General Ledger Export


Back Office > Data Export > General Ledger Export




This menu item is used to export SwiftPOS Sales related transactions, Supplies and Supplier Invoice data for importing into 3rd Party GL software applications. This feature offers the following two options:



To Be Considered


  1. The General Ledger Export offers the ability to export the following:
    1. Sales related transaction data.
    2. Suppliers and their details.
    3. Supplier Invoices/Credit Notes.
  2. Note : It does NOT however, offer the ability to export Sales and Supplier Invoice/Credit Note data, and post that data to Location specific General Ledger Accounts. If this is required then it is recommended to contact your Reseller and discuss your requirements  
  3. When considering a GL Export, investigating answers to the following questions may assist in determining the best course of action:

    1. Does Sales/Purchases/Accounts need to be broken down by Location or by Product Master Group?
    2. Does it need to be sent to multiple copies of your Accounting Software for the different business groups?
    3. How often does it need to be sent?
    4. Does it need to be automated as an end of day process?
    5. Can your Accounting Software output a list of General Ledger Accounts in a format that can be imported into SwiftPOS?
    6. If we can export the data in CSV file formats, then is the your Accounting Software support person able to import CSV files?
    7. We have no knowledge of all the different Accounts software applications on the market and we cannot be responsible for an external Account package if something does not work.
    8. Is there a preferred CSV file format or a exact specification for the export data?
    9. Is it easier to just produce the summary data in a report format that is manually posted into your Accounting Software?
    10. If the data does not import correctly into your Accounting Software then is the Accounting Software support person able to find out why?
    11. What else do we need to know to create an export or quote on custom development of a specific file format?
    12. Depending on the complexity of the requirement then it is possible to quote development costs.




Prior to exporting, using either of the two export options outlined above, it is recommended that the following steps be completed:


  1. Determine the Accounts required to be added using the Accounts Setup. At a minimum and as a guide the Accounts to be configured are as follows:
  1. Undeposited Funds (Clearing Account) - For Sales
  2. Inventory - For Sales and Stock Transfers
  3. Debtors (AR) - For Account Charges/Payments
  4. Sales - For Sales
  5. Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) - For Sales
  6. Inventory Adjustments - For Stocktakes, Receipts, Adjustments, Damaged Goods, Returns, Wastage,  and Promotions.
  7. Wastage - For Damaged Goods and Wastage


Obviously this list will vary from site to site and will also be dependent on the site's specific Chart of Accounts (Account List). Liaise with Accountants to determine the Accounts required.


  1. Using the Account Setup tab ensure the minimum required Accounts are added. This can be done by either using the Add Row or Import Accounts buttons. As a guide the screenshot below depicts an example of the Account Setup tab:


This screen is accessed from here and is used to either add/import GL Accounts that will then be used to assign to SwiftPOS Media. Accounts can either be added using the Add Row button or imported using the Import button.




The grid displays the: Account #, Description and Type.


  • Type - Displays an H when the Account is a Header type Account. Normally, this is as a result of importing the Chart of Accounts from MYOB. Note : It is recommended that all Header Type Accounts are removed from the Accounts Setup grid, as these should NOT be used when assigning to SwiftPOS Media. Rows displayed in the grid can be sorted by toggle selecting the column headings.


Grid Footer


  • Add Row - Select to add a row.
  • Delete Row - Select to delete the selected row.




  • Save - Select to save changes.
  • Undo - Select to undo changes made.
  • Import Accounts - Select to import a Chart of Accounts file exported from your 3rd Party GL software application.

The Chart of Accounts file must be a CSV type file saved with either .TXT or .CSV extension and be in the following format:


Field Name


Data Type


Account Number

The 3rd Party GL software application's unique Account Number.




A description providing a description/name for the Account.




Used to indicate whether an Account is a header type Account or not.

A value of 'H' indicates a header Account or non-posting Account.

a value of blanks indicates a posting Account (or non-header).




Note : Once the Accounts have been imported, it is recommended to remove all header type Accounts (non-posting Accounts) and any other Accounts that will not be used by any of the Exports. Obviously, if an Account is incorrectly removed, it can always be added back using the Add Row or Import Accounts buttons.


  • Close - Select to exit.


