Back Office > Touch Settings > Touch POS Terminals
This menu item is used to connect Touch terminals, Mobiles, Menu Boards, Reception terminals, Waiter terminals, KVS and KVS Pro screens as well as Web Apps to the SwiftPOS Back Office.
Touch POS Terminals
This screen is accessed from here.
Search Filters
- The filters at the top of the screen can be used to limit the number of rows displayed in the grid. The filters include the following types:
- Full/Partial Texts- The filter fields of this type are: Terminal Name.
- Full/Partial Numbers- The filter fields of this type are: Terminal ID.
- Drop Down Lists- The filter fields of this type are: Location Group, Location, Loc Sub Filter 1, Default Price, Terminal Type and Keyboard.
- Live Refresh - Select to ensure the contents of the grid is refreshed automatically, whenever there is a change in the connection of any one of the Terminals listed.
- Every X secs - Select to ensure the contents of the grid is refreshed as per the interval (in seconds) selected from the drop down list.
- Terminals - Displays the numbers of Terminals that are Active as well as those that are Online and Offline.
- Licences - Displays the maximum Licences the site is currently registered for.
- The grid displays the: Terminal Id & Name, Location , IP Address, Status, Unique ID, Software Version, Venue, Keyboard, Last Sale, Last Update, TeamViewer ID, Outbox Files and Hardware Locked. Note : Right click on any one of the SwiftPOS Touch terminals in the grid or use the shift key to select multiple SwiftPOS Touch terminals, to see more options available for the SwiftPOS Touch terminal(s) selected. Rows displayed in the grid can be sorted by toggle selecting the column headings.
- IP Address - Displays the last known address when the terminal was last connected to the SwiftPOS Back Office.
- Outbox Files - Displays the number of Update files queued and pending processing at the SwiftPOS Touch Terminal.
- Hardware Locked - Displays the text Locked when the SwiftPOS Touch Terminal has made a connection using a Hardware Access Code.
- Add - Select to open the POS Terminals screen and add POS Terminals. Note : If you do not connect to the POS Terminal within 28 days, SwiftPOS Touch will shut down every 10 minutes.
- Delete - Select to delete the selected terminal.
- Disconnect - Select to disconnect the selected terminal.
- Reset ID - Select to reset the Unique ID and connect. If changing SwiftPOS Touch terminals at a site, then reset the ID, otherwise they will not be able to connect.
- Send Changes - Select to send only changes to the selected SwiftPOS Touch terminals. For example, used to send the latest Product and Pricing data to SwiftPOS Touch Terminals.
- Full Update - Select to send a full update to the selected SwiftPOS Touch terminals. Note : The update retrieves the SwiftPOS Touch folder (not including settings) from the Server and then sends that out to update all the SwiftPOS Touch terminals. This assumes the Touch software on the server has been updated. This is normally set up as a Training Terminal ID 999999.
- Lifestyle - Select from the drop down list one of following: Note : This button will only be visible if the Lifestyle Module is selected in the Registration.
- Tools - Select from the drop down list one of the Tools Menu options.
- Close - Select to exit.
Terminal Options
This screen is accessed from here.
- Open terminal folder for browsing - Select or select a folder from the drop down list to open.
- Remove terminal from list - Select to remove the selected terminal.
- Reset unique terminal code - Select to reset the Unique ID and connect. Used when changing SwiftPOS Touch terminals at a site, otherwise they will NOT connect.
If this is done more than twice a month, then your Reseller will need to provide a Daily Code to allow this.
- Disconnect selected terminals - Select to disconnect the selected terminal.
- Send Changes now - Select to send changes only to the SwiftPOS Touch terminals selected. Use to send the latest Product and pricing data.
- Send full update - Select to send a full update to the SwiftPOS Touch terminals selected. Use to send the latest Product and pricing data, as well as other data.
- FTP Terminal Data to Developers - Select to send a request to the SwiftPOS Touch terminal to send the SDF, Logs and Settings to SwiftPOS Support. Generally used when requested by SwiftPOS support for troubleshooting.
- Request Log File - Select to retrieve the log files from the SwiftPOS Touch terminal so that they can be viewed using the Event Log Reader. Generally used when requested by SwiftPOS support for troubleshooting.
Select/Enter the date of the log file to be retrieved and select Request Log. Shortly after right click on the same Terminal entry in the grid and select the Open terminal folder for browsing option and then open the Event Logs folder. This folder should now contain the .txt (log) file for the date requested. The log files can be viewed using the Event Log Reader. |
- Request SDF, Log Files and Settings - Select to retrieve the SDF database, Log files and Settings for the selected SwiftPOS Touch terminal. Shortly after select the Open terminal folder for browsing option and then open the Event Logs folder. This folder should now contain the .txt (logs), .xml (settings) and .sdf (database) files for the date requested. The database is used to view POS transactions using the View Transactions option and the log files can be viewed using the Event Log Reader. Generally used when requested by SwiftPOS support for troubleshooting.
