Web Applications Setup


Back Office > Administration > Web Apps




This menu item is used to configure the Web Application settings for the Web Store, Member Portal, Reservation Portal and specify Custom Gadgets for Web Reports - Dashboard

including the Web Store URL and Email Server settings. Also, multiple Web Store Locations, Default Web Store Location and the Redemption Ratio can be configured here.


To Be Considered


  1. Deployment URL - This is used to change the Web Server (IIS) when required. It is mandatory this URL is valid and is required for a WebApps (Web Server (IIS)) setup. Contact SwiftPOS Support for assistance with this, if required.


Web Apps - General



This screen is accessed from here.




  • Deployment URL - Displays/Enter the URL for the site's Web Apps Deployment. For example, http://localhost:8000/WebApps or https://localhost:8000/WebApps  ( if using a SSL Certificate to do secure HTTP). Note : This is used to add/change the URL when required. It is mandatory this URL is valid and is required for a WebApps (Web Server (IIS)) setup. Contact SwiftPOS Support for assistance with this, if required.
  • Page Title - The page title displayed in the internet browser.
  • Redirect URL - You can set a URL here that users will have the option of going to when they finalise a sale.
  • Theme ID - Select from the drop down list the default theme to be applied to Web App (Reports) pages that are not specific to a Location. Location based Web App pages will source their theme from here. If you choose the same theme here as your Web Store, you will get the same look if you are using custom themes. The site.theme.default.css file is the default theme. For Web Store Features (V9 & V10) information ...
  • Page Logo - Set, View or Clear the logo to be displayed on the Web Apps web page. Must be 250x75 pixels.
    • Set the Ping for your Web Store to get the best performance. This will keep the web store loaded in memory and make it quicker to access if you are the first person to open up the page.
  • Debug Logging - Select to enable.


Email Settings


Configure your sites email server settings to be used by the Web Apps deployment.


  • Outgoing Server - Displays/Enter the domain name (host) or IP address of the SMTP server (email server for outgoing email) that will send emails. For example : mail.swiftpos.com.au. or
  • User Name/Password - Displays/Enter the User Name and Password. If an Exchange Server is being used, then the Username entered must include the domain name and Username. For example: Samford\User1. Note : The Username/Password may not be required if the email server being used allows for anonymous logins. Check with your ISP.
  • Port - Displays/Enter the port number for the SMTP server connection. Port 25 is generally the default SMTP port. If Gmail SSL is being used then SSL works on port 25 and may not work on port 465 as the Gmail documentation recommends. If  you want to test your email settings use the email test button in Global Preferences
  • Text Only Email - Select to ensure the body of the email will be sent in plain text. Unselect to ensure it will be sent in rich text format, that is the text will be properly formatted.
  • SSL Encryption - Select to ensure SSL encryption is to be used when sending emails.
  • Test eMail - Select to test the email settings currently configured.


Delivery Charges


Configure the charges/fees to be applied to orders that require delivery.


  • Header

    •  Delivery Charge PLU - Select the PLU to be used for Delivery Charges. Must be assigned to a Web selected Family.

  • Grid

    • From/To Value - Select the from/to value range applicable to the Delivery Fee to be charged.
    • Type - Select from the drop down list one of the following:

      • Fixed Value
      • Percentage

    • Delivery Fee - Enter the value/percentage to be applied.

  • Footer

    • Add/Delete - Select to add/delete parameters for the delivery charges



  • Redemption Ratio - The default Web store redemption ratio. Members Classification redemption values will over ride this setting.
  • Transaction History Enabled - Select to allow Members to view their transaction history online.
  • Birthday Edit Mode - Select from the drop down list one of the following:
    • Single Edit - Select to restrict the editing of the Birthday date by Customers/Members via the Member Portal to a single occurrence. Note : It is recommended to select this option, as this will prevent Members/Customers from being able to change their Birthday date repeatedly, and thus potentially benefit repeatedly from Birthday triggered rewards/Vouchers. If necessary, an incorrectly entered Birthday can be corrected, by ensuring the Reset Change Flag button is selected in the SwiftPOS Back Office via the Member Full Edit screen. This will ensure the Customer/Member is allowed to correct their Birthday date.
    • Multiple Edit - Select to allow for the editing of the Birthday date, by Members/Customers via the Member Portal, multiple times. Note : If rewarding Customer/Members with Birthday Vouchers, it is advised to use the Single Edit option.
  • Allow Duplicate Emails - Select to allow different Members to have the same email addresses. Note : It is NOT recommended to select this feature for a site that is using Web Store. It should only be used when using the Web API and only when there is real business requirement that not cannot be addressed in an alternate way.