  1. Using the Media/Account Assignment tab ensure the all SwiftPOS Media types have been assigned an Account (from the Account Setup tab). As a guide the screenshot below depicts an example of the Media/Account Assignment tab:


This screen is accessed from here.


Use this tab to assign the Accounts (from the Account Setup tab) to the SwiftPOS Media types listed. It is recommended that all Media are assigned an Account to avoid data being exported without an associated GL Account. 




The grid displays the: Media #, Media Description and General Ledger Account. Note : Rows displayed in the grid can be sorted by toggle selecting the column headings.


  • General Ledger Account - Select from the drop down list of Accounts the appropriate Account to be assigned to each Media type. If unsure which Account to select. it maybe necessary to enlist the assistance/expertise of an Accountant. As a last resort, assign to a 'Suspense Account' temporarily.


This tab is used to assigned MYOB Accounts to ALL SwiftPOS Media types.


In the General Ledger Account column select a cell to display the drop down list of MYOB Accounts. Select the appropriate Account. If unsure which Account to select. it maybe necessary to enlist the assistance/expertise of an Accountant. As a last resort, assign to a 'Suspense Account' temporarily.


ALL Media Types MUST have an Account assigned, otherwise this may result in unbalanced transactions when importing into MYOB.


Note : Do NOT assign Media types to Header type Accounts. For more information ...


  1. Using the General Ledger Export or MYOB Export tabs export transactions. Depending on your requirement select one of the two options available.
    1. Generic Export - This export can be used to import into various 3rd Party GL software applications. It offers the option of exporting Supplier Invoices/Credit Notes in two different formats. For more information ...
    2. MYOB Export (RetailManager) - This export can be used to import into MYOB using the Import > RetailManager option. For more information ...


Generic Export


This export can be used to import into various 3rd Party GL software applications. It offers the option of exporting Supplier Invoices/Credit Notes in two different formats. For more information ...



This screen is accessed from here.


Generic Export Section




If exporting Supplier Invoices using Format 2, then Accounts will need to be created and assigned to the following Media Types prior to exporting:


  • GST Paid
  • Inventory
  • Purchases




  • Folder - Displays/Select the folder to which all generated Export files will be written.
  • Date Format - Select from the drop down list the required date format.
  • Type - Select from the drop down list one of the following:
    • Standard
    • Tax Breakdown


General Ledger


  • Export - Exports Sales related data for the purposes of importing into 3rd Party GL applications as General Ledger Journals. Data will be exported to a CSV formatted file named, GLJournal.txt. Example:

Journal Number, Date, Memo, Account Number, Debit Amount, Credit Amount, Job
00000001, 22/11/2018, , 11180, 405.45, 0.00, 0
00000001, 22/11/2018, , 11180, 370.00, 0.00, 0
00000001, 22/11/2018, Inventory Adj.: 22/11/2018, 11400, 0.00, 317.30, 0
00000001, 22/11/2018, Debtor Payments, 11700, 0.00, 100.00, 0
00000001, 22/11/2018, Collected, 23010, 53.47, 0.00, 0
00000001, 22/11/2018, Collected, 23010, 82.17, 0.00, 0
00000001, 22/11/2018, Inventory Adj.: 22/11/2018, 51300, 317.30, 0.00, 0
00000001, 22/11/2018, Sales Income, 11180, 0.00 , 1078.06, 0


  • Mark ALL as Exported - Select to mark all Sales related transactions as exported. Note : It is recommended that this is selected after each time an export has run successfully. This will ensure that only new Sales related transactions since the last Export will be exported, and thus avoid the same Sales related transactions being exported multiple times. Also, this is usually recommended when initially configuring SwiftPOS to export for the first time (see Setup above) and there is a requirement that all previous Sales related transactions are marked as Exported.


  • Reset - Used to ensure that, General Journal Transactions for a selected Trading Date that have already been exported, are reset to NOT exported, so that they can be exported again. Select to display the following prompt:

  • From/To Date - Select the Date range for which Sales related transactions will be reset.


Note : When Resetting and exporting Sales Transactions again, be sure that when these are re-imported they do not cause duplicate journals. Previously imported Journals will first have to be DELETED before importing the re-exported Sales Transactions again.