- Open Door - Select to open the Door Control popup screen to manually trigger opening a door.
- Modify Terminal Settings - Note : This has been moved to the Location Full Edit screen. Refer to the Touch Settings button.
- View Transactions - Select to open the Transaction Viewer screen to view transactions.
- TeamViewer Remote Access Terminal - Select to invoke TeamViewer to remotely access the selected Terminal.
- VNC Remote Access Terminal - Select to invoke TightVNC to remotely access the selected Terminal.
POS Terminals
This screen is accessed from here.
This screen displays Terminals that are NOT listed in the Touch POS Terminals screen are listed in the Terminal Records screen.
- Add - Select to add the selected Terminals.
- Only Show Active Terminals - Select to display only Active Terminals.
- Close - Select to exit.
Tools Menu
This screen is accessed from here.
- Set Hardware Access Code - Select to open the Hardware Lock Code screen to set the Access Code required for SwiftPOS Touch Terminals to establish a Locked connection with the Back Office.
- Trigger Software Update - (Force Full Update) Used to trigger software updates via the Internet to remote SwiftPOS Touch terminals.
- Set Global 'Last Updated' to Now - Select to ensure the Last Updated date is set to the current Date/Time.
- Send Offline Member Data - Select to ensure Member details are sent to the selected SwiftPOS Touch terminal to ensure that Members can still receive pricing and promotion benefits (based on their details) when NetPOS is offline. Note : This option will need to be selected each time up to date Member details need to be set to SwiftPOS Touch terminals. It is NOT an automatic process and will require the manual sending of data by selecting this option.
- Send Software Update - Send out a software update to all the SwiftPOS Touch terminals that are currently connected to the POS Server. Note : If you are using SwiftPOS Touch terminals with POSReady7 or Windows 7/8 you require the SwiftPOS Touch to have Windows Administrator access, otherwise the update will not load. You need to Right Click on the SwiftPOS Touch icon and run as Administrator.
- Reset Connect Last Change Dates - If the computer date was accidentally forward dated, then you will need to run this option after the date was returned to the correct date.
- Change Terminal Keyboard - This allows you to select a new Keyboard Layout for the POS
- Calculate Size of Queued Updates - Once selected a prompt will be displayed requesting whether this is to include offline SwiftPOS Touch terminals. Select Yes or No, to have the queue size and number calculated and displayed.
- TCP Logs - Select to open the TCP Event Log screen and view the logs.
- Unlock Terminal - Select to Unlock the selected Terminal. Once selected this will change the status of the selected Terminal from Locked to Offline. When started (booted) the Terminal should be operational again.
- Lock Terminal - Select to open the Lock Out Terminal screen below and Lock the selected Terminal. This feature was originally designed to provide a Franchisor the ability to Lock out a specific Franchisee if they have not paid their account.
- Options - Select to open the Settings screen and configure Touch POS Settings.
- Attach/Change Table Tracking Database - allows you to connect to a Table Tracking database or change an existing connection.
- Open Door - You can use this to open the door in the Access Control. For more information ...
- Process Corrected Sales At Touch - This will attempt to reprocess errored sales at the selected Terminal.
This screen is accessed from here.
- Server - Select from the drop down list the server to configure settings for. Default is the server currently running the Connect service.
TCP Settings
- Port Number - Displays/Enter the Port Number that matches the Port Number set at the SwiftPOS Touch terminals. Default is 55500. The Port Number is used to establish a connection between the SwiftPOS Touch terminal and SwiftPOS Back Office. Note : Ports Numbers can be changed to meet site specific requirements. If changed the new Port Number will need to be enables by the site's firewalls. If connecting over the Internet then add this port number to the firewall/router so that the PC that is running SwiftPOS Connect is visible from the SwiftPOS Touch terminals.
- TCP Logging - Select one of the options available to set the level of detail of TCP event logging required. This is written to the database to populate the TCP Event Log (ADM008) report. Note : It is recommended that a TCP Logging option is only selected when requested by SwiftPOS support.
Secure Connections
The content has been moved to the SwiftPOS Knowledge Base HERE |
Bandwidth Limiting
Note : The above settings are suggested for large sites not using a VPN.
General Settings
- Poll for Updates - Displays/Enter the polling interval in minutes to set how often Product and Price change information is sent to the SwiftPOS Touch terminals. Recommended that this be set to zero. Given Happy Hours are now stored at the SwiftPOS Touch terminals there is no requirement that this be set. Updates can be manually sent using the Send Changes/Full Update buttons. Note : Changing this setting will also automatically change the same setting here. Other settings relating to updates can be found in Global Preferences and in End of Day options.