  • Minimum Order amount, excluding delivery charges & payment surcharges, before you can place an order.


Google Analytics


  • Enabled - Select to enable.
  • Tracking ID - Displays/Enter the provided Tracking ID.




  • Region - Select from the drop down list of Regions the Region most appropriate. Note : The Region selected will result in it's currency being displayed in Web Reports, etc. Also check your Venue Region settings to get the correct time zone.




  • Save - Select to save changes.
  • Undo - Select to undo changes made.
  • Close - Select to exit.





This screen is accessed from here.




Locations configured or to be configured for Member Portal, Reservations (Used in conjunction with Web Store and the Reserve a Table feature), Retailer Portal and Web Store will be listed here. Note : Locations listed in the Cloud Connectivity menu will NOT necessarily be listed here, unless they have also been configured for one of the aforementioned features. Also, for those Sites/Venues that integrate with 3rd Party Integrations and hence need to make use of either the Web API (SwiftAPI) OR the MSL Connect API, then those Locations will also need to be added here, and their appropriate Location Type selected. For 3rd Party Integrations that will make use of the MSL Connect API, these will also need to be configured here.


Each Location listed here will consume an available Web API Licence.




  • Location
  • Name




  • Location - The Location to be used when adding a new, or copying an existing web Store Location.
  • Add - Used to Add a new Web Store Location. Note : Please ensure that the Table Tracking connection has been configured correctly against the Location being added here.
  • Copy - Copy the settings of the selected Web Store to the new Web Store Location chosen.
  • Edit - Select to open the Web Location screen to edit the selected Web Store Location settings.
  • Delete - Delete the selected Web Store Location.


Default Locations


  • Default Web Store - Select to assign a default Location for the Web Store. The default Location will only be used if a Location is not specified in the URL used by customers.
  • Default Member Portal - Select to assign a default Location for the Member Portal. The default Location will only be used if a Location is not specified in the URL used by customers.
  • Default Reservation Portal - Select to assign a default Location for the Reservations Portal. The default Location will only be used if a Location is not specified in the URL used by customers.





This screen is accessed from here. Note : Clerk Security now provides the ability to restrict Clerks to only view and not be able to edit Web Dashboards.


Custom Gadget Types allows users to create new Custom Gadgets that use self written stored procedures. Once you create a Custom Gadget, it will be available for use by all Clerks/Staff on their Dashboards. When deleting a Custom Gadget, it will be deleted from ALL Dashboards.




  • Name Stored Procedure - Name of the stored procedure that has been executed against the database for this Custom Gadget. Must be exactly the same. Filters - The filter options will determine what data the Gadget can be filtered by when the Custom Gadget is being configured in the Dashboard Edit screen. Chart Type Option - Allows users to choose a chart type when configuring the Custom Gadget in the Dashboard Edit screen. Chart Type Number Format - Select if the Data for this Custom Gadget is shown as Numbers or Currency.
  • Name - Displays the name of the Custom Gadget.
  • Displays the options that can be edited in Dashboard via the Gadget Edit screen:

    • Date Range
    • Location
    • Time Period
    • Top/Bottom
    • Chart Type



  • Add - Select to create a new Custom Gadget.
  • Edit - Select to open the Edit Custom Gadget Type screen to edit the selected Custom Gadget.
  • Delete - Select to delete the selected Custom Gadget.


Expense Types



The Expense Types tab allows users to create Expense Types that can then have amounts recorded against them in Web Reports for the purposes of the Web Profit and Loss report.




  • Name - Displays/Enter the name of the Expense Type.



  • Add - Select to create a new Expense Type.
  • Delete - Select to delete the selected Expense Type. Note : The Expense Type Franchise Fee cannot be deleted.


Swift Loyalty App


This feature is no longer available since 2019 and has been replaced by the Web App.


Note : Clerk Security is required for Web > Web API > GET Members, PUT Members, & GET Vouchers.





  • App Title - Displays/Enter the title that will be displayed at the top of the Loyalty App.
  • Location - Select to open the Search Locations screen to select a Location. The Location selected must appear in the Locations tab and be configured. Also it must have the Member tab configured.
  • Start Page - Select from one of the following pages the page the Loyalty App will start on:


  • Barcode Type - Select from one of the following Barcode Types:





Configure the colour scheme of your Loyalty app.  The preview image on the right will update to reflect these changes.