  • Details


    • Export - Select to export all Suppliers and their details. Data will be exported to 3 files. Namely, CREDTOR.CSV, CREDTOR.TAB and CREDTOR.TXT. Example of CREDITOR.TXT is:

Supplier ID, Supplier Name, Address 1, Address2, Address3, State, Postcode, Phone, Fax, Contact Name, General Ledger Code, Supplier ABN, Account ID
CUB, CUB, 12 Commercial Rd, Teneriffe, , QLD, 4355, , , Julie Anders, , 4599234172, 4591230
HLW, HLW, 10/135 Kremzow Rd, Brendale, , QLD, 4631, , , Andrew Bates, , 12967451395, 4573214
Metcash, Metcash Suppliers, 55 Blaxland Way, Rocklea, , QLD, 4545, 041677579, , Paul Watts, , 12543129937, 6773254
Metcash_3, Metcash Suppliers_Restaurant, 15 Underwood Cr, Redbank Plains, , QLD, 4193, 0417884321, , Ashley Townsend, , 63989123883, 4583994
WCC, Wholesale Clothing Company, 24 Montague Rd, West End, , QLD, 4002, 0567122933, , Sue Taylor, , 98912783842, 6128751
WW, Woolworths, 74 Porters Drive, Eagle Farm, , QLD, 4670, 0432912939, , John Anders, , 67123912992, 3468901


  • Invoices
    • Format 1
      • Export - Select to export all non-exported completed Supplier Invoices. Data will be exported to a CSV formatted file named, PURCHASE.TXT. Example:

Supplier ID,Supplier Name,Inv/Credit Note Ref Number,Date,Description,Ledger Account Number,Amount,GST,Division,Invoice/Credit,Supplier GL Code
Metcash,Metcash Suppliers,201811220702,21/11/2018,Purchase-Metcash Suppliers,11400,62.50,0.00,0,1,
Metcash,Metcash Suppliers,201811220710,21/11/2018,Purchase-Metcash Suppliers,11400,403.99,44.89,0,1,


File Format:


Field Name


Data Type


Supplier ID

The Supplier ID is a unique code used to identify a Supplier in all related database tables, e.g.: Sup0001.



Supplier Name

This is the actual name of the Supplier, e.g.: Metcash.



Invoice Number

Refers to the invoice number of the Supplier Invoice/Credit Note, e.g.: 112257.




The date that the Supplier Invoice was posted, e.g.: 05/09/2006.




This field displays the word "Purchase" followed by the Supplier Name, e.g.: Purchase - Metcash.



Ledger Account Number

Refers to the General Ledger code assigned to media type 5000 (inventory) in the MediaDescriptionTable, e.g.: 11120.




This is the total amount of the Supplier Invoice/Credit Note, e.g.: 500.00.




The amount of GST payable in the Supplier Invoice/Credit Note, e.g.: 50.00.




The division field refers to the Location that the Supplier Invoice/Credit Note was posted to.




This field is used a flag to determine whether the transaction was an Invoice or a Credit Note, e.g.: 1 (invoice) or 2 (credit note).



Supplier GL Code

General Ledger code assigned to the Supplier, e.g.: 123456.




      • Mark ALL as Exported - Select to mark all Supplier Invoices as exported. Note : It is recommended that this is selected after each time an export has run successfully. This will ensure that only new Supplier Invoices since the last Export will be exported, and thus avoid the same Invoices being exported multiple times. Also, This is usually recommended when initially configuring SwiftPOS to export for the first time (see Setup above) and there is a requirement that all previous Supplier Invoices are marked as Exported.


      • Reset - Used to ensure that, Supplier Invoices for a selected Trading Date that have already been exported, are reset to NOT exported, so that they can be exported again. Select to display the following prompt:


  • From/To Date - Select the Date range for which Supplier Invoices will be reset.


Note : When Resetting and exporting Supplier Invoices again, be sure that when these are re-imported they do not cause duplicate Invoices. Previously imported Invoices will first have to be DELETED before importing the re-exported Supplier Invoices  again.



