Existing Table
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- Saving a Table
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- Table Last Mode
- For standard Tables
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- For Bistro Tables
- Add a Booking Name if required. If no Booking Name has been added to the sale, then the next available Order number will be used instead.
- Enter the Bistro Table number and then select the Table# (Bistro Table #) POS Key.
- Continue as a normal Bistro Table.
- Finalise the sale as per Bistro Table rules.
- Link a Table to a TAB
- At the SwiftPOS Touch terminal, open an existing Table (see above).
- Select the Table Info POS Key.
- The Open Tables for All Clerks screen will be displayed. Select a TAB listed in this screen to link the Table.
- A confirmation prompt will be displayed. Select Yes to confirm the Table is to be finalised to the TAB displayed in the prompt.
- Select Save and then Save the Table (see above).
- Finalise a Table to TAB
This allows a Table / Bistro Table to be finalised to a TAB.
- At the SwiftPOS Touch terminal, open an existing Table (see above).
- Select the Finalise to Tab POS Key.
- This will open the Open TABs for All Clerks screen to select an existing TAB or add a new TAB.
- A confirmation prompt will be displayed. Select Yes to confirm the Table is to be finalised to the TAB displayed in the prompt.
- The Table is finalised and the amount against the TAB is increased by the Table's balance owing.
- Finalise Pre-Paid Table
- To be continued ...
- Transfer Bistro Table
- To be continued ...
- Transfer a Table
- In the SAME Location
- At the SwiftPOS Touch terminal, open an existing Table (see above). E.g. Table# 3.
- Enter the Table number of the Table to which all the items are to be transferred to. E.g.: 4 and then select the Transfer Table POS Key.
- If the Table number entered is already opened/occupied, then a prompt will be displayed prompting whether the Tables are to be combined.
- The items on Table 3 will be saved to Table # 4.
- In a DIFFERENT Location
- To explain this, the following scenario is being used as an example: The requirement is to Transfer orders currently placed against Table 3 on Location 1 TO Table 3 in Location 2.
- Before any inter Location Transfers can take place the following MUST BE in place:
- Ensure that the Location to which the Table is being transferred is visible. That is Location 2 is visible from the SwiftPOS Touch terminal in Location 1, that is triggering the Transfer. This can be done by:
- Selecting the Table Tracking Visible Locations button in Table Tracking Settings and ensuring the Active setting is set to True against the To Location (that is, Location 2).
- Exit and Save the changes made to the Table Tracking Locations Screen.
- At the SwiftPOS Touch terminal, In Location 1, open Table 3.
- Once Table 3 is displayed in the sales grid, enter 2.3 and select the Transfer Table POS Key. Note : The 1st value (2) entered entered indicates Location 2 and the 2nd value (3) entered indicates Table 3. Using this format enables different Locations to have the same Table Numbers.
- At the prompt:
Select Yes.
- The items on Table 3 should now appear in Location 2 on Table 3. This can be viewed by using the Table# POS Key and selecting Location 2 at the bottom of the screen. Table 3 should now appear as one of the tables listed.
- Review a Table
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- Bistro Tables
- Creating a New Bistro Table
- At the SwiftPOS Touch terminal, enter a Bistro Table number e.g.: 3.
- Then select the Bistro Table# POS Key. The Bistro Table counter will be incremented by 1.
- If the Prompt for Order Name setting is selected, a prompt to enter the seat name will be displayed. Enter the name of the Customer and then select Done.
- Add items to the Table by selling Products.
- Finalise the sale by selecting one of the Finalise POS Keys.
- A prompt will be displayed requesting confirmation whether this is the last order. If Yes is selected the Bistro Table will be closed and the Bistro Table counter will be decremented by 1. If No is selected, then the Bistro Table will remain open enabling another order to be taken for the Table.
This screenshot is an example of a sale made for a Bistro Table order. The Bistro Table counter displays the number of Bistro Tables currently open.
- Opening an Existing Bistro Table
An existing Bistro Table can be opened to take another order for the same Bistro Table. This can be done in the following ways:
- At the SwiftPOS Touch terminal, enter a Table number e.g.: 3
- Then select the Bistro Table# POS Key.
- If the Prompt for Order Name setting is selected, a prompt to enter the seat name will be displayed. Enter the name of the Customer and then select Done.
- Add items to the Bistro Table and finalise as per normal.
- At the SwiftPOS Touch terminal, select the Bistro Table# POS Key.
- The Open Tables for All Clerks screen will be displayed, showing the currently open Bistro Tables. Select a Table from the list.
- If the Prompt for Order Name setting is selected, a prompt to enter the seat name will be displayed. Enter the name of the Customer and then select Done.
- Add items to the Bistro Table and finalise as per normal.
- Transfer Current Bistro Table Order
If a Clerk accidentally enters the incorrect Bistro table number for an order, they can use the Transfer Bistro Table (function 33) to transfer the current Order to the correct Bistro Table. While the Order is still open in the Sales Grid, enter the correct Bistro able number and then Transfer Bistro Table and this will transfer the current order to the correct Bistro Table. If the correct Bistro Table is open, you can also press the Transfer Bistro Table POS Key while the Order is open on the sales grid, and this will display a list of open tables to choose from.
Note : This will only transfer the currently open order, not previously finalised orders on the Bistro Table.
- Review a Bistro Table
- Create a new Bistro Table as per above. However, when the prompt requesting confirmation whether this is the last order is displayed, respond No. this will ensure the Bistro Table will remain open enabling another order to be taken for the Table.
- The Bistro Table counter will be incremented by 1.
- Enter the Bistro Table Number used to create the Bistro Table above and then select the Review Bistro Table POS Key.
