

Back Office > Vouchers/Discounts > Vouchers




This menu item is used to configure the issue and redemption (trigger) parameters for new and existing Vouchers.


To Be Considered


  1. Note : TEST > TEST > TEST - Ensure the Voucher functionality is TESTED prior to implementing it. Things may not function exactly how you intended.
  2. Vouchers SHOULD NOT be used for Barrel Draw type promotions. Use the Barrel Draw feature instead.
  3. Vouchers are not supported with Products that are in a Category that has Fractional checked.
  4. Vouchers can not be transferred between databases. They can only be redeemed against the database that created them.
  5. Vouchers cannot be redeemed against a Product that issues a Voucher.





This screen is accessed from here.


Search Filters


  • The filters at the top of the screen can be used to limit the number of rows displayed in the grid. The filters include the following types:

    • Full/Partial Texts - The filter fields of this type are: Voucher Name. The wildcard for searching is the "%" symbol. If you want to search for "Coke" and "ml" anywhere in the search then you can enter "Coke%ml" to find all the different sizes of Coke.
    • Full/Partial Numbers - The filter fields of this type are: Voucher ID.
    • Period From/To -  The filter fields of this type are: Issue Start/End Period and From/To Range.
  • Apply
  • Reset


Find Fields


The Find fields above the grid will automatically sort the rows in the grid by the field selected. Entering a value into in any one of the Find fields will cause the closest matching row to be highlighted.




The grid displays the: ID, Name, Issue Type, Trigger Type, Issued, Claimed, Last Modified, Issue Start Date, Issue End Date, Issue Start Time, Issue End Time and Issue Days. Note : To edit an entry in the grid, double click a row.




  • New - Select to add a Voucher.
  • Copy - Select to copy the selected Voucher.
  • Edit - Select to edit the selected row.
  • Move Up/Down -Use these buttons to rearrange the order of the Vouchers. Vouchers will be triggered in the order they appear in the grid above (from top to bottom). For example, It may be that special Vouchers have been set up for platinum Customer/Members but everyone else gets a standard Voucher. Then put the Voucher for platinum Customer/Members at the top of the grid so it is evaluated before the standard Vouchers.
  • Delete - Select to delete the selected row.
  • Clear Ledger - Select to open the Clear Ledger Records screen to delete selected Vouchers for or before a specific Date.  Use Clerk Security to restrict this option as there is no undo.



Voucher Parameter Edit - Issue/Redemption Parameters



This screen is accessed from here and here.




  • Voucher Name - Displays/Enter the name of the Voucher.
  • Design for this Voucher - Select the button to open the Search Voucher Designs screen to select a Voucher design. This is the layout that will print when the Voucher is issued. To create or edit a design click here.


Issue Triggers (MUST be met before Voucher can be issued)


These parameters determine what needs to be met before a Voucher is issued and/or redeemed.


  • Issue Type - Select from the drop down list one of the following:


  • Manual issue only - Select to ensure the selected Voucher can only be manually issued by selecting the Issue button in the footer of the screen, or by selecting the Issue Voucher POS Key at the SwiftPOS Touch terminal.
  • Enabled - Select to ensure the Voucher is printed when the Issue Trigger parameters are met.
  • Birthday - Select to ensure a Birthday Voucher is triggered when a Customer/Member is added to a sale at the SwiftPOS Touch terminal, on either the day/week or month that their birthday falls in.
  • Campaign - Select to ensure that the Voucher can only be issued/printed when triggered in a Member Campaign.
  • Custom Kiosk Game - Select to ensure that the Voucher is issued when a game played at Reception is won.

  • Paperless - Select to avoid the printing of Member Vouchers. Instead, these can be retrieved at the POS using the Customer Voucher Lookup POS Key.
  • Start/End Dates and Times - Displays/Set the period in days the Voucher can be issued. This is done by selection the Start/End Dates/Times, and by selecting the days in the week. Dates displayed with a green border indicate the Voucher can be currently issued. A Red border indicates Vouchers cannot be issued.
  • Days Valid - Displays/Enter the number of days the Voucher will be valid (ie. can be redeemed).
  • Start In - Displays/Enter the number days from today that the Voucher will be valid (ie. can be redeemed).
  • Valid For - Select from the drop down list of periods below one within which the Voucher can be redeemed.


  • Locations - Select to limit the issuing of Vouchers to the Locations selected. The default is all.
  • Classifications - Select to limit the issuing of Vouchers to Customer/Members in the Classification selected. The default is all. This would only apply when a Customer/Member is added to a sale.
  • Exclude Classifications - Displays/Enter the number of times this Voucher can be issued in a sale. Default is 1, 0 is unlimited.
  • Media Types - Select limit the issuing of Vouchers to only when one of the selected Media Types are used in the sale.
  • Product Type - Select one of the following:

    • Family - Select to open the Search Families screen to select the Family of Products that when sold could lead to the Voucher being issued. The default is all. Select the word Family to open the Families screen.
    • Single Product - Select to open the Search Products screen to select a single Product that when sold could lead to the Voucher being issued.