- Do not send Supplier based records - Select to not send Supplier based data to the SwiftPOS Touch terminals. Unless there is a requirement to enter Supplier Invoices at the SwiftPOS Touch terminals then it is recommended that this option is selected to reduce data being sent to SwiftPOS Touch terminals. To ensure Product cost changes (resulting from processing Supplier Invoices in SwiftPOS Back Office) are sent to the SwiftPOS Touch terminals then a Full Update can be sent manually by using the Full Update buttons.
- Full Debug Mode - Select to enable. Note : This should only be enabled when recommended.
- Allow terminals to request a Full Update - Select to allow Full Updates to be requested from the SwiftPOS Touch terminals. Unselect iff Full Updates are managed from Head Office.
- Send Heart Beat to Terminals - Select to ensure a Heart Beat signal is sent to SwiftPOS Touch terminals. Used to notify terminals that the Connect service is alive and active. Note : It is recommended that this option is always selected. The Heartbeat is used to test if a connection between Touch and Connect is active. There are circumstances where the connection could be lost however both sides think the connection is alive. By testing we can manually disconnect either side to allow a new connection to take place in the time set. This process is run in a separate thread which will have no impact on operational environment of the Touch software.
- Synchronise Terminal Clock Times with the Connect Server - Select to ensure clock times are in kept in sync between SwiftPOS Touch terminals (including KVS and Reception) and SwiftPOS Connect. For this feature to function correctly the following actions are necessary:
- Ensure the Send Heart Beat to Terminals option above is selected.
- For SwiftPOS Touch terminals, ensure the Send Heart Beat to Connect in the Touch > Tools > Basic Tools > Terminal Settings > Terminal > Miscellaneous tab is selected.
- For SwiftPOS KVS terminals ensure:
- It is Run as administrator (by right clicking the SwiftPOS.Kitchen.Video.exe file and selecting Run as administrator).
- The Send Heart Beat to Connect option in SwiftPOS KVS > Settings > KVS Settings > Settings tab is selected.
- For SwiftPOS Reception terminals ensure:
- The Send Heart Beat to Connect option in the SwiftPOS Reception > Options > General menu is selected.
- Number of days worth of Weekly Specials to send - Displays/Enter the number of days of weekly Specials/Promotions to send to the SwiftPOS Touch terminals in a Full Update. This can be between 2 and 28 days based on the start date of the Specials/Promotions. Note : If there are a lot of Specials/Promotions, then the more days you select, will increase the size of the updates to be sent as well as the time taken for the SwiftPOS Touch terminals to process the updates.
- Workstation override Path to Connect Terminal Folders - Enter an alternative path to override the default set for the Connect Terminal Folders.
Settings - Sales
This screen is accessed from here.
This tab is used to configure settings for the creation of additional copies of the default sales files when running NetPOS.Net to link to Gaming Systems and Loyalty. The default SwiftPOS sales file uses the file extension AJL.
Note : In SwiftPOS Version 177 or higher, if the validation of Members/Accounts and the tracking of Loyalty Points is required then NetPOS.Net must be running and the sales files with the extension BJL will need to be created.
- Create Sales File for NetPOS - Select to ensure NetPOS Sales (BJL,etc) files are created. Note : This will ensure Points earned from sales at SwiftPOS Touch terminals, will update Customer/Member's Current Points balance.
- Destination Folder - Displays/Enter the Folder path of where sales files will be created. Note : Leave blank to default to the Location/Group's (Venue) Sales File Path setting.
- File Extension/s - Displays/Enter the file extensions currently in use. Files with the extension BJL are reserved for NetPOS.Net use. If multiple sales files are required then enter 'BJL,CJL,DJL' etc. Using this example, you would get 3 sales files in the Destination Folder for the Location/Group (Venue). The following file extensions are reserved for specific purposes:
- BJL - Used in conjunction with the validating of Members/Accounts and managing Loyalty Points. Also, if NetPOS is being used to interface to Gaming Systems then specify BJL to create a sales file with this extension. This file will then be read by NetPOS and sent to the Gaming and/or Front Office Systems. In large sites (100+ SwiftPOS Touch terminals) add the BJL file extension into the Location/Group (Venue) screen to ensure the effective downloading of SwiftPOS Touch terminal sales to the SwiftPOS Back Office. If this is not done then effectively 100+ Touch Terminal connections would be funnelled into a single sales file on the host server, creating timing issues.
- TJL - Used for Turnstiles only and create sales files in a separate file format.