- The Review Bistro Table screen will be displayed, showing the orders currently placed against the Table.
- TABs
- Open a New TAB
A New TAB can be opened in either one of following ways:
- Enter a TAB number that has not been used yet, and select the TAB POS Key.
- The TAB Information screen will be opened. Enter the appropriate details and select Save.
- The Tab will be opened and appear in the sales grid.
- Select items to add them to the TAB.
- Select the TAB POS Key to save the TAB.
- At the SwiftPOS Touch terminal, add items to the sales grid.
- Select Finalise to Tab POS Key. The Open TABs for All Clerks will be displayed.
Barcode - Select the Barcode button for a specific Table/TAB, to print or email the Barcode for that Table/TAB.
Note : The Subtotal value displayed here will not include any Member Campaign discounts, as these are removed when the Table/TAB is saved, and re applied when the Table/TAB is reloaded into the sales grid.
- Select the Add New TAB (in the top right hand corner) button.
- An Enter the new TAB Number prompt will be displayed with the next available TAB number.
- Once entered, a TAB Information screen will be displayed. Enter the appropriate details and select Save.
- The TAB will be saved for recall later.
- Open an Existing TAB
A TAB can be opened in either one of following ways:
- At the SwiftPOS Touch terminal, select the TAB POS Key. The Open TABs for All Clerks will be displayed with the currently opened TABs listed.
- Select one of the TABs listed.
- The selected TAB will be added to the sales grid.
- Either add more items to the TAB or finalise it.
- At the SwiftPOS Touch terminal, sell items.
- Select the Finalise to Tab POS Key. The Open TABs for All Clerks will be displayed with the currently opened TABs listed.
- The selected TAB will be added to the sales grid.
- Either add more items to the TAB or finalise it.
- At the SwiftPOS Touch terminal, enter the TAB number of an existing TAB. e.g.: 1000.
- Then select the TAB# POS Key.
- The TAB and its items (if any) will be added to the sales grid.
- Either add more items to the TAB or finalise it.
- Saving a TAB
- Once the TAB and it's items appear in the sales grid, more items can be added before saving.
- Save the TAB by selecting the TAB# POS Key.
- Finalise to TAB
Used to finalise a Table or Sale to a TAB. Note : Any TAB Limits set, using the Link To Account feature, against the selected TAB will NOT be applied when Finalising to a TAB.
- At the SwiftPOS Touch terminal, add items to the sales grid.
- Select the Finalise to Tab POS Key.
- This will open the Open TABs for All Clerks screen to select an existing TAB or add a new TAB.
- Select an existing TAB or add a new TAB.
- Review a TAB
- At the SwiftPOS Touch terminal, open a TAB as per above and select the Review TAB POS Key (See the Review Table (#148) POS Key).
- The Table Review screen will be displayed with the activity against the TAB displayed.
Used to allow a Floor Managers/Clerks/Staff Members the ability to view the entire activity related to a selected TAB.
- Subsidising a TAB
- Open a new TAB (as per above).
- When the TAB Information screen is displayed, select the Subsidy Per Item value button and enter the value of the Subsidy to be applied to each item.
- Select SAVE, to save the changes to the TAB Information
- Select the TAB POS Key to save the TAB.
- Sell Items.
- Select Finalise to TAB and select the TAB with the Subsidy.
- A prompt similar to the one below will be displayed:
- Select OK.
- The subsidy will be added to the sale and the Subtotal outstanding adjusted accordingly.
- Finalise the outstanding amount.
- The TAB will remain open with the TAB Subsidy amount added to it.
- Note : The following message will be displayed if the TAB is opened prior to items being sold.
To add items to a TAB and have the Tab Subsidy applied, the TAB must NOT be opened first. Instead, add the items to a sale and then select the Finalise to TAB POS Key and select the TAB with the Subsidy. This will ensure the Subsidy is applied to all items added to the sale.
Open Tables for All Clerks
This screen is accessed by selecting the Table# POS Key. This screen displays the Tables currently open and not yet finalised. Toggle select the column headings to sort the grid appropriately.
Select the TABs button (bottom left hand corner) to view a list of TABs.
Note :
- By default this screen will display the Tables when initially opened. To change this to display the TABs first, ensure the Table# POS Key's Display TAB's First setting below is selected.
- The Subtotal value displayed here will not include any Member Campaign discounts, as these are removed when the Table/TAB is saved, and re applied when the Table/TAB is reloaded into the sales grid.
Open TABs for All Clerks
This screen is accessed by selecting the TAB# POS Key. This screen displays the TABs currently open and not yet finalised. Toggle select the column headings to sort the grid appropriately.
Select the Restaurant button (bottom left hand corner) to view a list of Tables in the Restaurant Location.
Note :
- By default this screen will display the Tables when initially opened. To change this to display the TABs first, ensure the Table# POS Key's Display TAB's First setting below is selected.
- The Subtotal value displayed here will not include any Member Campaign discounts, as these are removed when the Table/TAB is saved, and re applied when the Table/TAB is reloaded into the sales grid.
Review Bistro Table
This screen is accessed by selecting the Review Bistro Table POS Key.
This screen displays the orders currently held against the selected Bistro Table and that have not yet been finalised.
Differences between Tables and Tabs
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Table# POS Key Settings
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Finalise Pre Paid Table POS Key Settings
This screen is accessed from here.
- Prompt for refund media when finalising - Select to ensure a prompt is displayed.
Related Topics
- POS - Post Links Settings
- POS - Table Tracking Settings
- POS Configuration Index - Table/TAB Configuration
- POS Operation
- POS Operation Index - Table/TAB Features