  • Member Required - Select to ensure the Voucher is only be issued when a Customer/Member is added to the sale. Note : When selected, by default the Redemption Triggers > Member Required option will also be selected. For more information ...


    • Financial Only - Select to ensure the Voucher is only issued to Members that are Financial. Note : This option will only be enabled when the Member Required option is selected.


  • Qty to Sell  - Displays/Enter the minimum quantity of Products required to be sold to ensure the issuing of a Voucher is triggered.

Items Not On Promotion - Select to ensure that the Voucher cannot be issued when Products are sold that are currently in a Happy Hour and/or Special/Promotion.

  • Value to Sell - Displays/Enter the minimum value of Products required to be sold to ensure the issuing of a Voucher is triggered.
  • Draw Odds - Displays/Enter a number (X) here to enable a 1 in "X" chance the Voucher will be issued. Example : If the number 10 is entered here, there will be a 1 in 10 chances the Voucher will be issued once all the other Issue/Trigger Parameters have been met.
  • No other Vouchers to be issued after this Voucher is issued - Select to ensure no further Vouchers can be triggered.
  • Limit - Displays/Enter the number of times a Voucher can be issued across multiple sales. This is only valid if the Member added to Sale setting is also selected.
  • Reset Issue Trigger after issue of Voucher - Select to ensure that when the Voucher is issued, the trigger is reset to ensure a subsequent Voucher can be triggered from the same sale. For an example click here.
  • Limit Reset - Select from the drop down list of periods below the frequency when the above limit is required to be reset:


  • Member Points - Displays/Enter the number of points to be deducted from a Customer/Member when the Voucher is issued. Requires the Issue Type to be set to Print and only works with printed Vouchers (not plastic gift cards).
  • Issue Per Sale - Displays/Enter the number of times this Voucher can be issued in a sale. Default is 1, 0 is unlimited.
  • Message - Displays/Enter a message here that depending on the following :
    • When the Issue Type is set to Print, the message will be sent to the SwiftPOS Touch terminal when the Voucher is issued. Requires the  to be set to Print.
    • When the Paperless option is selected, the message will be sent to the Reception Kiosk (via the Messages Member Item) to notify the Customer/Member of for example, any Games Vouchers won at the Kiosk, or Vouchers issued, etc. Note : If not specified, a default message will be displayed, only if the Messages Item is included on the Kiosk.
  • Use Alternate Printer - Select to ensure the Alternate Voucher Printer is used. Note : This is used in conjunction with the Voucher Printer Alternate  Peripheral.


Issue Parameter Examples


  • Friday & Saturday between 5pm-10pm
  • Only issued in certain Locations (e.g. Bar)
  • Only issued to certain Member Classification(s)
  • Only issued to particular Families (e.g. Mains)
  • Triggered only when a minimum quantity is sold in a single sale.
  • Triggered only when a minimum $ value is sold in a single sale.
  • Odds on how many Vouchers will be printed per customer Voucher issue.
  • Locked to a Customer/Member (Only the Customer/Member that received the Voucher can redeem it).
  • Enable/Disable on items already on promotion.
  • Limit to how many Vouchers will be issued with reset intervals (e.g. daily, hourly & monthly).
  • Automatically deduct points from Customer/Member in exchange for a Voucher.
  • Issue a Voucher for every meal combo purchased.


Redemption Triggers (MUST be met before Voucher can be redeemed)


  • Trigger Type - Select one of the following:

    • Single Use - Select to ensure once the Voucher has been issued it can only be redeemed in one use.
    • Multi Use - Select to ensure once the Voucher has been issued it can be redeemed over multiple uses. Default is 999999999. Note : When this option is selected ensure that the Total Uses setting is set to a value greater than zero.

  • Start/ End Dates and Times OR Days Valid -

    • Start/End Dates and Times - Displays/Set the period in days the Voucher can be redeemed. This is done by selection the Start/End Dates/Times, and by selecting the days in the week. Dates displayed with a green border indicate the Voucher can be currently redeemed. A Red border indicates Vouchers cannot be redeemed.
    • Days Valid - Select to limit the Voucher, to only be redeemed within a certain number of days commencing in X number of days. Enter the number of days (X) in the Start In X Days field.