Select Add Image to select the logo to be used in the Loyalty App. Note : The image size MUST be 640 x 500 pixels.


Web Location - General



This screen is accessed from here.




  • Page Title - Displays/Enter the title of the Web Store that will appear in the Internet Browser.
  • Page Logo - Select Set or Clear to add/remove a logo graphic file to/from the Web Store header. Must be 250x75 pixels.
  • Location Type - Select from the drop down list one of the types available. For more information re:

Note : Locations that will require a connection to the SwiftPOS Cloud will need to be configured here.


  • Region - Select from the drop down list the Region of which the currency will be applied to the Web Store.
  • Terminal - Select to open the Search Terminals screen and select the Terminal that will be used to for the recording Web API/Store transactions in SwiftPOS Back Office.
  • Redirect URL - Displays/Enter the URL the browser will be redirected to when you choose to "Leave the Store"
  • Theme ID - Displays/Enter the Theme ID. Used to apply different themes to for different Web Stores. Theme IDs will need to be added to the themes CSS filename. For example :  site.theme.1.css. Default is 0. These are basic default themes but you can modify the theme here https://demos.telerik.com/kendo-ui/themebuilder/
  • Web Footer Message - Select to enter the text that will be used as a footer messages for the Web Store, for example, ABN details, etc.
  • Terms and Conditions - Select to open the Terms and Conditions screen to enable the entry of these. The Terms and Conditions entered here will be displayed in the Web Store.




  • Sender Name - Displays/Enter the name that will appear in the From field of the email.
  • Sender Address - Displays/Enter the email address that will appear as the return email address of the emails. This has to be a valid email address on the Email Server that is sending the emails.




Creating a reservation will put the reservation on the waiting list, not allocate an actual table.


  • Email Customer - Select to ensure the customer is emailed the reservation details.
  • Email Venue - Select to ensure the venue is emailed the reservation details.
  • Recipients - Select the email address that receives the venue email.
  • Max Covers - Displays/Enter the maximum number of seats that can be reserved via the Web.
  • Ignore Sitting Time -  Normally, when the reservation page loads, it takes the sitting time off the finish time for that day to work out when the last reservation can be made. If this setting is checked, finish time minus sitting time will be ignored.




  • OK - Select to save any changes and exit.
  • Cancel - Select to exit without saving changes.


Web Location - Products



This screen is accessed from here.




  • Pricing - Displaying weekly specials and happy hour pricing. It would be possible to put something in your shopping cart during happy hour and check out after the happy hour has finished and still get the happy hour price. If you are not happy with that then you may wish to sell using a price level that does not have happy hours applied to it.
  • Price Display - Select from the drop down list the preferred format in which item pricing will be displayed in the Web Store. Select from one of the following:
    • Display as Currency - Select to display the Price in the selected current amount.
    • Display as Currency + Points - Select to display the Price in the selected current amount, as well as display the Minimum Points Spend as set against individual Products.
    • Display as Points - Select to display the Price converted into Points plus the Minimum Points Spend as set against individual Products.
  • Display Text - Select from the drop down list either the Description, Long Description or Short Description.  Note : The default will be Description if the selected description type is not available.
  • Menu Mode - Select from the drop down list the preferred menu mode.
  • Product Display - Select from the drop down list the preferred option to display Products in the Web Store.
  • Show Images - Select to ensure images of Products are displayed. This option is only applied when the Display as List or User Selectable (default list) is selected. Note : Product Images are always displayed when displayed in Grid format.
  • Show Size - Select to ensure Product Sizes are displayed.
  • Add to Cart Button Text - Displays/Enter the text that will appear on the Add to Cart button.


Stock Levels


  • Display Mode - Select from the drop down list one of the following:


More or Less than X - Select to display an appropriate Web Store Stock Level message depending on the Stock Level entered and the current SOH of Products. See Stock Level below.


  • Stock Source - Select from the drop down list one of the following:


Stock on Hand - Select to ensure Stock Levels are sourced from the Stock on Hand currently available in the Back Office. If you select this option then everything that you sell from this location must have available SoH if you want to be able to sell it. This means that all your supplier invoices need to be posted when the stock arrives. If you use "draw from" then it will look up the SoH in the location that it is drawing from. If you want to track SoH and for something like Gluten Free Pizza bases as a Pizza option then you would have to use "Production" to put those items into stock first so you could sell them as an add-on to any of the Pizza options available.