- Enable Sales Monitoring - Select to ensure that all sales are monitored for the purposes of providing Terminal Sales Activity data that can be viewed via the Web Reports portal.
Note : NetPOS settings will also need to be configured at the SwiftPOS Touch terminal via Customer Settings.
Gift Cards
This screen is accessed from here.
This screen is used to set the expiration period for Gift Cards.
Gift Cards - How long you want the Gift Cards to be valid for? When the Gift Cards are created they can be set as valid for any period. If you are using Gift Cards, you can set the period before they expire.
Note : Gift Cards cannot be used with Members or Accounts. They are already using the Account Number for the Gift Card number. Recommend you use Stored Value Vouchers.
This screen is accessed from here.
- Lay-by Accounts - These are set up as Accounts in the SwiftPOS Back Office and are generally numbered between 100,000,000 and 200,000,000 which will be well clear of your normal Accounts.
- Deposit - Displays/Set the initial deposit as percentage, that is required when creating a new Lay-by.
- Layby Expiry Date - Displays/Set the expiry period from when the Lay-by was first created.
For more information ...
This screen is accessed from here. Once translations have been entered, these can then be used to configure Receipts at the SwiftPOS Touch terminals to use the Translations available, by selecting the appropriate Language here.
- Receipt Items - Select the Receipt Item required to be translated, then enter the correct translation in the Translation column.
- Language - Displays the Languages currently available for translation.
- Alternate Text - Displays/Enter the translation.
- Translate - Select to automatically translate the selected Language using Google Translate. An internet connection is required.
- Translate All- Select to automatically translate all Languages using Google Translate. An internet connection is required. Note : To use the above translate buttons a Google Translate API key must be obtained and saved in the Local Configuration settings.
Note : Ensure the Support Multiple Languages option is selected in the Clerks Settings Menu for this feature to take effect.
Touch Software Update Settings
This screen is accessed from here.
This tab is used when triggering the Touch Terminal to request an update directly from the web instead of sending software updates from the Connect Server in Head Office. If you leave the settings blank, then it will automatically download the updates directly from the SwiftPOS Web Site.
E.g. You have 50 Franchise stores connected to Head Office and you want to update the software at each SwiftPOS Touch terminal. Rather than sending 50 copies of the SwiftPOS Touch software out from Head Office, you can tell the POS to automatically download their updates from a server at the given URL. This is usually a much faster way of getting updates out to your stores.
- Use alternate Location - Select to use an alternate location to source the update.
- URL - Leave blank to get the updates directly from the SwiftPOS hosted updates. This will be the current version that is posted on the Web site. If a large site wished to manage their own updates then enter the URL here for where the version of the update would be stored.
- User Name and Password - When hosting updates, then a this information maybe required.
If all your SwiftPOS Touch terminals are located remotely like a Franchise Chain with 100 stores. You can enter the URL where the SwiftPOS Touch terminals would receive their software updates from. If you don't enable this feature, it will send all the software updates out from Head Office and while this works, it is quicker for each store to download its updates directly from the Web rather then from Head Office.
Steps on how to upgrade a large site with remote stores
- Bring the SwiftPOS Back Office onto the latest version. (this is important and you should make sure that each of the touch terminals have received and done the software update)
- Once upgraded, go into the Touch POS Terminals screen above, Tools and Touch Software Update Settings tab, change software version to the version you want to update to.
- Select the Terminals, go into Tools and select Trigger Software Update (this will send out a request to each of the Touch terminals to go off to the web and get the software update Please note that it is very important that you do the Trigger Software Update from the Touch POS Terminals screen above.
TCP Event Log
This screen is accessed from here.
This screen is used to view TCP Traffic logs specific to a selected SwiftPOS Touch terminal. Generally used when requested by SwiftPOS support for troubleshooting.
Select a SwiftPOS Touch terminal from the Terminal Filter drop down list and a date from the Date Filter drop down calendar to further limit the data displayed in the grid.
Lock Out Terminal
This screen is accessed from here.
- Shut Down Terminal in X mins - Displays/Enter the number of minutes to lapse before the selected Terminal will be shut down.
- Message to Terminal - Displays/Enter the message that will be displayed at the selected Terminal warning them of an imminent shutdown.
- OK - Select to initiate the Lock Out (Shut down) of the selected Terminal.
- Cancel - Select to exit without Locking out the selected Terminal.
Hardware Lock Code Screen
This screen is accessed from here and is used to set a Hardware Access Code which will remain valid for the specified duration in minutes. Any SwiftPOS Touch Terminal attempting to connect before the Expiry period has lapsed, will be forced to enter the Access Code displayed in order to establish a connection to the Back Office. SwiftPOS Touch Terminals that already have a connection established with the Back Office will be prompted to enter the Access Code.
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