    • Format 2
      • Export - Select to export all non-exported completed Supplier Invoices. Data will be exported to a CSV formatted file named, SupplierInvoice.csv. Example:

Metcash 15/09/2015 15/09/2015 2014071408 ALM Liq Suppliers 1 2 1 2244.0000 204.0000 2040.0000 2 1350 -2244.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Metcash 15/09/2015 15/09/2015 2014071408 ALM Liq Suppliers 1 2 1 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 6 2000 2040.0000 GST 0.0000 204.0000
Metcash 15/09/2015 15/09/2015 2014071408 ALM Liq Suppliers 1 2 1 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 10 2901 204.0000 GST 2040.0000 204.0000
Metcash 15/09/2015 15/09/2015 2014071409 ALM Liq Suppliers 1 3 1 225.7200 20.5200 205.2000 2 1350 -225.7200 0.0000 0.0000


Note : The following Accounts will need to be created and assigned to the following Media Types prior to exporting when using Format 2:


  • GST Paid
  • Inventory
  • Purchases


File Format:


Field Name


Data Type


Vendor ID

The Supplier ID, e.g.: Metcash.



Posting Date

The date the Supplier Invoice was Posted in SwiftPOS.



Document Date

The Invoice Date.



Vendor Invoice No

The Invoice/Credit Note number.



Buy From Vendor Name

The Supplier Name.



MC Batch No

Sequential number incremented by 1 for each Export.



MC Document No

Sequential number incremented by 1 for each Invoice in the Batch.



GST/Skip Level

Value of 1



Total Incl GST

Total Invoice Amount Inclusive of Tax




Total Invoice GST Amount



Total Excl GST

Total Invoice Amount Exclusive of Tax



MC Journal Levels

Value of 2 to depict a Header line

Value of 6 to depict an Item line

Value of 10 to depict a GST line item



General Ledger Acct No

The GL Account number as setup and assigned to SwiftPOS Media




Invoice Item Amount Inclusive of Tax



GST Code

The GST Code applicable to the line Item



GST Excl Amount

Invoice Item Amount Exclusive of Tax



zGST Amount

Invoice Item GST Amount




Not Used



General Ledger Account Name

The name of the GL Account number as setup and assigned to SwiftPOS Media




      • Mark ALL as Exported - Select to mark all Supplier Invoices as exported. Note : It is recommended that this is selected after each time an export has run successfully. This will ensure that only new Supplier Invoices since the last Export will be exported, and thus avoid the same Invoices being exported multiple times. Also, This is usually recommended when initially configuring SwiftPOS to export for the first time (see Setup above) and there is a requirement that all previous Supplier Invoices are marked as Exported.


      • Reset - Same as Invoices > Format 1 > Reset above.


MYOB Export (RetailManager)


Back Office> Data Export > General Ledger Export > General Ledger Export Tab > MYOB Export (RetailManager) Section




This is used to export SwiftPOS Sales data, Supplier Details and completed Supplier Credit Notes / Invoices to be imported into MYOB using the RetailManager Import feature.


SwiftPOS data exported using this feature, will be written to a text file called Retail.txt. This file can then be subsequently imported into MYOB.


To Be Considered

  1. Note : Do NOT try and post to Heading Accounts or other Accounts that cannot accept posting in your General Ledger.
  2. The versions that the MYOB interface works with is Version 12, 13, 14, 15 and (Premier Version 7- Version 10). Any version of MYOB that supports the "MYOB Retail Manager" interface should work provided MYOB do not change the current format. The file structure used by MYOB should remain the same in future releases but it is always a good idea to test this after installing a new version of MYOB.
  3. If you get any errors when importing data into MYOB you will need to open the "MYOBLOG.TXT" file in the same directory as the "RETAIL.TXT" file.




  1. Backup your MYOB data. In the event something goes wrong, then at least your MYOB data can be restored.
  2. Commit all Cash Offs. Note : Sales data will only be made available for Export once Cash Offs have been committed.
  3. Export the Chart of Accounts from MYOB. For more information ...
  4. Import the MYOB Chart of Accounts into SwiftPOS. For more information ...
  5. Ensure ALL SwiftPOS Media types have been assigned to an imported Account. For more information ...




  1. Prior to using the feature for the FIRST TIME, it is recommended to do the following:
    1. Commit all Cash Offs.
    2. In MYOB > Setup > Preferences > System tab - Ensure the I Use MYOB RetailManager option is selected.