This is the option that you would use for a "Click and Collect/Delivery" bottle shop where you can show Cartons and single bottles of wine in stock. The web store will look up the recipe for the carton, count the "parent item" and show how many cartons in stock. Every Product is checked for available stock. It is not designed for selling Products that do NOT have stock on hand. If someone has put a Product into their shopping cart while there was stock available and waits for 15 minutes before they pay for it and someone else purchases the last remaining stock, than it is still possible to sell Products that are out of stock. That is how the internet works.

Available Servings - This is the option that you would use for "Order@Table" in a Restaurant. Select to ensure the Stock Levels are sourced from the current Available Servings in the Table Tracking database. All other Products can be sold as being available for sale if you are not checking "Available Servings" for those Products. It is important to be aware of the following when the Available Servings Stock Source is selected:

  1. To set the default the number of serves to unlimited for all Products that have Available Servings option selected, use the Set 0 Default Available Servings To -1 option.
  2. To set those Products that have a default Available Servings setting, use the Reset All Available Servings POS Key.
  3. To set the default number of Available Serves against specific Products, follow the steps outlined here.
  4. To set the number (not the default) of Available Serves against specific Products, follow the steps outlined here.


  • Stock Level - Displays/Enter the Stock Source level that will result stock being displayed as follows:

    • For example if a value of 5 is entered, then :

      • Products with a Stock Source of 5 or more will display a Stock Level message 5+ remaining.
      • Products with a Stock Source of less than 5 will display a Stock Level message Less than 5 remaining.
      • Products with a Stock Source of 0 or less will display a Stock Level message Out of Stock.


  • Allow out of stock items to be ordered - Select to display the Add to Cart button for Products that are considered Out of Stock.




  • Allow Unmatched - Select to allow items to be ordered that cannot be matched with a Product in the SwiftPOS Back Office. The only requirement is that a description of the item is provided. Unmatched items will be assigned to the Comments PLU (19995).


Web Location - Trading Hours



This screen is accessed from here.




  • Name - Displays/Enter the name for the Trading Hours entry. For example: Mon-Wed.
  • Days of Week - Select to open the Days of Week screen to select the days of the week.

  • Date - Displays/Enter a date as opposed to the days of the week.
  • Open/Close Time - Displays/Enter the opening and closing times for the selected entry.


Grid Footer


  • Add - Select to add a row.
  • Delete - Select to delete the selected row.




  • OK - Select to save any changes and exit.
  • Cancel - Select to exit without saving changes.


Web Location - Members



This screen is accessed from here.




  • Enable Guest Login - This enables login to the web store as a guest using the guest login member
  • Guest Login - Select a member to use as the web store guest member
  • Enable Signups - This enables visiting customers to become a member through the web store.
  • Classification - This specifies which membership classification the signup members will be allocated to.
  • Enable Account Topups - This enables members to top up their charge account over the web store using their credit card.
  • Member Edit Mode - Select from the drop down list one of the following:


  • Recipients - Used as the Recipient email address when the Email option is selected above in Member Edit mode.
  • Show Profile Image - Select to ensure the Member's Web Store Profile Image will be displayed.
  • Disable Edit Profile Image - Select to ensure the changing/editing of Members Web Store Profile Images is disabled.




  • Host IP - Displays/Enter the domain name (host) or IP address of the NetPOS server the Web Store will be using.
  • Port Number - Displays/Enter the port number for the Web Store to connect with NetPOS.
  • Use SSL - Select to ensure SSL encryption is used.
  • Timeout (sec) - Applies a timeout to the connection in seconds.  This should be configured as WebAPI > NetPOS.NET > Specific Interface.
  • Available Interfaces - Select from the drop down list or select Get to retrieve the available interfaces. Once an Interface is selected, select Set to Set it.
  • Interface Type - This shows the interface type as selected in the Available interfaces. SwiftPOS Back Office should show 83742. Note : The Webstore login is always the Back Office accouint details.  If a different interface is selected here, it will then do a lookup to the selected Interface and return these details for the WebStore.
  • Interface ID - This shows which interface ID the selected interface is looking at. In future development there will be the ability to run multiple interface types with different interface IDs.
  • Access Code - This code is setup against the Interface type in NetPOS.Net to stop other clerks from changing interface types.
  • Lookup Field - Select either Member Number or Alternate ID as the field to be used for lookups. *If interface other than SwiftPOS Back Office is selected, login with your SwiftPOS Back Office member number, it then find the Member Number or Alternate Id for that member number and passes it to Netpos to do an interface lookup.
  • Lookup Type - Select either Standard or Alternate as the lookup type that is used to pass the above Lookup Field to the Gaming system.
  • SwiftPOS Back Office Interface ID - Feature not used yet. Future development will enable looking to support multiple SwiftPOS Back Office interface IDs.
  • SwiftPOS Back Office Access Code - This code is setup against the SwiftPOS Back Office Interface type in NetPOS.Net to stop other clerks from changing interface types.