  • Locations - Select to limit the redemption of Vouchers to the Locations selected. The default is all.
  • Total Uses - Displays/Enter the number of times a Voucher can be used. Only enabled when the Trigger Type Multi Use is selected.
  • Qty to Issue - Displays/Enter the minimum quantity of Products required to be sold to ensure the redemption of a Voucher is valid.
  • Min Qty - Displays/Enter the minimum quantity of Products required to be sold to ensure the redemption of a Voucher is valid.
  • Min Value - Displays/Enter the minimum value of Products required to be sold to ensure the redemption of a Voucher is valid.
  • Member Required - Select to ensure the Voucher can only be redeemed when a Customer/Member is added to the sale. Unselect to allow the Voucher to be redeemed by anyone, and NOT only the Customer/Member the Voucher was issued to. Note : This option is only enabled when the Issue Triggers > Member Required option is selected.
  • PIN Required - Select to ensure that the entry of a PIN is required when the Voucher is redeemed. Note : When the Voucher is issued, a random 4 character PIN will be generated by the system. This PIN can be included as part of the Voucher Layout. For more information ...
  • Cannot be used with any other Voucher - Select to limit the redemption of Vouchers to one per sale.
  • Items Not On Promotion - Select to ensure that the Voucher cannot be redeemed against Products that are currently in a Special/Promotion.
  • Reprint Stored Value Voucher - Select to ensure the Voucher will be printed when activated at the SwiftPOS Touch terminal and re-printed whenever it has been partially redeemed and the remaining balance needs to be re-printed. Commonly used in relation to printed Stored Value Gift Vouchers. Only enabled when the Trigger Type is set to Multi-Use.
  • Suppress Return Voucher Prompt - Select to ensure that the prompt to return a Stored Value Voucher to the Customer/Member is not displayed. This option has been added to fulfil a need to suppress the prompt, when certain Multi Use Vouchers are redeemed. For example for TalkBox, Facebook, Flyer and other types of Vouchers.
  • Enable Discount Tracking - Select to ensure that the Discount value redeemed is tracked to ensure that Discount Vouchers can be redeemed by Members over multiple sales. Refer to HERE for an example.
  • Min Discount Remaining - Displays the minimum remaining value, a Discount Voucher must drop below, before it is flagged as used. The value set here will ensure that when the Discount Remaining value drops below this value, then the Discount Voucher will be considered used (that is, when the Max Uses value is equal to the Total Used value in the Voucher Ledger), and will no longer be available to be redeemed. The value set here is also displayed in the Voucher Ledger. Refer HERE for an example.
  • Description - Displays/Enter an appropriate description of the Voucher. Used to provide an explanation to Clerks/Staff Members of the selected Voucher and how it is to be used. Very helpful for sites that run multiple promotions using Vouchers. A maximum of 400 characters can be entered. Note : This information will be displayed when making use of the Voucher Info POS Key at the SwiftPOS Touch terminal.


Redemption Examples


  • Only redeemable on Monday & Tuesday between 5pm-10pm
  • Days valid (30 days from issue)
  • Only redeemable in certain Location(s) (e.g. Bar)
  • Only redeemable when a minimum quantity is sold in a single sale.
  • Only redeemable when a minimum $ value is sold in a single sale.
  • Only redeemable when no other Voucher is being redeemed within the same sale.
  • Only redeemable Products are sold that are currently NOT in a Special/Promotion.




  • New - Select to add a Voucher.
  • Copy - Select to copy the selected row.
  • Save - Select to save changes.
  • Undo - Select to undo changes made.
  • Design - Click to select either :

    • Edit Design - Select to edit the current design linked to the Voucher parameter.
    • New Design - Select to add a Voucher design.
  • Issue - Select to manually issue a Voucher in order to create a Voucher Ledger entry.
  • Close - Select to exit.


Assigned Actions (What happens when Voucher is Used)



Assigning an Action(s) to a Voucher is done in this screen. The Actions assigned are taken when the Voucher is redeemed.




  • Trigger Only One Action - Select to ensure that first Action listed in the grid will be actioned. Use the Move Up/Down buttons to rearrange the order of the Actions.




The grid displays the: Action Type and Name. Note : To edit an entry in the grid, double click a row. Rows displayed in the grid can be sorted by toggle selecting the column headings.




  • Add - Select from the drop down list to add one of the following:


  • Delete - Select to delete the selected row.
  • Move Up/Down - Select to rearrange the order of the Actions. Actions will be triggered in the order they appear in the grid above (from top to bottom).


Issue a Voucher and deduct xx points from the Customer/Member


This feature deducts points from a Customer/Member's account and issues a Voucher in return. Originally designed to reduced the points liability held by Customer/Members that has accumulated over a number of years.