    1. If required, Ensure all past Sales Data related transactions and Supplier Credit Notes / Invoices are Marked as Exported. This will ensure that only current and future data will be exported and NOT past data. To do this select the Mark ALL as Exported buttons in the General Ledger and Suppliers > Invoices sections.
  1. Using the steps outlined in the setup, complete the Accounts Setup and Media/Account Assignment tabs. Also:
    1. For information regarding the exporting of the MYOB Chart of Accounts ...
    2. For information regarding the importing of the Chart of Accounts into SwiftPOS ... Note : Account Codes added must consist of 5 numeric digits and must be unique. Duplicates are not accepted.
    3. Using the Media/Account Assignment tab, assign the appropriate imported MYOB Account to the required SwiftPOS Media type. Note : All Media types MUST be assigned a MYOB Account. Do NOT assign MYOB Header Accounts to a Media. Header Accounts can be identified by an H in the Type column of the Accounts Setup screen.


Note : It is recommended that all Header Type Accounts are removed from the Accounts Setup grid. These are identified by an H in the Type column. This is to ensure that no transactions can be posted to Header type Accounts in MYOB. as these should NOT be used when assigning to SwiftPOS Media.


 MYOB Export (RetailManager) Section


This export can be used to import into MYOB using the Import > RetailManager option.



This screen is accessed from here.


MYOB Export (RetailManager) Section




  • Folder - Displays/Select the folder to which all generated Export files will be written.
  • Tax Codes - Displays/Set the descriptions required when running the GL Export below.
    • Tax - Displays/Enter the tax code used in MYOB for normal Sales. In Australia, this would be set to GST.
    • Tax Free - Displays/Enter the tax code used in MYOB for Sales that do not include tax. The default value in MYOB is FRE.
    • Non Taxable - Displays/Enter the tax code used in MYOB for payment of wages, bank fees etc. The default value in MYOB is N/T.
  • Job # - Select from the drop down list of Job #s (GL Divisions) the required MYOB Job #. Note : The Job # selected here must be the same value as that set in the GL Division field against the Location for which data is to be exported. If the MYOB Job # is NOT required, then set the GL Division to zero for all Locations and select Job # zero here.


General Ledger


  • Export - Exports Sales data for the purposes of importing into MYOB using the RetailManager Import feature. Data will be exported to the Retail.TXT file in the Folder specified above. Note : Sales data will only be exported if the associated Terminal Cash Offs have been committed.
  • Mark ALL as Exported - Select to mark all Sales data related transactions as exported. Note : This is usually recommended when initially configuring SwiftPOS to export to MYOB for the first time (see Setup above) and there is a requirement that all previous General Journal related transactions are marked as Exported.


Note : It is recommended that this is selected after each time an export has run successfully. This will ensure that only new Sales related transactions since the last Export are exported, and thus avoid the same transactions being exported multiple times. Also, This is usually recommended when initially configuring SwiftPOS to export for the first time (see Setup above) and there is a requirement that all previous Sales related transactions are marked as Exported.





  • Details


    • Export - Select to export all SwiftPOS Suppliers and their details. Data will be exported in the format as outlined below.
  • Invoices
    • Export - Select to export all non-exported completed Supplier Invoices. Data will be exported in the format as outlined below.
    • Mark ALL as Exported - Select to mark all Supplier Invoices as exported. Note : It is recommended that this is selected after each time an export has run successfully. This will ensure that only new Supplier Invoices since the last Export will be exported, and thus avoid the same Invoices being exported multiple times. Also, This is usually recommended when initially configuring SwiftPOS to export for the first time (see Setup above) and there is a requirement that all previous Supplier Invoices are marked as Exported.


Export Chart of Accounts from MYOB


  • In MYOB, select File > Export Data > Accounts >  Account Information:
    • In the Export File screen:


  • Select Comma-separated for the File Format
  • Select Data Record for the First Record.
  • Select Continue


    • In the Export Data screen:


  • In the AccountRight Premier Fields section select:
    • Account Number
    • Account Name
    • Header


  • In the above order.
  • Select Export.


    • In the Save As screen select the folder in which the ACCOUNTS.TXT file is to be written.


Import Chart of Accounts into SwiftPOS


For information regarding the Charts of Accounts file format, see below.