  • OK - Select to save any changes and exit.
  • Cancel - Select to exit without saving changes.


Web Location - Order Processing



This screen is accessed from here.




  • Checkout Comments - Select to allow the entry of checkout comments by the customer.
  • Order Types - Select from the available Order Types, the types that will be sent back to SwiftPOS with the Order. If more than one is selected, then the customer will be prompted to choose at checkout.
  • Prompt for Table - Select to prompt the customer for a booking name when placing orders. Note : This option is only enabled when the Eat In Order Type is selected.
  • Table Label Text - Label text displays as to what customers need to put into the booking name field. i.e. customer name - label (as shown below). Note : This option is only enabled when the Eat In Order Type is selected.


Processing Methods


  • Email Order Details - Displays/Enter the email address of the recipient the Web Store Orders are to be sent to.
  • Create SwiftPOS Back Office Sale - Select to ensure Web Store orders are created as SwiftPOS Back Office transactions. This can be used with order emails but cannot be enabled at the same time as Web Store orders since that would double up on every transaction.
  • Clerk ID - This selects the Clerks/Staff Member that the web store transactions use to go into the SwiftPOS Back Office database.
  • Create Touch Web Order - Select to create an Order at SwiftPOS Touch terminals for completion. Selecting this option will give Customer/Members the ability to create Favourite Orders and save them.

    • The Web Store must be in the same Location as the SwiftPOS Touch terminal that will receive the order.
    • The Web Store must be connected to the same Table Tracking (see Reseller Help) database as the SwiftPOS Touch terminal that will receive the order.


  • Enable Order Times - Select to allow the customer to set the time for Pickup when placing the order in the Web store. For more information ...
  • Order Delay (min) - Displays/Enter the default time to delay all orders from the Web Store appearing at the SwiftPOS Touch terminals.
  • Payment Method - Select to allow the customer to choose when to pay, or force them to finalise payment at SwiftPOS Touch terminal or when placing the Web Store order.




  • Secret - Displays/Enter the WooCommerce Secret.
  • Generate New - Select to generate a new WooCommerce Secret. Note : Once generated, ensure the Secret is also updated in WooCommerce with the new one generated.
  • Export:
    • Product Images - Exports Product images to a folder of the user's choosing. When uploading images, ensure these are uploaded before the Products are imported. Note : Do not rename an image unless you also change their corresponding values (Images column) in the CSV file.
    • Product CSV - Exports Product information to a (*.csv) file of the user's choosing. Product data is exported as a CSV file. If desired, changes can be made to the CSV file in excel, but be sure to NOT change SKU column. Products are set to "Published" if their default price is above $0. This is to ensure Products are not consider Free in WooCommerce. Products with a non-zero default price are set to Draft. Some Products may not have an associated image, they will still appear as "Published" in WooCommerce. It is up to the Vendor to provide images for them. Note : If the  uploading of images is not required, ensure the Images drop down list, in the Field Mapping screen of the Importer, has the Do not Import entry selected. This is because when WooCommerce cannot find an image file when importing Products, it won't import those Products.




  • OK - Select to save any changes and exit.
  • Cancel - Select to exit without saving changes.


Web Location - Payment Methods



This screen is accessed from here.


Note : If no details are entered here, the Web Store will default to Member Points only.


Payment Methods


  • Enable Account Charges - Select to allow Accounts to be charged via the Web Store. Place Web Order and pay for it using the Charge / Redemption POS Key. Finalise the order using the Finalise Paid Order POS Key.
  • Slider Position - Select from the drop down list one the following to select the default payment slider:

    • All Points
    • All Money

  • Payment Gateway - Select from the drop down list one of the following, and then enter the Gateway URL, Merchant ID, Username and Currency Code details provided by Eway.