  • Maximum 1 Voucher per sale.
  • Stop Customer/Members from building up a large points liability to the Business/Venue.
  • Automatically print a free Product Voucher and deduct 50 points from the Customer/Member.
  • Customer/Member has say 28 days to redeem the free Product Voucher before it expires.


Note : Be careful of Member Classifications changing the Price Level to an unwanted amount.


Issuing Vouchers in the SwiftPOS Back Office


  1. Create a .TXT (using Notepad) file containing the Customer/Member's IDs to which a Voucher will be issued. For example:



The format is Member # and PIN. Note : The PIN value is only required if the File Includes PIN (last field) option is selected in the Ledger Edit screen above.


  1. From SwiftPOS Back Office > Vouchers/Discounts > Vouchers > Edit > Voucher Parameter Edit - Select the Issue button. Note : This option may require security to limit access to selected staff only.
  2. The Ledger Edit screen below will be displayed.

  1. Select the Member Number List Only option and then select the .TXT file created above.
  2. Configure any other settings that may be appropriate.
  3. Select OK when done and then select a folder to which a file will be written. The file will be named in the following format : Vouchers-DDMMYYYYHHMMSSAM.txt. For example : Vouchers-20112017095151AM.txt.
  4. The Vouchers issued will appear in the Voucher Ledger.


Note : Vouchers can also be issued from the SwiftPOS Touch terminal by using the Issue Voucher  POS Key.


Issuing Vouchers to Selected Customers/Members


  1. Create a .TXT (using Notepad) file containing the Customer/Member's IDs to which a Voucher will be issued. For example:


The .TXT file must contain at least one Customer/Member ID.





  1. From SwiftPOS Back Office > Vouchers/Discounts > Vouchers > Edit > Voucher Parameter Edit - Select the Issue button. Note : This option may require security to limit access to selected staff only.
  2. The Ledger Edit screen below will be displayed.

  1. Select the Member Number List Only option and then select the .TXT file created above.
  2. Configure any other settings that may be appropriate.
  3. Select OK when done and then select a folder to which a file will be written. The file will be named in the following format : Vouchers-DDMMYYYYHHMMSSAM.txt. For example : Vouchers-20112017095151AM.txt.
  4. The Vouchers issued will appear in the Voucher Ledger.


Note : Vouchers can also be issued from the SwiftPOS Touch terminal by using the Issue Voucher  POS Key.


Importing Vouchers/old Gift Cards into SwiftPOS


Note : The importing of Vouchers must NOT be done concurrently on multiple PCs as this can result in duplicate Voucher Barcodes.


From SwiftPOS Back Office > Vouchers/Discounts > Vouchers > Edit - Select the Issue button > Ledger Edit - Select the Import Mapping and Values from File option and select the required option and file to be imported.



This screen is accessed from here.


  • Import Mapping and Values from File - Select to import Voucher Mapping and Stored Value Gift cards/Vouchers.
    • Member Number List Only - Select to import a .CSV or .TXT file that contains 1 or more Member Numbers. The selected Voucher will only be issued to those Members listed in the import file selected. For example: Members.csv.



The format is Member # and PIN. Note : The PIN value is only required if the File Includes PIN (last field) option is selected in the Ledger Edit screen above.


    • Mapping String and Stored Value - Select to import a .CSV or .TXT file that contains 1 or more Mapping Strings with their associated Stored Values. For example: GiftCards.csv



The format is Mapping String, Stored Value and PIN. Note : The PIN value is only required if the File Includes PIN (last field) option is selected in the Ledger Edit screen above.


    • Mapping String, Stored Value and Member Number - Select to import a .CSV or .TXT file that contains 1 or more Mapping Strings with their associated Stored Values and Member Numbers. The selected Gift Card Voucher will only be issued to those Members listed in the import file selected. For example: GiftCards.csv



The format is Mapping String, Stored Value, Member # and PIN. Note : The PIN value is only required if the File Includes PIN (last field) option is selected in the Ledger Edit screen above.


Export out all the Gift Cards from their live SWIFTPOS Database

SELECT Member_Number, Account_Balance

FROM MemberTable

WHERE (Membership_Type = 1) AND (Account_Balance < 0)

Where the ?Membership Type? is your Classification for Gift Cards

"Right click" on the result and "Save Results As...."






When you import, it can take quite some time so wait 5 minutes for all the Vouchers to be created and the Gift Card Numbers attached.

After you hit import, it will give you a file of what is imported successfully


At the very end, we can delete all the old Gift Cards


WHERE (Membership_Type = 1)

Where the Number is your Gift Card Classification.


Related Topics


  1. http://www.swiftpos.net.au/videos/SwiftPOS-ManagementStudioExpress.mp4 - Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.
  2. Reseller Help - For Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express information
  3. Vouchers/Discounts