  • Select the Import Chart of Accounts button.
  • In the Open screen select the CSV file created above.
  • Select Open


    • If an error is encountered during the Import, the following prompt will be displayed.


Errors can be viewed in the Event Logs > SwiftPOS Applications > SwiftPOS SQL Application logs.


    • SUCCESSFUL, the grid in the Accounts Setup tab (see above) will be populated with the MYOB Accounts.
  • The only step remaining is to now ensure that ALL the SwiftPOS Media types have been assigned to an MYOB Accounts. This can be done in the Media/Account Assignment tab and assign each media type to an imported Account.


Export Supplier Details


Cards in MYOB refer to your Suppliers in SwiftPOS. MYOB does NOT use Supplier IDs to uniquely identify Suppliers. It uses, instead the Supplier Name as the unique identifier. It is therefore IMPORTANT to ensure that the Suppliers in MYOB have identical names to the SwiftPOS Suppliers. If they are NOT identical, the import of the Retail.txt file into MYOB will result in new Supplier Cards being created for each alternately named Supplier. Also, it maybe useful to note that additional information about Suppliers can be included in MYOB without the risk of that data being overwritten by the import of the Retail.txt file.


To transfer SwiftPOS Supplier details to MYOB, do as follows:


  • Please review the Add/Edit Suppliers section of the SwiftPOS help file if you need assistance setting up any Suppliers.
  • Once all of your Suppliers have been setup, open Data Export and select General Ledger then MYOB.
  • Select the Export Supplier Details button and select Yes to continue.
  • You will be prompted when the export is complete, select OK to close the message box.
  • Either open MYOB and select Yes when the prompt to import data appears or run the import if MYOB is already open. If MYOB is already open, click the File menu, select Import Data and click Retail Manager.
  • When the open file dialog box appears, select the Retail.txt file from your MYOB folder and select Open.
  • A prompt will now appear, displaying the total number of records imported, skipped or imported with warnings. Select OK to close the message box.
  • Click Card File in MYOB then select Cards List.
  • To complete the import, simply confirm that the Suppliers have been imported successfully.


Export Supplier Invoices/Credit Notes


The Supplier option will export all of your Supplier purchases to MYOB. Please note that the general ledger code in the Add/Edit Supplier screen is only used with the standard general ledger export. It is not possible for SwiftPOS to export purchases under different general ledger Accounts because MYOB only allows access to the Inventory general ledger Account for purchases of this kind. You will still be able to review purchases from individual Suppliers but they will be grouped into the Inventory general ledger Account. To export your Supplier purchases to MYOB, follow these instructions:


  • Once you have posted all of your Supplier Invoices, open Data Export and select General Ledger then MYOB.
  • Select the Export Supplier Transactions button and select Yes to continue.
  • You will be prompted when the export is complete, select OK to close the message box.
  • Either open MYOB and select Yes when the prompt to import data appears or run the import if MYOB is already open. If MYOB is already open, click the File menu, select Import Data and click Retail Manager.
  • When the open file dialog box appears, select the Retail.txt file from your MYOB folder and select Open.
  • A prompt will now appear, displaying the total number of records imported, skipped or imported with warnings. Select OK to close the message box.
  • Click Purchases in MYOB then select Purchases Register.
  • To complete the import, simply confirm that the Supplier purchases have been imported successfully.


Export General Ledger


The Export General Ledger option will export all of your Sales data to MYOB.


  • Once you have read all of your Sales into SwiftPOS, open Data Export and select General Ledger then MYOB.
  • Select the Export General Ledger button and select Yes to continue.
  • You will be prompted when the export is complete, select OK to close the message box.
  • Either open MYOB and select Yes when the prompt to import data appears or run the import if MYOB is already open. If MYOB is already open, click the File menu, select Import Data and click Retail Manager.
  • When the open file dialog box appears, select the Retail.txt file from your MYOB folder and select Open.
  • A prompt will now appear, displaying the total number of records imported, skipped or imported with warnings. Select OK to close the message box.
  • Click Sales in MYOB then select Sales Register.
  • To complete the import, simply confirm that the journal data has been imported successfully.


Related Topics


  1. Data Export
  2. Import/Export Overview