  • Eway (Gateway Mode)
  • Eway (Redirect Mode)
  • Stripe Payments
  • Paypal


  • Media Type - Select the to Media Type to be assigned to these payments.
  • Surcharge Type - Select from the drop down list one of the following, if a surcharge applies:

    • Fixed Value
    • Percentage - Will only be calculated based on the total of the money used to finalise the sale, and not the total value of the sale.

  • Surcharge Value - Displays/Enter the Surcharge value to be applied. Note : Surcharges only apply when money is used in a sale, and not when Points are used to finalise a sale.
    Enable PayPal - Select to enable, and then enter the PayPal URL, PayPal ID, Currency Code and Identity Token and details provided by PayPal. See below for PayPal configuration settings.

    • You must use a Premier or Business account
    • PayPal URL - https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr - FYI this is for the Web Store ? Call PayPal to have more than one Return URL for Web Stores, when multi Locations are setup and multi stores.
    • Click here for information re Multiple businesses with one account.

  • Media Type - Select the to Media Type to be assigned to these payments.
  • Surcharge Type - Select from the drop down list one of the following, if a surcharge applies:

    • Fixed Value
    • Percentage - Will only be calculated based on the total of the money used to finalise the sale, and not the total value of the sale.

  • Surcharge Value - Displays/Enter the Surcharge value to be applied. Note : Surcharges only apply when money is used in a sale, and not when Points are used to finalise a sale.




  • OK - Select to save any changes and exit.
  • Cancel - Select to exit without saving changes.


Edit Custom Gadget Type



  • Name - Displays/Enter the name of the Custom Gadget shown in the Add Gadget screen in Dashboard Edit.
  • Stored Procedure - Displays/Enter the name of the stored procedure that has been executed against the database for this Custom Gadget. The name entered must be exact. For more information on how to create Custom Gadgets using stored procedures ... Once created the Stored Procedure must be executed against the SQL Database. Note : Any assistance required with Custom Gadget Stored Procedures is chargeable.
  • Filters - Select to ensure the filtering of data, the Gadget can be filtered by when the Custom Gadget is being configured in the Dashboard Edit screen. These include : Date Range Filter, Location/Venue Filter, Time Period Filter and Top/Bottom Filter.
  • Chart Type Option - Select to allow customers to choose a Chart Type when configuring the Custom Gadget in the Dashboard Edit screen.
  • Chart Type
  • Number Format - Select to display numeric data for this Custom Gadget as Numbers or Currency.




  • OK - Select to save any changes and exit.
  • Cancel - Select to exit without saving changes.


Custom Development of Gadgets


Any custom development is chargeable. Any gadgets that have been developed would need to be tested against a 10G database to make sure they do not effect performance of SwiftPOS. Any support work created are a result of third party development would also be chargeable.


Order Times


Order times can be selected in 15 minute increments in the checkout page. This may change in the future depending on what customers ask for. When the checkout page loads, the order date field (if visible, see below for notes about this) defaults to the next open date/time for the Location. If the Location is currently open then the current time is used. If delayed orders are configured then the number of minutes to delay will be taken into account when setting the default order date. When the order date is changed by the user, the new order date is validated to ensure the Location is open. If the Location is not open then the user will be prompted with a message saying the order date is invalid and it will then be reset to the next open date. If the user simply selects a time that is open but is before the delayed order time then the order date is silently reset to add the delay. The setting to enable order times in web apps setup is overridden if trading hours are setup for the Location and the order time will always be visible. If no trading hours are configured then the visibility of the order date field will be set by the enable order times setting. Ticket # 61.


PayPal Configuration Settings


Your ID is the Merchant ID as shown below.

The Return URL is made up of the following - Deployment URL/store/Location#/checkout/complete

The Identity Token is listed here also.


Linking to a Certain Category or Family


You can link to a specific selection of  Products by placing a parameter at the end of the store URL. The following parameters are allowed...


  • FamilyId
  • CategoryId
  • GroupId
  • MasterGroupId


You should only use the parameters that relate to the menu mode that you are using in your store.  Here is an example URL that will load the coffee Category:


Please note that the mobile web store will not accept these parameters.  The mobile web store will always land on the list of Families because of the internal navigation used by JQuery Mobile.


Related Topics


  1. Administration
  2. Web Services Setup - For Resellers Only
    1. Reseller Help - For Adding a Background Image to your Web Store information.
    2. Reseller Help - For Changing the look of the Web Store/Template of the Kendo-ui Web Store information
    3. Reseller Help - For Web Server (IIS) Installation information.
  3. Set the Ping for your Web Store to get the best performance.